fabhq · 6 years
ooc - i’ve missed y’all very much and to make up for my ugly absence i feel like doing something for the lockwood community so, im gonna be making manips for yall. pls reply to this with the pairing you want and ill deliver. consider this a gift from me to you bc thats how much i love this group and your charries. (also, don’t forget the fc name, k thanks)
[examples of manips ive made: x - x]
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tarachapmcn-blog · 6 years
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kotoriiin-blog · 6 years
ooc here. (chikaniii → kotoriiin)
I’m not trying to make up any excuses as to why I was inactive as fuck right after I created this character.
I thought I hit the jackpot when I found her FC, but it wasn’t like that, at all.
After few interactions, I realised this wasn’t what I was looking for.
And this is how I logged off. 
Now, I am back (thanks to one of my friends here who was kind enough to find my muse again)
It will still be a girl, but it will no longer be associated with Chikako. 
Her name, lifestyle, residence, everything is going to be different. HOWEVER. I don’t want to lose the 2-3 people I used to rp with lol so...
If your muse, maybe, lives in Nagoya or near (or is in need of friends, pen pals, what have you) don’t hesitate to hit me up. 
I don’t have much to say about the new character, I will make it up as I go.
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setheldridges-blog · 6 years
ok, so i sent a hiatus request to the main for the 13th through the 21st bc my dad booked a family vacation. most of my focus is gonna be spent spending time with them, but i may pop in every once and a while with a text thread. as for seth, i’m gonna say there was a sudden death of one of his aunts on his father’s side and he needed to go home to be with his family while they made funeral arrangements and grieved. anyway, here’s hoping the salt water rejuvenates me and drowns out the weird physical and mental state i’ve been in lately. cleanse my ass, poseidon!
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scarlet-ashbo · 6 years
hello gorgeous humans! I just finished up a week of teaching and am ready to rp with your beautiful faces again. if you’d like a starter from scar, declan, anya, or calliope, leave a life and leave a comment if you have a preference of muse or have a preference of what muse of yours I write for. ALSO feel free to message for plots!
Love you :*
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lanamemories · 6 years
me, readin every blake n levi reply like it’s a constantly updating fanfic:
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guys having a real emotional moment because its pride month and i’m fully able to celebrate now after four years of coming out to people and looking back on this moment is so heart warming.. shameless self love rn
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gcnnerpaxton · 6 years
ok so im temporarily putting sterling on a hiatus bc i need to work on my muse fr him bt for now this is a plotting call fr beau!! some wanted plots r below:
art buddies
ppl who’re his ‘muses’, tht he draws n takes photos of etc. bt secretly he jst has a giant crush on them n wants to be w them 24/7
bad influences, ppl who r constantly getting him 2 do psychedelics w them n what not even tho he wants to quit
friends from home!! he’s from san francisco :-)
exes w feelings still /:
someone he bothers a lot bc he has such a big crush on them he’s like a puppy whenever he’s around
maybe someone who likes him?? n he has no clue sdhgiodsgh
maybe some who intimidates him?? he’s not easy to intimidate so it’d be a fun dynamic
ok yea those r all i have rn like this if ur interested n i’ll slide into ur dm’s winks
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nbdmharrinston · 6 years
Ok bunnies so I’m changing Maddie’s fc over to Gigi Hadid cause she haves way more gifs. It bummed me cause Scar is her original fc and the one that fits her best but oh well Gigi is gorgeous and I hope you guys can give her some love anyways. Already got the main’s approval to do so and will be editing the blog tonight.
Like this post if you want a personalised starter with this cutie.
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teddylawrence · 6 years
this is uglie as Heck cuz i’m mobile bt like this if u want a starter from teddy, im gna be able to get on for a quite a bit tn winks
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nahwyatt · 6 years
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afternoon gang!! hope ur all doing well!! corrie back again with a new character, wyatt the fuckboy. he’s very messy,, so please don’t expect much from him pls,, he ain’t out here to make a good impression. he’s loosely based on william from skam but ONLY LOOSELY as william was a waste of a character & could’ve been written so much better (buuuuut ya know that’s a whole other thing). undercut is all the info u need on wyatt!!
soooo this is wyatt....he was born to a norewigan father and an american mother. the two met when wyatt’s mother was traveling.
wyatt spent the early years of his life in norway which means english really is his second language. he moved back to america with his mother in his teenage years when the relationship between his parents broke down.
his father is a massive asshole,, he’s charming, confident etc but he’s not that nice. he didn’t treat wyatt and his mum well at all. and as you’ll see wyatt has got some of his traits.
him and his mother moved back to america to live with her parents for a bit in his early teens. then they were able to move into a tiny apartment in new york because his mum worked her ass off.
his mum was originally from new york and once they were back in the city,, it got even worse for the boy. 
his mum would bring dumb boyfriends around,, who were just as bad and sometimes worse than his own father. wyatt had to get used to standing up for himself.
although his mum works her butt off,, he still couldn’t afford to go to college outside of new york so he chose lockwood.
he is secretly journalism nerd and loves to write things. he rlly wants to be a journalist or some kind of writer.
but to the outside world he’s a charming fuckboy...just like his dad was. he’s too scared to open up to people. he messes with people because that’s all he knows. 
he’s very pansexual....but he hasn’t slept with many men and finds girls easier to sleep with & fuck around with. he’s a bit shyer around boys.
annnnd that’s all i have on him for now. if u would like to plot with him or ruby then please like this post & i’ll message you or just message me!! cheers!!
