frizzywitch · 8 years
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So you’ve made a spell jar….now what?
I was recently asked what to do with a spell jar once it’s made. I thought my answer would be simple, but the more I wrote, the more I realized it wasn’t. So here’s a guide for those that need it showing what to do with different bottles depending on your intent.
Positive influence on yourself or in your life: -Place somewhere you will see it very often, like a sunny window, bedside table, desk, or altar. Seeing it every day will help strengthen your intent and remind yourself why you made it. -Place somewhere that you meditate. If you meditate regularly you can take a few moments during that time to hold the jar and focus on the spell, the result that you want, and how to help make that happen. -Keep it on your person throughout the day. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. It will act as a conductor for the positivity that you want.
Beauty/Glamour: -Place on vanity or in bathroom. Placing it at the central point of your daily beauty routine will maximize the use of the spell bottle. -Keep in makeup bag/kit. Keeping it in a container with all of your beauty supplies will infuse it’s intent with everything inside. -Stash inside your dresser or closet with the clothes that correspond to your spell (date clothes, party/club clothes, formal wear, lingerie). -Bury in a pot of flowers and keep by a mirror you use for your daily beauty routine. Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty and having something living channel your spell makes it much stronger. -Keep it on your person throughout the day. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. Keeping the jar close to you will help influence the beauty spell/glamour longer and stronger.
Weight Loss/Gain and Exercise: -Stash inside your gym bag/locker. It will serve as a boost right before you work out. -Keep with your food. If you are using it to control eating habits, keep it in your pantry/fridge IN FRONT of all of your food. It will be a barrier between you and your food. You’ll have to get past the jar before you touch anything else. -Keep it on you’re kitchen table. If you are using it to battle eating disorders and/or increase your eating habits, place it where you eat all of your meals. -Take it with you while you move. If you like to ride your bike for exercise, use an unbreakable/break resistant bottle and tie it to your bike. If you like to walk/run with your kids in a running stroller, put it on the stroller where your child can’t reach it. -Store it with your work out clothes. The spell will bleed over into the clothes so that you have it whenever you put them on. -Keep it on your person. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. It will influence you as well as remind you of our goals all day.
Influence Relationships: -Place in the heart of your home. If you are trying to influence your family or the relationships within, keep it where you’re family spends time together the most (kitchen, livingroom mantle, game room, dining room). If you can’t practice openly at home, use a container that is pretty and not see through, fill it completely so it doesn’t rattle, and glue it shut. That way, to everyone else, it will just be pretty decoration. -Give it as a gift. Decorate the bottle and give it as a gift to the person whose relationship with you, you want to influence. -Keep next to their photo. Keep it next to a photo of the person you wish to change your relationship with. -Keep it on your person. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. The bottle will work it’s magic whenever you are around the specified person.
Health: -Stash in the bedroom. Placing the jar on your nightstand, under your pillow, or under your bed will allow health spells to work while you sleep, especially if you are bedridden. -Store with your medicine. If you have to take medication regularly, store it with your meds. -Keep next to your drinking water. If you use drinking water that isn’t from a tap, store the jar where you store your water. The spell will bleed into your drinking water to influence your health. -Keep it on your person. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. If it is on your person, it can influence your health all day, healing you or protecting you from an illness that is spreading.
Dreams: -Stash in the bedroom. Placing it on your nightstand, under your pillow, or under your bed will keep it close while you sleep so it can influence your dreams. -Store with your pajamas. Storing it with the clothes that you sleep in will infuse them with the spell’s energy (unless you sleep naked of course, but I don’t need to know about that). 
Wards/Banishments: -Keep it on your person. If the jar is small enough, it can be kept on you inside a purse/bag, coat pocket, or as a necklace. It will act as a shield to keep away whatever you want. -Bury it in your yard. If you are just trying to banish something/someone from your life or ward them away from your home and family, bury it in your yard. It will act as a shield. -If you are trying to banish something/someone and send them far away from you, bury next to train tracks. -If you are trying to banish thoughts or habits or trying to forget something, bury it in a cemetery. If you can’t bury it in a cemetery, bury it somewhere in the woods and forget it’s location.
If anyone wants to add something that I missed, please feel free!
