freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Small Things To Contact Spirits About
…If you want to flex your communication muscles but don’t want to be cutting deals or making things complicated for now. Just little things to try.
Let me hear a love story
Show me a song from your people
Tell me something you did today that you are proud of
Let me draw a portrait of you
Tell me a little about your culture
Ask me any questions you may have about human culture (and I will answer them, if I can.)
Look at this song/story/poem I wrote, tell me what you think.
Tell me my local reputation, if I have one.
Tell me your story (and if desired, I will record it and pass it on for more to see.)
Share a joke.
Let me admire your beauty/grace/powerful appearance/plumage/scales/wings/great personality
Tell me about your friends
What is your one big token of advice?
Teach me how to make my home more welcoming for you (while still being safe for me.)
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Tarot in Spells
Tarot in Spells
this is a list of magical associations for every tarot card, they can be added into spells to amplify your intentions and strengthen your manifestations
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Wands are connected with the Fire element and is centered around movement, direction, energy, passion
Swords deal with thinking, communication, perception, and issues dealing with truth, connected to the air element
Cups are connected with water, and the full spectrum of emotions. every emotion imaginable is covered in the cup’s suit.
Pentacles are connected with Earth and are symbolic of manifestation, rewards,  material wealth and material abundance.
The Fool creates new beginnings and can be paired with other cards. ex: the fool + the lovers for new romance, the fool + pentacles for new opportunities, etc.
The Magician increases your power and capability on all levels, willpower, emotional security, balance within yourself, etc.
The High Priestess increases your psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, and intuition
The Empress will help you with creativity and creative endeavors
The Emperor establishes order, structure, and command
The Hierophant can be used in a lot of ways, my favorites are 1. Pairing it with the fool to attract a new mentor, 2. Using it to summon a spirit guide or ascended master
The Lovers help invoke and attract love, partnership, mutual relationships, and passion
The Chariot is amazing for success, and triumph. I always use this in success spells for exams, tests, and projects. The Chariot will help the best possible outcome for a situation to arise
Strength will help you master your emotions
The Hermit is good for rituals and meditations based going within and gaining a better understanding of your own self, and life purpose.
The Wheel of Fortune can be used for luck, change, and getting a desired situation moving
Justice is great for truth, legal matters, and justice 
The Hanged Man buys you time for a situation you aren’t ready to face, delays events
The Death card works well for ending situations, closing doors, gaining closure, and new beginnings
Temperance will restore balance and serenity to any situation
The Devil can be used to help break addictions or bad habits
The Tower is best used for hexing and cursing, brings misfortune, unhappiness and chaos
The Star card is good for when you are casting spells focused on gaining something, The Star card is centered around healing, openness, and hope
The Moon helps develops intuitive abilities and can be used to send bad dreams
The Sun is used in spells for summoning happiness, success, and health
Judgement will help clear confusion and help you with understanding your life mission similar to the Hermit in that aspect
The World invokes wholeness and completion
Page of Wands: works with communication, messages, action, and passion
Page of Cups: boosts creativity, taps into your spiritual nature to bring out new creativity
Page of Swords: amplifies ingenuity and creativity, helps deliver messages from one person to another, can be used to attract someone’s attention to yourself
Page of Pentacles: good for grounding and centering spell work
Knight of Wands: speeds up any workings involving passion, love, and creativity
Knight of Cups: speeds up workings dealing with emotions, psychic development, inner strength
Knight of Swords: speeds up workings involving communication, balance, and thinking
Knight of Pentacles: speeds up workings dealing with manifesting abundance, material wealth, prosperity, and creativity
King of Wands: associated with leadership, command, can help you gain authority
King of Cups: associated with personal feelings, can help you resolve personal conflicts and inner turmoil
King of Swords: aids in strengthening your communication and speaking skills
King of Pentacles: invokes luxury, great card for business success
Queen of Wands: establishes a sense of self security and sufficiency
Queen of Cups: develops your psychic abilities, also helps with understanding/controlling your emotions
Queen of Swords: helps you develop stronger focus
Queen of Pentacles: abundance, creativity, fertility
Aces: used for new beginnings based on the energy represented in that suit
Two of Wands: positive progress in any situation whether it be romance, health, career, etc.
