just saw a video of a fan saying Joseph has the most beautiful eyes and he said "my mom used to call me chocolate button eyes 🥺" and now I'm laying down on the floor
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Love (Song) Sick
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summary: After ending up forty years in the past, you befriend local misfit Eddie Munson. After the events of Vecna, you introduce him to the music of the future, both good and bad. The two of you kiss about it.
tags: 18+, time travel, female reader, ptsd, slight mental breakdown, author projects both her music taste AND her desire to wrap eddie in a blanket and kiss his forehead onto the reader, eddie munson being an absolute Sweetheart, non sexual nudity, non sexual intimacy, cunnilingus, handjobs, mild BDSM, first time, first kiss, getting together, gratuitous use of pet names
word count: 11.7k
gonna be honest, this fic started as a blatant excuse for me to have eddie listen to mcr. i don’t think he’d be super into the danger days album, but early mcr? the black parade? those songs fuck and he’d definitely like them. HOWEVER, somewhere along the way things went wrong and my brain spawned 8k of plot including you helping eddie through the trauma of dealing with vecna, and then another 3k of porn after that so. enjoy?
It really said a lot about what your life had become that time travel wasn’t even the weirdest fucking thing you’d experienced.
One minute it had been a normal summer day in 2022. You’d been off work, just lazing around your house, too bored to sit still, but not in the mood to read or watch anything. You’d run up to your room to grab your phone charger, before retreating back downstairs to lay on the couch. As soon as you crossed the threshold into your sitting room however, everything changed. It wasn’t your comfy, familiar house anymore. You were standing barefoot, braless, wearing only shorts and a cropped tank top, inside a doctor’s office. There were five people there, all of them staring at you in horror.
The doctor stood up, frowning at you, and holding out his hands as if to soothe a wild animal. “Miss?” he said. “Who are you? How did you get here?”
You couldn’t respond, too shocked, too scared out of your mind. Your eyes darted wildly around the room, as you desperately looked for something to tell you what was happening.
“Miss.” The doctor’s voice was firm, and you saw him gesture towards one of the other people in the room. It was then that you noticed the police officer standing there, hand on his gun. The doctor’s movements had stopped him from drawing it, but by the way he was staring at you, he wouldn’t hesitate to override the doctor’s commands if he felt you were dangerous.
“Where am I?” you asked, voice so quiet it was almost a whisper. When you spoke again, it was louder, and your tone was higher pitched. “Where am I?”
“Miss, you’re in the Hawkins Lab. Can you please tell me your name?” The doctor’s voice never wavered, still projecting that same sense of calm.
You ignored him. “How am I here? I was home, I was in my house, how am I here?”
It took a long time to get you calm enough to answer questions. When you finally accepted that what you were seeing was real, and that you weren’t in any immediate danger, you practically collapsed into a chair that a nurse provided for you. That was when the questions had started, and it didn’t take long for you to realize that you had somehow traveled in fucking time.
You weren’t allowed to leave the lab at first, and for a while you thought you would be locked up for the government to experiment on for the rest of your life. But then something happened, some sort of incident, and you ended up running from interdimensional monster-dogs to try and escape.
Afterwards, the doctor (who was actually a surprisingly nice man, despite the fact that he worked for a top secret government lab) agreed to destroy any evidence of your existence, and to help you establish a new identity in 1984. The policeman, Hopper, took you in, along with a young girl who had been experimented on in the lab, and for a year your life was relatively peaceful. You shared a room with El, living in a small cabin in the woods with your weird little family, and despite the fact that you missed 2022 every single day, you grew to enjoy your new life.
You had been eighteen when you landed in 1984, a recent high school graduate, and so after a few months to try and adjust, you went out and found a job working at a small bookstore downtown. Your boss was an older man who was perfectly content to hand you the keys and then go nap in his apartment above the store everyday, so you were able to do almost anything you wanted with the store. You reorganized, started shelving the books in a more sensible manner, and set up fun window displays. It wasn’t the life you ever envisioned for yourself, but it wasn’t a bad life, by any means.
Then Starcourt Mall happened, and everything went to shit.
By that time, you were well acquainted with El’s nerdy little friends and so you got dragged into everything by association. Everything was horrible, and you ended up losing the closest thing you had to a father in that time. You did walk away with two new friends though – Steve and Robin were awesome, and the three of you just clicked together. You told them about the time travel (although the rest of the party still didn’t know; El and Hopper, and now these two, were the only ones who did, although Joyce and Will knew you weren’t really Hopper’s daughter). The first thing Robin did after hearing you came from forty years in the future was come out to you, and she cried in your arms when you told her that one day she would be able to get married.
Doctor Owens tried to offer you custody of El – after all, you were legally her big sister. But El didn’t want to stay in Hawkins anymore, and you couldn’t imagine leaving, not when this place was the only thing in this time that you were familiar with. So she went with Joyce, and you both promised to write and to visit each other. You moved into the Byers’ old house, since the cabin you shared with Hop and El was in shambles, and for a while things went back to normal.
Then one day, one of the prettiest boys you’d ever seen walked into the bookstore.
You were bent over the counter, scribbling in your notebook (you hated writing by hand; what you wouldn’t give for access to a laptop!) as you worked on the novel you hoped to (one day) get published. The bell rang, announcing his entrance, and you looked up with your customer service smile plastered to your face. “Hi!” You said cheerily, even though every part of you just wanted to stare in awe at this stranger. “Welcome. Can I help you with anything?”
Normally customers brushed you off, only coming to ask for help if they’d failed to find whatever they were looking for on their own. But this boy shocked you – instead of doing that, he stepped closer to the counter.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m actually looking for books on Japanese mythology. It’s probably a long shot, but do you know if you have any?”
You didn’t even need to check the inventory list; when you’d essentially taken over the store you’d beefed up the mythology section to include more than just Greek and Roman myths. There weren’t a ton of takers on those books (Hawkins wasn’t very big on any kinds of culture that weren’t white), but you felt better for having a more well-rounded selection.
Smiling at him, you popped off your stool. “Yeah! Just follow me.”
He smiled back and trailed after you. You fought the urge to speak – knowing you, if you tried to make conversation you’d just babble and make a fool of yourself. You didn’t need to worry though, because he spoke up first, asking what your name was. “I’ve never seen you around before; we don’t get many new faces in Hawkins, especially young ones.”
You laughed, because he was most certainly right, and explained who you were. “I’m Hopper’s daughter,” you said, the lie (which had barely been a lie anymore by the time he died) slipping from your tongue with ease. “I only moved to town last year.”
“Oh.” He seemed uncomfortable for a minute, and when you peaked over your shoulder at him, his easy going smile had slipped into a look of sadness. “I’m sorry for your loss. Me and cops don’t exactly mix well, but he was a good man.”
Your answering smile was sad, the way it almost always was when you talked about Hop. “Yeah, he was.”
There was silence for a moment as you twisted your way through the stacks, and then the boy spoke up again. “I didn’t know he had a daughter.”
“He didn’t either, until I showed up. He had a summer fling with my mom in high school. When she died a few years ago, I went through her stuff and found out about him.”
