free3pirit · 9 months
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free3pirit · 10 months
Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.
I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻
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free3pirit · 1 year
If you live in the USA and you're pleading for donations to pay your rent, bills, or get food then dial 211! Please dial 211 before the last minute!
It's a toll free service with people who will help you find programs in your community to pay those bills, find food, and find housing! They will give you numbers to call so you can get help.
It is not 100% foolproof. Their job is to direct you to a program they believe will help your current issue, but it's still a step up from praying random strangers online will give you enough cash before a deadline! The added benefit of these community programs, which get funded by the local government most of the time, is if there are more people using them then they can get more money to help more people.
You're not taking resources from other people if you use your community services. Your taxes pay for them. Use them.
Dial 211 first to see if they can help, and if for some reason they can't, then make your donation posts!
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free3pirit · 1 year
Me trying to coax AO3 into loading with bribes
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free3pirit · 1 year
When AO3 is down so you have to go to plan B
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free3pirit · 1 year
Nah the best feeling in the world is finding a book full of words that you’ve never seen before, so you have to spend some time looking up the meaning of words. It’s honestly been forever since I’ve had to look up the meaning of words cause of a book
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free3pirit · 1 year
Pro tip y’all, step out of your comfort zone when writing. Most writers, including myself, tend to stick to things we know. Which actually limits ourselves because we are not learning how to write different things. So go take a leap, try and write something you haven’t before.
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free3pirit · 1 year
I’m working on drafting up a original character whose experience is very different from mine. I’m very thankful for my friend who is so incredibly patient and helpful with writing this character. I can’t wait to see how this affects my writing and evolves it
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free3pirit · 1 year
When writing a story plan out your characters first. But if you must plan a character when you have already planned the story, get a brand new page/doc and go to a a different area than where you planned the story. Disregard all of the plot that you planned out and focus only on the character that you are making. Plan out random things about your character, favorite color, favorite movie, likes, dislikes, an embarrassing moment. Next, plan out at least three weaknesses, I usually try and plan four, and incorporate at least one or two in The story. Now plan how they would react to a random situation, this will give you a general understanding of your character and how they would react. And most of all, when writing a story, try and propel the plot through the characters actions. Ask yourself, how would my character react to a sudden change or event and propel the moment using this reaction or response. And if your having trouble creating an accurate reaction, separate yourself from the scene/story and write out a couple different responses only taking in account that one scene. And when you return to the story, refresh your memory on the plot and choose the response, from the couple options that you wrote out, that best fits the scene and story.
Happy writing!
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free3pirit · 1 year
It’s still so hard for me to believe that I’ve been doing choir for close to 4 years. I honestly never thought that I’d end up doing this for so long, much less continuing with choir. But now as my fourth year in choir ends, and I continue forward with it. I find that it has truly impacted my life in ways I’d’ve never imagined had I quit in my second year. So here’s my advice for those who are choosing electives for high school or middle school. If you have the passion, and the patience to continue with such a path. Whether it’s band, orchestra, theater, choir, or some other fine arts elective, continue with it. Because you might find that you’ve grown as a person in ways that you might not have had you left.
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free3pirit · 1 year
I have been dragged into the Owl House fandom… I don’t regret a single thing
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free3pirit · 1 year
Are you frustrated you can't leave second kudos on AO3? or third kudos? or whatever-who's-counting kudos?
Well, have I got the html for you!
Plop any of these in a comment (by copy&pasting the code) to make an author's day and show your appreciation!
Second kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/tHMjbb6/second-kudos.png" alt="second kudos">
Third kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/52bggQH/third-kudos.png" alt="third kudos">
nth kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/6y7qGtC/nth-kudos.png" alt="nth kudos">
yet another kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/wKtcj0s/yet-another-kudos.png" alt="yet another kudos">
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It will look something like this (and will be transparent with white outline on dark backgrounds):
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Feel free to spread and use these as much as you like! (and if you have ideas for other variations, let me know ✌️)
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free3pirit · 1 year
Lmao, found out that my beta never read the plan for Welcome to the void. So apparently she knows about as much about what’s gonna happen as any of y’all. This is hilarious to me, cause I sent it to her and she just never read it
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free3pirit · 1 year
Anyone else be reading fics/books, and find that all the plots are blurring together, including the plot for your own fic?
So anyways the next chapter of Welcome to the Void by FreeSp1rit on AO3 will be posted as soon as my beta reader proofreads it
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free3pirit · 1 year
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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free3pirit · 1 year
That moment where you get hyper fixated on writing a fic. On a completely unrelated note, Welcome to the Void on AO3 by FreeSp1rit is being updated constantly and I think it’s going pretty good. It is a bnha fic, for anyone interested
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free3pirit · 1 year
Shameless fic plug, go check out forgotten before remembered series on AO3 by FreeSp1rit for batfam angst
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