I Wanna Be Yours - Liam Lawson
Warnings: fluff, strangers to lovers, Liam Lawson x Verstappen!Reader, mentions of alcohol, a bit of bad language
Author note: I keep falling off the face of the earth I'm so sorry, I hope you like this even though it really doesn't make too much sense and is really bad (P.S. for those of you that read my Marcus fic, I apologise for doing Felipe dirty like that)
Being Max’s sister was a full time job. Having to console him after a bad race, or picking him up after having one too many drinks generally appeared on your schedule. This meant you basically followed him around the world during his racing season. 
You were currently in Monza in Italy, and although Max would not be racing until free practice two in the afternoon, due to a young driver taking over FP1, you were hanging around the garage. You were watching the hustle and bustle of the garage go by, with several people reviewing stats, and another group excitedly chatting about the number of fans attending the weekend. 
Your observations were soon interrupted by several of the engineers applauding, and you soon noticed this was because of the incredible time put in by the young driver, putting him in P9 at the end of the session. woah you thought. Soon, the royal blue car was being wheeled back into its place in the garage, and this mysterious driver was jumping out of the car, donned in the familiar red bull overalls. 
He took his helmet, and smiled at you, which made you realise you had been staring. Luckily, Max’s media rep interrupted, asking if you had seen Max. You pointed her in the right direction, and you were about to exit the garage when a strong New Zealand accent stopped you. “You’re Max’s sister, right? I’m Liam by the way” he explained, extending his hand to you. You shook it “Y/n. Nice drive by the way” Liam laughed awkwardly “Thanks y/n, see you around” Hearing him say your name just made you melt more, as if you weren’t already a puddle on the floor. 
Later that night, you were acting like a teenager, replaying your interaction with him over and over. You had seen him before, and never thought he would actually know who you were. Little did you know, Liam was doing the exact same, tossing and turning, trying to stop his heart beating rapidly whenever he thought about you. He didn’t want to seem weird by calling you by your name, instead he simply asked whether you were Max’s sister. 
At midnight, you crept out of your hotel room to find your brother, who had drunkly texted you from the hotel lobby. You found him there, tipsy but still not able to walk straight. You guided him into the lift, and into his room with only slight protest, that being an argument about whether Max was allowed to be dragged to his room instead of walking. Liam heard all of this, due to his room being on the same floor as yours and Max’s. He opened his door just as you shut Max’s door behind you and started walking towards your room. 
“What happened?” he rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the bright hallway. You jumped with shock, not having a clue that anyone had been watching you “Oh my god you scared the life out of me!” You whisper-shouted, clutching your heart. Liam smiled, quietly saying sorry whilst laughing slightly at the way in which you had jumped. “I can’t go back to sleep now” you lied. You had never been asleep in the first place, but you hadn’t lied about not being able to fall asleep. Liam was consuming your thoughts. Liam held his door open wider, motioning for you to come in, and you slipped past him into his room.
“Did we wake you up?” you inquired. “No, no. Of course not” he replied, perching on the bed. You shivered slightly, and he mentally noted it, flipping the covers up “do you want to watch a movie or something” he waved his hand towards the TV opposite his bed. “yeah, for sure. Do you mind..?” you asked, practically already under his duvet. He nodded, and you two put a romcom on, purely for the fun, and for the fact it was too late for horror. 
“I don’t think you understand how many of my thoughts are about you” he exclaims, clutching her hand. “I think about you all the time, sometimes I find myself lying awake, thinking about waking up next to you and kissing you goodnight” she smiles, tiptoeing up to kiss him. “I love you, Patrick, I have loved you since the day I met you” she gases into his chocolate eyes, and kisses him again, string symphonies weaving past them, the camera panning out. ‘STARRING’ burns through the screen in bright white writing and the credits start to roll. 
Liam shuts the TV off with the remote, and looks over to you. You giggle slightly. “What?” he enquires “No it’s just how unrealistic Romcoms are, you know the big declaration of love, and the yearning for one another, it never happens in real life” he chuckles. “True” he remarks, looking back over towards the dark screen. You both fell asleep after that, not caring that you were in the wrong bed.
Liam still thinks about you everyday. Every interaction leaves him giddy and you never fail to cheer him up. You go out of your way to chat to Liam, buying him a coffee, or a snack, or claiming to be comparing stats of red bull juniors just so you could watch him in his races. You and Liam hang out in the evenings of race weekends often, watching a movie like you did that first night, or playing UNO. 