“That’s… I’m sorry.” He paused for a moment, then asked: “So you’re an orphan then?”
“Yes,” you replied, bracing yourself for the pity that always followed that announcement.
Instead, he tapped on your shoulder, and when you turned to face him, he was smiling gently. “Same, actually.” He held up his fist. “We should form a club.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your face, even as you bit your lip to try and tamp it down. Bumping his fist with your own, you said, “Maybe. We’d need a cool name though.”
His laugh felt infectious, and you quickly turned back around and started walking again so he couldn’t see the blush on your cheeks. “Absolutely. We should both brainstorm some; maybe by the next time we see each other, one of us will have thought of something.”
The conversation didn’t last much longer than that as you arrived at the mythology section, and while he buried himself in his books, you headed back up front. Eventually he came up to buy two books, and then he was out the door. It wasn’t until later that night that you realized you’d never even asked his name.
He didn’t come in often, but everytime he did it was for some sort of fantasy or mythology book, and eventually you asked him what they were all for.
Eddie (you’d asked his name as soon as he’d come in the second time) seemed to turn almost a little bit shy then. “It’s, uh… Do you know D&D?”
You were sure your eyes lit up at that. You’d loved D&D in your own time, although you hadn’t had the chance to play much. You’d been excited to know it had already been invented by 1984, but the only people you knew who played were El’s friends, and you weren’t sure you wanted to be surrounded by prepubescent nerds for hours at a time. Now, here was an actual adult (at least you were pretty sure he was over eighteen) who, presumably, played. “I love D&D,” you told him, watching as his smile seemed to grow wider. “I’ve never had many opportunities to play, unfortunately, but I’ve always enjoyed it when I did. You play?”
He nodded. “Dungeon Master, mostly. I’m in charge of the high school’s D&D club. We’ve got some new players this year, and I’ve been having to do more and more research to keep those little brats on their toes.”
You laughed at that; you knew exactly which brats he was talking about, and you were sure they were wreaking havoc on a daily basis. Then you realized just who that made him. “Wait – you’re the Eddie that Dustin and Mike are always talking about?”
A glimpse of surprise crossed his face. “You know them?”
You nodded. “Yeah. My little sister is dating Mike. And I’m friends with Steve Harrington, and he and Dustin are basically brothers, although if you ask either of them they’ll deny it.”
Another glimpse of emotion, this time something more complicated, on his face before he schooled it back into an easygoing smirk. “What are the odds your kids would also be my kids?”
You made a face. “Please don’t refer to them as my kids. It makes it sound like I’m responsible for them, and I refuse. Steve is the one in charge as far as the brats are concerned.”
He laughed, although there was a hint of something bitter in it. But it was there and gone in a flash, and you soon forgot about it.
Somehow, your relationship with Eddie began to migrate to outside the bookstore as well. It started when, on his sixth or seventh visit, you ended up talking for hours. A few other customers came in, but as soon as you’d dealt with them, you would start up your conversation again as though nothing had interrupted. Despite being in the process of retaking his senior year for the third time, Eddie was really smart; the problem was, he wasn’t smart in the ways that school required of him. He could talk for ages and ages about mythology, folktales and folklore, the witch trials, all things that he had, at some point or another, incorporated into a DnD campaign.
On that particular day, neither of you realized how late it had gotten until your boss came down from his apartment. “You’re still here?” he demanded, giving Eddie a suspicious look, although his words were aimed at you.
That was when you both realized that it was completely dark outside. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath, hurrying to start closing out the register. “Sorry Mr Montgomery – we started talking about Hindu mythos and lost track of time.”
“Hm.” Your boss turned a more appraising eye towards Eddie now. “This the young man you told me about? The one who’s buying out our entire stock of mythology books?”
Eddie looked a little bit sheepish, but nodded. “That’s me. Uh, sir.”
“You drive here son?”
Another nod. “Yes sir.”
Without taking his eyes off Eddie, Mr Montgomery asked you: “Did you bike here today?”
“I always do,” you replied. Technically you had a car - Hopper had left one behind after he died. But you refused to use it, and so it simply sat as decoration in your front yard.
“Son, you think you can give her a ride home? Her house is way out there, I don’t want her biking there in the dark.”
Before you could even open your mouth to protest that you would be fine, you’d biked home in the dark before, Eddie was saying he’d be happy to give you a ride, that he had room in the back of his van for your bike.
“Good,” Mr Montgomery said. “I’ll finish closing up; you kids get on out of here.”
That was how you found yourself in the passenger seat of Eddie’s car, giving him directions towards your house. He figured out the destination halfway there, asking you, “Do you live in the Byers’ old house?”
You nodded. “Joyce let me have it. She tried to get me to move out to California with them, but I didn’t feel like leaving Hawkins. Plus, now I can keep tabs on my sister’s boyfriend for her.”
He laughs, that bright and joyous sound, and you think that you could listen to that for ages.
You easily fell back into the conversation from the bookstore, as though it had never been interrupted in the first place. You loved talking with Eddie; not only did he have the most new interesting takes on old concepts, but he was also fascinating to watch. He was so expressive, all of his thoughts displayed openly on his face. On top of that, even when driving he spoke with his hands, making big gestures, sometimes taking both hands off the wheel to emphasize a point. All too soon you were pulling up to your house, dark and lonely and uninviting, and all you could think was that you didn’t want the conversation to end.
“Do you want to come in for a bit?” You blurted, cutting him off. Immediately your face flushed red as the possible implications of your words hit you. “Not for anything… you know, it’s just – I really like talking to you.”
The smile on his face when he answered you was sweet, and he ducked his head a little, hiding behind his hair. “Sure. Sure, yeah.”
That was how the two of you ended up sitting on opposite ends of your couch, him with a beer and you with a hot chocolate, deep in conversation about Lord of the Rings. It hadn’t ever been a series you’d read (you’d tried, but it was just so long and you’d never been able to get into it) but you loved the movies and so you were able to keep up with him.
After that, Eddie started coming over a lot. You two just worked together, understanding each other easily and building a friendship that felt almost unbreakable. You even celebrated Thanksgiving together; he and his uncle came over and the three of you somehow managed to cook a half-way decent meal. It made up for the fact that El and Hopper weren’t there with you, although El did call you that evening. It was nice to hear her voice; she wasn’t very fond of phone calls so you’d mostly been confined to letters.
All in all, life was as good as you thought it could be. It wasn’t ever where you expected to end up, but you were, if not happy, content. You had three really close friends, a little sister, and a pack of bratty teenagers. Sure, you missed a lot of things from what you had come to call the Before part of your life, but you’d come too accept that you weren’t going to get your old life back and so you settled into your world as it was now.
Chrissy Cunningham died and the life you had carefully built for yourself fell apart.
As soon as you saw the news, you knew that Eddie would be in trouble. You didn’t believe for a second that he would kill her, but that was definitely his trailer and seeing as his uncle had an alibi you knew the next suspect would be him. Desperate to find him before the police did, you told Mr. Montgomery that you were leaving early for a family emergency and fled the store. You couldn’t think of any places Eddie would go, not places that he wouldn’t be easily traced to anyway, and you knew you’d need more help to find him.