Three of Wands: business prosperity
Four of Wands: strengthens any type of relationship
Five of Wands: used in hexes and curses to invoke conflict, and arguments
Six of Wands: manifests recognition, success,
Seven of Wands: use this card when you’re in a tough situation, it will help you succeed and come out of it stronger
Eight of Wands: directs energy and intentions towards a specific goal or purpose, helps to speed up workings 
Nine of Wands: use this card when you come face to face with a difficult task, this card will keep you brave and strong
Ten of Wands: can either be used to achieve something great, or it can be used in a hex or curse to manifest burdens
Two of Cups: union, strengthens romantic relationships
Three of Cups: strengthens a friendship
Four of Cups: dissatisfaction with surroundings
Five of Cups: causes despair and sadness
Six of Cups: lifts your mood when you’re feeling down
Seven of Cups: illusions and deceptions
Eight of Cups: used to help you move on from the past
Nine of Cups: make a wish and use this card’s power to grant your wish, invokes happiness 
Ten of Cups: brings happiness to relationships of all kinds, friends, family, romantic, etc.
Two of Swords: used in curses and hexes to cause someone to have a limiting mindset
Three of Swords: heartbreak and emotional strife
Four of Swords: used in healing spells, sleeping aid
Five of Swords: manifests conflict, and failed success
Six of Swords: this card will aid you when you face a difficult change, helps you to move on and move forward
Seven of Swords: causes betrayal
Eight of Swords: powerful energy that causes isolation
Nine of Swords: sends nightmares and anxieties 
Ten of Swords: defeat and betrayal
Two of Pentacles: brings balance
Three of Pentacles: strengthens business connections
Four of Pentacles: manifests financial stability
Five of Pentacles: financial problem
Six of Pentacles: prosperity
Seven of Pentacles: material abundance
Eight of Pentacles: if you’ve worked hard this card ensures you that your efforts will be rewarded
Nine of Pentacles: success, luxury, accomplishment
Ten of Pentacles: success, wealth
Negative aspects of the cards can be used for hexing and cursing
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Witch and pagan educator:)
🕯☽☾🔮🖤 looking for active witchblrs! 🕯☽☾🔮🖤
A little bit worried that witchtok sucked up the life of witch tumblr, so please reblog if you’re an active/practicing witch on tumblr as of July 12, 2021! 
Please be POC/LBGT inclusive!!!
Sidenote: I am a beginner closet witch looking to find my path, interested in norse/celtic/hellenic pantheons. But all are welcome and the more folks I can follow, the more knowledge I can gain, and the more people I can meet! 
☽☾ Thanks in advance, Blessed Be! ☽☾
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
First time I have posted anything in two months.
And I come back to 97 notifs of people loving my nose Gods for beginners posts.
I am beyond grateful, I love that my work has reached and helped so many of you and it does my heart so good. Thank you :] ♡
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
How to worship Thor for beginners
Thor is one of the Aesir Gods, he is the Son of Odin and Frigg, brother of Baldr. Husband to the Goddess Sif and father to mathi and magni who's names translate to "wrath" and "mighty"
He is the God of war, fertility, thindrr and lighting and of the people, procter of Midgaurd. His hall is Bilskirnir (Old Norse "lightning-crack") he is the owner of the chariot drawn by two Billy goats, tanngnjóstr and Tanngisnir which he rides over midgaurd. In ragnorok, Thor goes up against the serpent Jörmungandr, and kills Jormungandr, but then dies from his wounds and the poison after taking nine steps.
Before we get started, let gets something out of the way
• Thor may be the God of strength and of mankind, but he is no scapegoat for misogyny. That is a problem, not a Thor problem. He protects humanity, not degrades it.
Resources to learn more about Thor other than the Edda:
• TAC's (the asatru community) website
• heathen daily living
• who is thor? By jackson Crawford on YouTube
Thor worship
Here we are going to give you some examples on how to worship, honor and set up an altar for the God Thor.
Always remember, an Altar isnt necessarily needed. So if you cant have one that's no big deal, you're no less heathen.
• as always, we recommend setting some up some rocks as an altar because it is historically accurate to how the norse people worshipped and not noticable for closeted pagans. You can use regular rocks outside, or Crystal's that are associated with Thor such as Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Turquoise and Sapphire.