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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Meeting the guardian
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frizzywitch · 8 years
Dryad and Gryphon for the spirit ask! c:
Dryad: Ahhh this is such a hard question plants are my fave... succulents and cacti are definitely up there though, with lucky bamboo and lavender.
Gryphon: Okay since I’ve always wished I could fly this question is a little easier. But can you imagine like, talking to the birds outside your window each morning asdcdgi
Thanks for the asks though!
Ask me spirit themed stuff!
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frizzywitch · 8 years
how to treat yourself on a low budget
what to do after a long day
how not to be hard on yourself
staying healthy while studying
need a confidence boost? stand like this
how to deal with mental illness
feel better masterpost
hygiene/beauty masterpost | my make up masterpost | make up masterpost | simple steps for perfect make up | more make up tips | highlighting/contouring
6 ab moves 
hair oil benefits
what is your acne telling you? | another useful post about acne
masterpost for rough times
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
head to toe self care
blow job tips | compilation of sex tips 
limits of the human body
when to change your toothbrush, workouts etc
useful hoe tips | more +
love yourself
“how to make love”
shaving your vagina
foods that fix everything
22 less difficult ways to practise self care
self care wheel
superhero workouts | lose 500 calories at home
bad habits and how to break them
stop biting nails
stop procrastinating 
stop skipping breakfast
stretches to improve every aspect of your body
stop cracking knuckles
stop falling asleep late 
list of stress relievers
remove a splinter
smoothie masterpost
morning yoga
hair masterpost
self care masterpost
period hacks | alleviate menstrual cramps
sounds to soothe anxiety | another tip | panic attacks | calming down
things to do when you’re scared, anxious | reduce anxiety
self help for anxiety
what to eat before you run
how to get ahead in life
self care infographic 
study guide for health (basic first aid, healthy hobbies etc)
a+ self care advice | more lovely advice
coping skills
get rid of negative self talk
feeling sad? | not having a good day? | if anyone is sad | feeling anxious for school? | in case you’re having a bad night | unfuck tomorrow morning
study food
health life hacks
what to do with food poisoning
self talk to end obsessions
self care ideas/tips
what to do with you’re bleeding and don’t have a band aid
why you should drink a lot of water
other cheat sheets
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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Hemimycena cucullata - Mycène à capuchon by Vincent L° on Flickr.
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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“I did not want to think about people. I wanted the trees, the scents and colors, the shifting shadows of the wood, which spoke language I understood. I wished I could simply disappear in it, live like a bird or a fox through the winter, and leave the things I had glimpsed to resolve themselves without me.” ― Patricia A. McKillip
Hiking along the Historic Columbia River Highway, Oregon
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frizzywitch · 8 years
my receipt book's lookin a little bare so demon 👀👀👀👀☕☕☕
Listen i didnt ask to be exposed like this elizabeth
but that list is basically made entirely of anything ive ever said to cis (straight) guys ever
examples include: “nah man it doesnt bother me if you use [insert slur]” or “yeah dad i cant wait to see you” or the ever popular “bro im definitely positively without a doubt not gay” :-)
Ask me spirit themed stuff!
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frizzywitch · 8 years
Spirit Asks
Hello Everyone! Here are a few inbox questions that you can ask (for spirit workers and non spirit workers alike!) And as always, you can ask Sun and I these as well! ~Mod Moon
Angel: Are you religious?
Celestial: What is your favorite constellation?
Demon: Have you ever lied about something important?
Djinn: Money or Luck?
Dragon: Is there anything you would hoard?
Dryad: Do you have a favorite plant?
Elemental: What is your favorite element?
Fairy: What is your favorite food?
Gryphon: Would you rather have the power to talk to animals or to fly?
Gnome: How Tall are you?
Human: Do you believe in ghosts?
Incubi: Are you in a relationship?
Merfolk: What would your mer-fin look like?
Nightmare: What are you most afraid of?
Puca: Would you rather bring good luck or bad luck to people?
Sylph: What is your favorite kind of weather?
Vampire: Would you want to be immortal?
Watcher: Who is your favorite blogger?
Were-creature: What is your favorite animal?
