fredcilier · 3 years
text 💬 fredco
Freddie: I just saw a hobo ride by on a unicycle. Good day?
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fredcilier · 3 years
text 💬 friego
Freddie: I have a terrible feeling that I made out with a fraternity last night.
Freddie: It's always good to perform places, but man, feels like I paid them instead of the other way around.
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fredcilier · 3 years
text 💬 creddie
Freddie: I don’t understand…
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fredcilier · 3 years
text 💬 frinny
Freddie: It’s like the only way I know how to apologize is by giving a blow job.
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fredcilier · 3 years
the newest songs you've been working on
Anything I work on’s fire, that ain’t unique to the new stuff.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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fredcilier · 3 years
your music career
Y’all know I’m killing it, and it’s only gonna get better from here. 
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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fredcilier · 3 years
how do you feel about the other musicians around auradon?
@cassidystabbington is a hell of a song writer, and I’m not sure what’s got her off of her mopey shit, but I sure do like her better this way. 
@thediegodevil is chill and underrated as hell.
@eddie-delacruz‘s got style. I got style too, can’t help but respect that.
My girl @mayariverax is the total package. If I had to pick one of ‘em to go on tour with someday, she’d for sure be the most fun. 
Ain’t any others that matter that much, least not to me. 
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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fredcilier · 3 years
That boy is sweeter than sugar and cute as can be. If a person could control what was going on insidea their hearts, I’d wanna point mine right at him, but you know... don’t always get a say in that kinda thing. 
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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fredcilier · 4 years
winter wonderland → fredco
TAGGING → Freddie Facilier & Marco A. Dale (@marcoalandale)
TIMELINE → Christmas Break 2020
SETTING →  Sherwood Forest
SUMMARY → While home with Marco for the holidays, Freddie gets to see what a snowy paradise Sherwood Forest can sometimes be.
"Keep your eyes closed just a liiiiitle longer," Marco nearly sang, holding Freddie's hand as he guided her as gently as he could towards their destination. "We're almost there, I promise!" He wasn't usually the kind of guy who got nervous about anything, but being so close to Freddie was enough to make him a little jumpy. It was mostly in a good way though, with only a little bit of fear that he'd accidentally guide her into a tree or something worse and she'd regret coming home with him to Nottingham for the holidays. As he spotted the frozen river that cut through the Sherwood Forest in front of him with fluffy snow on the banks, though, those worries entirely floated away from his head like balloons that weren't tied to anything. There was no way the sight of all this wouldn't make her feel happy to be there. "Okay, okay, and nooooooooooow --" he held out the word as he stopped in his tracks, holding her hand still as they faced the prettiest part of the winter wonderland in the woods "-- open them!" Instead of looking out at the icy scene with her, Marco opted to look at her face instead, wanting to take in the look when she saw how gorgeous the area around them was. "Ta-da! As your Sherwood tour guide, it's my job to show you all the best parts of being here, and the frozen river? Is something I've always loved. It looks amazing AND the snow by here is the cleanest and best for snow angels or building snowmen. Or having snowball fights," he prattled on before nudging her with his elbow.
When Freddie had lied and said she'd been invited elsewhere this Christmas as a way of avoiding spending another year pining in the Bayou, she hadn't expected Marco to actually turn her lie into a truth by volunteering his home to her for the holidays. She wasn't complaining, though. His family was just as welcoming as the Dubois' had always been, and having a cute boy falling over himself to make sure she had a good time wasn't so bad, either. Still, she'd been staying a little aloof, not the type to trust people easily in the first place and definitely not wanting to go and open her heart to someone else just 'cause he was willing to take her in and make her feel special. Today was an exception, though. Closing her eyes, letting Marco lead her god knows where... it was the least she could do, and when he finally told her it was time to open her eyes, Freddie wasn't disappointed. "Damn," she breathed, glancing around at the frozen river and the fluffy white snowbanks surrounding it. "You sure this place is real and you didn't sell your soul to some witch to magic it into existence?" she asked him, arching an eyebrow. She vaguely processed that he'd said something about snowballs, and snow angels, and snowmen, but those things could wait. For now, Freddie just drank in the sight of it, eyes wide and lips slightly parted in awe.
