freya-stenberg · 10 years
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
It had been a long week. It had been a long month. Between the lingering Hunter mess, the elections, and preparing for the Fae celebrations, the Queen was worn down. It was a rare occurrence for Elven leader, but tonight that was certainly the case. She had been spending more time at the mansion recently and after the weekend there, she had forgotten how much she missed the place. Her penthouse was nice of course, but it wasn’t the same. She wouldn’t be able to stay there this evening though, there was urgent business bright and early tomorrow and she didn’t want to be late. For Freya, being on time was late. She was in the mood for a lavish dinner and some of her best champagne, but sadly that wasn’t in the cards for her tonight. That didn’t mean she was giving up on the evening though. Recently she’d spent her fair share of time at U Street, so when she passed by the establishment, instead of going inside, she turned her attention to the other side of the street, saw Bohemian and shook her head. This time her focus was on the other other side of the street and Solly’s caught her eye. Normally she wasn’t one to frequent the Shifter bar, but she wanted a change of pace and was curious to see how they would react to her presence after the past weekend, particularly Mister Gott. Her ears picked up the commotion inside before she saw the cause and she beamed as Lu threw the other Wolf out like he was trash. Slipping in behind him she laughed as the others cheered. Now this was more like it. She had forgotten why she liked this place. Everywhere else was a different kind of rowdy and being Congresswoman Stenberg all the time didn’t allow for a lot of real fun. One look at little Daniel and he was gone, quickly vacating the seat for her. When Lu returned, she smiled right back at him, “Oh, you were expecting a different Elf weren’t you? I promise I’m more fun.” 
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Roar 🌙 Lu & Freya (Nov. 7th Evening)
Per usual it was Friday night and Solly’s was packed to the gills. Lu actually preferred it that way because there was nothing worse than a slow night at a bar. Last weekend had been intense enough, and he didn’t mind slipping back into his old routine. He’d kept his eye on a party of Shifter’s in the corner; one particular male Arnold seemed to become more obnoxious by the minute. He already stopped serving them. Lu was annoyed because the younger wolves were part of his pack, and like a head master he’d have to correct their behavior like school children if they didn’t toe the line. Turning his attention back to the Elf at the bar he was mixing up a stone sour when he heard the shatter of glass from across the bar. Not the least bit surprised it was from the wolves. Lu didn’t waste any time rolling up the sleeves as he closed the distance between him and drunken young wolf. It appeared a pilsner glass had been lost as Arnold stood on the table yelling and attempting a jig. The fool didn’t even see Lu coming; however his chums did as they all grabbed their bottles and glasses alike in anticipation. No sooner than table was clear of liquor did Lu grab Arnold by the legs pulling them out from underneath the young man, sending him crashing hard to the tabletop. The man let out an exasperated curse as he tossed him over his shoulder carrying him fireman style. Finally out the front door he threw him down to the sidewalk, and gave him a stern warning about coming back. The moment Lu re-entered the bar roaring cheers bounced off the walls. Nothing got the crowd going at Solly’s like a display of aggression and dominance; however Lu was over it. Walking back behind the bar he smiled widely to find the elf gone. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
Royal Business ♕ Freya & Séraphine (Wed. Nov. 5th afternoon)
She’d won the election, of course. There had never been any question that the seat would still be hers, the people loved her. They genuinely loved her. There wasn’t even any convincing necessary, the political Human way, or the Elven Telepathic way. Of course being a Fae leader helped, especially since the city was full of them and even those that didn’t always agree with her personally would rather have a Fae in office than a Human. They knew her position among the filth benefitted all of them. Things were already insane again after the expected news. An interview with this station, an appearance there, this guy wants a meeting, sign this paper, call this woman, the list went on and on. However, Freya decided that quite a few of those things had to wait. She had an important Fae matter to attend to and all else could be put on pause for an hour while she discussed it with Séraphine. Unlike going to see Victoria, her presence at the attorney’s office wasn’t shocking. Although, the day after the election all of her movements caused a stir, especially if she chose to visit another high-up official, but they could speculate all they wanted, no one knew why she was really there, not even the Faerie herself. Freya felt the element of surprise was necessary in this case, so that Séraphine wouldn’t have time to concoct some polished answer as usual, she would be forced to state her opinion then and there, or so the Queen hoped. The Elf was let into U.S. Attorney’s office by the staff to wait for Séraphine so the nosy ones poking around for information wouldn’t disturb her. She did a bit of poking around herself in the meantime. When the door opened and the Faerie walked in, she put down the folder she’d been rifling through, some big drug case of sorts, and went to say hello, a giant smile on her face. “There you are, hope I’m not disturbing anything too pressing, I have an important matter to discuss with you.”
