fortunaamajor · 4 years
Hi guys, I’m moving this account over to a new one that’s not a secondary blog bc tbh it’s annoying having only having some features. If you see my writing duplicated it’s still me! Please give the new one a follow. Thank you.
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fortunaamajor · 4 years
A Summer in Ottery St. Catchpole Masterlist
Pairing: George Weasley x Potter!Reader
Series Synopsis: Y/N Potter used to have a huge crush on George Weasley. She could hardly even function around him. Now that she’s fresh out of a long relationship, she can say with confidence that those feelings she harbored for years are gone. George, on the other hand, had barely even acknowledged her existence. But now that Y/N is more comfortable around him, he starts to see the real her. George starts to see her in a new light. Boy, is that bad news for him.
Part 1
Part 2
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fortunaamajor · 4 years
The Ultracheese (Fred Weasley)
Fred Weasley x Reader
This story is based on one of my favourite lyrics at the moment. It’s a mainly fluffy, cheesy but angsty in parts story of Fred and Reader reminiscing on their relationship. 
Reader is vague - gender not specified, no specific house mentioned.
Song Link: The Ultracheese by Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: Mild bad language, mentions of Umbridge’s Black Quill (torture)
Word Count: 2k
Although I am using the Harry Potter universe as a basis for this story I do not support JK Rowling or her views.
“Fred Gideon Weasley!” a piercing shriek from Molly erupted through the bottom floor of the Burrow, as Fred skidded into the living room where you were sitting. You gave him a pointed look as she followed him through muttering about “...making my life so difficult, can you just give me one moment to RELAX, you’re old enough to know better at this age - both of you!” her voice rose at the end of her rant so that George could also get the gist from wherever he had run off to in the cramped house. Fred was chuckling as he plopped himself down beside you. He glanced at his long suffering mother as she took a couple of deep breaths, turned on her heel and left the room, but not before spitting out something about he and his twin being “...inconsiderate, childish...”. 
Lifting up the crochet blanket you were sitting under, Fred attempted to weasel his way in beside you. He looked slightly hurt at Molly’s last comment, you captured his jaw in your hand carefully and turned it towards you
“Go and apologise to her. Bonus points if you can convince George to join you.”
“But it was only a-”
“Uh uh! I don’t wanna hear it, you know I’m right. It’ll make all three of you feel better. Go.”
He hung his head, knowing you were right yet wondering how he’d ever ended up falling so hopelessly in love with someone who had a tongue almost as sharp as his mother’s. 
When he returned the crochet blanket was being held open for him and there was space for him to curl up beside you. He rested his head on top of yours, kissing your hair. “How come you always know how to get me out of trouble?” he mused as his hand crept round your shoulders to hold you closer to him. 
“I’ve been practicing, one day I’ll share all I’ve learnt with you Freddie boy.” you replied dryly, but with a peck on his cheek afterwards. 
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And practicing you had been, for four years. You had always known it would be this way when you fell in love with Fred - your second ‘date’ was in detention for Godric’s sake. He and George had roped you into helping prank Filch, being as smitten as you were for the older twin you had accepted. Unfortunately, as the three of you hid behind a suit of armour Fred had tried to be smooth and brought the whole thing crashing down (literally). 
“Good job darling, you can definitely join us again” he had whispered in your ear. Then as he reached a hand round your waist he knocked the armour, which as if it had an occupant, had jumped away from the three of you - still intact. The clatter of the armour alerted Mrs Norris, and when Filch came running there was no longer anything hiding you all from his beady stare.
That was how you came to be sitting in Professor Binns’ room on Thursday afternoon, with Fred attempting to flirt silently from a few desks away. The clock was counting down until dinner, which couldn’t come quick enough. Not only were you starving but you knew that Fred would no doubt bound up to you in the Great Hall later ready to talk your ear off about his newest invention to try and impress you. It was sweet really, to see him like such a lovesick puppy who never wanted to leave your side - you might even have made fun of him if it hadn’t made your heart rate increase and your face flush with heat.
For now, under the (not so) watchful eye of Professor Binns, he had to stick with writing notes and placing them on the desk between you as silently as he could.
The first note appeared blank until his handwriting scribbled out his message...