Marco's smile grew even wider as he watched Freddie take in the view. He loved what he saw; there was something extra special about showing someone he cared so much about a place he cared so much about too. It was incredible in the first place that she was here at all, because truth be told, Marco had always had a soft spot for Freddie. She was so impressive, but more than that, she saw potential in other people too. She was cool and kind and smart and nice and when her smile met her eyes it felt like warm butter sliding down the toast of his heart. And right now, her eyes were full of wonder and it made him want to hug her and hold her and spin her around in the winter wonderland, but he hugged his arms around himself to hold back. "I'm pretty sure!" Marco laughed. "But heck, even if I did, this place is worth it, isn't it? It's like heaven on earth! I try to come down here every winter, sometimes just to sit here and look at it all. And the river is really fun to skate on too, if you dare!" He was talking about all the wonderful things there but all he could look at was Freddie.
After several years in Auradon, it always caught Freddie off guard, the way things could still surprise her. As she continued to gaze at the snowy wonderland before them, she couldn't help but think that she'd never seen anything like this before, and she appreciated that Marco had probably known that when he'd chosen to show it to her. "You right, can't imagine my friends on the other side making anything this pretty or peaceful. Think if you sold your soul for it, there'd be a few more strings attached," Freddie agreed, turning her attention from the snow to the guy beside her instead. He was a surprise to her, too. So sweet, and always seeming to want what was best for her. There was no hurdle she tossed at him that he didn't seem willing to jump, and she kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to decide she wasn't worth all of that after all. It wasn't fair to him, really, the way she teased him and tested him, but after years of being hung up on Liam... She guessed she didn't even know what else to do with a genuinely nice guy, one who seemed like he might be the real deal. Freddie kept him at more of an arm's length than she should, and instead of letting that bother him, he still did things like this for her. "Skating, huh? Think I might like to try that, long as you don't mind me being too good at it," she joked, having to look away from his blinding smile before it made her feel too much. Instead, she stooped down and scooped up a ball of snow, deciding there was so much to do, but that patting it together and gently lobbing it at his chest was a good place to start. "Losing a skating race might hurt less than me whooping you at a snowball fight though," she laughed wickedly, already scooping up a second ball to hit him with.
Marco had never really thought about the friends on the other side that the Faciliers talked about -- how could he, when the friends he had on this side were so amazing? He wasn't sure he wanted to know about that other stuff anyway, it sounded almost scary. Still, he laughed at her comment and when she finally turned to look at him, he swore his heart jumped a whole beat. She was so pretty. So pretty and so funny and so here. Just seeing her in Sherwood was enough to make him feel melty all the time. "I love that you're good at things," Marco blurted when Freddie mentioned skating, and it was true. Thankfully, she hit him in the chest with a snowball before a full list of things he loved about Freddie spilled out of his mouth like a waterfall. He burst out laughing at the contact, his eyes widening in surprise. "Bring it on!" he giggled, scooping down to get his own snowball made. He padded as big a snowball as he could, and he ducked so that he could have a better chance of hitting her with it before getting hit again. He yelled out "For Sherwood!" as he tossed it at her, getting started on forming some more balls to lob at her. Snowball fights were one of the best parts of winter, and sharing it with Freddie was something he knew he'd never forget.
Sometimes, Freddie laughed off the way Marco talked to her like he was just joking, just being over the top as some kind of game. Other times, though, he looked at her like this, like she was something completely magnificent and like he really did think the world of her, and it stopped her completely in her tracks. How could someone so genuinely good and nice really be so into her ? It didn't compute, but damn, it didn't have to make sense to start doing things to her heart. "Nah, not just good, great," she retorted, her usual brash confidence hiding the fact that being around him when he was like this really did catch her off guard. "Wow, you taking me down for your whole home?" Freddie laughed, ducking out of the way of his onslaught. "I'mma beat you just for me," she shot back, eyeing his giant snowball with trepidation. If that shit hit her she'd end up cold, and she'd never been great at the cold thing... but it would be worth it, if she could catch him unaware. Leaving all but one of the small pile of snowballs she'd started accumulating lying on the ground, Freddie decided to take him by surprise, racing forward and trying to tackle him so that she could make damn sure to give him a face full of snow.
