frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
BTS Reaction To You Being Asexual
Requested by anon~
I’m excited to do this one because I’m asexual! But mentioning sex doesn’t really bother me. Um, enjoy~
Disclaimer: For Jin and V this almost seems non-gender neutral so my bad :-/
This one probably doesn’t see the constant urge/need to get intimate with his partner, it just isn’t something he feels an overwhelming desire to take part in. But he will eventually try to go farther, slowly, only to find that it’s not something you want. It wouldn’t really be a problem that you won’t be into it, he’s just worried about the future. Will he be able to start a family with you?
“W-we can work this out.”
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For this boy, he’d originally be really confused. How? He’d think to himself. Once he understands, he’d see it as a bit of an inconvenience. He sees sex as a stress reliever and a method to show you how much he cares for you without using words. But Suga is just so laid-back about orientation, he couldn’t bring himself to care because he likes you too much to leave over that. 
“I’ll leave it all to my own imagination then, haha... Oh, come on, I’m kidding.”
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He would be very lost when you first explain the situation, but as soon as he’s got it down, it would be understanding city. He’d ask you if you were okay when he kissed you and make sure no one made too gross of jokes around you. Just very kind and overall excited you trusted him enough to tell him. 
“We can still kiss, right? C’mere~!”
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Rap Monster
He’d kind of understand before you outright told him. I see him being very serious about this sort of aspect of a relationship, therefore a few thoughts of ending it would cross his mind. But soon, he’d feel super selfish and dumb thinking like that. Sex wasn’t everything, and after all, he loved you. 
“Well, we could always take part in a lovely philosophical conversation.”
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Along with Namjoon, I think he’d be very tentative. He was seriously looking forward to your first time and basically experiencing one another in this light. For a split second he would think about possibly breaking it off, only to lightly hit himself in the face and tell himself how much of a greedy idiot he is. 
“As long as I get to cuddle my precious jagi, everything will be fine~!”
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Out of all the boys, this one right here would be the coolest with this. He seems to value platonic and developed feelings/love more than sexual feelings, so you not wanting to take part in that would be fine by him. But similar to Jin, he wants a big family, so he’d be worried about your future as partners. 
“We can cuddle for now, but what about our kids?”
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He’d be a little bit upset upon hearing that you’d never want to get it on, (perv maknae what) because he thought intercourse to be a way to become impossibly closer to you, his treasured partner. Although, Jungkook is very mature as a person, and definitely wouldn’t be stupid and shallow enough to leave you simply because he won’t get to have you in that way. 
“That’s okay. We can still play games together and if you’re nice, maybe we can cuddle.”
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It’s nearly 7AM and I haven’t slept lol. Gifs don’t belong to me!! Now goodbye.
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
My son, my babies, baby boy
Me referring to my boys in BTS who are in fact all older than me (via beyondinfinitescenes)
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Yoonminkook gettin’ down to BST
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Man-Up (Jungkook Scenario)
Genre: Fluff [F] & Angst [A]
Pairing: Jungkook x (Female) Reader
Summary: Your little Kookie is becoming a man. 
Omg. My bias wreckerrrrrrrr! Well, technically all of them destroy my life… So here you go. *I am legitimately so weak for guk x noona ughhh why do i have to be younger than him* 
-I made this non gender neutral again! Frick. I’m sorry. 
Noona: What boys call women older than them
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“Cute but not... manly?”
Hands rubbing together to create some kind of friction, you stood in the bitter cold. It was sub-zero outside, and you really wished you could be anywhere but behind the Bighit building while Jungkook sat like an idiot. He was wearing practice shorts and one of his millions of white shirts. Bare armed and stubborn.
“Kookie, you’re gonna catch a cold.” You said, getting up to use the vending machine. Luckily, there were hot drinks back in stock. You put two dollars in. One for you and one for Jungkook. He grumbled something in response as you punched the coffee button. Growing aggravated, you turned around. 