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frizzywitch · 8 years
Sensing Energy Exercise
Perform this exercise with a plant with which you are familiar with, then try it with something you’ve never seen or handled before. Trust your observations
For this exercise, you’ll need the plant, plus your green witch journal & something to write with.
Take the plant in your hand. If it is dried or harvested herb, hold a pinch in your palm or hold your hand over it, palm down. It is a living plant that you correctly identified as safe to touch, gently touch it with your fingers. If you cannot identify it, hold your hand above or to the side of the plant with your palm towards it.
Close your eyes and imagine your palm glowing. Focus on the sensation of your palm.It may tingle or grow warm or cool. That means you’re focusing on the energy your palm is creating naturally.
Visualize the plant glowing
Visualize the glow of energy collected in your palm gently stretching out to touch glowing energy of the plant. As the two energies meet, ask yourself what you sense. Do you feel a specific emotion? Do ideas drift into your head? Thoughts or vague hunches? Pay attention. This is a method for collecting observations about the plant by sensing its energy with your own energy.
When you feel you have observed enough, send the plant a feeling of gratitude for its cooperation, then visualize your energy disengaging from that of that the plant and drawing back into your palm.
Open your eyes and shake your hands firmly, as if you’re shaking water off your hand. This will help you get rid of any excess energy hanging on.
Write down your observations in your green witch journal.
Everyone interact differently with the energy of a plant. If lavender energizes you, then that is one of lavender’s energy benefit in your practice, even though most books will tell you that lavender generally projects feelings of peace and tranquility. Acquiring first-hand knowledge is important for a green witch, as it shapes and refines your practice, personalizing it in a way that makes it truly unique.
(Source & inspiration The Path of the Green Witch)
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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Crystal Pendulum Plumb bob
Phew! Sorry this is so long but I thought I would put together all the information I have collected about magickal pendulums. I am a bit new to divination myself so if anything is MAJORLY incorrect, I’d be happy to fix it!
2 things I forgot to mention is that you dont HAVE to have a stick/handle on a homemade pendulum, it’s just that some people find it helps stop them from moving it themselves. Also, if you can’t get an answer from it, try rewording the question before giving up for the day (e.g. Will I see Katie? -> Will I see Katie tomorrow?, Will me and Katie meet tomorrow?)!
There’s a caption on step 3, and sorry for my hideous handwriting, idk why i chose to handwrite it :V
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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frizzywitch · 8 years
I Think More With My...
Aries: mind
Taurus: mind
Gemini: mind
Cancer: heart
Leo: heart
Virgo: mind
Libra: mind
Scorpio: heart
Sagittarius: mind
Capricorn: mind
Aquarius: mind
Pisces: heart
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frizzywitch · 8 years
What are some ways I can celebrate a full moon?
Full moons are beautiful, and so full of joy (for me at least), and there are so many ways to celebrate them! Here are just some of those:
Have a ritual, if you want. It doesn’t have to huge or extravagant if you don’t want it to be; even simple rituals are meaningful.
Bake bread or cookies, or eat food while thinking about your intentions and what you want to happen. This is something I love to do, as I’m into kitchen witchery, and the smell of baking bread always feels festive.
Stargaze, and look at the moon, if the sky is clear. Binoculars or a telescope heighten this experience, but if you’re sensitive to light, be careful - the full moon is almost blinding up close.
Charge your crystals or ritual tools in the moonlight. This is my favorite way to charge crystals, as there are some that will fade in sunlight, and moonlight feels more…mystical, to me.
Keep a journal, and spend some time writing down how you feel about life and your Craft on that day.
Light candles or have a bonfire. Dance or sing; express yourself.
Burn some incense or heat up a wax warmer, or potpourri - fragrance helps set the mood when you want to feel magical.
Take a bath or shower, put lotion on or scented oil, take some time to take care of yourself, and know that you too are part of this universe that you respect and cherish.
