frcnkievigo · 6 years
hullo i’ll be back for the revamp and i’m already writing my chara’s intro grins... but in the meantime if u wanna chat lockwood stuff or maybe possibly even plot something my muse blog is @gcbbluths
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
Flying orange sailing through the air and nearly hitting Jason in the head as Franke shook out a tree close to their hotel, the girl looked over in shock at where it had fallen from a low hanging branch. “Shit, sorry! Just trying to get my vitamins in. Avoid getting scurvy and all that,” she joked lamely, chuckle leaving her lips as she bet over to pick up the fruit. “Homemade gin?” She offered him, pulling a bottle out of her shoulder bag and offering it. “This woman on the street who looked like a sea witch offered it to me. Might give us mermaid tails, a reserve Little Mermaid situation.” @eckrot
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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( + 1 notification from Instagram ) @frank_vigo waiting for collin firth to declare he’ll walk me down the aisle while pierce brosnan’s less than dulcet tones shriek SOS into my ear
@cleovigo: answer your texts i’m bored
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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Dark hair swinging in the wind, Frankie had a bottle of wine in one hand as her and Teddy walked down the dock, aimlessly day-drinking and wandering along the pathways of the Greek island. As they came to the end, there was a small rowboat tethered to the pier, it’s body bobbing up and down with the waves. “It’s fate. We have to row it to sea and discuss the universe. Or whatever people do in a rowboat,” Frankie told her friend, throwing an arm around his shoulder. “Come on, I’ve always wanted to commit grand theft boat. Maybe we can mow down some sailors on the way.” @teddylawrence
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
Picnic blanket laid out on the rocky beach Frankie had positioned herself on that day, she finally spotted a familiar head of blonde hair walking by and waved over to Seth. “Want a strawberry?” she asked him, sitting back on her elbows and offering up the fruit she had in a small basket beside her. “Got them from this market down the road. And they were selling this sketchy-looking homemade wine. Bought some of that too. It’s actually not bad, kind of tastes like alcoholic juice.” @setheldridges
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
hullo all sry i posted a starter call and then disappeared into the Night... i’m gonna draft all these starters and then just post them tomorrow for the event winks!
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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might not get to them tonight depending on if i can rally my energy but. like this for a fresh starter from frankie!
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
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“Franklin. Frankster,” a greeting in monotone, Jason lies upside down along the length of her bed, curls hanging and joint tapped off. Powerful auras. Murmured breaths, his smile warming into a choking laugh, one which he has to slam a hand against his sternum to ease the pain of. “Fuck me, dude, this shit’s hella nice, like. C’mere. Get in on the partay, m’lady. I tip my cap, extend my hand, and humbly ask… Will you smoke with ya boy, gentle queen?” @frcnkievigo
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“He’s flatlining! Charge the paddles, stat!” Frankie declared a little too energetically as Jason choked, patting his chest as if to beat the cough out of him. She laughed, ruffling his curls and flopping down parallel to him on her bed, dimples of her cheeks protruding as she snatched the joint out of his hand. “Yeah. Let’s Cheech it up. It’s going to take me a while to catch up to you,” she said, taking a long hit, letting it drift out of her mouth slowly. “Hm... If we were both in a 127 Hours situation, which one of us do you think would hack off our hand first? Just been thinking about it.”
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
Cheeks glittering with remnants of the tears she’d attempted to blink back along with the streaks of early an 2000s Ke$ha tribute she’d finger-painted in place prior to arrival, Lana looked like the kind of tragic, fallen angel you’d read about in a mythology textbook, crumpled up and downtrodden in the corner of a marble floored room as she frowned over her loss of wings. It was with a laugh far more shy than her usual, head-flung-back and lungs-blown-breathless cackle that she watched Frankie inadvertently flash the nation, dimples roused to life in spite of her dim stare as she kept her best friend tucked close. It felt a little like plugging into a power socket and charging, spending any time with Frankie, knowledge of which was enough to bump her demeanour up from a tragic four to a believable seven. “You think? I went on a ghost hunting tour and ended up fucking the guide. I think a demon, like, galloped into my vagina midway through or something, though. I’ve had a Satanic glow ever since. It’s made me way more photogenic, though, so I can’t even really complain if I hear a woman shrieking in the dead of night or something, occasionally.” Realising she’d been rambling nonsensically without much room for a single breath, Lana tucked a lock of brown hair behind Frankie’s ear and flashed a smile. “We’re like Princess Peach and Princess Daisy. Two Luigi Brother universe quoins. Encountered any Bowsers, lately?” she asked as nonchalantly as possible, probing into the territory of what she really wanted to ask by dressing it up as something sweeter. How’s Mr. Married guy? Ditched him, yet? “I’ll slap them in the teeth. Ha-ya! Jackie Chan moves. Free dental.”
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It seemed like the rest of the party was muffled for a second as Lana pulled her close again, the best friends soaking in each other in an affectionate way that other people might have found strange. It was like they couldn’t exist without each other. Or rather, they could, but breathing came easier when Frankie and Lana were close. “Sexy. Always wanted to fuck a ghost. Wanted to like, float on my back like the girl from Paranormal Activity,” Frankie rambled, trying to find the right pop culture reference but struggling through her drunken brain. It was like wading through molasses to try to keep up the happy tone of their conversation. “Don’t touch-” Me, her statement of protest hung, uncompleted in the air between them, Frankie almost physically recoiling at the tender gesture. “Um, sorry. didn’t mean to get all monitor in an art museum on you. The simple gesture of Lana tucking her hair behind her ear set her nerve endings on fire, recalling moments from California with George that had made her feel alive again, a wind-up toy brought to animation by his affection. Only to have it ripped away when he dropped the news of his marriage. She hardly heard Lana’s next statement referencing Bowser, her smile plastered on like a Barbie doll’s as she pretended to listen, methodically nodding her head so that she would appear to everyone else like she was still present in the room. “Yeah,” Frankie croaked out. her voice unexpectedly breaking, the syllable coming out roughly and unplanned. It shouldn’t have hurt her this much, she thought briefly, before her brown eyes snapped back to Lana and she attempted to brighten her smile. “Whoa! Just had a Raven Simone moment. Totally just saw the both of us on a yacht with Scott Disick. An ominous premonition. Let’s get another drink, yeah?”