“Do you want my coat? I’ll give it to you.” You undid two buttons.
“Of course not.” He scoffed, kicking a piece of ice with his sneaker-ed foot.
The coffee cans thumped into the pick-up box and you bent to get them, pulling your skirt under you so you didn’t flash the young boy. 
“Here, have one.” You held it out to him, bending to meet his level. 
“I don’t want it.” He turned his head away from your eyes. You struggled not to scream. 
Jeon Jeongguk, whom you weren’t much older than, acted like a complete child at times. An infant. You had been good friends with Namjoon before his debut, back in highschool. The two of you kept in touch and you helped them all through their debut. Every step of the way, (Y/N) was there to support and to fix everything and anything. With that, it was strikingly obvious that the younger members thought of you as an older sister/mother figure. Hence the all too familiar term: Noona. The only ones able to call you Noona were Taehyung and… well, Jungkook. Taehyung was very good-natured and his box-smile made things worthwhile. About a year ago, Jungkook started acting like he hated your guts. He would only snap at you and when you did catch him smiling or laughing he would cough and straighten himself out. He IS still a kid, technically, you reminded yourself. 
“Then, please go back inside.” 
“Not until you do, Noona.” 
Fists bawled up, you suppressed a growl of defeat. 
“Well, I’m going home now!” You cried, “So, go inside!”
He locked eyes with you, and you could see they were swimming with a tinge of guilt but mostly anger. That was before you bolted away, tumbling through the streets trying to get away. The childish jerk strikes again. 
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?” Yoongi asked when you showed up at the dorms. 
“Um, I bring you all dinner on Fridays? But you pay me?” 
“Okay, yeah I know that much. But Jin-hyung said you got in a fight with the maknae…” “Fight? No.” You blinked, playing your infamously useful innocent card. 
The rest of the boy band piled into the Yoongi-Seokjin dorm quickly, upon hearing, or rather smelling, the arrival of food. You met eyes with Jungkook. 
Like always, he looked away, but not without granting you a scowl first. You tried not to let him get to you, and helped to dish out the food. Once everyone was situated and eating, you noticed Jungkook not touching his food. Instead, he was gazing intently at you, his eyes locked onto your lips. As you noticed his stare, you simply assumed something was on them, so you ran your tongue quickly across your top lip causing him to gulp and look away. However, you didn’t give it much thought and stood up to get yourself something to drink from the Yoongi-Seokjin fridge. You quickly opened it and hummed as you searched for what you wanted. Seokjin was a very good cook, that’s why the fridge had so much in it. 
A gasp escaped you and your body involuntarily jumped. You would’ve spun around but you knew from the voice that it was the Jeon boy. So you paid him no mind and continued to find a beverage. That is, until you heard him shuffle up to you, his hand grabbing the handle and closing it in your face. 
“Hey, I was looking through that.” 
Turning around, you were about to tell him off but you quickly realized how close he was. His hand was resting not too far away from your waist, and from the angle he was at, it seemed as though he towered far above you. 
“Kookie, w-what are you doing?”
“Why don’t you call me Jungkook?”
“Because you’re younger than me and you’re cute--”
“Cute but not...” He paused, inching forward so you pressed yourself farther into the cold fridge, “Manly?”
“What do you mean? I’m older than you.”
“Age is just a number,” He leaned in so that his breath was hot against your ear, “Noona.”
Your arms were bolted to your sides and you averted your gaze from his, accidentally giving him more access to your ear. 
“J-jungkook,” You stuttered since it had been ages since you’d called him that, “Why are you becoming so bold all of a sudden?”
“If you can’t figure it out on your own, then you never will. Think about it.” 
He continued to close the gap between your bodies, but he moved his head so that your cheeks brushed against one another’s. 
“Okay, so, now you want me to call you Jungkook even when I thought you liked being called Kookie...”