Robin and Steve were at Family Video when you arrived, and you’d barely started explaining to them that you needed to find Eddie when Dustin and Max came crashing through the door. You looked at the two kids and just knew – they were trying to find Eddie too.
“He didn’t do it,” you blurted. “There’s no way he did it.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Obviously. But we need to find him before anyone else does.”
Somehow you managed to track Eddie down to his dealer’s house, and the five of you quickly piled into Steve’s car. Eddie was hiding in the boat house and he nearly cut Steve’s throat, but he was alive and unharmed. He explained what he saw, and you felt your blood run cold. There was only one thing you knew of that caused supernatural occurrences in Hawkins, and as far as you were aware it was impossible to access. But if the Upside Down had found its way into your world again… Did that mean Hopper’s sacrifice was in vain?
The others left to go follow some theories and try and figure things out, but you volunteered to stay behind with Eddie. You didn’t want him to be on his own right now, not when he was so clearly shaken up by what had happened.
The two of you had never been very touchy, always maintaining an invisible boundary that prevented you from crossing into one another’s personal space. Now, though, you crashed through that wall, sitting next to Eddie and wrapping your arms around him. “It’s going to be okay,” you told him. “We’ve been through shit like this before and come out the other side, and we can do it again. I promise.”
“I think I liked it more when all of this stuff was just make-believe,” he replied. “I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a hero.”
You scoffed. “Please. And you think I was? I got thrown into the deep end with all of this, and I barely learned how to swim. I’m only alive because those damn kids are actually heros.”
Now it was his turn to scoff. Disbelieving, he said, “Aren’t you a police officer’s daughter? Isn’t saving people coded into your DNA or some shit?”
Once you would have laughed it off – but now, Eddie was a part of all this and you knew he could be trusted. “I’m not actually Hopper’s daughter,” you confessed. “He was just willing to take me in when my life fell apart.”
“If you’re not Hopper’s daughter then who are you?” Eddie was looking at you warily (which you couldn’t blame him for, not when he’d seen something life changing just hours ago). “How did you end up in all of this?”
And so, you launched into your story. He didn’t interrupt, but his eyes got wider and wider the more you talked, and when you finished he muttered a low, “Shit, that’s wild.”
You couldn’t help it – you burst into laughter, burying your head in his shoulder as you did. “Jesus fucking Christ,” you said between giggles. “I tell you I’m from the future and that’s your response? Fucking hell, Eddie.”
He laughed too, and then you were both clutching at each other, laughing so hard that you’re nearly crying. It wasn’t that funny, but after everything that had just happened it seemed like the funniest thing in the world.
Eventually both of you managed to rein yourselves in, and soon you were just leaning against each other. You were breathing heavily, and occasionally one of you would let out a quiet chuckle, but other than that silence rang throughout the boathouse.
“Who else knows about you?” Eddie asked, breaking the quiet.
“Not many people. The doctor who helped me establish a legal identity here. Hopper knew, and El knows. Joyce and Will Byers know I’m not Hopper’s daughter, but they don’t know that I traveled in time; they just think I was part of another freak lab accident. Steve and Robin know, and now you. But that’s it.”
You expected him to make some kind of jab at you about Steve – in the months you’ve come to know him, Eddie had always made it clear that he didn’t think much of Steve Harrington. But instead he just said, soft and gentle, “Thank you for adding me to your list.”
A sweet smile accompanied your response. “I’d been wanting to tell you for a while anyway. You’re my best friend – I wanted you to know.”
It took longer than you would have liked, but eventually, after a grueling few days, everything is fixed. Vecna was defeated, El closed all the portals to the Upside Down, and Doctor Owens pulled some strings to get Eddie off the hook.
Best of all, Hopper was alive.
He was thinner than you’d ever seen him, and his head and facial hair had been shaved. He had two broken legs, and frostbite on one of his toes, and he’d been tortured within an inch of his life multiple times. But he was there, he was alive, and despite his broken ribs he wrapped his arms around you and El and held you both tight.
After, once everything had settled and the hospital had released him, you brought him to your house. You’d tried to offer it back to Joyce, but she refused, saying that even if she was bringing her family back to Hawkins, she wanted a fresh start for them in a new house. Doctor Owens had helped arrange that too, and so she and Jonathan and Will, as well as Jonathan’s friend Argyle, were all staying there for the time being. El stayed with you though, and at night the two of you would curl up together on the couch and you would read her a story, just like you used to. Once Hopper came home, storytime migrated into his room (since he was still on bedrest) and for a while everything felt peaceful.
Chief Powell offered Hopper his old job back, saying that he wasn’t qualified enough to handle all of the weirdness of Hawkins, and Hopper said that once he was allowed to walk again he would take the position happily. “God knows I can’t let my daughter be the breadwinner in the family,” he grumbled at you, but the look in his eyes was fond.
Everything was wonderful, just like it had been before. There was only one thing missing: Eddie.
Right after everything had gone down, he told you he wanted to be alone for a few days, to process everything that had happened. You thought that sounded reasonable, so you agreed you’d keep the others away from him for a bit, adding that he knew your phone number if he needed anything. That was three weeks ago, and no one had seen hide nor hair of Eddie since.
It made sense that he wouldn’t be in school. Despite the government clearing him, and you vouching for his alibi (“He was with me that night – he came over after his club meeting was finished. We’ve made a two person book club, and that night we talked about Pride & Prejudice.”) people were still suspicious. You’d heard several people talking about it, although they were always quick to stop when you glared at them. Surprisingly, the school administration were understanding of his desire not to go, especially after it came out that the only reason he was nearby when Patrick died was because Jason was trying to chase him down to kill him. At the end of the day, Max would go to the main office and get a collection of school work for him, returning it the next morning. But even she hadn’t seen him – she left the work on his doorstep, and his uncle dropped it off at her house in the morning.
Finally, one day, you decided you were sick of it. You’d left him alone for several weeks, but isolation wouldn’t do him any good. So when you realized you had a Friday off work and that your house would be empty for the whole evening, you made up your mind.
El had already planned to have a sleepover at Max’s, and Hopper was spending the night at Joyce’s (Will and Jonathan and Argyle had made plans to be elsewhere, apparently, and you didn’t blame them at all). You dropped Hopper off, helping him out of the car and to the door, since he was still in a wheelchair while his legs healed. Then you drove El to Max’s. As soon as the door shut behind your sister, you parked in front of Eddie’s place stormed up to the door.
Uncaring if you were loud enough to disturb the neighborhood, you pounded on the door. “Eddie!” you yelled. “Open the damn door! Eddie!”
It took only a few minutes, but it felt like hours. Finally though, the door burst open and you were faced with a scowling Eddie. “What!?”
You couldn’t help it – your mouth dropped open as you stared at him. He looked like he hadn’t slept since you last saw him; he’d definitely lost weight, his cheekbones gaunt and defined and his clothes loose and baggy. His hair was lank and greasy, unwashed and uncared for. Nothing about him looked like the Eddie you had come to know and care for.
