sensoryserenity · 5 months
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"Effusion" | callenschaub on Instagram
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curbside-oracle · 4 months
I feel like the weird magic has all gone missing from tumblr and if anywhere is the place for weird magic, it's... well. Tumblr.
So I'm sharing my weird magic thing and I hope others will do the same, on this post or on their own.
I almost exclusively do "negative" magic. I undo, I reverse, I banish, I drive away, and yes, I jinx and hex and will almost certainly one day perform at least one curse.
All my life, since before magic and before I knew how any of this worked properly (I had some ideas, but how and when I got them is a story for another time), I have had the worst luck. If it rained, it didn't just pour, it flooded with impunity and massive destructive force. Anything I wanted, I didn't get. Anything I asked for, I didn't receive. Anything I loved? Ripped from me, sooner or later. There is no exception to this. I was like a karmic sinkhole where everyone else's bad shit went to spare them from their consequences. When I tried witchcraft, I found it frustrating. My spells always failed. My Intuition was good, but I often second guessed it and was wrong— but if I trusted it, I was also wrong. I couldn't win.
Then I did a banishing.
This.... is also a story for another time. But I will say that unlike every other spell I tried, it worked. It worked phenomenally. For me, it was an unprecedented result. And then I started doing more. I banished my negative thoughts instead of drawing in good ones, and it worked. I stirred my tea counterclockwise, the traditional "undoing" direction and also my natural stirring tendency, and thought of my tiredness and grumpiness and pain; my days got better. Anything I have done with a pushing, shoving, breaking off intent in mind has worked wonders. Putting up walls and other protections was and is also something I'm good at, but not nearly as much as the driving away of things. And you know what? My drawing spells started to get better. They aren't good still, they're almost comically bad, like a comic-relief witch in a webcomic bad. They're not very effective. But they aren't actively drawing in the opposite if what I want them to. I'm not actively losing money to disaster every time I do a money spell or pulling in negative entities when I want to communicate with helpful spirits. My Intuition is much better now, and my discernment with knowing my own Intuition is also much better.
If you're comfortable, share your own weird witchcraft thing that you do or did. Let's start some interesting conversations on witchblr again.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Pendulum readings
Pendulum reading, also known as pendulum dowsing, is a divination technique that involves using a weighted object suspended from a string or chain to gain insight, answer questions, or receive guidance. The pendulum itself is usually a crystal, metal, or wooden object with a pointed tip.
The practice of pendulum reading is based on the belief that the pendulum is sensitive to subtle energy or vibrations and can provide answers by tapping into the user's subconscious mind or higher guidance. The movement of the pendulum is thought to be influenced by these energies or by the presence of spiritual forces.
Here's a basic overview of how pendulum readings are conducted:
Choosing a Pendulum: Select a pendulum that you feel a connection with. It can be made of various materials, such as crystal, metal, or wood. Some people believe that different types of pendulums have specific properties or energies associated with them, so choose one that resonates with you.
Setting the Intention: Before starting a pendulum reading, it's essential to set your intention. Clearly state or think about the purpose of your divination session and what you seek to gain or understand.
Establishing Yes/No Responses: Determine the directional movements of the pendulum for "yes" and "no" responses. This is typically done by asking the pendulum questions with known answers (e.g., "Is my name [your name]?"). Observe the movement of the pendulum in response to different questions and note the pattern.
Calibrating the Pendulum: Some practitioners prefer to calibrate their pendulum at the beginning of each session to ensure accurate responses. This involves asking the pendulum a series of calibration questions to establish its response pattern for "yes," "no," and sometimes "maybe" or "uncertain."
Asking Questions: With the pendulum properly calibrated, you can begin asking specific questions. The questions should be clear, focused, and answerable with a "yes" or "no" response. Hold the pendulum by its chain or string and allow it to swing freely, asking your question either aloud or mentally.
Observing the Pendulum's Movement: The pendulum will start to move in a particular direction, such as swinging back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion. Each person's pendulum movements may vary, so it's important to pay attention to what is typical for you. The movement indicates the answer to the question asked.
Interpreting the Responses: Once you have received a response, interpret it based on the established directional movements. For example, if back and forth is "yes" and side to side is "no," you can understand the answer accordingly. Some practitioners also use charts or diagrams with various options or choices for more detailed responses.
It's worth noting that pendulum readings rely on the user's subconscious mind and intuition. The interpretation of the pendulum's movements is subjective and can vary from person to person. It's essential to approach pendulum readings with an open mind and use them as a tool for self-reflection, insight, and guidance rather than absolute predictions.