“Calling me Kookie makes me sound like I’m a baby.”
“But you are--”
He groaned and peeled himself away from you. There was a visible sheen on his brow indicating how nervous he was, despite his confident front.
“No, I’m not! I’m a grown-up now!” His volume was increasing, and you waved your hands to quiet him. The usual chatter from the next room over fell silent. You glared at him, hands becoming claws, until you heard soft steps shuffling into the room. 
“Everything alright in here?” Namjoon, your best friend, asked warily. 
“Of course,” You replied, giving him a sweet smile, “But, hey, I’ve gotta get going. I’ll see you next Friday for the concert, okay?” 
You hugged him good-bye without saying another word to Jungkook, and fumbled to get your coat while the other boys stared blankly in your direction. 
“Jungkook, what happened?” Namjoon’s low voice could be barely heard from the kitchen.”
“N-nothing, hyung. Sorry to disturb you.”
Pushing through the door and storming out of the dorms, you allowed an angry sigh to spill out your mouth.
Friday rolled around much too fast, and you exited your work building quickly in order to ready yourself for the concert. Once you stepped into the shower, you allowed the water to envelope you and nullify your senses. After that, you put on easy-going clothes and pushed your hair away from your face. You breathed out heavily, making your way to the door. 
The concert venue is shiny and large, like a new toy to a child. There are cars everywhere, and you find it utterly dizzying to try to find the entrance. People are in the parking lot, hours early, waiting to see the boys they love so much. You’d be a flat-out liar if you said you weren’t insanely proud of your seven friends. Namjoon was the only member left from the original line-up of BTS, and they all struggled and worked so hard to get where they are. But Jungkook. Jungkook was only 15-years-old when he debuted, the cameras and lights shining on his skin from the beginning of his teenhood. He missed most of his highschool years, which made you feel sad. You wanted him to be a kid, you wanted him to feel like a kid, you wanted--
“(Y/N)!” You’re snapped out of your daze, to see the manager, quickly beckoning you over, “Oh, thank god you’re here! We’re behind on schedule, the boys need their makeup done.”
“I can help with that!” You say cheerfully, “Who should I work on first?”
“We have coordi-noonas with most of them, but you can start with Namjoon.” 
Nodding, you slip into the dressing room, searching for the boy with faded purple hair so that you could put his makeup on. He sees you, his eyebrows raising and a smile finding his mouth as he stands up. 
“I’ll take good care of you, Nam.” You say jokingly, gesturing to the chair, and he laughs seating himself in it. 
You set out the materials you need, taking the concealer and applying it to his more problematic areas. Your eyes were level with his, and you continued to focus on your work. Little did you know, Jungkook was watching you with a furrowed brow and wide eyes, not yet clad in makeup and waiting for his turn. He watches as your bottom lip is taken between your teeth, a piece of your hair falling against your cheek, and your shirt falling slightly off of your shoulder and revealing your collarbone. He sees you holding onto Namjoon’s shoulder, steadying yourself. The phone in his lap is forgotten, and his hand curls around the edge of the tiny sofa. Deep down, he’s secretly wishing that he was the one you were applying makeup to. He moves the phone to the side, and gets ready to stand up. 
“N-namjoon-hyung, can I go first?” He chokes out, making the hyung turn his head and a streak of concealer across his cheek. 
“But why?” Namjoon asks, looking genuinely confused. 
“I want to have my makeup done now. I-I’m getting anxious.” 
“Just wait a little long--”
“Hyung, please.” 
Namjoon seems to understand something after this, your eyebrows quickly knitting together. 
“Kookie...” You mumble as he takes Namjoon’s seat. You take an eyeliner and try to apply it to his eyes, you see them flutter shut. His bangs are stuck to his forehead thanks to the beads of sweat. His rosy pink lips are parted in concentration to keep still, and you felt a very foreign feeling. In the top of your stomach, bubbling up to your chest similar to butterflies. A warm sensation heating up your cheeks. Your hand drops to his shoulder, your fist resting atop it, and you lean in as if in a haze. Your lips ghost over his when his eyes are still closed, and you can feel the warmth and softness from his own. You pull back in shock of your own actions, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. 