• can also be put up as an altar can be Two goats, a regular hammer, or just a bowel with things that you feel resonate
Offerings to Thor
We are going to be adding things for people who do not have access for common offerings like mead and other alcohol to thor.
• bacon, sausage, lunch meat and other sources of protein that builds muscle. An apple never hurts either
• water, as always this is a versatile offering for everyone and anything
• inscense/perfume such as Cinnamon, Musk, Nutmeg and Sage
Honoring Thor
• Acts of strength, this can be working out or helping around the house
• protecting your fellow humans
• Honoring your family and learning your history
•keeping your personal space tidy or cleaning it up as an act of devotion
Thor is one of the most publically recognized Gods next to Freyja and Odinn. He was worshipped by all norse people, in Hope's of protection, good harvest, prosperity and strength when fighting. A lot of misogynists try and use him as the poster boy of their belief system and "solar masculinity", as a way to justify their own prejudices.
But Thor, from experience is nothing like they wish he was. Thor is very protective, he has a strong feeling of justice, honor, respect and love for those around you. This especially includes marginalized people.
Thor is a husband, family man, protector, lover and provider. If young heathen men want someone to look up to, Thor is the perfect example of healthy masculinity and a heathen man.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
How to Honor and follow Freyja for beginners
Freyja is one of the Vanir Goddess, wife of ođer, with their daughter, Hnoss and Gersemi. She is sister to Freyr and Daughter of Njörd and (speculated) mother Nerthus. She is a Honaury member of the Aesir after the War between the Aesir and Vanir.
She is a Völva and is the reason the Aesir (specifically Odinn) knows Seider and her Cloak of hawk feathers helped get Thor back is hammer. Her afterlife is Folkvang.
She is married to a man called Od; Odr went away on long journeys. and Freyja weeps for him, and her tears are red gold. During Ragnarok she is said to be one of the Gods who live on afterwards. She is the owner of the Brísingamen, the beautiful amber necklace, a cloak of hawk feathers, a boar named Hildisvíni and a chariot pulled by Two giant cats.
The path of freyja is one of more common paths of norse pagans, but we do need to make some things clear
• Freyja is not Frigg
• Freyja, is not the facets of other Goddesses just becuase we don't have lot of information on them
•Freyja is not any type of "house wife" Goddess, and shouldn't be treated as one
Resources to learn more about Freyja other than the edda
• Freya's shrine: welcome - northern tradition paganism (web)
• Freya , goddess of beauty and love - lore of mythology (YT)
• how to say Hi to freya - little Comsic crow
Freyja worship
Here we are going to give examples of ways to set up a Altar Freyja and Honor her with dedication practices. Remember to always chose a space that will be soley dedicated to her Altar and wont be cluttered and dirty. And as always, an altar isnt necessarily needed.
• as always, we recommend a rock. For its easy to hide and historically connected to how hastens first practiced. To add a more personal touch to this you can Carve/draw freyja in runes on it
• figurines of Cats, boars (pigs) (these dont have to be special, if you can only access something like LPS, than use that) or a hawk or hawk feathers
How to honor Freya:
• practicing self love (this can be from spa days to treating yourself to a candy bar)
• using your Voice and standing by your opinions
• show kindness to animals, both home and stray
• finding sexual and personal empowerment
Here are some common offerings from people who follow Freyja, none of these are necessarily set and stone. Always listen to your intuition when it comes to offerings.
• wine
• water
• apples
• roses, other wild flowers
• perfume, jewelry
Freyja is one of the most powerful and prominent deities throughout history and in pagan practice itself.
The Goddess of sex, fertility, beauty, war, death and magic
She was, and still is one of the most hated Goddesses by Christians who try to wipe put paganism from history. Freyja is no maiden, housewife or delicate flower of a Goddess. Freyja is the embodiment of Fierce femininity, shes beautiful, intelligent, sensual and she knows it. Shes proud of what and who she is. A misogynists worse nightmare, And she expects this of her followers, she wants you to love yourself and stand up for what you believe in. Followers of Freyja tend to come from a background of bitter self hatred, insecurities, some might call the type of person people let "walk over them", though this isnt always true, some of her followers are people who have strong personalities and opinions who share the similar energy Freyja does.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Loki Worship and honoring For beginners
The lokean path, or following Loki is a very misunderstood path. So for starters, let's clear some of those up, shall we?