Looking over you saw him pouting, bottom lip jutted out. Blushing, you just shrugged, trying to play it cool. He frowned and sent another note your way...
The words scrawled in front of you caused your cheeks to burn and your palms to sweat. All you could muster was turning to him and nodding. His retort of blowing you a kiss had you reeling, so much so you didn’t notice Professor Binns coughing quietly at the front of the room.
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These shared detentions lost their appeal when Umbridge arrived at Hogwarts and started enacting her ‘stupid bloody toad rules’ as Fred called them. He worried about ever getting you in trouble with the nightmare clad in pink and  forbade you from joining in on any pranks, or even helping out with Weasley Products. Umbridge had it in for you because of your link with the twins, even if you were perfectly polite and pleasant she would nitpick or accuse you of things you hadn’t done. This broke Fred’s heart, especially after the three of you first experienced that damn black quill. From then on, Fred was on high alert, the idea of that monster getting her hands on you again made him want to scream.  Fifteen minutes into a dull Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson she had already pounced,“Weasley, see me after class.” she scolded, her tone clipped. 
“But Professor I...” he had begun to exclaim, before she raised her arched brows
“Three of my second years this morning had to be excused due to illness... I know one of your ghastly concoctions was behind it.” she practically sang.
Fred knew the group of boys she was referring to, they had been saving up for Puking Pastilles in order to skive one of Umbridge’s lessons, and to be honest, he didn’t blame them. He said nothing, but a voice piped up from across the class. Horrified, he realised it was you. 
“Professor, you can’t possibly blame Fred for that! What if there’s a bug going round? Or what if they bought the product from someone else?” 
Umbridge tried to suppress a smile as she nodded along. 
“I see, you can join Mr Weasley in detention, along with his brother. I’m assuming he is the ‘someone else’ you were referring to, Y/L/N?” she quipped, turning now to George. You groaned, looking over apologetically at George as that was definitely not the outcome you had hoped for. Fred had to clench his fist to stop from lashing out. 
Back in the common room Fred was angry, the angriest you or George had ever seen him. “She’s a cow, a wretched cow. Y/N you shouldn’t have gotten involved, you know exactly what she’s going to do to you - do to all three of us. I can’t bear it.” This had you frowning, explaining you would rather go through that pain with him, and be there for him. 
“NO! Don’t sacrifice yourself for me, if she hurts you Godric knows what I’ll do to her - and then what will happen? How can it possibly get any worse than bloody torture?”
All three of you were silenced by his outburst. He saw the stress in the lines in your forehead and the anguish in your eyes. Reaching out for you, he surrounded you in warmth. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that. I just hate to see you hurting, but I appreciate you always wanting to be there for me. I really do, love.”
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The twins’ final day was one you would never forget. You’d only known about their plan for a few days - they couldn’t risk anyone finding out and putting a stop to it. Fred would definitely be happier away from Hogwarts and, more vitally, Umbridge. She would hopefully ease up on all of your unjustified detentions as well if they were no longer there to provoke her. In only a few short months you and Fred would be back to spending your days together, and he had big plans to save for your future away from Hogwarts. To him, this was simply preparation and planning (two things he excelled at if he did say so himself) for the rest of your lives. 
The day arrived, standing outside the Great Hall you saw the excitement running through the twins. The morning had been blissful, Fred had snuck you both to Hogsmeade and you had relived one of your first dates. Then by the fire of the common room you had spoken about the future, and the plans that were just about to begin. After a bittersweet kiss, he had mounted his broomstick with George and kicked off the ground. Your heart soared watching him do what he did best, the chaos and joy of the scene surrounding you was enough to make you well up with pride. As the sparks rained down he caught your eye and winked. Umbridge’s uncontrollable fury was the perfect ending to your day as she stood seething amid the cheering, happy students. You made sure to describe it all in glorious detail in the owl you sent to Fred that same evening.