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
The Queen and Death ♕ Freya & Edmund (Sun. Nov. 2nd late morning)
To say that the night had gone well would be the understatement of a lifetime. The night had been divine. The Queen had been the center of attention for most of the evening, except for Edmund, and she had actually enjoyed his company for the most part, a real shock, but it made her wonder if perhaps she had been wrong to completely write him off. Oz had even been relatively well behaved. The ritual was absolutely glorious; it had been too long since the warrior had split blood with her own hands. Having Jari there had only made it more perfect and set the mood brilliantly. Not to mention her time with Victoria. Freya couldn’t be more pleased. Her pleasant disposition carried on until the next day and when she was told that the Necromancer was still on the property, the Elf decided it was time to give him a second chance. She arranged for a brunch for the two of them in her private library where she knew they wouldn’t be disturbed and waited for the Witch. She wasn’t completely sure of his tastes, but he could decide when he got there. It wasn’t long before he was shown in and she smiled and stood up to greet him. “Edmund, I’m so glad you decided to join me, please take a seat,” she motioned to the chair in front of her. “Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? I have the usual here, but of course, as you know, just say the word and it’s yours.” 
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
Freya doubted Leigha would have the same reaction if she were anyone else, at least she hoped not. Perhaps she should say something to Victoria about her employee’s less than satisfying workmanship. However, the girl did bring the bartender over so she supposed it wasn’t that bad. She casually sipped her drink as the Witch spoke, but when she dropped the word ‘shit’, her glass ended up back on the bar and her eyes became fixed on Leigha. She knew these were the girl’s parting words, her way of having the last say in the matter. Freya anticipated the girl’s moves, heading her off at the bar. No one got the last word on the Elven leader, especially not this insignificant little bitch. “Go on back to your work Leigha, but keep in mind that those people you’re talking about, and the city you live in, they’re all run by me. You can think whatever you want of me, you can open your mouth and say those nasty things, but I’m the Queen around here, not you. I’m the one that keeps you safe at night. I decide what happens here. Just remember that Leigha.” With that she moved out of the way and let the Witch scamper off. It wouldn’t be the last time the girl heard from her. It seemed Miss Williams had to learn the hard way not to mess with those high above her.
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Business Never Pleasure ♕ Freya & Leigha (Thurs. Night Sept 25th)
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
“Well you should call me Freya, but I suppose if that doesn’t work for you, you can call me Ms. Stenberg.” Names and titles were so complicated now, things used to be so simple. Everyone used to have an established place and lines weren’t crossed, she missed those days. Although, the whole misogyny thing that dominated the Human world was such bullshit. Why Kate wouldn’t just call her Freya and she could Edmund by his fist name, she would never understand. She nodded as the young Witch explained that the Necromancer could help her. “Yes, you should listen to Miss Grekov and get her to help you. She’s powerful, not as powerful as Edmund, sure, but she cares about you, he doesn’t. Her grandmother’s a seer as well, is she not? Trust your own people. I know you don’t trust me or believe me, but Edmund only wants you strong for himself.” The Elf figured Kate wouldn’t listen to a word she had to say, but she had to say them nonetheless; maybe something would get through to her in the end. Freya heard the sigh, and she understood the reasoning behind it, but she had no problem with having Kate followed and she was sure she would have to do it again in the future. “Well we are all glad you are here. You are one of us and we will do everything in our power to keep you safe.” She smiled softly at the Witch, hoping that despite everything Kate would feel welcome in DC. “Hunters are always an issue, they always have been, and always will be. I know we are all truly grateful that your vision stopped at least some of them. I hope that if something like that ever happens again, you’ll feel comfortable coming forward. You never know what could be important. There is still quite a lot that you don’t know. Share any visions and dreams with your coven leader.” The Elven Queen hoped Willow would be her first instinct and not Edmund, although she had gone to Oz before and apparently hadn’t even known the man. “Kate, I might be able to help you with some of the problems, being a telepath. I was one of the first you know? I’ve trained thousands, hundreds of thousands probably. How to control the thoughts, how to shut them out, how to sift through them, I know what that’s like.” Freya hadn’t truly thought to offer her help to Kate in this way before, but it really only made sense and the Elf couldn’t definitely be of service to the girl if she were willing to take it.