“N-noona...” He gasps out, standing up at sonic speed and dashing out of the room, assuring the manager that he was using the bathroom. You drop the eyeliner and bite on your bottom lip. What had gotten into you?! You had nearly kissed the maknae. But you had to set yourself straight, so you dashed out after him. You had one of the employees tell you where the bathrooms were, and you immediately went in that direction, that boy was terribly fast. You turn the corner, and find him pacing the empty hall and he looks up to meet your eyes, fear eminent. Sighing, you walked up to him. 
“I’m so sorry, Kookie, I don’t know what got into me...”
“I told you, it’s Jungkook.” 
You cocked your head to the side as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I’m not a child anymore, look I’m taller than you!”
He steps up to where you’re standing, seeming to loom above you. 
“I get that but--”
“You’re so dense, noona! How do I say this...”
Your head was spinning, he was so close, you could feel the hot breath puffing out of his lips, until he suddenly made the bold move to grab onto both of your hands. 
“You see, I want to be a man to you. No, I want to be your man.” 
“Jungkook...” You sighed out, taking a glance away before stretching up on your tiptoes and placing your lips on his. They were warm and soft, similar to a baby’s and he was absolutely still for a few seconds, letting you move your lips against his by your lonesome. But he eventually straightens out, leaning into the kiss and moving his own mouth to yours. He hums slightly behind them, pulling away and sighing. 
“Noona, isn’t the guy supposed to make the first move?”
“Why don’t you man up and kiss me again?”
asdjkl im screaming. Okay enjoy this or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me. Sorry this took me forever and it’s literally so long. Kk bye bye~
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Hello there. I was just wondering why you are so behind on posting the fanfics we request. Is there a reason? I hate to be like this but >_
First off, I’m so sorry! And I won’t try to make excuses, but if I’m to explain then... I’ve been studying for exams. So yeah, I’ll try to get better over summer! Also, I’ve been kind of displeased with my writing, and I have a Jungkook fluff and a ChanBaek fluff coming soon? (I say that tentatively because I can’t keep up with my stuff lmao) Sorry again!
~Freya :^)
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Sooooo, I was just thinking that you'd be really good at righting smutt?? My friend and I were about to request some smutty thangs haha, but I was wondering why it's a 'no smut zone' can you pleasee tell me why??
Ohhh my. This requires a lil’ backstory. So personally, I’m asexual (or possibly demisexual idk) and I hate to talk about my sexuality because it isn’t really important to who I am. But I just don’t really feel comfortable talking about people I’m so soft for like that. And I’m younger than BTS, EXO, SEVENTEEN, GOT7 etc. so that’d just be so weird. Even if I make semi-wacky jokes about them in the future, that doesn’t mean I really feel that way. 
Thank you for asking this question, hehe. 
~Freya :-) 
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Hiiiiiii!! Idk if u know Hangul but if u do, can u say something in it plzzzzz! Thank youuU!
Hehe, what a peculiar request. My Hangul is really rusty, but here you go! 너 너 무 귀 엽 다! (That wasn't very good, was it? Lol) +Thanks for the askkkkkk~
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
BTS As Boyfriends
Because everyone is uber curious, right?
The caring boyfriend. He’d want to do all the cliche things you see in movies and romance novels, like sending you flowers and complimenting your outfits. He’d be one of the better ones to introduce to your family or friends because he will literally be so kind, polite and say all the right things. On Valentine’s Day, he’d be the best to cook you a special dinner and make you homemade chocolate just to see your smile. Very, very, romantic. 