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The worst ever trick pulled on you by Fred was the moment that you realised that sometimes fun and games weren’t always... well... fun and games. You two had spent the day together in the bedroom of the flat above the shop. In the morning he had a short meeting with George about work stuff. After that, he had returned to bed and the two of you had relaxed, sharing kisses, chatting nonsense and talking about life until you felt it was time to get up. Heading through to the kitchen you saw an unfamiliar potion bottle, “Freddie, what’s the new product?” you had shouted through before picking it up and sniffing it. Immediately your nose screwed up and you spluttered “eurgh, smells like Polyjuice potion!” turning to Fred, who was plating up breakfast using small flicks of his wand. “Are you allowed to sell this in the shop? Has someone tested it?” your brows pulled together. “Oh, love I must’ve forgotten to say - I’m testing it right now!”
“Freddie, what do you mean?” you looked over at him. That’s when you noticed, Fred’s small scar on his eyebrow was gone. In fact, upon closer inspection you weren’t looking at Fred, you were looking at George. As you frowned his eyes widened dramatically. 
“Oh... its worn off.” whispered George as he stood infront of you, “We tried it out at the end of the meeting but it must have been an hour since then.”
“FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF BEFORE I BURN THE SHOP AND EVERYTHING IN IT TO THE GROUND!” you bellowed, rushing round the flat in an attempt to find the real Fred. 
When you found him, he was doubled over laughing. “You can quit that! I’ve just spend the last hour cuddling your bloody brother you prick” you raged at him. He wiped tears of laughter from his eyes and tried, unsucessfully, to pull you into his arms. 
“No Fred this is not funny, you can’t just use me as a test subject, you don’t get to mess with me like that. Have some respect!” you continued to shout. 
“Darling, darling. The thing is... you weren’t cuddling my brother. We just planted the potion for you to find and swapped when we went into the kitchen, babe, It was me earlier!” Fred wheezed. He looked over at George who was standing in the doorway, caught between a terrified sort of trance at your reaction and a chuckle bubbling from his lips. 
“Brother of mine, this was all very fun but please remind me never ever to try and trick Y/N ever again, that was really...scary.” he admitted.
“I know,” smiled Fred “wasn’t it brilliant!”
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Back on the sofa in The Burrow, Fred couldn’t believe his ears “What do you mean by practicing?” he asked incredulously. You scoffed “You’ve been getting yourself, and sometimes me, in bother for four years now Fred. I had to adapt to survive!” he chuckled at this. “Ok fair play...” he whispered into your hair, leaning down to hover his lips over yours, “I’ve done some things that I shouldn’t have done... but I haven’t stopped loving you once.” 
A/N: Please let me know if you enjoyed this story, my requests are currently open but please read the guidelines on my page first. Thanks for reading. 
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fortunaamajor · 4 years
Guidelines for Requests
I only write for characters in the Harry Potter universe - at the moment mainly the Weasley twins, Neville, and Draco.
Feel free to request something with any character you wish but if I don’t have enough experience/knowledge to write them I may not fulfil the request. 
I don’t write smut.  
I like a bit of angst, or fluff - especially like domestic stuff so if you’ve got any sweet ideas along those lines, go for it. 
I try to keep my ‘reader’ characters kind of vague, so please don’t request mentioning specific physical features. I’d happily write some more gender neutral fics if people would like. 
I write... 
headcanons (short, bullet pointed)
drabbles (one wee scene, not much plot or back story involved)
one shots (more fleshed out, plotty, bringing in more of the wider wizarding world)
If you want to specify which of these you’d prefer in the request that’s all good but if not I will just see which I think I can do best. 
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fortunaamajor · 4 years
Sad Waters (George Weasley)
George Weasley x Reader
This story takes place during the second task of Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. George is dating Cedric’s younger sister, who ends up being taken into the Black Lake as part of the task... angst and worry ensues. I had to slightly change the results of the task for the story to work, apologies.
Fem!Reader, Hufflepuff!Reader, reader is Cedric’s younger sister who is in Fred and George’s year.
Warnings: Angst, some mild bad language, probably some lowkey bad writing
Word Count: 1.7k
Although I am using the Harry Potter universe as a basis for this story I do not support JK Rowling or her views.
The buzz of hundreds of excited voices filled the misty valley of the Black Lake with electrifying chatter. Students looked down from the towering stands at the dark water, the morning’s clouded sky reflecting dully in the unbroken sheet. Within this crowd sat three ginger haired siblings: two identical twins and their younger sister - who they were currently in the middle of trying to calm down.