• Loki Is NOT the norse satan
• people who follow Loki are NOT LARPers
• Loki isnt inherently evil
• Lokeans do not follow Loki bc Tom hiddleston
• Loki is a God
Free web Resources to learn about Loki that isn't the Edda
• The wild hunt : the lokean community
• Skald's keep: lokean practice
• (book) Blood unbound: A Loki devotional
Loki worship
Here we will cover how to set up a altar to Loki and to honor him with daily practices. Remember to always make sure you choose a space that will only be for the altar and wont get cluttered with things, and with that being said, an altar isnt necessarily needed
• Altar. Some great altar ideas, as always as we start is a rock. Simple to hide, and historically what heathens first used as Altars
• figurines of a snake, horse, spider or Even the marvel figurine
Ways to honor Loki:
• learning about gender fluidity and or expressing your own gender
• keeping your promises
• share a meme or joke with someone and make them laugh
These are common offerings amongst most lokeans, but arent necessarily set in stone
• Water
• bacon
• fireball whiskey
• chocolate
• toys
• strong energy drinks such as coffee and (yes) monster
Loki one of many Deities that dispel racial purity propaganda White supremacists claim, he blurs the line of morals, race, sexuality and gender. For a lot of Lokeans, they tend to find Loki to be the father of outcasts, hes very kind and stern when needs to be. Following Loki can be a bit crazy, he might lie himself but he does not allow his followers to lie, especially to themselves.
Loki despite being the God of chaos, trickery, magic and deceit.
Hes also the God of (UPG) creativity, self expression and the underdog.
He is neither evil or good, and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Odin following and worship for beginners
The first place you should always start is the lore, we are not myth literalists (see post about why the edda isnt your bible for more) but we do and can use the stories of the Gods to help us learn how to follow them.
Resource references for this if you do not have access to the Eddas
• The free peotic edda in our linktree
• jackson Crawford YouTube channel
• the tale of odin via Tarvaa the Bard on YT
• the words of Odin himself by ocean keltoi via YouTube
-Some key tips on worship-
It's a big misconception that you have to do all these big things to follow Odin becuase hes the King of the Aesir. We urge you to turn the other cheek and not listen, not becuase they're necessarily wrong but becuase everyone's path is different. Including yours.
• altar - we have mentioned this before, but a great idea for an altar for odin if you cant be open with your practice is, a rock.
No really, a rock. The reason why we specifically reccomend rocks is becuase they're as old as time, have been many places and probably have many stories to tell if they could speak, much like Odin. But also becuase no one is gonna question a great looking rock. Who doesnt like rocks?
To options for a rock is
• go outside (being in nature isnt necessary) and find one that calls to you
• go online to a crystal shop and see if theres one youd think resonates. Some crystal options are: smokey quartz, the latter, amethyst, citrine, tigers eye and gold stone
• a horse ceramic, arrow head or even just a cup would work as an altar too
Haha you were expecting us to say mead. Huh? I mean, yeah Odinn loves himself some mead but not everyone has access to it. So some great offerings to Odinn are
• dedicating poetry or reading poetry to him
• working hard in school
• chocolate (idk he likes chocolate)
• hugging trees
As always we try to keep these short as possible to not overwhelm the reader, remember your path is your own. Odinn will tell you what he wants or you to do, not necessarily by speaking but you will know. Everyone is different, and so are our paths, if you have questions that arent in our profile we will gladly try and answer them :)
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Odin following and worship for beginners
The first place you should always start is the lore, we are not myth literalists (see post about why the edda isnt your bible for more) but we do and can use the stories of the Gods to help us learn how to follow them.
Resource references for this if you do not have access to the Eddas
• The free peotic edda in our linktree
• jackson Crawford YouTube channel
• the tale of odin via Tarvaa the Bard on YT
• the words of Odin himself by ocean keltoi via YouTube
-Some key tips on worship-
It's a big misconception that you have to do all these big things to follow Odin becuase hes the King of the Aesir. We urge you to turn the other cheek and not listen, not becuase they're necessarily wrong but becuase everyone's path is different. Including yours.
• altar - we have mentioned this before, but a great idea for an altar for odin if you cant be open with your practice is, a rock.
