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David Shrigley, Brighton
During the trip to the Brighton, I dropped into David Shrigley’s life drawing. I found to be a really relaxing atmosphere considering how I usually dislike drawing around other people. The walls being covered in previous peoples work was something which was very interesting to me, as it highlighted how different and unique styles can be despite all drawing the same, stationary object - which aspects seemed most important to the artists; the strange style/ proportions of the model, the lighting, size or shapes. It helped for me to realise my preference for focusing on the contrasting/ flowing shapes, rather than the model as a whole as I avoided drawing the smaller arms and stylised doll-like face, thinking that it could be confused as a lack of ability to recreate realistic faces.
The designed challenge to “conventional expectations of authorship” also made me realise my possessiveness to my own work as although I was excited to have my work displayed alongside others for public viewing and being part of something very unique, the desire to keep my work and not have it ‘lost’ in this display or after it had been taken down, made me bring it home. I feel as though letting go of this concept would be beneficial in helping me not overthink and analyse my work, but also give it a chance to be seen by an wider/unexpected audience - physical displays attract a different/more diverse audience than on social media.
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quick notes waiting under the cover of the stall
A rainy day out in Brighton was suprisingly helpful in considering the presentation of my final project. After coming across a flower stall in the lanes, it was interesting to see how many people chose to stop and admire the plants - I feel that I could try to utilize aspects such as of the wind movement, the smells and the atmosphere. The diversity of the movements and shapes were particularly interesting and may inspire smaller background animations.
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although the landscape/ setting of the sea does not link to my project, it supports the idea that natural and authentic sounds/audio have the best effect to create environment - stock sounds and the assumed sounds of a scene could perhaps be out of place and ruin the intended atmosphere.
The force and power within nature (even within half a day of ‘bad weather’) was very evident on this trip, which is close to what I hope to touch on in my project. This power can be from a sense of danger, wonder ect, even at the same time, from unexpected sources. A tranquil moment in a deep forest could have the same amount of ‘power’ as a stormy sea, but felt in different ways.
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A rainy day out in Brighton was suprisingly helpful in considering the presentation of my final project. After coming across a flower stall in the lanes, it was interesting to see how many people chose to stop and admire the plants - I feel that I could try to utilize aspects such as of the wind movement, the smells and the atmosphere. The diversity of the movements and shapes were particularly interesting and may inspire smaller background animations.
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Delayed Parts (Animation Workflow 05)-
Once a leading compartment in a character is established, the attention is turned to addressing delayed parts.  Like a chain reaction, the parts follow the lead compartment in an orderly manner, from being faster near the lead cause to successively slower away.
There are 2 conditions to be considered- the unfolding order and the corresponding velocity (spacing) of each compartment and joint.  In a way, it is follow-through & overlapping working together with slow-in & slow-out within a character’s structure, generating a very organic feel to the movement.  When an animated movement looked rigid and unnatural, it is likely that all the parts start and stop all at the same time.
In this sample from a scene I made for Brad Bird’s ‘The Iron Giant’, Hogarth looked to his right side with hand holding a flashlight.  There is a potential problem that both head and flashlight lead at the same time, causing the action to feel too busy or mechanical.  
This scene has 2 phrases. It begins in mid-motion with eyes already locked onto screen right, coming to a very short pause.  While the whole body is at full stop, eyes initiate a new direction toward screen left.
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Eyes come to a stop (1).  Head follows lead, then shoulder, body and arm with flashlight.  Head exhilarates slower into speed, in contrast to flashlight moving faster with one frame stretch. This accent allows flashlight to be louder and takes lead from the face area for a slit moment in a more supportive role.  Flashlight comes to abrupt stop (2).  Face retakes focal point, taking time slowing into stop creating contrast in speed.  Rib-cage comes into stop (3); head continues its path and stop last (4).
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When animating, I’m not at all analytical and consciously implementing all these to do list in its rightful order, but letting the leading force to dictate the natural unfolding of all components, only becoming analytical when viewing pencil-test.
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“It’s a deer. ”
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Original concept art for the Rite of Spring segment from Walt Disney’s Fantasia (1940).
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There’s a beautiful delicacy to Robert Stokes’ original production drawings for the Nutcracker Suite segment from Walt Disney’s Fantasia (1940). The way he drew the Ice Fairies reminds me of the simple, clean lines of the Art Deco movement.
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The Centaurs and their girlfriends - the Centaurettes - in the Pastoral Symphony segment of Fantasia (1940)
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Arabian Dance - Fantasia (1940)
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a very nostalgic animation: many animations/shows such as this inspired my interest in animation.
The charm of the hand drawn animation is also something  that was very important to me - the slight changes in shape between each frame seemed to add an extra layer of ‘life’
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pacing and character are really amazing in this video
also highlights the effectiveness of music to create mood/ emphasis
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very inspiring in terms of creating atmosphere, use of music and creating emotion
one of my favourite animations
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backgrounds done work a 2 weeks animation project in school
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cable car halt
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My rough animation from the BBC winter Olympics promo, watch the full break down video below.  
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reposting this cause the last post was a poop
a totally normal deer
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