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The laid-back boyfriend. If you ever feel stressed out, he’s the best to go to. He’ll always lend an ear if you need someone to listen, and will always cuddle you if you’re sad. But in secret, he tries so hard to be romantic for you, like taking you out on dates and trying to say wooing words you know he’s been practicing. He’ll write you a song but he won’t admit it’s about or for you. 
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The fun boyfriend. One you can totally mess around with and just have a whole lot of laughs with. He’ll take you to amusement parks, sky-diving, water parks, you name it, he will indefinitely want to experience it with you. But that doesn’t mean he won’t get serious. Whenever you’re sad, you can expect him to comfort you like there’s no tomorrow. Or when he decides to be romantic, he’d surprise you by acting like a grown-up for once. 
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(lol ily hoseok don’t worry)
Rap Monster
The cool boyfriend. When the two of you go out, he’ll have his arm draped across your shoulder, a silent reminder that you belong to him. The type to bring you to museums and go on lazy coffee shop dates together. As much as he acts relaxed and such, he’s totally crazy about you and really wants to impress you. He’s just a big dork that needs a whole lot of loving, but he doesn’t want to admit it. 
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The sweet boyfriend. This boy has the heart of an angel and he would treat like royalty. Asking to carry your things, kissing you whenever he gets the chance and such. Poor little bun is so whipped he won’t know what to do. If he’s going to take you on a date, which will probably be as often as he can, he will bring you somewhere cutesy like a garden or beach. 
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The odd boyfriend. The type to ask you to go bowling at four in the morning or asking you to take him for ice cream when you’re busy. He’s constantly asking weird questions and making dumb jokes, but you can tell by the way he looks into your eyes, he is sincere and true about his unrelenting feelings of love towards you. You’d be his one and only sunshine. 
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The confident boyfriend. If you have an ex, he’d put an arm around your waist and the world would just know. He would bring you on dates and around town with you on his arm, and it would be perfect. But deep down, he is freaking out over what he should do and how to impress you, if you’d rather he did this or that, or what you’d like him to wear the most. Nervous bean. 
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Author’s Note
Ooh, this actually came really easily to me. I hope you liked! Gifs don’t belong to me. 
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Soon to be filled~! :^)
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BTS Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
BTS As Boyfriends
Wife Stealing Sons
Rap Monster
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GOT7 Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
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EXO Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
Dating Xiumin Would Include
Luhan (Ex Member)
Kris (Ex Member)
Dating Chanyeol Would Include
Tao (Ex Member)
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Seventeen Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
S. Coups
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
GOT7 Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
4/4 of the Holy Quartet. Enjoy, my children. 
This boy would be so calm and reassuring to you, but still managing to make it memorable. 
“Please, never forget this.”
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Jaebum would be so cocky and confident in giving you your first. 
“You waited for the right man, chagiya.” 
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(i could not resist sorry not sorry)
Expect to be dealing with squishy and squeal-y Jackson because he would be so excited. 
“I’m so honored you chose me! You have no idea!”
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This boy would be so respectful to you, always making sure you were okay with everything he did. 
“I won’t disappoint, yeobo.”
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A very sweet young man indeed. A part of me feels Youngjae has not had his first kiss, so he will be very good to you.
“Tell me if I’m doing it right, okay?”
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(stop sleeping on him omfg)
Bhuwakul is such a cocky brat, but we love him anyways. So totally ready to kiss you, he was born ready. 
“Let me give you some loving, baobei.”
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Yugyeom also strikes me as the type to not have been kissed yet also, being maknae and all. He’d treat you like royalty. 
“I’ll be gentle.”
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Author’s Note
Ooh, kill me now. I’m supposed to be finishing my Forensics project. 
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Dating Exo’s Xiumin Would Include
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Shy Minseok at first 
He won’t say much
But by the way he’s staring with googly eyes you know he cares
This boy loves him some coffee
You don’t like coffee? Too bad, now you do.
He’d make you coffee all the time because he’s really good at it
“Chagiya, how was your day?” 