One night, you had just finished yet another 1990s romcom, and you were laughing at the proclamation of love that ended the movie, imitating the characters whilst clutching your stomach, and rolling about with hysteria. You sighed just as your fit of laughter ended, and you and Liam lay in silence for a few minutes. “Have you ever loved someone?” You ask “Only once” he replies “who was she?” “Well, she was hilarious. She 
never failed to make me laugh, or surprise me and everything was so right with her. What about you?” “Just the once too. Made me feel special, and like I wasn’t just Max’s sister. He appreciated me, and made me laugh” you turned to look at him.
You held your eye contact for what felt like hours, almost with a knowing understanding that you were talking about one another, before Liam reached towards you, pulling you in for a romantic kiss. “I don’t know why I didn’t tell you sooner, I guess I was just afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way” you responded by kissing him again, only breaking away when you were desperate for air. “There’s nothing I want more than to be yours” you whispered against his lips. “God, we’re such hypocrites, we sound just like those goddamn cheesy movies” you giggled, and he kissed you once again. That night you fell asleep with your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm and smiling to yourself.
BONUS (this is sometime in the near future)
“Where were you last night? Were you with a boy?” Max pokes his head over your shoulder. You shrug. “What does that mean, how do you not know where you were or who you were with—is that a hickey?” Liam’s head spins around at Max’s raised voice, and Max finally puts two and two together. “Oh you motherfu-“ 
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The Way I Loved You - Marcus Armstrong
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Warnings: angst, lovers to enemies to lovers, marcus Armstrong x reader, slight felipe drugovich x reader, cheating, mentions of alcohol
Author note: I hope this kind of conveys the idea of the song lol, you can find the link for the prompt I used here, I will be using some more of these so let me know if you find some on the site you particularly want :)
Felipe was perfect for you. He was kind, honest, understanding and knew when to give you space. He was all you had ever wanted in a boyfriend. You started dating just under a month ago, only two weeks after you and Marcus broke up. You knew it wasn’t long, but he was so perfect, so how could you say no when he asked you to dinner in Monaco, just after winning the F2 Monaco GP. He picked you up in his car and treated you so well all evening, ending it all with a sweet kiss at the door to your hotel room.
He never rushed you into things, and always made sure you were comfortable with him. He often bought you flowers, with sweet notes attached to them. You hardly thought about Marcus anymore, your breakup was anything but pretty. Let’s just say you weren’t on speaking terms, or even looking terms. You two hadn’t seen each other since the breakup. Although, he silently had witnessed you and Felipe sharing your first kiss whilst walking back to his room.
It had filled him with a rage he had never felt before, and shook his world completely. He didn’t want you back. Hell, he didn’t even want to look at you, so why did he feel so enraged at the sight of you happy with one of his closest friends. It confused him greatly, and he found himself shutting himself away from his friends, and society, in hopes of never seeing you, or Felipe, ever again.
You in turn, had also felt conflicted. Although Felipe was great, he just didn’t give you that rush that Marcus had whenever you were together. The fireworks that went off whenever you two kissed, the way in which you felt so alive with him, and everything was new and exciting with him. It left you confused, and you tried to hide it from Felipe, which he only slightly caught onto.
It was the night of the party for Felipe’s F2 Championship win, and you were feeling all the highs and lows. One minute, you were laughing and having the time of your life, sipping on whatever alcohol had been thrust into your hand at the door (You didn’t know what it was, but fucking hell, it was strong), and the next you were furious, eventually having to remove yourself from the group you were sat with. You were not quite sure what had caused this fury but it might have had something to do with you catching Marcus’ eyes from across the room whilst he chatted to some girl who clearly wasn’t interested in anything but just the night with him. It made you so angry that you could’ve punched her.
You found yourself leant over the railing of the porch just outside the house, breathing in the rainy air and trying desperately to collect yourself. Suddenly, you realised you were not alone on the porch. “What is it about you?” a familiar voice huffs out. “I don’t know Marcus, but I’m pretty sure you are the real problem here” You spun to face him “Oh really? We’re playing this game?” His voice raises slightly. “I’m not sure what game you are talking about” you reply sharply. “Oh I’m pretty sure you’d be familiar with it, knowing you and your games” he snaps at you. “What were you thinking?! Felipe? I do admit, it is smart. Getting with one of my closest friends to make me mad” you wince slightly at his words “That was never my intention and we both know it” Marcus steps away from the doorway, and closer to you.