“I thought I said I didn’t want to be bothered?” he said, and where his voice had been loud and irritated when he slammed the door open, now it was flat and monotone.
“Maybe you did, but you look like you could do with some bothering,” you snapped. “Now move.”
You shouldered your way past him and into the trailer. He trailed behind you, not even closing the door. You pushed your way into his room and made a beeline for his dresser, pulling it open and grabbing out the softest looking clothes you could find.
That seemed to wake him from whatever daze he was in, and suddenly he was at your side trying to yank the clothes from your grasp. “Those are mine, put them down –!”
“No!” You wrestled them from his grip and shoved them into the tote bag slung over your shoulder. “You’re fucking wasting away in here, Eddie, and I won’t allow it! We’re going back to my place and you’re going to take a shower and change your clothes and eat some goddamn food and then we’re going to talk about our traumas like grown-ass adults!” You reached out and grabbed his shoulders and when you spoke again your voice cracked. “Please, Eddie. I can’t lose you. Not like this.”
Something about that seemed to get through to him; he sagged against you ever so slightly, and then nodded. “Okay.”
The entire car ride to your house he sat practically curled in on himself in the front seat. You’d never seen him so small, not when he was normally larger than life. It broke your heart, and you knew you weren’t going to let him go back to the trailer by himself for a while yet.
When you got to your house, you led him gently inside. He froze slightly on your doorstep, and it wasn’t until you explained that no one else was home that he was willing to take another step forward.
Normally you would be all about privacy, but quite frankly you didn’t really trust him on his own right now. You sat him down on the toilet and ran him a bath, then left so he could get in it. You left the door open though, and from the kitchen as you worked on a quick dinner you could hear the occasional sound of splashing.
Suddenly you heard a quiet call of your name. You quickly went to the bathroom, standing just outside the door, facing the other side of the hallway, as you asked him what he needed.
He sounded like he was on the edge of breaking when he said, “I can’t – my hair. Can you…?”
Your heart broke even further. “You’re okay with me coming in?”
“Yes.” It was so low it was almost a whisper, and when you walked inside you matched his tone, crossing the floor with gentle steps to kneel by his head. Resolutely keeping your eyes on his hair, you poured a cup of water over it.
“Thank you,” he said, voice a little bit stronger.
“Of course,” you replied. “Anything for you.”
You sat there in silence for the rest of the time it took you to wash his hair, shampooing and conditioning and rinsing everything out. When you were done, you asked, “Do you need help with anything else?”
He shook his head, and you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll be out in the kitchen, whenever you’re finished.”
It took another twenty minutes, but eventually you heard the sounds of the bathtub draining, and then soon Eddie shuffled out of the bathroom, cocooned in the clothes you’d grabbed for him. He stood just outside the threshold of the kitchen, hands tucked into the long sleeves of his shirt, his bare feet poking out from his oversized pants. He looked small, with his wet hair curled around his shoulders, and you quickly moved your pan off the stove and crossed the room to hug him.
He sank into your embrace eagerly and it wasn’t long before you felt your shoulder growing damp. His body shook as he cried, and you simply held him through it, anchoring him against a flood of emotions that threatened to drown him. You buried your head in his hair, which smelled like your shampoo and conditioner instead of the smoke and cologne that was his normal scent. He was stripped bare like this, but you were there to make sure he didn’t get lost as he found his way back to himself.
Eventually he calmed down enough that you were able to guide him to your couch. Draping the softest blankets you owned over his lap, you quickly hurried back to the kitchen long enough to grab two bowls of the soup that you had made. His hands trembled slightly as he ate, but he didn’t spill a drop and he didn’t ask for your help. When you were both finished eating you took the dishes back to the kitchen and then came and sat on the edge of the couch next to him.
“What do you need?” you asked, reaching out to gently run your fingers through his still-damp hair.
“Don’t leave me alone,” he replied, pleading, and you knew then that you would stay by his side for the rest of your life if that was what he needed.
Carefully, you pulled him out of the little nest of blankets he’d made for himself and led him down the hall to your room. Inside, he turned his back so you could quickly change, and then the two of you crawled into bed together. He curled into a ball, holding himself tightly, and you wrapped your arms around him, cradling him close. Neither of you spoke; within thirty minutes, both of you were asleep.
Over the next few days, Eddie essentially moved into your house. You didn’t ask anyone’s permission to add a member to your household, since the deed was in your name, instead just letting Hopper and El see that Eddie was there and making it very clear that he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.
It was a good change for Eddie, and you watched as he slowly began to come back to life. It helped that he was never alone in the house; you spent as much time with him as possible, and if you weren’t there than El and the rest of the Party were. If neither you or El were able to be home, Hopper was always there. Instead of Max delivering his schoolwork, now El would, and then you or Hopper would help him with it, both of you working your hardest to make sure Eddie was able to graduate this year.
About a week into this new arrangement, Wayne showed up on your doorstep, arms full with bags of Eddie’s things. Eddie was napping, unable to greet his uncle, but you took the things in his place. You weren’t expecting, however, the hug that Wayne pulled you into.
“Thank you,” he said. “I didn’t know what to do to help him.”
A month later, Eddie made his first entrance into society since Vecna had struck. With final grades in, he donned a cap and gown and joined the throngs of Hawkins High students at the graduation ceremony. The entire party, plus Joyce, Hopper, Wayne, and Murray came to support him, and when his name was called your cheers drowned out the whispers of the crowd. Eddie still looked thin, still looked like he needed to catch up on sleep, but he was clearly happy and proud, and his smile was genuine as he shook the principal’s hand.
It was a week after that when you and Eddie were next home alone. Joyce and Hopper were out, going to his physical therapy appointment in the next town over and then getting dinner afterwards. El was with the Party, and then she would be spending the rest of the night at Max’s.
Eddie and you had shared a bed every night since you first brought him home. There wasn’t anything sexual about it (although Hopper had been suspicious at first). Instead, it was just the two of you taking comfort in each other after everything that had happened to you.
That night, you were lying next to each other in bed, both absorbed in your books. Everything was calm and peaceful and you felt as though nothing, short of maybe another attack by Vecna, could disturb you.
Out of nowhere, Eddie put his book down and said, “Tell me something about where you’re from.”
It caught you off guard; neither of you had brought up your admission of your origins since everything with Vecna had happened. Sometimes you caught Eddie watching you, as though waiting to see you stumble over some piece of 80s culture, but other than that there had been almost an unspoken agreement between you not to discuss it.
Now though, you put down your book and turned to face him. “What do you want to know?”
He thought for a moment, then asked: “What was your family like?”
You smiled and sank back into your pillows, staring up at the ceiling. “They were good. Not perfect, of course. But we all loved each other, even if we argued occasionally.”
“Were you an only child?”
“No. I had a younger brother. Pain in my ass, even if he had his occasional uses.” Your voice was fond; even as you insulted your brother it was clear you loved him. “And then it was my parents and our cat.”
“You had a cat?” Eddie made a face. “You strike me as more of a dog person.”
You laughed. “Most people thought that. But my brother was allergic, so a cat it was.”
“What were you planning to do after high school?”