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fabhq · 6 years
ooc - my muse for longer threads ? lost. missing. gone forever... I’m gonna reply to text mssg threads ? hmu if you want one !
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opheknox-blog · 6 years
elo so ive been debating changing ophe’s fc for a bit now to another blonde fc but i have asked a few ppl n the answer has been an absolute resounding NO but im wondering....if any one else has an opinion? idrc either way but according to nai ‘ophelia IS ALANA’ so perhaps i shld keep her........let me know......
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frcnkievigo · 6 years
i think..... im gonna drop saskia and bring in frankie again bc i’m a little bitch... i’m sorry to my mother i’m sorry to obama...
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setheldridges-blog · 6 years
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( austin butler | 21 | cismale ) i swear i saw seth eldridge around campus yesterday. i hear he is very empathetic, altruistic & insecure, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of tired crystalline blue eyes paired with a warm smile & long, slender fingers deftly strumming the chords of a love song on an acoustic guitar. they’re in their junior year and studying psychology.
ahhhh, hi! i’m kayla and i haven’t been in a big rp for a minute, so i’m equal parts nervous and excited.  let’s just pull a sarah baska and dive right in tbh. feel free to im me or drop a like and i’ll come to you <3
tw: miscarriage when seth was a little sprout, his parents were deemed unfit to raise him, so the eldridge family adopted him. debbie eldridge had recently suffered a miscarriage, so the baby boy looked like a symbol of hope to her. plus, they’re christian, so it was kind of ironic that he was named seth bc that’s the name of the baby adam and eve had after cain killed abel, idk.
so, he grew up in this small, conservative texan town with his mother debbie, his father frank, and his older sister abby. his mother taught elementary school and was the picture of encouragement, positivity, and vivacity. you got a shitty drawing? it’s going to be drowned in compliments and put on the fridge. his father was almost like debbie’s polar opposite. he was quiet, kinda broody, had obnoxious muttonchops, occasionally verbally abusive. they seem like an odd couple from the outside. as for the siblings, abby and seth’s relationship growing up was a bit strained due to a sizable age gap, but he loves her and his niece very much.
tw: murder; alcoholism: he did some digging about his birth parents behind his parents’ backs and realized why they weren’t too keen to tell him about them. his birth father was in prison for going on a random killing spree and his birth mother succumbed to alcoholism a few years after he was adopted. he felt physically sick when he found out.
growing up, seth was chubby and naturally sensitive, so he faced some bullying, which still affects his self-esteem today. he’s also struggled with depression for as long as he can remember, which obviously doesn’t help.
he lost the weight by joining the swim team his senior year of high school and still swims competitively at lockwood. he’s also pretty into music and can play guitar and ukulele. he can sing a little, but he'd describe his voice as far from amazing.
his main passion is psychology, and his dream job is to become a therapist and make a difference. partially due to his own struggles with mental illness, his fascination with the subject, and a latent desire to repay society for his birth father’s doings. it’s just pretty close to his heart tbh. he also has a tendency to psychoanalyze the shit out of everyone in his head.
personality wise, seth is a beam of light who’s frequently going out of his way to help other people. he’ll give a stranger the clothes off of his back or eat crackers until he gets a paycheck if it means buying a friend a much needed hot meal. he’s selfless to his own detriment.
he’s also a fucking chatterbox, so like, never feel the need to match length with my replies bc once he gets going, they can get a little lengthy lol.
pansexual af
ummm, i can’t really think of anything else rn, so i may have missed something, but feel free to ask questions or even just im me about your pets or something. :)
potential connections:
best friends, friends, fwbs, study buddies, bad influences, good influences, a roommate, exes on good terms, exes on bad terms, someone who just doesn’t like him? (maybe they think he’s fake or a try hard or something idk), someone to play music with, maybe someone who’s also on the swim team that he’s a little competitive with, someone he met in a psych ward (would be one of the only people clued into his mental state bc homeboy doesn’t open up much), etc.
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scarlet-ashbo · 6 years
hey my beautiful babies!
I already told cab this but I thought I should inform ya’ll in case you were wondering.  
I wanted to let you know if I’m not on a lot tomorrow/the next day or so, just know it’s not because I’m ignoring you or any of our threads. it’s the 2nd anniversary of my aunt’s sudden passing so my anxiety is going to be at a high. and I have two modes when it comes to writing while anxious: that’s all I do or I don’t do it at all.
so i may be on these next couple days, i may not. or I just might not be myself. I just thought ya’ll should know so you know I’m not ghosting any of you/mad at any of you.
love you guys so much and I am honored to be a part of this beautiful group ♥
~ ya girl Lo
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