“Do you know, you are the single most infuriating person I have ever met” he points at you, slightly stumbling. “Have you met yourself?” you shoot back. “You are so infuriating!” He exclaims. You laugh false-ly at his words. He steps closer “One minute I wish you were dead, the next-“ “-the next what?!” You finish his sentence. You both stand there, huffing at each other, listening to the pouring rain, filled with rage, and…desire?
Marcus must see it in your eyes, because one minute you are standing there, infuriated, the next he has grabbed your hand and you are both running down the road in the rain, laughing. Why you laugh, you have no idea, but in this moment you feel so alive and free, the rain soaking both of you. Any thoughts of your current boyfriend go down the drain, as Marcus swings you around to face him. In one swift movement, he places his hand on your face, and roughly kisses you. Sparks fly in your head, and you feel so amazing. Suddenly, the thought of your boyfriend, probably drunk at his party, searching for you, hits you.
“Wait” you pull away, and the sound of your combined heavy breaths fills the spaces in between the patter of rain. “I have to go back, Felipe will be-“ “No offense, but fuck Felipe, you will always be mine” and he pulls you back to him. You both fight for dominance over the kiss, hands running through hair, eyes closed, savouring the moment. This was the feeling you were searching for for so long. Marcus realised his mistake in leaving you, and you realised how much you had missed him, turning your grief into anger.
Time skip to the next day, and you are waking up with Marcus next to you, your phone ringing noisily somewhere. You throw the sheets around trying to find it, to find Felipe’s name flashing across the top of the screen. “Hello” you chirp. Silence. “Felipe, are you there?” you hear a sigh from the other side of the phone. “So you dissapear last night, nowhere to be found, and now you are answering Marcus’ phone for him. Suddenly everything adds up, I hope you two had fun” You quickly check the phone that you are holding and curse under your breath. Marcus has sat up by now, looking at you curiously “I’m so sorry Felipe, it happened so quickly and I don’t expect you to forgive me.” Silence again. “Thank you for not lying” he finally mutters. “I guess we really just weren’t meant to be” You hum in response to his words. “I should go” you finally say after a long period of silence.
“Yeah” he sighs back and hangs up. “What was that about?” Marcus inquires, his voice still croaky from his sleep. “It was Felipe” “oh” “yep” you reply, feeling like a deflated balloon. Marcus tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s kind of my fault” Marcus tries to comfort you. “It’s not, I was already thinking about you before this happened” “Oh really?” Marcus teases. You throw a pillow at him, now embarrassed by his words. “You’re blushing” he clutches the pillow “Shut up” “Make me” he teases again, and you peck him lightly, still red. “It’s gonna take more than that for me to shut up” So you pull him up to you, and kiss him senseless, which ends up in you two continuing last night.
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French Lessons - Pierre Gasly
Pierre has had enough of his friend's bad French, but in teaching them reveals one of his best-kept secrets. Warnings: fluff, slight moment of angst, awful French, friends to lovers, new writer
Note: sorry about disappearing, anyway this is so bad but I hope you like it, please do leave feedback :)
"Je m'apelle y/n" you read out from your textbook, mimicking the conversation between the two characters in it. "comment ça va?" you continue, flicking your eyes over the bold text.
Pierre, your best friend, is currently slouched on your sofa, scrolling through his phone. Every so often, he raises his eyes to look at you, or sighs loudly.
"Ça va bien, merci" you continue, whispering it back to yourself several times in order to imprint it properly in your brain. You had an important test coming up, and you were determined to prove everyone wrong, to show them that you could learn a new language, even if you were starting it in your adult years. "Salut! Je m'apelle y/n. et tu?" you restarted the conversation.
A loud sigh was heard from across the room. "Am I boring you?" you inquire, turning around in your chair to face Pierre. "No, but your French is" he replies, tossing his phone onto the sofa. You frown at him, but he quickly follows "Why won't you let me teach you some actually useful French?", moving his feet to make space for you on the sofa.
"I've got to study for my test Pierre, I'm sorry" you reply. "You've been studying the same conversation for the past hour, it's getting tiring." he grumbles back, clearly annoyed. "Sorry that I bore you that much, you can leave if you want" you turn back around in your chair. Pierre realises how harsh his comment had come off and says "You don't bore me, I'm sorry, that was mean of me"
You don't reply, pretending to not acknowledge him. "Y/n come on I'm sorry" Pierre repeats, standing up and walking over to your desk. Suddenly you felt Pierre's strong arms cage you in from behind, and you relaxed a little. "How can I make it up to you" he mumbles in your ear. You suddenly had a great idea. "How about you help me practice this?"
