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Here's today youth with there liberal arts degree
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@staff thanks for making the lesbian tag blocked on safe search because apparently our existence is inherently sexual. 
thanks for making young questioning lesbians have an even harder time coming to terms with their identity because they feel gross for it.
thanks for making lesbians who are confident in their identity feel quieted and suppressed.
thanks for perpetuating the idea that lesbians only exist for the consumption of men. we’re only around to give them a good show, right?
thanks for sexualizing lesbians no matter their age.
thanks for allowing the word “lesbian” to continue to be a dirty word. 
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If you like dick please stay away from the lesbian community
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Here is a photograph of one member of the left
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Let me guess you are planning to become a copy cat of this person
I aint part of the TCC or nothin but Aileen Wurnos is a god damn hero to women and I love her
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Who doesn't smile when they see this
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Who didn't sweaty @pissinginariver72
dear caretakers of children: stop telling kids “I don’t care who started it!”. you’re teaching children to ignore unequal power balances. that leads to legitimate belief in things like reverse racism, misandry, heterophobia, etc. you’re teaching children that it’s wrong to retaliate when they are wronged. “who started it” is very, very relevant.
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Hello people of the Tumblr
I reject your liberal lies about white privilege because it doesn't actually exist. About your radical feminist attacking white men for the only reason of them being white. Welcome to this Republican blog
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Ok Sweaty @pissinginariver72
dear caretakers of children: stop telling kids “I don’t care who started it!”. you’re teaching children to ignore unequal power balances. that leads to legitimate belief in things like reverse racism, misandry, heterophobia, etc. you’re teaching children that it’s wrong to retaliate when they are wronged. “who started it” is very, very relevant.
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No it's more of me being the only one willing to respond and please define culture and how straight people have none
Reminder that the stonewall riots weren’t started by trans woman Marsha P Johnson. It was started by a black butch lesbian Storme Delaverie. Stop denying lesbians their history! Stop rewriting gay history in favor of your fucking selves!
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Writing, danceing, music, law, clothes, do you want me to continue
Reminder that the stonewall riots weren’t started by trans woman Marsha P Johnson. It was started by a black butch lesbian Storme Delaverie. Stop denying lesbians their history! Stop rewriting gay history in favor of your fucking selves!
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You know without straight peoples culture there would be almost no culture right
Reminder that the stonewall riots weren’t started by trans woman Marsha P Johnson. It was started by a black butch lesbian Storme Delaverie. Stop denying lesbians their history! Stop rewriting gay history in favor of your fucking selves!
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honey history is wrote by the victores not the biphobic transphobic lesbian whores who slander and hate on straight people and steal our culture
Reminder that the stonewall riots weren’t started by trans woman Marsha P Johnson. It was started by a black butch lesbian Storme Delaverie. Stop denying lesbians their history! Stop rewriting gay history in favor of your fucking selves!
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Are you bifurious? I thought you were lesbian, maybe your confused and going threw a phase.
You know that scene in Scott Pilgrim VS The World where Scott realizes Roxie is Ramona’s 4th evil ex and he’s all “You and her!?!”. And Ramona was like “It was just a phase. And Roxies like "jUsT A pHaSe!?!?!!!11!!?!”. Then Ramona looks to Scott and says “I was just a little bicurious” and Roxie goes “Well, honey, I’m a little BIFURIOUS!” and punches Ramona in the face?
Thats my life right now.
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Hello your friendly neighborhood backpack here and if you know any account posting some weird things or hate posts let me know about it and I'll deal with it
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Honey the dishwashers broke again she's talking back
Asking for it, huh? Like when we held hands and we were called dykes, told that god hates us, and had things thrown at us? Yeah. Surely we were asking for it. Fuck, man. “Asking for it”. Nobody asks for anything. Unless your saying “Hey, please call me a faggot and disrespect the most personal thing about me”, you aren’t asking for it!
And even if it were true, you supported it. You supported that homophobia. You encouraged that homophobia. You are a homophobe. But you still pride yourself as a bisexual and consider yourself LGBT. Who the fuck do you think you are? What the fuck is wrong with you? How awful can one person be?
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