“It’s alright, Gin! I’m sure Harry has come up with something, he’s a champion for a reason y’know”
“But Hermione told me last night he was nowhere near, what’s he going to do?”
Ginny fretted as the boys craned their necks to try and get a good view of the wooden starting platform on the banks of the lake.
“Anyway I’ve not seen her since then, she must be down with Ron wishing Harry good luck...”
“Yeah, I think Y/N is already down there with Cedric, she seemed in a hurry to finish up breakfast this morning”
George had noticed his girlfriend’s odd behaviour earlier in the morning, but had simply put it down to nerves on behalf of her brother who was competing. Usually, Y/N took time to sneak over from the Hufflepuff table in the mornings, sometimes even slipping on one of George’s quidditch sweaters to look less out of place at the table beside him.
The whole Triwizard tournament had put a strain on all those George knew in some way or another - Fred’s mind had been ticking overtime trying to find a way to enter, Ron had (until fairly recently) been oozing anger and jealousy due to Harry being chosen to compete, and Y/N seemed to be constantly switching between bursting with pride for her older brother and chastising his stupidity for ever even entering in the first place.
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As the the whistle blew and the task began, hundreds of eyes watched the four champions enter the water, which appeared to swallow them up and pull them under. Already there were cheers and chants brewing, the deeper tones of the Durmstrang students carrying through the mist. Ginny calmed down as she saw Harry swim confidently deeper and deeper into the water. George kept an eye out for Y/N, Ron or Hermione making their way up to claim the seats the twins had saved for them. Soon deciding that they were probably watching from the starting platform, his shoulders loosened and he began to lean forward, eyes darting across the lake looking for any signs of movement or flashes of colour in the dark, still mass of water.
However, he didn’t stay relaxed for long. Among the chatter there was a rumour spreading through the Hogwarts stands. It was one that George Weasley desperately hoped wasn’t true.
“Pssst,” he heard a Slytherin mutter behind him to their friend “... apparently there’s a friend or family member stuck under there for them to rescue before the time runs out, how’s that for pressure?”
Fred’s eyes met his brother’s and widened ever so slightly, just enough for Ginny not to notice. They then wandered, without him even being able to help himself, towards the three empty seats that had yet to be filled. George gulped, a wave of understanding washed over him feeling exactly like the icy water he was staring into. His girlfriend, brother and friend were all hostages below him in the piercing cold of the lake. “Anyway, I’ve heard that sometimes the merpeople can be quite nice,” Fred stammered “they don’t always attack I don’t think.”
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Neither Ginny nor Fred had ever seen George so tense. Any glimmer, ripple or splash caused him to sit bolt upright and his lips had been pressed into a thin line for the last twenty minutes. “C’mon Ced, c’mon you can do it mate....” he muttered, his head rested in the his hands which shook slightly from their position on his jittering knees.
Soon Krum surfaced with Hermione, both were gasping but Krum appeared calm and capable as he wrapped an arm round Hermione to help lead her back to the lake’s grassy bank. George let out a low pitched groan mixed with a shaky sigh “Freddie, how long’s it been? what happens if-“
“It’s alright mate it’ll be ok. We know Cedric can do it, and even if he doesn’t - do you really think Dumbledore will just endanger student’s lives like that?”
Usually this answer would comfort George, if you asked him any other year he would be reassured by this thought. But today, he snapped in reply to his twin “If Dumbledore was so against endangering students Harry wouldn’t be in this bloody competition when everyone and their mother knows someone’s got it in for him!”
Silence fell among the Weasleys, Ginny had definitely noticed this unexpected outburst. She eyed her brother cautiously before her attention focused on Harry bursting through the surface of the lake at high speed, Ron bobbing alongside him. The stand promptly erupted in yells and cheers, “Thank Godric” Fred breathed, before whooping Harry’s name, standing to flash him a thumbs up and send off some celebratory red and gold sparks from his wand.
George stood suddenly, throwing down the banner that had been enchanted to read ‘Hip Hip Harr-ay’ - “Where the FUCK is Cedric!? This isn’t safe, Y/N’s been under there for almost an hour now” he hissed, shoving a poor unsuspecting first year aside and storming down the rickety wooden steps to the ground below him.
