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And a second accouncement! #foodblogger #lifestyleblogger #dutchblogger
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Hmm this week's recipe is stuffed bell pepper with spinach, lunchrooms and cheese. Served with seasoned celeriac frites this meal is now only delicious but healthy and super presentable! It is fun to make and challenging to eat. Take it on and surf to my Facebook to see the full contents! #healthyfood #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #food #foodie #foodporn #freshdelishlifestyle #foodblogger
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Pretty? No. Tasty? YES. I just love lettuce wrapping everything up! These were vegan seaweed balls I made myself with dried chickpeas and pumpkin, sweet potatoes, grilled zucchini, sprouts, sesame seeds and teriyaki sauce. So good if you need a pick me up after a rough day,l. Make time to cook yourself something nice and healthy, it will make you feel better. #students #comfortfood #foodblogger #healthyfood #dutchblogger #lifestyleblogger #foodie #foodporn #freshdelishlifestyle
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Volunteered yesterday during a big cooking event. The theme was niguraguan night and I ended up squeezing up to 50 avocados with my hands for a lovely guacamole. But this guacamole was not made with cilantro and chili but hard boiled eggs! I love learning about new cultures with different people. Expanding your view is very important. #love #dinnergoals #dutchblogger #lifestyleblogger #food #foodie #foodporn #foodblogger #freshdelishlifestyle #healthyfood
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No delicious food today but a huge announcement! I bought my own webhosting domain so from now on you can find my blog by this link. Together with my Facebook page these will be my main blogs, however stay tuned because there is yet another exciting announcement coming up this weekend. #lifestyleblogger #foodblogger #freshdelishlifestyle #dutchblogger #business #foodie
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Hmm struggling to study means a simple dinner, yet delicious and healthy! Grilled zucchini, broccoli, a home made quinoa burger with paprika and sesame seeds and some bread. #students #lifestyleblogger #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #freshdelishlifestyle #foodie #foodblogger #foodporn
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Nothing beats fresh strawberries in the morning! Fresh from the market yummm #dutchblogger #healthyfood #lifestyleblogger #foodie #foodporn #foodie #freshdelishlifestyle
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Guess what all these ingredients have in common besides being green? They are all used in my home made tea. I get many questions concerning my drinks. They are so easy and healthy but just require some patience. I brew some green tea with extra dried fruits like green apple and rhubarb. Then let it cool down and add some aloe vera, lime, lemon, mint or some ginger. Just play around! I love my version with matcha, green apple, lime and mint. You can also freeze them as I've cubes for a summery drink. Yumyum #summer #freshdelishlifestyle #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #dutchblogger #foodblogger #foodie #foodporn #lifestyleblogger
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Hmm a smashing dinner yet again! A piece of perfectly grilled wild salmon, sweet potato cubes (frites 2.0!) And a side salad with stir fried greens. Excited to know what's inside? Quickly check out my Facebook! I'm thinking of a little celebration or challenge if I reach 100 followers. Is there something you would like to see me cook? A cake, a breakfast, or something entirely different? I'm also a concept developer so come on with the ideas! #lifestyleblogger #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #fish #foodie #foodporn #freshdelishlifestyle #foodblogger #conceptdeveloper #goals
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Look closely... At the new summer intern of foodlog! An online newspaper closely following the latest trends around food. Enabling the society to interact and offering a critical perspective. Starting at the basics and working my way up is now my new goal during this amazing summer! #summer #students #lifestyleblogger #dutchblogger #food #foodblogger #foodie
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Lunching at your grandma's can make you up having a really interesting lunch. As mine has a vegetable patch you never know what kind of salad you might end up with. Although you know it is always served in the cutest was ever with old plates and cute cat mugs. Sprouts, cabbage, bell pepper, carrots and many more veggies. All it got was an extra spoon of hummus, perfect! #lifestyleblogger #lunch #love #healthyfood #dutchblogger #foodie #foodporn #foodblogger #freshdelishlifestyle
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Haha the tuna was literally swimming in the salad. Just needed a picture like this. Spinach, radish, cucumber, sprouts, spinach and cilantro is always a perfect harmony. Especially with my favorite ponzu, mirin dressing with a splash of sesame oil and 5spice. #food #foodie #healthyfood #foodblogger #foodporn #lifestyleblogger #lunch #dutchblogger #freshdelishlifestyle
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Hmm seafood stir fry, this much be my favorite dish ALL TIME. I know it might not be pretty but everything in it is delicious. After a visit from the farmer market I found; Juicy prawns, squid rings, fresh wild spinach, cherry tomatoes, samphire, cilantro, asperagus, and grilled kabuchi pumpkin. Wokked in a dressing of ponzu and dried seaweed for 6 minutes. Fast, fresh and easy. #summer #food #fish #foodie /#foodporn #lifestyleblogger #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #freshdelishlifestyle #foodblogger
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Tapas, mezze, sharing and caring a meal is so nice, gaucamole, marinated prawns, stuffed wine leave, zucchini and many moreeee. The pleasure of family #lifestyleblogger #love #food #foodie #foodporn #foodblogger #dinnergoals #dutchblogger
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Nothing beats the smell of home made bread in the morning! This fresh focaccia serves as this weekend's dinner surprise for my mom. Served with a like warm salad and a perfectly seared steak it is a simple yet sophisticated meal. It would also to good to impress your date or just someone special in your life. The salad consisted of chards, zucchini, ruhbarb, apple, cilantro and lime. A match made in heaven trust me. #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #healthyfood #food #foodie #foodporn #lifestyleblogger #freshdelishlifestyle #foodblogger
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Hmm delicious steak tartare. A celebration exams are on hold! Having a treat with this slightly sweet stir fry with butternut squash, kohlrabi, zucchini and basil with a special sauce. This fish is no pickle! (Pun there) excited to see what else is in this delicious dish? Check out my Facebook page for the full recipe, you will be surprised. #summer #students #freshdelishlifestyle #healthyfood #foodblogger #foodie #foodporn #food #dutchblogger #dinnergoals #lifestyleblogger
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This simple spaghetti was such a treat! Instead of making it with tomato sauce and zucchini like normally I switched to leftover pumpkin soup with cannilini beans as a base and added some canned artichokes to that! A squeeze of lime, some veggie meat and a hand of basil made one of the most interesting meals I have eaten in quite a while! I'm definitely loving this one and I was done in under 10 minutes. Bonus #students #food #foodporn #foodblogger #foodie #freshdelishlifestyle #dutchblogger #dinnergoals
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