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Business Never Pleasure ♕ Freya & Kate (Thurs. Night Sept 25th)
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
A shiver ran down her spine as Maha’s breath hit her ear and she hummed upon hearing her words. It wasn’t often she met someone willing to play the game. Then again, she wasn’t always so forward, but she had a feeling the Hunter would be all for it. It seemed she was right. Too bad the Elf couldn’t take her somewhere now. Freya never liked waiting. Trying to find time in the future was going to be an issue, but at least the seed was planted, and for this one she would find the time. Getting information out of her was of course the most important, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t also have a good time. The Queen smiled and grabbed the napkin, keeping her hand on the other while she looked at what had been written. Her grin turned to into something dangerous when she noticed there wasn’t a name attached to the number. “And what am I supposed to call you, Miss mysterious and exotic woman who works at U Street? Or do I actually get the pleasure of knowing who you are since you already know who I am?” Of course she already knew who Maha was, but she couldn’t tell the Human that. She leaned in towards the woman again, this time her words floating into the other’s ear. “When I call and you come over and you’re making me scream, who’s name am I supposed to be yelling out for more and harder and faster?” There was no point in backing down now and she was really starting to enjoy herself.
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Business Never Pleasure ♕ Freya & Maha (Thurs. Night Sept 25th)
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
Winter Night's Ritual - Halloween Night
After the announcement that midnight was fast approaching many decided they had had enough for one evening and began to say their goodbyes, departing into the night without blood on their hands. There were those that chose to stay in the mansion, busy taking the Queen up on her generous offer of food, beds and anything else they could possibly desire. Most of the guests remaining slowly trickled outside preparing to witness the ritual. For most of them, the sacred meaning behind the tradition meant nothing. They only desired to witness the slaughter of a Hunter. There were the curious few who’d never been a part of a ritualistic sacrifice, the young ones new to the ancient traditions, who wanted to see what it was all about. 
No matter what their reasoning, the crowd followed the candle lit path honoring those that had passed to a large altar made of piled stones arranged in a square. They gathered around, candles and Faerie lights illuminating the area with an eerie glow. There was light enough to see what needed to be seen, but still much hidden in the shadows.
Freya, now in a ceremonial dress, had been standing before the altar for a while, watching the crowd gathering, ensuring that everyone was behaving and everything was being attended to. She let the energy build in the air, feeding off its power. It wasn’t often that a night such as this occurred, where Fae gathered in the hundreds, even thousands, and spirits roamed the air. She couldn’t see them without the assistance of a necromancer such as Edmund, not really, but she could feel them, lingering in the dark, reaching out to those they loved, or even those they hated. She was sure that she had quite a few in her presence, most of which weren’t there on good business. There were deaths that weighed over her, but this one wasn’t one of them.
As midnight drew nearer the Queen signaled for the prisoner to be presented once more. Minutes later the bound and struggling man appeared to shouts and jeers of the crowd, which made the Elven leader smile broadly. Someone threw a rock and she scowled snapping towards the offender, “This isn’t a mob lynching you will respect the ceremony or you will be removed from the premises.” Everyone seemed to settle down after that, not wanting to upset their host.
The Human was dragged up to the altar, Jari and another general attached to each arm. There was no escaping his fate, but he still fought for his life uselessly. Ropes were produced, but Freya waved them off, asking Jari to join her behind the altar. The thought of feeling the life drain from his body was too strong to allow him to be strapped down. Allowing Jari to share that honor with her only made sense as he was one of the only people present who truly new what this ritual meant. Memories of Vetrnætr from her past made her homesick every time this time of year came around. It had been far too long since she had been to see her parents or her motherland. Unfortunately, her job sent her everywhere but Scandinavia it seemed.