Remember that divination practices like pendulum reading are not scientifically proven methods and should be approached with a critical and discerning mindset.
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lunasapphire · 5 months
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themodernwitchsguide · 8 months
working with pendulums
now, theoretically pendulums could be anything, however I recommend something uniform (ish) in shape and fairly weighty. you need to be able to discern when your pendulum is just moving because of the wind, and when it's moving to tell you something. some good examples are crystals, raw or cut, and metal. look out for resin and glass dupes as these do not work as well
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i've seen a few theories on how pendulums work, whether they have their own spiritual energy to move themselves or if they can stimulate your muscles just subtly enough to move them in the right directions. either way, don't worry too much about your own interference here. more often than not, you'll be able to tell when they're moving on their own and when it's just shaky hands/wind
first of all, find a pendulum that speaks to you. then ask it if it's willing to work with you
second, i usually like to cleanse my pendulums, but not too hardcore. just some salt, selenite or herbs will do the trick here, we're looking to wash other people's hands off here, not the actual spirit of the thing
then, when you first start speaking with your pendulum, you want to tackle the conversations with something in between a "you work for me" and "you work with me" vibe. still ask permission before someone else touches it, before you take pictures, etc. i've even known people to ask before using them at all. whatever you think is right
it's also important to get to know your pendulum. what direction is yes? what direction is no? not all pendulums swing the same way. additionally, most pendulums i've met have name and pronoun preferences, so suggest whatever calls to you and then ask if they like it
i've known people to use pendulums for a variety of things. some examples include:
-assistance with tarot
-regular divination (answering the yes/no questions you ask)
-connection to a god (this is what I do)
-talking with spirits (see image below for an alphabet chart)
-and in the darkest of times, it's nice to just to have a friend
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again, it's very important you talk to your pendulums before you decide because sometimes they don't wanna be tied down
in tarot:
1) after shuffling, separate your deck into a number of piles, have your pendulum choose which pile you should read from (this is especially useful for very broad or general readings)
2) after shuffling, lay out a series of individual cards that you feel drawn to. then have your pendulum choose individual cards (this is especially useful if you're doing a reading for someone else, since you can have the recipient hold the pendulum that chooses the cards)
with deity work:
1) have them represent an altar or space dedicated to your deity. this might not serve any practical use, but a guardian for an altar is never a bad thing
2) dedicate it to a deity and attempt communication with them. this can be iffy for some people, depending on your beliefs. in my eyes, a god does not have to be one corporeal being, having to dedicate their singular consciousness to a singular task as a human does. gods are multifaceted, primordial beings that have fingers in many different pots, so to speak. therefore, it is not outside the realm of possibility to communicate with a deity in this way, since moving a pendulum to say yes or no isn't all that deeply personal. REMEMBER, if you do this, the pendulum's spirit is still there, and you are more than capable of separating a pendulum from a deity or communicating with the two separately OR harming the pendulum while trying some risky business with a deity
when i'm not using them, i like to keep my pendulums hung up on my altar space, overlooking my room. however, i DO NOT keep them in direct sun because the crystals will fade with exposure to UV. sometimes i'll bring them out to the window during a full moon though
some other ideas would be:
-in a window that doesn't receive much direct sunlight
-in mesh baggies (so they don't get tangled or lost) on your altar
-hung on a wall, thumbtacks are useful for this
-if you only have one or two, it's not outside of the realm of possibility to carry them around with you. some pendulums really enjoy this too
-with your other crystals, as long as they're separated enough so that they won't get tangled or lost
happy witching!
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~Try not to drop~
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Im just a Doll~
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tickingispleasure · 1 month
I am currently ready and open to spiral stuff and hypnosis. I want to be dumb and empty and a very good girl. I want to sink very deep into your control. DMs are open Masters.
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a-stori-book · 6 months
Hi friends!
Could anybody recommend a favorite Etsy seller who makes divination boards or tarot decks?
Partner apparently has a secret knack for divination, and I’d like to get him some proper tools for the Holidays!
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groundedgreenwitch · 4 months
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happy full moon
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desertwaterwitch · 1 year
I have just discovered that it’s possible for the wrong spirit guides and ancestors to pop up. Like not even mine. Other people’s.
This has been an interesting discovery.
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sensoryserenity · 6 months
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"Afraid of Color?" | callenschaub on Instagram
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sappy-witch · 10 months
Pendulums in Witchcraft 📿✨
Hello darlings 🥰
The enchanting pendulum has been used for centuries to tap into the realms of divination, providing insight and guidance on our spiritual journeys. Let's explore the fascinating world of pendulums and how you can use them in your own practice:
📿 What is a Pendulum? 