Expect him to buy you flowers 
Romantic Minseok (cuz have you seen him)
He’d come out of his shell more, with coaxing on your behalf
Unless you are also shy/quiet, then you’ll both enjoy more silent company (which is also just as good)
As the oldest, if you’d ever get in a fight, he’d be the first to apologize. 
“Listen, chagi, I don’t believe I’m wrong, but let’s forget about it, okay?”
You are 100% his prince/ss
Because he is highkey dad (omfg it was a joke)
But seriously
Trying to take his shirt off and you’re like “Nu-uh, I’m no sinner”
If any of the other members got too close/teased you, *cough baekhyun cough* you better believe he will beat them to a pulp
He’s someone who has dealt with insecurities himself, so if you are the same way, he will not only relate but help you feel more confident
“Chagiya, listen, I know how you feel, but you can’t let it get to you. You’re awesome the way you are.” 
Reassuring him when he feels he isn’t good enough
Him not using many pet names, mostly ‘chagiya’ and ‘princess’ 
You calling him ‘Minnie Mouse’
Loving it when he blushes
But he is the best at making you blush 
If he sees you hanging out with other guys, he’ll be so okay, you’re a little confused
Though inside, he’s lowkey boiling
Not because he doesn’t trust you
He actually doesn’t trust the others, because a tiny part of him believes everyone’s after you
If anyone’s ever being mean to you, tell him and he’ll take care of you
Mischievous Min
He would be so there for cuddles/snuggles 
He’s a great listener
And extremely attentive 
Plus, don’t tell but he’d probably be the best Exo boyfriend 
Randomly calling him ‘baozi’
Insisting he’s stupid if he calls himself fat 
He will def pick you up in any way he can, because he is the strongest in the group
Encouraging him to speak because he always has great things to say
His complements would be the absolute bomb
“(Y/N), I want to take you somewhere beautiful, but it’ll never be as beautiful as you.” 
“Wait, Min, that kind of sucked...”
“Oh, shoot... I’m usually so smooth”
“Yeah, okay”
Will want to buy you things, so let him
Going on dates as much as he can
Making fun of his hair in various eras
Rapping his line in Hey Mama!
Yelling over new MVs 
Once he gets to know you, he’ll be so in love
You will love him back, trust (I mean we’re talking about Xiumin)
Have fun ok
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
So, the Grump Dump just got a huge makeover. Why is that you may ask... I felt like I was kind of just goofing around but I’m gonna take it more seriously so I thought I’d need a more proper environment. Can we talk about how aesthetic I made it like holy moly! Anyways, hope you’re okay with the new groove.
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Exo Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
I want to die. These are so cute. That’s why I’m doing these first. Because I die.
Also I feel like all of them haven’t really had the time to have relationships so I think they’d all be nervous.  
Minseok would be very nervous, but would not show it. He’d try to be confident throughout it. He wants it to be a perfect experience, and he is honored you chose him. 
“I hope it was one worthy remembering. I know I’ll remember it forever.” 
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(ily minseok u dangerous thing u)
Luhan  (Ex Member)
He tries his hardest to man-up and make it awesome but he’ll just mess it up. 
“Oh my god, what was that?! I ruined it.”
“Luhan, it was good.”
“Oh. Of course it was.”
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Kris (Ex Member)
Totally confident in his skills. He’ll make sure you won’t regret a thing. 
“Wow. I was great, huh?”
“Shut up!”
“Oh, it was good, don’t even lie.”
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Poor Junmyeon. So nervous and insecure, but will make it seem like he kisses all the time in case you’re shy too. 
“Well, I hope I did well?”
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Laid-back Yixing all the way. Of course, he’d want to make it really amazing for you. 
“I tried my best for you to enjoy it. Did you?”
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One of the more confident members. Baekhyun would trust his ability to transfer his feelings into his actions. He’d hesitate when the time came. 