Marco had no doubt that Freddie would be great at snowball fights, because duh, she was good at everything, but he wasn't a slouch at this either. It was fun to laugh and tease each other but he wanted to put up a good fight; maybe then she would realize he was like one of those manly men she liked so much, and even if she didn't, a snowball fight was too much fun to half-ass. Still, even as he told himself to go hard on her, he packed the snowballs more loosely than if he was going against Cassie or Rachel or Robbie or Mary Kate or anyone else he'd grown up with. Freddie was just different. She always had been, and he'd known it since he met her and hadn't been able to look away. He'd expected her to start throwing her small pile of snowballs from a distance so when she raced at it, he was genuinely startled and an "ooph!" escaped him as he fell back, tripping on the snow and falling on his back. He giggled, despite being covered in snow and Freddie. "Truce, true," Marco laughed, looking up at her. "Are you okay?"
Freddie hadn't expected to actually manage to topple Marco over with her attack, but she grinned wickedly in her triumph, relishing in it for a moment until he started talking again, calling for a truce. "Wow, you gonna give up that easy?" she teased, trying to ignore the way that even though layers of snow-friendly clothes, she liked the way his body felt pressed up against hers like this. Was that all it was, though? Just his body? She didn't know, and it didn't seem fair to follow some kinda urge knowing that her stupid, traitorous heart was still hung up somewhere it didn't belong. "I'm more than good, I just won my first snowball fight'a the trip," Freddie taunted him, still not in any particular hurry to move. "You for real about that truce thing, or am I gonna get up just to get tossed right back down into the snow?" As she said it, a lightbulb went off in Freddie's head, and she said, "Actually..." as she rolled reluctantly off of Marco, flopping into the snow beside him and starting to wave her arms and legs around to make an angel.
Marco's face was lit up, both with adrenaline and with a blush that came from being so close to Freddie. He hadn't been expecting it, and it was so nice feeling someone on him and seeing her face just inches from his. He probably could've laid there like that for hours, until his body heat melted the snow beneath him and his jacket got all wet and useless and he got so chilly that he had a cold, and it would've all been worth it just to be so close to her and her smile. "I hadn't even thought about faking the truce," Marco admitted with a grin, "but thanks for the idea. I think we're good though, for now." He added that last part with a chuckle and then, sadly, she was off of him. A lump in his throat formed as the closeness was cut off but it was okay, because she was making snow angels and it looked too fun not to join in with; his arms and legs started going too, but his head stayed looking at her. "Your form is great! You never told me you were an expert snow angel maker," he smiled.
"'Course you didn't," Freddie laughed, shaking her head. Was there an ounce of badness in this boy's body? Or was everything about him just sweet and kind all the time? She'd never met anybody like him; even the supposed 'nice folks' of Auradon had their dark sides, their judgmental tendencies or their insecurities that made them lash out. And everybody on the Isle knew how to be mean, whether they were all the time or not. Marco was a breed of his own, though, and it made her wish that she could feel that tug towards him, that inescapable pull of her heart that had been drawing her to Liam for years now. She wanted it so bad, but she just wasn't there yet, and Freddie had to wonder if she ever would be. In the meantime, though, he was a hell of a friend, and he'd be fun to corrupt a little. Not now, though. Not in this snowy wonderland where everything felt so beautiful and peaceful. "And boy, you're not the only angel around here. I was born for this," Freddie laughed, spreading her wings gracefully again. She snuck a peek over at Marco, though, his smile infectious as he made a snow angel of his own. This might not be the guaranteed 'get over someone else quick' trip she'd hoped it would be, but it was making her feel safe, and appreciated, and welcomed, at a time of year when nobody should be alone. She could have stayed like this all break, but she knew there was more to do and more to see, so she flashed him another wicked grin and asked, "So you gonna keep letting me be better at alla this snow stuff than you, or is there something we're gonna do today that you're better at than me?" she quipped, knowing that whatever lay ahead was sure to be just as good.
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fredcilier · 4 years
Tryna figure out a setting for my new music video -- y’all think a hall of mirrors is too much, or just right?
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fredcilier · 4 years
Gigi: I'll deny it if you repeat it but yeah, I've had to get over a dude before. And my life has been way easier since I decided never to be in that position again.