“College. I was going to be a librarian”
The sound he made at that wasn’t quite a laugh, but it was definitely one of amusement. “Guess things ended up working out pretty well for you in Hawkins then, huh?”
You turned your head so you were looking at him again, your eyes meeting his. “I met you, didn’t I?”
There had been many moments in your relationship with Eddie where you wished he would kiss you. This was one of them, but you refused to make the first move, especially after everything you had done to help him. You knew about Nightingale Syndrome, and you didn’t want Eddie to kiss you back because he felt indebted, or because your care for him had made him feel things he wouldn’t otherwise. No, he would have to make the first move, and even then you would have to have a long conversation with him before committing to anything.
The moment passed when he shifted to look up at the ceiling, his hands pillowed under his head. “Tell me something else,” he said. “Tell me about something you miss. Something that doesn’t exist yet here.”
You thought about it for a long moment, then laughed slightly and said, “This is going to sound crazy, but I miss coffee shops. There was this one big chain brand, I used to go there all the time. Now I’m here and half of my favorite drinks haven’t been invented yet. I have to get the government worker assigned to my case to special order me matcha every month.”
“Matcha?” He frowned for a moment, before his gaze cleared. “That’s that green thing you drink right?”
“Yeah. It’s a Japanese tea, and use of matcha in lattes won’t become popular until the 2010s.” You sighed grumpily. “Luckily the other two drinks I like will be invented in the 90s, but still.”
He laughed. “What about non-food related things?”
“There’s a lot of movies I miss. I think one of them comes out in the next year or so, actually.”
“Oh? What kind of movie is it?”
You smiled. “It’s based on a book – a tale of true love, sword fighting, revenge.”
He turned his head towards you and eyes lit up as he recognized what book you were talking about. You’d recommended it to him early on in your friendship and it was definitely a favorite of his. “The Princess Bride? They’re making it into a movie?”
“Hell yeah they are.”
“Is it good? Please tell me it’s good.”
You laughed at his eagerness. “It’s so good. It’s considered a cult classic in my time.”
“Other than that… I miss my music a lot. Some of what I liked to listen to has already been written, but there are whole genres that haven’t been invented yet. And some of my favorite artists… By the time they start making music I’m going to be so old.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “That’s probably going to be weird as hell, huh?”
“If it isn’t I’ll be shocked.”
For a moment, you were both quiet. Then he said, “I wish I could listen to your music. I’d love to know how the sound and art grows and changes over the decades.”
Without even thinking about it, you said, “You can.”
“What?” He frowned at you. “What do you mean?”
You sat up, your whole body suddenly tense. You trusted Eddie, you really did, but what you were about to show him was something private. “When I… arrived here, for lack of a better term, I had something with me. The government took it from me, but when Hopper saved me from the lab he grabbed it too. No one knows I have it other than him.”
He straightened up, shuffling so that his back was against the wall. “What is it?”
You stood and walked to your closet. Buried in the back, under a stack of blankets, was a small, locked box. The key stayed on a chain around your neck at all times, and you took it out now and unlocked the box, pulling your phone out.
When you’d appeared in the Hawkins Lab, all you’d had was the clothes on your back, and your phone and phone charger. You were grateful every day that you’d had the charger – because of that, you were able to keep your phone charged. That way, you still had all your pictures, all of your gaming apps (the ones that didn’t require the internet anyway), and, perhaps most importantly, all of your music.
You sat back down on the bed, holding it out to show him. “This is what a phone looks like in 2022.”
His eyes widened. “There’s no fucking way.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not lying. This is a mobile phone. Using it I could access the internet almost anywhere. I could call people, and email them, and send them a type of message called a text. It has games, and it can take and store pictures and videos. And you can also download music onto it.”
“You’re fucking shitting me. You have to be.” His voice was full of awe, and he carefully reached out a single finger to touch the phone, as though worried it would vanish when he made contact. “Where’s the key pad?”
“It appears on the screen when you need it. The screen is touch sensitive – which means no big buttons taking up space.”
“And it doesn’t need to be plugged in?”
You shook your head. “It runs on a special type of battery. I have to plug it in occasionally to recharge, but then it works for ages, especially if I’m not using it much.”
“And you have music… on this?”
“Yeah. I don’t really know how to explain it, but – this is what people use to buy and play music instead of purchasing records. Vinyls and cassettes are still things, of course, but this is more common. It’s also cheaper, in the long run. And you can buy individual songs, rather than a whole album if you want.”
“That’s so fucking cool.” He finally tore his gaze from the phone to look up at you. “Is all technology in the future this cool?”
“Some things are the same as they are now. But not much – humanity is constantly looking to advance things, and most people are willing to pay lots of money for whatever is newest and shiniest.” The irony of your words wasn’t lost on you; the only reason you were in 1986 instead of your own time was because someone was looking to advance the human race.
You looked up from the phone to find him staring at you, something curious in his eyes. “What?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Just – why are you showing me this? Since it’s something so secret?”
“Because I trust you.”
The strangest thing happened then, something that you’d never seen from Eddie Munson in all of your time knowing him – he smiled, and the main emotion on his face was shyness.
Unsure of how to react to that, you smiled back and then turned your eyes back to the phone. “Here, let me just –” You unlocked it quickly and navigated to your music app, scrolling through your catalogue to see what you had that he might enjoy. You had a few ideas; it was easy enough to find the album that you thought would be best and hit play.
In seconds the opening of “The End” from My Chemical Romance’s The Black Parade began to play, the sound filling up your room. Eddie stared down at the phone in your hand, eyes wide with disbelief, as though he didn’t think this was actually happening, before he closed his eyes, tipping his head back to rest against the wall. When the song ended and the album transitioned to “Dead” a smile began to spread across his face.
You let a few more songs play, then stopped it right after “The Sharpest Lives.” Eddie opened his eyes and frowned at you. “Why did you stop it?”
“The next song is iconic – I wanted to get your opinion on what you’ve heard so far before introducing you to one of the best songs ever written.”
“Oh?” His eyebrow quirked. “You think it’s that good?”
“I don’t think, Munson, I know. Now tell me – what do you think so far?”
“It’s really good,” he replied, not an ounce of hesitation. “Not quite metal, but not shitty rock or grunge or anything. What’s the band called?”
“My Chemical Romance. They won’t form until 2001, unfortunately.”
“Shit, really? That sucks.”
“Yeah. But this time around, I’ll be able to see them in concert. They’d broken up by the time I was old enough to go last time around.”
“That really fucking sucks. Can we play the next song now?”
You laughed at his eagerness, but hit the play button. The iconic g-note rang throughout your room, and he closed his eyes again and sank back into the pillows. You passed the rest of the night that way, you finding different songs for him to listen to, hoping to find something that he would finally admit was better than metal.
You fell asleep like that, with the light still on and your phone playing music quietly.
When you woke up, Eddie had your phone in his hand, clearly trying to work out how to use it. You watched him struggle for a moment with a gentle smile on your face, before sitting up and asking, “What are you trying to do?”
He startled, then pouted at you. “I wanted to see what else you have on here. All of the songs you played last night were ones you thought I’d like; I want to hear all the other ones that you didn’t want to share.”