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
Despite the fact that the situation, at least in Beau’s mind, was considerably dire, the moment Frankie smiled at him like he was the reason the sun hung in the sky every day he had completely forgotten about his panic about before. In fact, if he’d had been told that they were surrounded by an abundance of people, he wouldn’t have believed it, Frankie being the only thing he could properly focus on. Their kiss was short lived, since Beau had begun to chuckle at the wolf whistles and confused scoff coming from the angry boy in front of him, but he merely pulled Frankie in for another quick peck the second she pulled back. “Hi,” he whispered as soon as Frankie pulled back, blinking in mild but fond surprise. Beau didn’t even have the decency to look bashful when he glanced back at their company, fingers interlocking with Frankie’s own as she pulled him away before he could even sort out the argument he’d roped himself into, “Wow. My hero. What’d I do to deserve such a lovely guardian angel?” The moment they were surrounded by a group of other people, ones that actually seemed to be in a giddy mood as a game of beer pong cheerfully continued on their right and a couple lovingly kissed on their left, Beau shook his head at Frankie’s apology, leaning in for another kiss of their own to cut her off, “Missed you too. Where’ve you been, huh? Does a lot of damage to a guys ego when you get him all attached and then disappear for so long, y’know.”
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She kissed him back hungrily, almost, lips shamelessly locking against his as a couple of nearby girls stared at them. “Think you must have saved a cat in a past life, or something. And I’m definitely not an angel. More like the demonic entity that seduces you to eat the pomegranate seeds,” she attempted to joke, but her eyes were too busy pouring over his features, her hands delicately raking long curls back behind his ear as she beamed, the kiss an affectionate gesture she hadn’t been able to hold back. But suddenly she became self-conscious about it, gently pulling away slightly and letting her fingers drag along the fabric of his t-shirt, before lamely dropping her hand. “Oh, you know... Just been bopping about. Went to California to visit some people,” she told him vaguely, concealing her real destination, the thought of what she had actually been doing causing white hot shame to rise in her cheeks in the form of a blush. “Um, missed you though. Fuck, that’s like, super corny to say,” she lamented, clutching her own forehead with an embarrassed laugh, her obvious crush on Beau making her chuckle self-deprecating. “Like... Guess I just forget how happy I am to be around you. You just have a good aura. Um, guessing it’s yellow or something.”
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
my summer look is tits out and tears in my eyes
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
Zion couldn’t help but clench his jaw even more as he felt the tequila hit him. The males resting bitch face didn’t twitch as he glared at her. “Don’t do that shit before I break that dollar store water gun.”
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“Whoa, caveman smash!” Frankie declared with a chuckle, lips still smirking. “Jesus, lighten up Hulk man. I can feel that meaty vein in your forehead about to burst. Not a good look. Definitely won’t win you this year’s Sexiest Man Alive.”
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
“Excuse me!” Beau squeaked as he attempted to push through the busy crowd of the Lockwood party. He was currently riding out an intense acid trip, hence why he momentarily thought he was merely picturing a rather coked out frat boy yelling at someone he recognized. “You took my fucking blow, I know it! You know how much that cost me?!” Beau could hear them from the other side of the party, already redirecting his frantic pushing to come to the rescue of the familiar face, cutting in with a quick, “Woah, woah!” Stepping between the two as soon as the frat boy raised his fist threateningly, Beau gave them a reassuring smile, hands held in front of him in surrender to show he meant no harm, “I’m sure this was all a mix up - no need for any unnecessary fighting! Right?” he asked, looking at the person he was currently stood in front of like a human meat shield with an insistent smile, hoping they would just follow his lead and remain calm.
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Frankie hadn’t seen Beau for weeks, which was a common occurrence for her. Thankfully, the only school she had ditched was the summer semester, and any credits she dropped from her three-week absence would only get her disappointed looks from professors who wished she had been there to star in the summer play. Seeing him that night caused the girl to burst into a smile that threatened to tear apart her face Joker-style. She headed over to him, choosing to greet him with a kiss on the boy’s lips full-on, pulling him close for a heated moment despite the argument happening around them. “Oh, shit,” she murmured with a giggle, pulling away as their audience was split between snickers and glares from Beau’s company. “Well, I’m sorry gentlemen,” Frankie started in an exaggerated Southern accent. “But you’ll just have to excuse my sweetheart. He don’t know a hat from a hog’s tail!” She exclaimed, slapping her thigh and quickly pulling him away, leading him off towards the kitchen before they could follow. Once they had gotten alone, the mass of bodies shielding Beau from the angry man from before, she turned, brown eyes crinkling up with her smile. “I missed you. Shit, sorry for the display out there. I’m kind of drunk and was feeling affectionate.”
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
I just have this happy personality and a sad soul in one body. It feels weird sometimes.
(via leohearts)
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