Fred and Ginny sat in an awkward silence once more , neither pointing out to the other that this was one of the only times they had heard George concerned about the safety of anything or anyone. Unebeknownst to his younger sister, Fred couldn’t help but notice similarities between George’s reaction to her being taken into that god-awful Chamber of Secrets. 
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Hermione, Ron and Harry sat shivering on the edge of the wooden deck that made up the platform. Madame Pomfrey bustled around them supplying thick blankets and small vials of steaming orange potion. George barged past her without apologies and cornered Harry. Without a congratulations or even a smile, he looked directly at Harry with pleading eyes, “Is Y/N safe? Did you see Cedric?” Harry’s teeth were chattering and his breaths were still coming in long, heaving gasps. He nodded - “Cedric was right behind me, he was having some trouble with the merpeople but if you reason with them they do come round eventually...”
“Bloody fucking hell how’s he supposed to negotiate with them in time? What happens if they don’t listen Harry? How long is even left...”
George was now running his hands through his bright hair, his eyes trained on the serene surface of the lake, in which he could only see himself reflected and not either of the faces he so desperately hoped for.
At last, a streak of yellow broke through the still water and moved purposefully towards them.
In the stalls Fred and Ginny let out sighs of relief, still watching George as two sodden figures clambered onto the platform. He rushed forward and gathered Y/N in his arms, smoothing the wet hair off her face with warm hands and looking down at her intently. He felt as if his heart was going to burst...or stop. “Hi Georgie” she shivered, briefly leaving his embrace to thank Madame Pomfrey for the blanket and potion. George turned to Cedric, pulling him close and patting his back, rather hard Y/N thought, “Well done mate, thank you .... thank you.” he garbled. Adrenalin coursed through both boys, but through the look in his friend’s eyes Cedric could sense the relief that they shared.
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The rough stone walls of the Gryffindor common room glowed in the firelight, George and Y/N had snuck up early from dinner with a small picnic. George whipping off his Gryffindor scarf and wrapping it round Y/N in an attempt to trick the Fat Lady in the portrait. This effort was commendable yet unnecessary. George was seriously underestimating the Fat Lady if he thought that during her time viewing the staircases she hadn’t noticed all the stolen kisses, loving glances and warm embraces he had shared with the Hufflepuff girl. She let the two in anyway, as over time she had developed a small soft spot for the pair.
George ushered Y/N towards the soft red couch, right in front of the crackling fire. “Get some rest love, I’ll be right here.” he advised her, tucking her head into his chest and pulling an arm around her. The two sat in silence for a few moments, although the wind was battering against the ornate windows of the tower - causing George to pull her in tighter. Breaking the silence, her voice was delicate and soft “I was always going to be alright y’know, G? They wouldn’t have kept us down there forever...” Y/N sought to comfort her boyfriend, who she could still feel tensed under her, rather than mock him. She felt him take a deep, shuddering breath and bring a hand up to stroke her hair. “I just, I was just- Godric Y/N I was so worried! Everyone was coming back up and you were still under there. I didn’t know...I just couldn’t imagine... what I would do...” he was getting worked up now, a tear or two slipping from his eyes as his brow crumpled. Sitting up, the girl in his arms pulled him towards her, nestling his head into her neck and rubbing his back in soothing, circular motions. “George, babe, it’s alright - I’m out now. Cedric got me, it’s all okay. I’m right here.” he nodded into her neck, relishing the warmth of her smooth skin and the heat of the fire. “You know, if it had been much longer I probably would’ve jumped into that stupid fucking lake to get you myself.”
“I love you Georgie.” she chuckled slightly under him. “I love you too Y/N, I was so scared to lose you today, even just for that hour. For now please can we leave all this tournament nonsense to your brother?”
A/N: First post! This kind of just invites a post-third task story of Y/N and George doesn’t it? Obviously more angsty vibes,  if you want that let me know...
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fortunaamajor · 4 years
fortunaamajor’s masterlist
see my guidelines for requesting here
george weasley:
sad waters (angst, fluff)
This story takes place during the second task of Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. George is dating Cedric’s younger sister, who ends up being taken into the Black Lake as part of the task… angst and worry ensues.
fred weasley:
the ultracheese (angst, fluff) 
A mainly fluffy, cheesy but angsty in parts story of Fred and Reader reminiscing on their relationship.
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