“It’s not that I didn’t want to share,” you said, rolling your eyes as you reached out for the phone. “It’s just that music gets weird by the 21st century – I thought I should ease you into it slowly.”
“But I want to hear it.” His pout only grew bigger, until he was practically batting his eyelashes at you. “Please?”
You rolled your eyes again, but unlocked your phone. What was the weirdest thing you had on here? You had a lot of showtunes, and a fair bit of Kpop. There was a small collection of children’s television themes, for when you were feeling nostalgic, and then a few EDM songs as well. What would Eddie find the absolute worst if you played it for him?
It hit you all at once then: the perfect song to catch Eddie completely off guard. Trying to maintain your laughter so he wouldn’t realize what was about to happen, you scrolled through your saved songs until you found it.
For a moment silence rang through the room, before a very distinctive beat began to play. Eddie’s mouth dropped open as he listened to the first words of Cardi B’s “WAP.”
You couldn’t hold back your laughter, practically folding in half as you laughed so hard your sides hurt. Knowing that you were alone in the house, you raised the volume and then, to Eddie’s shock, you began to rap along.
Cardi’s first verse wasn’t even done yet when he grabbed the phone from your hands, slamming the pause button so hard you almost worried he would crack the screen. That didn’t stop you, though, and you smoothly transitioned into Megan’s part, your voice now the only sound in the room.
In order to stop you, Eddie practically lunged across the bed and slapped a hand over your mouth. “What the fuck,” he snapped. “There’s no way that’s fucking music.”
You burst into laughter again, the sound muffled around the palm of his hand. It wasn’t a pretty laugh; you were practically cackling in your delight. It was infectious, however, and soon Eddie’s hand dropped  from your mouth as he joined in, although he made an (unsuccessful) attempt to hide it.
Eventually, both of you calmed down, laughter petering off into giggles before fading entirely. Soon enough, you’re both just sitting quietly on the bed, chests heaving for breath. After a moment, you noticed that Eddie was staring at you oddly; you opened your mouth to ask what was bothering him, but before you could he was suddenly leaning forward, hands coming up to cradle your face as he pulled you into a kiss.
You let out a little noise of surprise, before sinking into it with a happy little sigh. It felt like you’d been waiting your whole life for him to kiss you, even if you’d only known him for less than a year.
The kiss was slow, sweet, and when you parted neither of you went far, resting your foreheads together, eyes still closed.
“I’ve wanted,” Eddie said, breathless, “to do that forever.”
A giggle escaped you, and you cracked your eyes open just enough to see his smile grow. “Me too,” you admitted. “But then I was taking care of you, and I didn’t want you to feel obligated –”
“Shh,” he said, cutting you off with another quick kiss. “None of that, okay? I kissed you because I’ve wanted to kiss you since we met, and because I couldn’t stand to see you laugh so beautifully and not do anything about it anymore. No other reasons, alright?”
You nodded, then snuck a kiss of your own. “Alright.”
He kissed you again then, and this time there was a fire to it,  one that hadn’t been there before. He kissed you as though he was desperate, as though he was a starving man given access to a feast. You met his energy equally, drawing him in and clinging to him. Soon enough, you were wrapped around each other until you couldn’t tell where one of you ended and the other began.
You were gently lowered, one of his hands supporting your back, to lay on the bed. He crawled over you, pinning you in with his arms on either side of your head. You didn’t care; in fact, you welcomed it, and when he ground down against you you happily thrust your hips up to meet his.
He moaned, loud and unashamed, and with his lips detached from yours you dipped your head to his neck, sucking on his pulse point. Your actions were met with a groan, and when you were satisfied that you’d left a mark, you moved your head to leave a matching one on the other side of his throat. He obligingly tilted his head to give you better access, all the while running a hand down your side. His fingers danced their way under your shirt, palm large and warm against your side.
You arched into the touch, and his hand slipped down under your back, pulling you up into him. You weren’t wearing a bra (you never did when laying around the house) and he slept shirtless; the end result is that the only thing separating your chests was the thin, worn fabric of your shirt. It felt like an impenetrable barrier, and at the same time it felt like there was barely anything preventing you from plastering yourselves together, skin to skin.
Suddenly, it was too much, even that small amount of fabric – you needed your shirt off and you needed it off right that minute. You pushed him up and off of you as you sat up, and for a moment he seemed worried, thinking perhaps he had gone to far. As he watched you quickly pull your shirt over your head, throwing it somewhere off to the side of your room, the look in his eyes changed from fear to hunger.
“Baby,” He breathed, reaching out a gentle hand to caress your skin. “You’re gorgeous.”
You laughed, even as his hand drifted closer to your nipples and they began to harden. “Flatterer.”
“Truthful,” he corrected you, before suddenly bending down to press his mouth to the space between your breasts. You sighed happily, arching your back to press your chest into his touch.
“Don’t think you can win me with pretty words, Munson,” you teased. You were trying to sound carefree; the hitch in your breath when he gently blew a stream of air over one of your nipples, however, ruined it.
His grin when he looked up at you from between your breasts was wicked in all the right ways. “Darling, I think you’ve already been won.”
He punctuated his words by taking the same nipple between his teeth, tugging at it . You keened, the sound high in your throat, and as his left hand came up to play with your other nipple you closed your eyes, letting all of the sensations wash over you.
“Eddie,” you whined, and he laughed, pulling away to hover over you, showering your face in kisses. He didn’t stop until you reached up to bury your hands in his hair, bringing him down into an actual kiss.
Even as he kissed you, the hand not holding his weight up was busting toying with your breasts. He ran his hand across every inch of your chest that he could reach, fingernails gently dragging along your skin. It was simultaneously absolutely perfect and not enough; you felt slightly like you were about to go out of your mind if he didn’t touch you properly.
“Eds,” you said in between kisses. “Eds, Eddie, please.”
“Please what?”
You moaned, a reaction to the light slap he delivered to your thigh. “Please, I need more.”
“Hm. Greedy little thing, aren’t you?”
“You bring out the – ah! – worst in me, darling.”
He clicked his tongue, abandoning your lips to leave his own marks on your neck, marks you knew would make Hopper throw a fit. “Now now. Is that anyway to talk to the person controlling your pleasure?”
“I don’t know,” you said between grit teeth as you desperately tried to hide just how much he was getting to you. “I don’t think there’s anyone like that here, do you?”
His head snapped up and for a moment the two of you just stared at each other. You knew you were challenging him, and it excited you.
The reaction you got didn’t disappoint. After a few seconds he practically growled, the sound low in his throat, and then he was pouncing on you with such fervor that you felt he was suddenly a raging river. You were swept up in his current, and gladly so. He kissed you, hot and heavy and frantic, while at the same time his hands pushed eagerly at the sleep pants you were wearing. You raised your hips, helping him shimmy the pants down your legs, and then he was frantically pulling at his own sweatpants until you were both naked except for your underwear. When he pressed you back down into the mattress this time, he didn’t hold his weight off of you; instead, he dropped down so that he was draped across your body. It felt like every inch of your skin was pressed to his, and yet you still didn’t feel as though you were close enough.