The hour was upon them and Freya silenced the crowd in an instant. Edmund joined them behind the stones, standing off to the side until his moment of glory. One of several presented throughout the celebrations, although the Elf hoped this would be the one he cherished the most. Jari removed the gag that had been muffling his protestations. A slew of insults followed. Four letter expletives combined with words like monsters and beasts. Freya looked to Witch knowing he would end the nuisance. Mere seconds passed before the Human was quieted and she was free to continue.
Her Elven warrior pressed the offering against the stones as a nameless slave brought forth the sacred dagger, used only for rituals such as this. Lifting the lid from the plain box she removed the blade, running her hand along its surface, still smooth after all these years. Her finger moved towards the edge, letting the magically infused iron pierce her skin, drawing a small drop of blood, which she smeared in a line down the Hunter’s forehead. Raising her hands to the air addressing the sky above, her voice echoed across the grounds, the Queen’s native tongue falling from her lips, “To my ancestors, the blood they’ve spilt, the protection they’ve provided year after year. For delivering us another year of life I give you this life. This man is not worthy of the ground you have walked, but his death is more fitting than that of another other. I honor you with his blood. I hope you find it deserving of your name. Stenberg glory forever.” She looked out at the crowd and lowered her arms. One hand grasped the Human’s hair, pulling his head back exposing his throat. Jari tightened his hold as the man began to thrash. The Norse woman brought the dagger to his skin, glaring down at the Hunter wanting to drink up the fear it instilled. “You are nothing,” she growled, returning to English for the benefit of those witnessing the event. “You and your kind will never triumph in this world for we have time, and power, and the strength of the Gods on our side.” She held the dagger there for a moment pressing slowly inward before drawing the blade across the quivering man’s neck in one shift motion yelling out as she did so. The Elves held the worthless being, feeling his life slip away as his blood shot out onto the stones before him. Flecks of the warm fluid reached her face and she merely smiled. After a minute of relishing in their kill, Jari moved to his feet and the two threw the corpse on top of the altar. Either could have completed the task with two fingers, but it meant more finishing the ritual together as they had done for centuries. He wiped the blood from his Queen’s face and placed a soft kiss to her lips and then her forehead, drawing her into his arms for a moment before she pulled away. She let his arm remain draped around her as she turned to the crowd and looked at the Necromancer.
Edmund approached the altar as blood wept out of the Hunter’s wound; the body no longer demanding the soul to stay confined within its earthly vessel. Acknowledging Freya he bowed his head, and stepped forward and simply raised his hand in the direction of the altar. Closing his eyes tightly he pushed forth energy, and offered up only two words. “Animus Accendo.” The useless human cadaver lay lifeless before the crowd as a dark shadow began to cover the figure; however it was only for a matter of seconds before the dimness lifted and a white luminous glow appeared mid-chest and washed over the body. The light lifted from the figure, but kept the Hunter’s earthy form, and continued to rise into the backdrop of the starlit night sky.
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
Halloween Chatzy - October 31st
Who: almost everyone What: Freya’s Halloween Party Where: Freya Stenberg’s mansion When: Friday night, October 31st
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
The Queen’s Ballroom
A smattering of cocktail tables with black linens and golden accents are spread throughout the room. All of the candelabras are lit, the room is filled with a golden glow. The second floor balcony is open to all and speeches are given from the main landing. Seating and small tables are tucked in the alcoves as well as light snacks and drinks. “Servants” (aka Freya’s slaves) pass around champagne, mead, cider, and hors d’oeuvres the entire evening. An open bar is also available and contains a variety of bloods, on tap if desired. 
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The Grand Dining Hall
There is a small foyer that connects the ballroom to the grand dining hall. A feast covers tables that form two rows spreading across the length of the room. There is seating available, but it doesn’t line the tables entirely so that people can pass along them freely taking their fill. Anything that guests could be possibly desire is available. If it’s not in sight, they only need to ask the staff and will procure it immediately. Blood, food, drinks, a seat, a bed, a room, a phone, anything. 
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The grounds are open to all and a large majority of the mansion is open to guests as well. Anywhere that is out of bounds is guarded. Freya’s private areas are heavily guarded. Trespassing will not be tolerated. A number of rooms for entertaining are available, as well bedrooms for those wishing to stay. Beginning Friday evening before the ball begins, until Sunday evening, guests will be allowed to stay on Freya’s property as the celebration and rituals continue. Freya has also taken the liberty of spreading a few Human skeletons around the mansion for those roaming around to discover.