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frizzywitch · 8 years
Holly crap we are almost to 600 witches! Im gonna do an intimate giveaway. Im gonna giveaway hand wrapped necklesses. What does that pertain to?? Well im gonna attach a personal spell to each neckless. Can be that you want less negativity, can do. Can be you want to attract love or kindness, can do. Can be that you want to be closer to an animal you identify with deeply, can do. I can make bottle charms, wrapped crystals, and bone necklesses. Can have multiple of those things too. There will be three winners! Likes and reblogs counts. Must be following me, no giveaway blogs, side blogs are ok. Good luck fellow witches! Best wishes Collegewitchproblems
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frizzywitch · 8 years
Ahhh omg this reading is so good I don’t know where to begin! I’m just gonna go in order to keep my thoughts organized :-) ps: sorry if this is super long. •Elements: It’s so cool that you picked up on the flowers! I love flowers so much and I kind of theme everything after them. The watery/air parts make a lot of sense too; when I was younger I was always torn between wanting to swim freely in the ocean and soar the skies. (Not gonna lie I still am.) I’m also very pro-curse, but I find it hard to do them myself for some reason. Finally, the bit about soothing is really cool, because I can be hyper and loud around people and I get kind of insecure about it. •Textures: Actually, that part about the stringy outside is interesting, because I was thinking about it the other day. When I’m doing something I like a lot, like singing or something, I can feel this outside layer surrounding me that I kind of characterize as glitter. I can’t discern what it is exactly, but it’s reaffirming that you picked up on it. And on the waterbed kind of texture, I actively try to be adaptable, so it could be a reflection? •Colors: Pink is actually my favorite color, followed closely by black. The sparkly color you saw could be why I think of the outer layer of glitter, now that I think about it, which is interesting to say the least. •Scents: Okay so I love love love the scent of fresh blankets, especially when they’re all warm and it forms a cocoon and you fall asleep. And the flowers, like I mentioned earlier, are my fave. I’m not actually sure about the metallic scent though…I sleep all the time with my phone charging under my pillow by habit, so that might be it..? I’m not sure though. •Sounds: The blankets again! Especially when they’re super thick oh my gosh. So great. I also feel like I’m always hearing windchimes, like all the time. My mother ahas an issue with collecting those lmao •Soundwave: I’m actually not too sure what soundwaves represent, but that description kind of resonated with me. Like, the way my mood changes but the way I’m expressing it stays the same? I can’t really describe it, haha. •Energy Levels: Okay that’s super accurate. I see myself as ambiverted, so some days I wake up and feel energetic and ready to interact with people, and other days I wake up and want to sit in a dark room for a couple days. - •Energetic Health: I did a sort of deep cleansing two days ago that involved a lot of scrubbing, maybe that explains the puffiness? I hadn’t cleansed in a while so that might make sense. I should cleanse again though, if there’s a lot of junk floating. Maybe I’ll try a cold shower based thing. The junk might be from half hearted protection meditations though. The brightness thing makes me kind of happy, in weird way. Could relate to my weird love/hate of the dark.
Blockages: I myself am kind of stop/go, so that makes a whole lot of sense. I’ll probably do more research on what that could mean for my energy though, I’m kind of curious. I’m still not sure why it was hard to see at first. I blame the fuzz. About the fear… I tend to put things that make me nervous or scare me off until I feel ready (which is never) and it leads to a lot of procrastination and indecision. About the security/enjoyment, they could actually be entwined right now. I’ve been feeling really constricted by my lack of independence (blah blah teenage stuff) and I really can’t wait to move out (which is a mistake). But overall that makes sense.
Protections: The outside layer being a keep-away probably comes from the glamours for invisibility I whisper while I’m out and about, mostly so I don’t get bothered. The second layer I’m happy about, if a bit confused. When I do protection meditations, I usually focus on the elements (layers of fire, strong gusts, etc.) But maybe that’s just how they decided to manifest. Entities: This is the part I am most happy about! I’ve been having trouble sensing my two companions (I was kinda worried they left) and I’m so happy to hear from them! The description sounds just like R, actually. J would be quiet though, knowing him. Anyways, thank you so so much! This reading is so good! Best wishes!
FULL Energy Reading for Frizzywitch
Hi @frizzywitch ! Here is your reading :)
Elements:Very watery, gentle energies. A bit of air too, I think. Some plants, flowers in particular? Overall energy is very soothing (not exactly an element but it doesn’t really fir anywhere else). It can be hard for you to perform more aggressive magics such as curses/bindings, as you seem to hate holding grudges and have a general dislike for hurting others. 