He drew you into a deep kiss as he ground down against you, and you moaned. He swallowed the sound and kiss you harder. Every kiss with him was better than the last, and you knew that you could easily become addicted to his mouth, if
you weren’t already.
Your hands were wrapped around his neck, but now you took one and, before he could figure out what you were doing, brought it down and between you to cup the bulge in his underwear. He stiffened in your arms, and you squeezed every so slightly. At that, he bucked his hips forward, keening into your mouth. You couldn’t hold back a smile at that, and it was the easiest thing in the world to slip your fingers under the waistband of his boxers and wrap your hand around him.
He broke away from your mouth as you slowly stroked him, burying his head in your neck as he gasped for breath. “Fuck,” he groaned lowly, his hips giving shirt, aborted thrusts into your hand. “Darling.”
“Remind me who is controlling whose pleasure here?” you teased, always pushing at the boundaries of what he would let you get away with. Your words now seemed to be a step too far; even as he groaned at the loss, he pulled your hand off of himself and placed it up beside your head. Your other hand joined it soon enough, your wrists crossed on the pillow above you.
He pressed down on your joined wrists once, firmly. “Don’t move.”
You squirmed, but did as you were told. You weren’t an idiot; you knew what the bandana in his pocket meant (and that was another reason you hadn’t wanted to kiss him first – you weren’t positive he was bi) and you were 100% on board with it. Maybe not anything too extreme, not right away, but you trusted him not to push your boundaries. Still –
“Topaz,” you said.
He frowned. “What?”
“If I need you to stop. Topaz.”
It took him a moment to comprehend your words, but then his eyes widened, and he dove down for a rough kiss. “My darling girl,” he said, words too sweet for the filthy things his voice was promising. “Full of surprises, aren’t you?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer, not when he was kissing you again. He’d risen up onto his knees now, and with the promise of you leaving your hands in their place, he used his own hands to every so slowly slide down your panties. Once they were off they were thrown carelessly to the floor. Eddie didn’t even look to see where he’d tossed them, too busy staring at you as if mesmerized.
You couldn’t help but preen under the attention. “Like what you see?”
One of his hands went to the tent in his boxers, stroking himself almost absentmindedly through the fabric. “Darling.” His voice promised nothing but pleasure. “You have no idea.”
He barely even gave you a second to comprehend his words before he was leaning down to put his mouth squarely between your thighs. His tongue flicked almost cautiously at your clit and you moaned. After that, it was like a barrier of some kind was broken and he began to eat you out almost ravenously. It felt like his tongue was everywhere at once, and his fingers danced at the edge of your entrance, taunting you with how close, and yet how far away they were.
“Eddie,” you whined, trying to subtly thrust your hips up. “Stop teasing!”
His answer came in the form of a huff of laughter, before his mouth redoubled its efforts – but his fingers stayed tantilizingly out of reach. He was good at this, and it didn’t take long for you to feel like you were going to go out of your mind with desire.
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore – if he kept going you were going to come and you didn’t want to, not yet. You knew from experience that, while you could have multiple orgasms, when the first one was especially good you essentially became useless afterwards. Eddie was definitely bribing you to the brink of what would most likely be the best orgasm you’d ever had, and you wanted to be able to help get him off too. So, disregarding his rules, you brought your hands down to push him off of you, scrambling to sit up with your pussy out of the reach of his mouth.
He frowned up at you, still bent over, and worry flickered across his face. “What’s wrong? Did I do somethi–”
You quickly shook your head. “No. No! I just didn’t want to come so quickly.”
All the fear left him then and he sat up, wiping at his chin, which was glistening and wet. “So you’re saying I was too good?” he teased, eyes glimmering happily.
“Shut up!“ You laughed, and drew your leg back to kick at his shoulder. He caught you, hands wrapped around your calf, and kissed the skin right below your knee. Then he kissed up, and up, until he was once again faced with your dripping cunt.
He blew out a slow breath, a long stream of air against your heated skin, and you shivered. “Seriously, Eds.” You were practically begging him. “I don’t want to come yet. I’d like to be able to get you off too, and if I come now I’m going to be completely useless.”
“Baby, you could just lay there and let me rut against you and it would be enough,” he replied, gaze transfixed on the seam of your cunt as he traced it with his finger.
You couldn’t deny that the thought of simply laying there as he took his pleasure from you made you hotter, but you didn’t want that for the first time you were together. You told him as much, pouting as you added, “You’ve already made me feel so good; I want to make you feel good too.”
His eyes softened and he crept forward to kiss you gently. With his still-slick chin and the unsatisfied ache in your gut, the sugar-sweet kiss felt like a contradiction.
When he pulled away, you couldn’t help it; you chased after his lips with your own, desperate to taste him again. He tasted like you, but there was also something that was distinctly Eddie about him (although that might just be the morning breath – you really wished he’d waited until after you’d brushed your teeth to kiss you, but it was too late now). It was something you could easily see yourself becoming addicted to, if you weren’t already.
Eventually, he managed to separate from you long enough to breathlessly ask, “Do you have condoms?”
Disappointment hit you as you realized that you didn’t. You hadn’t expected them to be something you needed any time soon. But you very much wanted Eddie to fuck you, so: “No, but it’s okay. I’m on birth control, it should be fine.”
No guy that you’d ever been with before had turned down the opportunity to fuck you bare, and you didn’t expect Eddie to be the first. He surprised you, however, by shaking his head. “No,” he said firmly. “I trust you, and I know you wouldn’t lie about that. But I don’t think either of us is in the right place for a baby right now, and so I don’t want to be in you unless we’ve taken every single precaution.”
For a moment, you were simply touched by his words. Then, your mind caught up with something he’d said, and you asked, “Not ready for a baby right now? Does that mean you want a baby someday?”
He stared down at you, then raised a judgemental eyebrow. “Babe,” he said, sarcastic disbelief dripping from his voice. “Are you seriously asking me about my opinion on having a family when we’re naked together for the first time?”
“We’re naked?” You raised an eyebrow right back at him, before trailing your eyes pointedly down to his boxers. “What’s this we that you’re talking about, Munson?”
He looked down at himself and then shrugged. “Easy enough fix.”
In the blink of an eye he crawled off of you, standing up and quickly pushing his underwear down his legs. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen his dick, but it was the first time in this context, and you found that you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He noticed you staring and preened, posing with exaggerated sultriness. “Do you like what you see?”
“Hm,” you mused, pretending to consider it. “It’s not the worst view, I suppose.”
He gasped, mockingly affronted, and then pounced on you. “The audacity! How dare you treat me so coldly!” His fingers dug into your sides, and before you knew it you were shrieking with laughter as you tried unsuccessfully to fight him off.
“Eddie!” you cried. “Jesus, Eddie, stop! Enough! Eddie!”
“Never!” He was practically cackling, and despite the fact that you were still thrashing around in an attempt to escape his wiggling fingers, you felt like everything around you had gone very still. A moment of clarity stole over you as you realized that you’d never felt like this before. You knew you cared about him, but you’d never known the extent of your own feelings. But now, with him above you, the two of you completely naked, and yet laughing and having fun instead of just pawing at each other like animals, you suddenly understood that Eddie was it for you.