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After the honoring ceremony, guests will place candles along a designated path that leads up to the altar where the sacrificial ritual will take place as part of the Vetrnætr (Winter Nights) celebration.
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
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Freya's costume. She's a burlesque ventriloquist and Jari is going as her ventriloquist doll.
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
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The exterior of the house, a tudor style estate.
The place at night.
One of the living rooms. The exposed beams are hand-carved with Norse symbols. This is the room where she entertains personal guests.
Freya's private library. No one is allowed entrance without expression permission.
The kitchen.
Freya's main bedroom. She has several rooms she switches between as there are many bedrooms throughout the house, but this is the one she uses most often. 
The winter bedroom. She also uses this room as a study or to entertain guests she doesn't want to see her private quarters ;)
 The traditional garden. All of the grounds are of course groomed. There are plants, flowers and trees from the Scandinavian area and other places she has travelled over the years. Healing and medical plants can also be found growing on the grounds.
The pool. To the right is the pool house as well as a pool deck and balcony that face the grounds. The herb garden is also off to the right, close to the main house, as well as some of the "servant" housing. (Those she actually likes and treats well. These are the ones she sees more like family who have served her and her family for many years, or those she actually pays.)
The pool at night. Freya's main bedroom is on the second floor and looks out onto the pool area. The more exotic plants and those from her homelands are off to the left. 
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
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scarlett johansson
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
“Tyrant? Oh my, is that what you think of me? Unfortunately, since this city isn’t officially my kingdom and I share the responsibilities with four other Council members, it would be impossible for me to be a tyrant. Just so you know dear,” she explained, the condescension clear in her voice. “As for caring more about my people than anyone else, of course I do. What kind of leader would I be if I didn’t? The needs of my people come first. I guarantee you that Edmund feels the same way." Actually Edmund could probably care less about the majority of the Witches in the city. Especially the ones not in his coven, but she wasn't going to start that argument with the girl, she'd never get it. She smiled as Leigha made her way to the bar for an actual drink. "Oh, be a dear and make me one too will you?" She knew full well the request would only infuriate the young Witch, but she worked there and the Queen was a customer after all. "One thing I can tell you that I know you won't believe is that I consider all the Fae in the city my people. It's my job to protect them and unlike some of the other leaders I'm used to watching over entire kingdoms full of different Fae. That's how it was for thousands of years. The Council is a new development."
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Business Never Pleasure ♕ Freya & Leigha (Thurs. Night Sept 25th)
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
Scarlett Johansson
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freya-stenberg · 10 years
She realized she might have pushed a little too far as the girl now seemed antsy, but then again she had never been one to hide her attraction to others. “Well you don’t have to call me Freya, but you don’t have to call me Ma’am either dear. Sometimes it makes me feel old and while I’m old, I’m not that old.” She was sure that to Kate she was very old, but for an Elf, not so much. “I didn’t mean to make you nervous.” The Queen didn’t fail to notice that she called Edmund by his first name, but refused to do so with her. While Freya supposed it was beneficial that she was on good terms with her leader, Edmund was the last person the Elven leader wanted Kate buddied up to. She hid her frustration perfectly, only a small smile showing on her face as she listened patiently. Although, the grin fell when the Witch’s attitude completely switched. As always, she kept her composure and collected her thoughts before speaking. “Well, I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well and that Councilman Jernigan has treated you with respect. You must forgive my asking, but I’m sure you are aware of his reputation and believe me when I say it’s been earned and isn’t mere gossip. As for the people following you around, yes, I did have someone keeping an eye out for you. Not just for your own sake, but also in order to see who else was watching you. They stopped after the initial commotion from the trial subsided, but after the Hunters, I wanted to make sure you weren’t a target as well. I promise you it wasn’t to snoop into your personal life, it was merely to ensure your safety. I’m sure you’d be glad to know that it doesn’t seem like word got out to anyone outside the Fae in the city about your abilities. I’ve got eyes and ears watching all of the Hunters in the city and the surrounding states. No one has heard any more movement, so I can assuredly say that I have no problem removing the extra protection. However, if that changes, I won’t hesitate to have it reinstated. I’m sorry if that bothers you, but I’m only doing what I believe is best for your wellbeing.” 
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Business Never Pleasure ♕ Freya & Kate (Thurs. Night Sept 25th)
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