Gigi: No, and it's not because of his face or hair or body, its his attitude. Jay was tough and mysterious and seemed like the kind of guy who'd pull my hair and slap me around a little and now he just seems like every other vanilla fuckboi, it's truly a loss. Hey, we all have had a dude that we'd feel things for if we could, that's not a bad thing. It just means you could still do better.
Freddie: Wish I could just decide like that, but I tried deciding and the resta me's just like 'no.' You gonna tell me who it is or hold out on me?
Freddie: Guess you ain't wrong there. Don't know if it's so much that he changed or just that he was more like AKs than he likes to think he is, and so here he's a dime a dozen instead of something special. But then, you didn't know him before, so guess that doesn't make sense for you. Or means that I don't want nice guys when I got 'em; not sure what that says about me.
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fredcilier · 4 years
Basket Number 21
A homemade honey butter glazed bread basket containing: ceramic bowls filled crawfish and crab étouffée, baked macaroni and cheese, ribeye steak seasoned to perfection, two (2) freshly made house salads. Desserts included in the basket are six (6) peach cobbler stuffed beignets, six (6) nutella stuffed beignets, and a fruit parfait as well as a bottle of spätlese riesling.
Basket Number 21, made by @eveningstardubois​, was bought by @fredcilier​ !!
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fredcilier · 4 years
Gigi: Its always worked for every girl I've ever met, and it doesn't have to be exact -- as long as you get close enough to those three types, you'll be better by the end.
Gigi: Hmm, I don't think Jay is cute, or at least, not compared to how cute he was when he first came over, but he's for sure kind of dumb so do YOU think he's cute? That's what counts. I wouldn't throw Marco a bone, he's a little too... golden retrieverish? Not the fun kind of doggy style.
Freddie: I ain't like other girls, I'm better, just like you are. It worked for you ever? Or you just saying alla this second hand?
Freddie: You don't think he's cute no more? All I really care about's the abs, but his face still the same, unless you're not into the hair being longer. And I don't wanna rule him out, I deserve a guy that's gonna treat me like a queen. I just... don't know how to make my heart want him to be My guy, my ass would if I could.
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fredcilier · 4 years
text 📲 friam
Liam: Just gotta get off the ground, then hiring people can happen. Although if you happen to know anyone that don't mind working for dirt cheap until we get up and runnin', let me know. I ain't ever gonna turn down help.
Liam: Not sayin' you don't got other sides to you, just that I ain't ever seen anything but confidence comin' from ya. Threw me for a loop there.
Freddie: Damn, tryna think of techie types mixed with music types is harder than I thought it'd be. Doug? Don't really know what he's doing but sure it ain't THAT interesting.
Freddie: Yeah, well. Guess you finally earned a chance to see more than just that. Unless you don't wanna; maybe you like confident Freddie better, only you know that for sure.
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fredcilier · 4 years
text 📲 fredaya
Maya: Oh, Sleepy? I mean, yeah that was totes not cool, and a little embarrassing when he admitted it to the world? But he's kind of cute so I'm giving him another chance. And omg I'd never trash talk Marco! He's too sweet, how could you possibly find anything wrong with him to trash talk?
Maya: It was definitely the someone else. It's been like a year girl. I KNOW you got some things to say.
Freddie: 'Kinda cute'? Girl, you are worth way better than 'kinda cute.' 'Sides, that's not even really true. Kinda looks like that Pillsbury Doughboy you see on the baked goods aisle to me.
Freddie: Anything bad I got to say would be about me for not being over it, not about him. You really gonna blame a guy for wanting to be with someone as nice as Lily? 'Cause I sure as hell can't.
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fredcilier · 4 years
Ally: Well you did spend your vacation in his hometown. Did nothing happen at all?
Freddie: He's a nice guy; letting me stay somewhere besides here or the Bayou doesn't mean he's going out of his way to woo me or nothing like that.
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fredcilier · 4 years
text 📲 fray
Jay: Nah, he's done with the Creed movies. At least from what I read he was, you never know though. Hollywood tends to promise one thing and then not deliver, which I kind of expect them to do with this anyway. But until I hear that it's been canceled, I'm hyped!
Freddie: Damn, now you got ME Googling Rocky shit; if my recommended posts on Insta turn weird because of this, you're gonna have to make me feel better about it. Until then though, looks like MBJ is starring AND directing in a third Creed... is there anything that sexy, sexy man can't do?
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