Textures: Stringy outside? (I can’t tell if it’s a shield layer or actually part of your energy). Underneath that ,very soft, thin texture; like a waterbed in the way energy fwooshes around when agitated yet still maintains its shape. Overall energy feels soft and warm, except for the dark colored core of energy (mentioned below in colors). 
Colors: Very thin white outer layer (the stringy thing I mentioned), then underneath that is a gently swirling ball of soft pinks and peachy colors, with tiny patches of sparkly red. Inside of that, it’s either black or very dark blue. 
Scents: Fresh laundry/blankets, bubble baths, gentle flower scents, and then a sharp metallic smell (may be electronics; I am unsure) 
Sounds: Quiet meditation drones or something similar, the ruffling/fluffing of blankets/pillows, wind chimes, the sparkle sound effect
Soundwave: There’s one note that’s not stable; it keeps varying from high pitched, sinking back down to low pitched, then making it’s way up the scale back to high pitched again. Other notes are Eb and D. 
Energy Levels: Based on the soundwave that keeps going up and down and the other things I’m sensing, it seems that how energetic you are varies very often; you likely don’t know when you will feel tired versus when you will feel really energetic. 
Energy Health: 
Overall Energetic Health: Currently feels kind of puffy/swollen, could probably use a cleansing based in cooler or cold energies and herbs. There’s quite a bit of unnecessary fuzz and useless energies floating around. Also your energy glows very very brightly, it’s a bit hard to look at. I don’t think it’s bad, it’s just something I wanted to mention. 
Blockages/Anomalies: I had a strangely difficult time determining this? Like I have a method that lets me see into people’s energy pretty clearly but this time it remained quite blurred for reasons unknown to me. Though it may be due to the abundance of the fuzz/useless energy covering your points up, or that your energy is so bright it’s a bit hard to look at (i made myself some astral sunglasses and that made it easier to look at so the latter might be it). 
Downward energy flow is jerky/stop-go whenever passing through the points: I’m actually not too sure what this could mean, it might actually be a normal thing that I’m only sensing now due to skill improvement. But overall it feels like your energy is “jumping” from point to point rather than flowing. 
Spiky confidence point: Spikiness often indicates fear. Analyze why you feel the fear, and understand that it is normal to be afraid sometimes. But a word of advice: you will never naturally feel ready to face your fears. You never wake up and go, “Hmm, it’s time to get over my fear of heights/spiders/etc”. You must force yourself; maybe not into the whole thing at once, but little by little. You must try to climb a ladder and sit there until you are comfortable, progressively higher each time. You must look at pictures of spiders until at least only the pictures don’t scare you anymore. Then you take the next steps until it no longer scares you. The hardest part is the beginning, but it will get easier over time. 
Not a blockage or anomaly but something I wanted to note: Your Enjoyment and Security points seem like they are still growing/maturing, and that may be due to your age. Security Point takes the longest to develop in my opinion, as it is generally not fully grown until you’re actually independent and stable in life. Enjoyment can mature at around 16-18 years, since that’s generally the time you at least have a vague idea of what you like and don’t like, but the point never really stops changing. 
Outermost personal shield: More of a “keep away” ward rather than outright defense/offense ward. Medium in power, would keep out entities equal to or below you in strength. High permeability when not hostile, but selectiveness might be low as it will not let in things even after they’ve stopped being hostile, unless that’s an extra measure of safety for your ward. 
Next layer going inwards: The texture of this layer is quite misty feeling; the “mist” feels very soft when the thing or energy entering is not hostile. However when the thing emits hostility, the mist turns into something like a sharp, grainy sand, targets the hostile thing, and slices them apart. Higher in power than the previous one, could keep out entities slightly to moderately above you in strength. 
I am sensing at least two distinct figures. One of them wanted me to write a short description of their energy to you. This one’s energy feels quite soft and sparkly, looks light pink. Feels cheery and nice in general. Said “hi! :)” 
Other entity is quieter and did not want their energy to be described. 
Thank you for the help! Please let me know what you think, criticisms, comments, and long, rambly reviews are absolutely welcome!
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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The key to doing magic is deciding that you’re doing magic. Here are some varying examples of commonplace witchcraft, both involved and incidental.
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frizzywitch · 8 years
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