Pierre drags you back to the sofa, after snatching your textbook from your desk. "Alright, I'll be person A" you nod at him. "Bonjour! Comment ça va? Je m'apelle Pierre et je suis votre professeur de français aujourd'hui." (Hello, how are you, My name is Pierre and I am your French teacher today)
"Pierre" you giggle "that's not in the textbook, what does it even mean?" He waves you off, continuing. "Ecoutez. Jaime les chiens" He motions for you to repeat. "Jaime les chiens" you reply, still giggling at his serious demeanour. "Jaime les chats" you repeat after him again. "et je t'aime" he finishes, looking you right in the eyes. You pause, knowing what it meant, and hoping he had meant it. "je t'aime" you whisper back, still lost in his eyes.
"I mean it y/n" he whispers, the air still thick with tension. You nod gently, and he slowly leans towards you, pressing his rough hand on your cheek. Your lips meet gently, softly pushing against the others. He tasted of mint, his lips soft and careful. You had dreamt of this moment for god knows how long.
You both pull away after a while, and you laugh at the state of Pierre’s hair after you had been running your hands through it. “What?” he gives you a puzzled look. “Come here” you say, and he moved towards you. You reach out for the tossed strands and move them back to the correct side of his parting. “All better” you say. He gives you a sweet peck, and pulls you into his chest.
Pierre has helped you with your French ever since, your rewards for mastering new words often sweet kisses. Every time you come home with a test score, you always call Pierre, who is overjoyed with your progress and couldn’t be prouder.
“I guess my French Lessons must be paying off, maybe I should become a French teacher” He teases. You pout. “No you can’t, all the girls would just crush on you” He chuckles. “What, does that make you jealous?” “Very” “Okay Madame but you always know it will always be you” He assured you, leaning over to press his lips on yours. “I love you” He mumbles against your lips. “Je t’aime aussi”
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Feel free to request! I write for most f1/2/3 drivers. Mostly fluff, maybe some angst. Open to constructive criticism! Key: 🌸 fluff ⚡️ angst
Lando Norris
My Saviour - you save Lando from a spider 🌸
Pierre Gasly
French Lessons - Pierre reveals his feelings for you while teaching you French 🌸⚡️
Marcus Armstrong
The Way I Loved You - Marcus hates to see you have moved on from him⚡️
Liam Lawson
I Wanna Be Yours - You and Liam laugh about RomComs, but it turns out you were being hypocrites the whole time 🌸
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My Saviour - Lando Norris feat. Twitch Quartet
Where you save Lando from a spider.
Warnings: mentions of a spider, fluff, first fic please give me feedback, not proofread
“Where is y/n?” George inquires, the first person to speak in a while. Alex, George, Charles and Lando, also known as the twitch quartet, had been playing Rocket League for the past hour and a half. George was winning, much to Lando’s frustration. Lando taps his fingers on his controller before responding “probably asleep, must be tired from the weekend” with a small smile.
You were sleeping peacefully downstairs on the sofa, after falling asleep in the middle of the movie you were watching. It had been a long weekend as you were visiting your boyfriend, lando, at his home race.
“Noooo!” Lando exclaims after losing yet another round. He decided to read some of the comments in the chat whilst George and Alex argued whether George was cheating or not. “Lando what is that behind you?” He read, interrupting the bickering in the background. “Haha very funny, there’s nothing behind-Aaahh!!” He exclaims, setting his eyes on the rather large spider currently climbing his wall behind him. The rest of the quartet had spontaneously bursts into fits of laughter. “This isn’t funny guys!” Lando yells, rather agitated.
You were awoken from your deep slumber by a high pitched squeal coming from upstairs. You quickly ran up the stairs to see what it was all about. As you opened the door, you saw the terrifying creature and a rush of adrenaline coursed through your veins. Truth be told, you were terrified of spiders too. “Aaah! Y/n get it! Quickly aaahhh!” Lando half screams at you, hiding himself behind his chair.
You act quickly, running to your bedroom to retrieve a shoe before returning. Charles, George and Alex were still in fits of laughter, watching the scene unfold from afar. You quickly hit the spider with your shoe and it fell to the ground, almost touching your foot. “Eeeeh” you squealed, and quickly realised it wasn’t dead.
You hit it again, and again, and again, making sure it really was dead before dropping the shoe. “That was terrifying, you are truly my saviour y/n” lando finally says, and you both giggle at the dramatic reactions you both had to a spider which really wasn’t as big as you initially thought. “We’re gonna be such bad parents one day” you manage to say in between laughs.
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