It was too early to say anything about it, but you felt as though you had to do something and so with a sudden burst of energy you pushed upwards. Eddie was caught off guard and rolled to his side; you quickly followed, crawling on top of him and pinning his hands by his head.
He beamed up at you. “Hi.”
You couldn’t help but return his smile. “Hello, dearest.”
Even as the words came out of your mouth, you had to hold back a wince at how weird the pet name sounded; Eddie didn’t bother to hide his distaste, screwing his face up in disgust. “Dearest? Really? What is this, a Jane Austen novel?”
“If we were in a Jane Austen novel, we would not be in this situation,” you replied. “I don’t know about you, but know what I prefer.”
He laughed, and wrested his hands from your grip to pull you down into a kiss. “What’s that line you told me about? The one at the end of the Pride & Prejudice movie you liked? Something about being –”
“Completely and incandescently happy?”
“That’s the one.” He kissed you again, soft and sweet. “Seems pretty applicable right now, if you ask me.”
For a long moment you just stared at him; then you squeaked and buried your head in his shoulder. “Eddie! You can’t just say things like that!”
One of his hands gently ran up and down your bare back. “What, the truth? Sorry darling, I’m known to be honest to a fault so I probably won’t stop complimenting you anytime soon.”
“I hate you,” you muttered into his hair.
“Yes, dearest.”
You whined and raised your head to look at him. “Why does that word sound good when you say it, but when I do it just sounds weird?”
He shrugged. “You were made to be wooed, while I was made to woo?”
“What, you think you can’t be wooed?”
“I certainly haven’t been before.”
You made a disgruntled noise and reached out to run your fingers through his hair. “Well, we’ll just have to fix that then, won’t we?”
In an instant he was kissing you again, pressing up into you and you happily fell even further into his embrace. With all of your clothing shed, there was nothing between you when you rocked down against him and he panted a harsh moan into your mouth. You did it again, and again, and then one more time until he wrenched his head away from you with a groan.
“Babe,” he said, chest heaving for breath. “If you don’t stop I’m going to lose it.”
Smiling cheerfully, you pointedly rolled your hips. “Good.”
“Fuck me – Jesus Christ, baby–”
“Come on, Eddie.” You dipped your head to murmur the words into his ear, and felt his whole body shiver. “Let go for me.”
That was all it took; his back arched as he near-frantically ground himself against you and with a shout he was cumming. You felt his release splash onto your skin as he bucked his hips up, and you slipped a hand down to your clit. Still feeling the effects of his touch earlier, it didn’t take long before you were back on the brink, and when Eddie moved a hand from where he was gripping tightly at your hips to help you, you plummeted over the edge. You didn’t cry out, but you threw your head back, mouth hanging open as you panted heavily.
When you were finished, your whole body went boneless, and you slumped down against Eddie. You could feel his cum, tacky against your skin, but just as you’d predicted you’d lost all energy. You wouldn’t be moving for a while.
Luckily Eddie didn’t seem to mind; he chuckled gently and held you close. “Guess you weren’t lying about being useless, huh?”
You just hummed and closed your eyes, snuggling further into his side.
“Are you going to pass out?”
“Maybe,” you murmured, stifling a yawn.
He laughed, and pressed a kiss to your hair. “Alright, beautiful. You sleep, and I’ll
clean us up, okay?”
“Mhm. Best boyfriend ever.”
Another kiss was placed on your brow. The last thing you were aware of as you fell asleep was a warm hand running gently up and down your back, and a soft voice humming the tune to one of your favorite songs.
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thank YOU for this comment it inspired me to sit down and finish the fic, so it’s getting posted in 5 minutes
three weeks ago i started working on a little one shot, thinking it was only going to be 2k long. somehow it has turned into an 11k monster and i’m STILL not done. this is the power of eddie munson
14 notes · View notes
three weeks ago i started working on a little one shot, thinking it was only going to be 2k long. somehow it has turned into an 11k monster and i’m STILL not done. this is the power of eddie munson
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“eddie should be back in s5!” i say into the mic. the crowd boos. i begin to walk off the stage in shame. “no, she’s right!” i hear a voice in the back say. the lights come on. it’s metallica.
25K notes · View notes
stranger things: no joseph you can’t have eddie’s guitar
actual real life legends Metallica: BET
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i’m listening to the beauty and the beast soundtrack rn (specifically the mob song) and i am SHOCKED that no one has written an eddissy beauty and the beast au (ft. jason as gaston) like. it’s Right There. one of the lyrics in the mob song is “we don’t like what we don’t understand, in fact it scares us” this is So fucking obvious. how has no one hopped on this idea yet
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fucking joseph quinn and his pretty fucking doe eyes and his cute little fucking smile and precious little laugh and fucking cute accent like what the fuck
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yeah and i do? but even if i acknowledge that other people like it for some reason, that doesn’t mean i have to approve. i’m not going to fight anyone about it but i’m also not going to just hold my tongue either. my blog, my opinions
you mean to tell me that there are 3 jason/chrissy/eddie fics, but only 1 steve/eddie/chrissy fic? wtf why is Anyone writing anything where eddie and jason are romantically connected? if you want to give eddie and chrissy a boyfriend steve is Right Fucking There
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it wasn’t cool with harringrove and it’s not cool now but for some reason this fandom likes to ship bigoted abusers with the people they abuse
you mean to tell me that there are 3 jason/chrissy/eddie fics, but only 1 steve/eddie/chrissy fic? wtf why is Anyone writing anything where eddie and jason are romantically connected? if you want to give eddie and chrissy a boyfriend steve is Right Fucking There
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@raven-star7 i can’t reply to you cause this is a side blog But. i Can promise that i’m working on a stedissy fic
you mean to tell me that there are 3 jason/chrissy/eddie fics, but only 1 steve/eddie/chrissy fic? wtf why is Anyone writing anything where eddie and jason are romantically connected? if you want to give eddie and chrissy a boyfriend steve is Right Fucking There
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you mean to tell me that there are 3 jason/chrissy/eddie fics, but only 1 steve/eddie/chrissy fic? wtf why is Anyone writing anything where eddie and jason are romantically connected? if you want to give eddie and chrissy a boyfriend steve is Right Fucking There
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the only video i’m seeing from lfcc is the video of him crying, which was very sweet and made me want to give him a huge hug, but there were So many good moments from that panel that i desperately want people to post videos of
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yes i am still drawing scooby doo poses
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one thing i learned during my time at lfcc yesterday is that sometime joseph’s face just be Doing Shit and regardless of how mean/scary/tough he’s trying to seem it’s almost always just cute as hell
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ok so i met/spoke to joseph 3 times today and i’m convinced he recognized me when i went to my photo session because i’m listening to the audio recording i took and for the guy before me he just very nicely says hello, but when he says hi to me it’s suddenly So cheerful and happy and it was such a quick interaction but just Listen to him it makes me so happy
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audience member: what song would you replace running up that hill with?
joseph, smirking: do you guys know the venga boys?
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