from-the-starss · 11 months
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This Picrew is adorable
Use it here
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from-the-starss · 11 months
sometimes u just gotta do things because 12 y/o you would think you’re literally the coolest for doing those things
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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This site is so good for making fake Twitter posts! Here are my ocs if they had Twitter
You can find the site here
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from-the-starss · 11 months
I don't know how many of you know this but Gaza's population is around 2 million people and about 80% are refugees. 1.7 million refugees. These people are descendants of Nakba survivors who were forced out of their original villages in what is now ""Israeli territory"". So Israel is not only carpet bombing a strip of land they caged 2 million people in but is massacring a population that is 50% children and 80% refugees.
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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did this last night
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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My OCs as Pokemon trainers! It was so hard making their teams
You can make your own here!
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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from-the-starss · 11 months
i know a lot of people mock when certain songs are overused on character playlists but I will never judge someone for putting bubblegum bitch on one. If you decided that your little tv guy is miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips who am I to say he’s not
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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from-the-starss · 11 months
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The blue mark is Dorothy
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from-the-starss · 1 year
Getting to know your character better
Here's some (hopefully) less basic things to think about when deepening your character.
- What would they be embarrassed to admit about themself? What would they deny about themself?
- Opposite to the above: What would they proudly admit, and what would they like to claim about themself?
- If caught in an inconsistency or a hypocrisy, how do they react? How would they go about fixing it, or alternatively, how would they go about denying and deconstructing it?
- How much, and how deeply do they think about other characters' opinions that aren't about them specifically? For example if they knew one of their friends liked or disliked another person, how much thought do they give it?
- Are they able to perform something 'Quick'? Do they prefer to sacrifice time over quality, or vice versa? How do they dispense effort per task?
- How patient are they with themself vs. Others? Why, and how so?
- How seriously do they carry other people's worries? How much does this impact their actions?
- What would make them focus on themself more?
- What would they Not want to change about themself? What parts of their self do they cling to, desperately? Even when those things would be already gone?
- Do they think of something as "Their thing", even though other people would disagree? Why so? Are they just not as open or upfront about it as they think? Or do they have gaps in self perception?
- Opposite of the above: Are there some things that others would consider "Their thing" in relation to your character, but they disagree? Why?
- How do they tread around controversial opinions? Is it case by case, or depending on company? In what way? Are they assured in their worldview or unsure? Are they open minded?
- How easily do they relate with other characters?
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from-the-starss · 1 year
One thing that MASSIVELY pisses me off is how fainting is shown in media. It’s always the person sways a little, collapses in one movement, and then is unconscious for like… fucking ages??? They wake up hours later tucked under a blanket and it’s acted like that’s normal. It’s NOT. A person that’s fainted should be back with you pretty quickly, actually:
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(From NHS website)
I had an experience in my last work place where I fainted, but because it looks so different to how it’s shown in film and TV my managers had no idea what had happened. Here’s a comparison of usual media vs my actual fainting that they were all confused by-
Films, TV shows, plays etc:
1) Person goes “oh goodness” or something similar whilst holding hand to chest
2) eyes roll back, gracefully falls to the floor
3) nearby people see the poor fainted person, pick them up, put them on a bed or sofa
4) person comes to hours or even days later with no idea what happened and everyone else is just like “oh good you’ve woken up 🙂”
My usual fainting experience:
1) Everything starts spinning. Incapable of making words as my sole focus is on trying to get myself to the ground ASAP
2) Stumble to floor/chair/ anything I can lean against
3) Quick violent slump as actual faint occurs. There is no dainty falling- the whole body has hit shut down. Usually smack my head on the floor if I haven’t managed to get myself somewhere soft
4) Aware of surroundings almost immediately, but takes a few seconds to fully come back round
5) Carefully sit back up and explain to everyone going “what the fuck happened” that I fainted, and no, I do not need smelling salts actually.
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from-the-starss · 1 year
Hey, are you awake? Good! No, don't scream, I'm not going to hurt you. It's just I've got this convoluted story, setting, and cast of OC's in my head and I needed to talk to someone about it. I'll let you go when I'm done.
What? NO I can't just tell my friends. What if they think I'm annoying or my OCs are cringe? That's what you're here for.
Now, here are the picrews I have saved so you can get an idea of what my OC's look like. I have at least 57 of the same character, for each of the 23 in my story's main cast. So this whole thing started when I was in 6th grade-
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from-the-starss · 1 year
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from-the-starss · 1 year
i think its so awesome that ocs exist. u can just make up some girl and put so many problems in her head
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from-the-starss · 1 year
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Medusa and her gargoyle gf
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from-the-starss · 1 year
we need like 5 million more lesbians in gundam and im not fucking joking
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