No really, a rock. The reason why we specifically reccomend rocks is becuase they're as old as time, have been many places and probably have many stories to tell if they could speak, much like Odin. But also becuase no one is gonna question a great looking rock. Who doesnt like rocks?
To options for a rock is
• go outside (being in nature isnt necessary) and find one that calls to you
• go online to a crystal shop and see if theres one youd think resonates. Some crystal options are: smokey quartz, the latter, amethyst, citrine, tigers eye and gold stone
• a horse ceramic, arrow head or even just a cup would work as an altar too
Haha you were expecting us to say mead. Huh? I mean, yeah Odinn loves himself some mead but not everyone has access to it. So some great offerings to Odinn are
• dedicating poetry or reading poetry to him
• working hard in school
• chocolate (idk he likes chocolate)
• hugging trees
As always we try to keep these short as possible to not overwhelm the reader, remember your path is your own. Odinn will tell you what he wants or you to do, not necessarily by speaking but you will know. Everyone is different, and so are our paths, if you have questions that arent in our profile we will gladly try and answer them :)
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
How to practice safely in an unaccepting enviroment: a survival guide
lets start with the bare bones!
• Research material
PDFs in this case are your best friend, theyre easily acceptable, hidden and dont cost you anything.
places like amino, youtube and instagram are great places to find people who are practioners and or educators, we do reccomend if you already have one of these or more to make a seperate account(s) to use to keep your interests from being discovered from others. but if you want to get a physical copy of the eddas you can always just say youre wanting to get into poetry to help with english in school.
• Altars
keep in mind, though altars are nice to have. they arent neccesarily needed. dont feel like you need an altar to be a "true pagan". but if you truly want one, and are able to do it here are some tips:
when making an alter in a unsafe space, you want and need it to blend in.
some good places for this is: bookcases (make it out to be a nicknack shelf), windows, dressers and jewelry and boxes. generally, places where it looks youre just putting things on display or for safe keeping. we reccomend using nothing flashy. look up the correspondences to whom youre making the altar for and from those choose oddly specific ones.
example: Odin
horse figurine, arrow head, poetry book and blue ( i personally used a pretty blue rock to reperesent him)
• offerings
myth: you have to give drink or food as an offering
fact: offerings are what ever is correspondent with whomst its for.
example: offering to freyja
drawing a photo of her two cats, practicing self care and boundaries, a simple glass of water (which can be offered to any deity, spirit or entity)
• Runes
we dont really reccomend practicing runes (in magical craft) unless youre absolutely sure youre able too. but luckily, runes werent only used for magic, but also spelling! you can incorporate this simply with writing your deities name in runes.
example: blue rock for odin
write ᛟᛞᛁᚾ (odin) in runes on the bottom of it.
This can be done on various things, including your social media profile/posts.
you do NOT have to own mjolnir. a lot of norse pagans dont, including several of our curators an thats completely okay! but if you want to we reccomend not getting anything with gods depicted on it, and if you cant for any reason, once again you can always go for a correspondent to your favourite deity horse for odin, cat for freyja, spider for Loki ect which are pretty easy to find.
• Lying
now you shouldnt lie, but there are exceptions. and here are some examples you can use:
example: "i really into marvel and want to get x god figurines to start/for my collection" "i really like vikings x reason(s) why" and my favourite ways to use this is to just start talking about vikings and norse mythology like you would a video game or movie, so it seems like it is geniunly something youre into to make these more authentic.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Rejuvenating Witchcraft
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Things to help you move on and recover from a long day, a rough night or a good cry.
Spells and magic:
Rose quartz healing tears spell
Ease the pain spell
Here comes the sun spell
Self love bath / Shower ritual
Cleansing ritual body scrub
Quick pick me up glamour
Seashell charm for self acceptance
A simple spell to release stress
Full bloom spell
Sunrise magic
Things to make:
Self care sachet
Self love and healing spell bottle
Inspired healing bottle
Self love jar
To move forward:
I move on sigil
Restarting spell
Clarity spell
Letting go - banishing spell
Spell for reassurance
Self empowerment spell jar
Little things to do:
Surround yourself with crystals like rose quartz, carnelian, amethyst, rhodonite, citrine, pyrite and more!
Use rose water or honey to sweeten up your day.