A pendulum is a weighted object attached to a string or chain. It acts as a sensitive tool that responds to the subtle energies around us. Pendulums can be made of various materials such as crystal, metal, wood, or even a simple object like a ring. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, each carrying its own unique energy.
🔮 How to Use a Pendulum
Set Your Intention: Before using your pendulum, it's important to set your intention. Clearly state that you seek guidance, insight, or answers to specific questions. This helps establish a connection between you and the pendulum.
Cleanse and Energize: Start by cleansing and energizing your pendulum. You can use methods such as smudging, visualization, or placing it in the moonlight to clear any unwanted energies and charge it with positive vibrations.
Establish Yes/No Responses: Begin by asking your pendulum to show you its "yes" and "no" responses. This can vary from person to person and pendulum to pendulum. It might swing back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion. Take note of the specific movements for your pendulum.
Ask Clear Questions: To use the pendulum for divination, ask clear and specific questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Hold the pendulum steady in your hand and observe its movements. The pendulum will respond by swinging or rotating in a particular direction, indicating the answer.
Trust Your Intuition: As you work with the pendulum, trust your intuition and the messages it conveys. Pay attention to the subtle energies and vibrations you sense. Sometimes the pendulum's movements may feel more intuitive than a simple yes or no response.
Practice and Learn: Like any divination tool, using a pendulum requires practice and patience. Spend time getting to know your pendulum, understanding its unique energy, and refining your connection. The more you work with it, the stronger your bond will become.
🌟 Using Pendulums for Healing and Decision Making
In addition to divination, pendulums can be used for energy healing, chakra balancing, and decision making. They can help identify energy blockages, locate areas in need of healing, and provide guidance on important choices. Trust your pendulum as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
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Your pendulum is a sacred tool that amplifies your own intuition and connection with the spiritual realm. Approach it with reverence, trust, and an open mind. Enjoy the journey of exploring the hidden realms of wisdom and insight with this enchanting divination tool.
May your pendulum bring you clarity, guidance, and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. Embrace the magic! ✨🔮
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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starlight-edith · 9 months
I’m opening tarot readings!
Please boost if you can’t buy a reading! I’m a college student with no income at the moment!
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Deck Options:
- Star Trek: Next Generation deck
- Celestial Tarot Cards
- Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
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Pricing and Guidelines:
-$5 per card
- 10 cards max
- $2 per question
- Yes/No questions only
- Know that this is not exact, do not rely on me for financial or medical advice.
Communication Options
Tumblr - @starlight-edith
Discord - Starlight_Edith
Email - [email protected] (please DM me on tumblr to let me know if you choose this method)
Instagram - Starlight_Edith
Payment Methods:
P-ypal - @matthewinthehatthew
K0-fi - ko-fi.com/matthewinthehatthew
V3nmo - Jasmine-Harding-1
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whimsikoi · 1 year
🌱Hello all & welcome back to my bog!🌱
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I'm Marlow (@palustrine)! I am a queer poc diviner who has been working with their craft for about 8 years almost now. Already really loved rocks growing up and frequented the local crystals store (a chain here in the UK at least) as well as being partial to garden potion making as a child! Combined with discovering the hit game Persona 4 Golden, these threw me into a magical world I never knew was possible before!! Plus many many decks... 💫
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My first tarot deck was a mini Rider Waite that I bought secretly and used to practice. Eventually, I gifted this to an ex but it provided me an invaluable experience that has peaked my curiosity since. I now have a lovely little family full of different personalities, uses and more that I adore with my heart in this life past and future. Will share them with you all over time 🌿
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I'd now like to offer my services to you lovelies if you feel you may need guidance at any stage of your life. Prefacing from the get go, I do not provide readings regarding relationships (romantic or not) as I do not want to involve someone without their consent in the process. My goal is to provide advice whilst giving you the encourage and tools you may need to invoke this into your life. Whether this may be a simple chat, spell, sigil etc. It will be tailored to you. 🌙
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Feel free to contact me if this is something you are interested me so we can discuss details. I operate on a sliding scale currently with an regular price for each of my offerings. 🍃
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Community simple readings shall hopefully be making a return here on the blog too! Look out for posts welcoming asks to recieve a 1-2 card reading or opt for a "pick a card" style instead. 🌠
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chaiyote · 9 months
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My little Bast alter 😌🫶
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beewitched-blr · 5 months
Hi! Is Kali Ma watching over me? Thank you! N.V.W.
Hello again, lovely!
Yes, she is watching over you. It seems to be a semi-new thing, however.
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