frawed · 22 days
Beautiful glasses!
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by Harri Koskinen, Aleksi Muokka, Musuta and Samuji
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frawed · 22 days
Vibe goals
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Vintage Vibes
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frawed · 2 months
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frawed · 2 months
A woman called "comer sabroso"
When asked who she liked said "You know, so...
Please don't ask again
And we can stay friends
After all, I'm not called 'amoroso'".
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frawed · 2 months
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Ancient Korean beads from Chōsen koseki zufu v.3. Full text here.
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frawed · 2 months
When I'm lying in bed at night with my own fragility thinking about what I might do differently, I never think to myself, "I wish I had proven myself right more often" or "I wish I had given them a harder time" or "I should have been less patient with so and so". No. I wish the opposite. It's so hard to hold onto that in the moment when you feel like you're being wronged, mistreated, unseen or unappreciated but when you let the intensity of those feelings sit and, instead of acting on them, simply view them amd sit with them without judgement, it helps you to grow and become the person you want to be in your wiser, quieter, more vulnerable moments. Some see vulnerability as weakness. My whole life has taught me it is the opposite. You can be vulnerable and incredibly strong.
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frawed · 3 months
I like to think like non-human animals. They think better, more gently, more simply than we do.
~ Jen Levesque
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frawed · 3 months
Even loyalty is a dubious virtue. Except when it's to me.
~Carolyn in Killing Eve S4E8
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frawed · 4 months
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frawed · 5 months
Yesterday in Beautiful British Columbia, I wrote a limerick about an ad that plays a lot on Canadian TV channels, an unsolved mystery about tons of feet (just the feet) washing ashore on the Salish Sea shores between the US & British Columbia + a dog we met when we went to go kayaking named Pete:
A wolf in the wild and Pete
Both share a love of meat
But when in Salish Seas
Please hear my pleas
And take extra good care of your feet.
And today, I finished a limerick I started yesterday about the friends I'm traveling with 😅🤣😂:
Here comes Cassandra on a horse
With Leslie & Tina, the Norse
Said she, "Heather's coming!
There'll be some brief numbing...
Then it's time to get to the airport". 👍🏼
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frawed · 6 months
No, he thought, when everything you do, you do too long, and do too late, you can't expect to find the people still there. The people are all gone.
#ErnestHemingway #TheSnowsofKilimanjaro
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frawed · 1 year
Ok, this idea has been kicking around in my head for a while. First introduced to me in a philosophy class (that I remember) but so many movies and TV series touch on it. That's the idea that you and I are part of some program or simulation, rather than actual human beings as we understand it. Toys with the idea that we wouldn't know if we were!
The first time I heard this idea, I pretty much unilaterally rejected it as unsound, impossible, untrue and even morally bereft. But I had to look at my own bias and also lack of knowledge. Just because you've always been taught something one way doesn't inherently make it accurate.
As this article points out, it pretty much is the "ultimate conspiracy theory" and I'm not overly fond of conspiracy theories because I don't like to start from a point of doubt, work that into my biases and then proceed outwards. It's kinda like starting an investigation assuming that someone totally unrelated to the case is guilty. It shades the entire investigation. I don't like to work that way. But we do have to acknowledge that no matter how we try, our viewpoints ARE shaded by inherent biases. That's irregardless of what your bias is so... what if our bias is that we were a) created b) evolved to have some kind of human soul that has an afterlife rather than an alternate suggestion (we are just a simulation that have consciousness that was factored into the simulation or otherwise evolved inside the simulation)?
The Thirteenth Floor is still one of my favorite films that tackles this topic of us being a simulation without our knowledge. I don't pretend to be smart enough to understand all of this article BUT it brings up how consciousness would be a feature in support of the notion that we're a simulation as it would benefit the entity/ies that created the simulation - not so much us. This is an interesting idea and one my brain is wrestling with.
And of course, we can't forget The Matrix films...
Read & see for yourself your reactions and thoughts.
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frawed · 1 year
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Cinnamon Roll from Richter Bakhaus in Boerne, TX is a vibe! This is not my photo...it's from https://www.ci.boerne.tx.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1156
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frawed · 1 year
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frawed · 1 year
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Juxtaposition. Photo 1 is from the street where there has been an increased number of shootings lately. Flares like this one are also becoming more common for whatever reason.
Photos 2 & 3 from my back yard where I don't mind getting my hands dirty to have beautiful plants and a slice of sanity away from the chaos.
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frawed · 1 year
It's amazing how much life begins to work for us when we get out of our own damn way. Often, that's thinking there's nothing else or this way we've been taught to be is the only way. We have this dissonance because it's not working but we don't know why because we don't know anything else is there or even if we have an idea we can't really put words or coherent thoughts to it. Thoughts and words are powerful and that's so apparent in our own growth and in our interactions with the world. I'm here for us to all be kind and gentle with ourselves and others and become our best highest version of ourselves. Is there anything worse than living a lie and pretending you're happy?! I think not.
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frawed · 1 year
"I think I believe I'm doing well when I truly feel at ease. I've been processing a lot and feeling a lot of things. And it's starting not to matter so much. Any of it. She's at where she is at, she had to do what she had to do and she will do what she feels is right and that's ok. So yeah. You feel this way until you don't... I've said that for a long time. A lot of people think they can speed up the process or maybe distract themselves from the full healing process but I don't think you truly can. Maybe you just delay it but you'll have to deal with the loss at some point to heal and move forward in any meaningful way. So I'm finally starting to feel the actual healing and wholeness of self (even if bruised & battered) not just say things like 'I know she did what she could'."
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