Witchy thing to do right now
Magical self care
Self care magic
Self care for the witch
Witch self care tips
What to do if witchcraft drains you
Self love latte spell
Overall positivi-tea*
‘Give me sunshine’ potion for happiness*
A warm heart tea recipe*
Healing heart tea*
Mental reboost tea*
More in this masterpost!
*Please research herb safety before using!
Odds and ends:
The new you tarot spread (3 card)
Moving forward tarot spread (5 card)
Magics for heartbreak
Witchcraft for the grieving
Gentle witchcraft
Magic to replenish energy
Links updated August of 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
glow like the moon 🌙
a spell to recapture youth and beauty with the gentleness of the moon’s glow. 
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🌙 gather: a white or pink candle, full moon water, cosmetics or face lotion. 
🌙 light your candle, a plain one or a pink one.
🌙 do at night, look up at the mostly full moon.
🌙 annoint the cosmetics or face lotion with the full moon water
🌙 apply the cosmetics or face lotion, then speak:
“moon, bright and full, grant me your glow bring back the beauty, that i used to know”
🌙 bask in the moonlight for a little while, until you feel it is done.
🌙 blow out your candle.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
🌱Self Love Affirmations🌱
I am worthy of receiving the love I give.
I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.
I am proud of myself and all I have accomplished.
I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
I accept myself unconditionally.
I am becoming more confident everyday.
I offer self love and tarot readings ❤️
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
Spell times
Monday - the moon: psychic development, cleansing, purity, divination
Tuesday - Mars: energy, passion, activate protection, protective talismans
Wednesday - Mercury: initiation, communication, knowledge, money
Thursday - Jupiter: growth, influence,  prosperity
Friday - Venus: love, beauty, prosperity, fertility, healing
Saturday - Saturn: stability, binding, banishing, transformation, renewal
Sunday - the sun: succes, self development, solar power, empowerment, health
Dawn: spells for study, business, employment, healing and travel. Perform rituals of purification and to bless new beginnings
Noon: spells of strength, courage, protection, succes, power, opportunity and money issues
Sunset: spells for release, letting go of illness, heart break and failure. Banish misery and pain. Perform rituals for breaking addictions and negative habits.
Night: spells to enhance self development, psychic dreams and awareness, divination and spirituality, love, peace, healing of old wounds and releasing stress.
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freyjasdottirr · 3 years
beauty magic
self care routines are obviously so important, as are nice little treats for yourself; ive definitely been slacking on both so i wanted to brainstorm some spellwork that would help me along, hope this is helpful for anyone else out there looking to get back into the rhythm of things :) little note that about everything here will keep in the fridge for up to 7-10 days, other than the coconut oil which will keep for a good two weeks or so
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[ ‘fresh start’ cleansing body scrub ]
- sea salt
- moon water
- honey
- rosemary
- lemon zest
[ assembly ]
grind together your salt and rosemary, then mix together your water and honey separately and fold into your salt mix, (something like a 2;1 honey to water ratio should be enough water to make it easier to mix but not enough to dissolve the salt) then gently fold in your lemon zest!
- 🍃
[ ‘funk killer’ self love face scrub ]
- sugar
- lavender buds
- rose petals
- thyme
- sunflower oil (olive oil charged in the sun for a bit is a great substitute!)
[ assembly ]
evenly grind together your sugar, lavender, rose petals, and thyme, then fold in a few drops of your oil at a time until it reaches a consistency you’re pleased with
- 🌱
[ ‘bump begone’ after-shave moisturizer ]
- coconut oil
- rosemary
- mint
- lemon balm
- lavender
[ assembly ]
get your coconut oil into a small pot over the lowest heat setting and infuse your herbs for around 10-15 minutes, no longer than 25 minutes and keep a close eye on it! coconut oil tends to set on its own at room temperature but if it’s a bit warm where you are just keep it in the fridge and take it out before use, it’ll begin to emulsify easily into your hands once it warms up from your natural body temp
- 🌿
[ ‘get going’ energy boosting scrub ]
- coffee grounds
- sugar
- cinnamon
- honey
[ assembly ]
gently grind together your coffee and sugar, then add in your cinnamon powder and slowly fold in your honey, if your honey is pretty thick you can thin it out beforehand by in putting it the microwave for about 10 seconds
- 🍃
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