fromheretohomestead · 5 years
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Math proves that capitalism sucks and that capitalists are greedy.
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fromheretohomestead · 5 years
“The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.”
— Glennon Melton, Carry On, Warrior (via books-n-quotes)
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fromheretohomestead · 5 years
The first bloom of my water lily. I’m so happy! I have been waiting every since we bought it at the plant show to see this.
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
“I want to look back and say that I was alive. That I didn’t turn my back. That I tried. That I was happy.”
— Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited (via the-book-diaries)
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
“I lost a great innocence when I understood that I and my mind were not going to be on good terms for the rest of my life. I can’t tell you how tired I am of character-building experiences. But I treasure this part of me; whoever loves me loves me with this in it.”
— Kay Redfield Jamison, An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness (via the-book-diaries)
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large — I contain multitudes.”
— Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass (via the-book-diaries)
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
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To love endlessly. – Lukas W.
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
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As I was checking my garden I found my tomatoes are starting to develop! I’m so proud of our little garden. Soon we will have an amazing dinner all from the bounty in our yard.
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
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I only tried because I looked into growing feed for my future hens. Turns out a lot of the grains to feed livestock can be milled into flower. Also yeast doesn’t seem to be crazy hard to cultivate. So I plan on trying to made a bit more bread and trying it with home grown yeast too. If all that works the grains I grow soon will be my next loaves.
Greg: “are you preparing for the apocalypse?” Me: “well I’m learning skills for a self sustaining homestead… but those skills would be useful in an apocalyptic event…. so… sort of?”
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fromheretohomestead · 6 years
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First post!
This is a personal blog to document the learning and experience my wife and I are going through as we take steps to living on a (mostly) self sustaining homestead
This year we built raised beds in the back yard and took steps toward getting permits for hens.
Hopefully we’ll get something to harvest and can from the garden
I built a mini aquaponics system with plans on trying a large one to raise tilapia
This dream grew from a lot of small ideas that we discussed before but more at length after I broke my ankle and could only lay in bed most of last summer. I went through a hard time but it really gave me time to think about what I really want in life.
I quit my job as a hairstylist because it was only bringing me stress and anxiety. I will be getting back into working with animals and learning everything I can to learn skills I will need to succeed when we can buy our land.
I hope to use this to not only make friends and connect with people for further information and community building but also to look back on where we came from when we start reaching goals and especially when things get hard and we need reminding of how far we have gone 😻
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