“Okay, I’ll kiss you now. Your first, right?”
“Yes. I want you to be it.”
“Well, wait no more! I will steal your innocence!” 
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Jongdae knows what do and when to do it. Even if it seems like he’s always teasing you, he really does care and want it to be 100% amazing. 
“Damn, I’m good. You likey?” 
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We all know he is a total puppy in everything, but he is also not insecure. 
“Listen... chagiya, I really want to kiss you but I know it’s your first so I want to be gentle-”
“Go ahead.”
So he shakily leans down to give you your first. 
“Oh my gosh, that was.... Just wow, thank you!” 
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Extremely honored boy. I don’t think Kyungsoo is very experienced with this sort of thing either, so he’d probably want you both to give it your all.
“I’ll do my best for you.”
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Tao (Ex Member)
Zitao would be very cocky and wouldn’t really worry too much about it as he knows he’s amazing. Although, I could see him getting stressed and making a big deal over nothing.
“You won’t regret it, baobei.”
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Jongin is another that could go either way. But I do see him being more confident than anxious. 
“Just relax, I’ll take care of you.”
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Yet another cocky little shit boy. He would think it was only obvious that you’d choose him for such a special moment.
“Of course. I’m Oh Sehun.”
Though at the same time, he’ll be very squishy and just ‘yehet.’
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Author’s Note: Gifs don’t belong to me. Y’all better be grateful I risked my life for this. 
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Dating Exo’s Chanyeol Would Include
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Having random af pictures of you on his phone doing the weirdest things and you try to delete them and he’s like “no my collection”
Grabbing you and hugging you with his big armsss
Flexing: “yo chagi feel this” “ew wtf chan” “you like” “maybe” 
Baekhyun is your third wheel like is he in love with him (probably)
Will 100% want to meet your family fairly early on in the relationship
He’s so lovable, they’ll be whipped
Using lots of pet names 
Calling you ‘bae’ because he saw it on Twitter and you’re like “ew that’s so cringe-worthy”
But then he gets frisky and he says “you better be ready for me, bae” and then it’s not so cringe
Buy him meat, even if you don’t eat it, buy it for him
He’ll buy you stuff too, like lots of things. “i got that money to spend”
Wanting you to be proud of him
When he raps you’re like “that’s my son” 
He really values your opinion
He is a puppy, and he’s also almost always happy
If you’re not really a positive person, he will totally change that
Dumb jokes told by him and your sides hurting because sooo dumb
If you’re sad, he’ll get so panicked 
“Wait, wait! Look at my face! Funny, right?!” 
“Please, please, don’t be sad...”
Or if he’s sad, and none of the members can get him to talk, you go over
“Chanyeol? Channie? Yeollie?” And he’s suddenly venting
If he’s having a bad/off day, Suho will plead for you to fix him 
Sincerely wondering when he will calm down
“(Y/N)~” “Yuck, what do you want.” “Okay, geez.” “wait, come back” 
Squishy Chanyeol 
Him trying not to grow jealous when he sees you with other guys
Or if you hang out with his members when he’s not around he’ll be like “oh, okay... i’ll just”
But he’ll always be okay/supportive when you are indeed hanging out with other male homo sapiens 
Kabedon-ing you because he knows you love the scene from Exo Next Door
Watching movies together
Watching his movies together 
You screaming over ‘So, I Married An Anti-Fan’ 
Trying to leave the bed after waking up and he just grabs your waist and pulls you back down, burying his head in your neck
“Yeol, I gotta pee” “too bad” “ugghhhhhh”
Bear hugs are a must
If you’re not into skinship, he’ll change that. (its his oxygen)
Staring and when you call him out on it he’ll admit it shyly
Confident Chanyeol catching you off guard sometimes
‘Cause he’s like a squish almost always and then “chagiya, looking good”
unshaved yeol
Asking him to rap like any of his lines but especially Monster and Light Saber
“IM UNTOUCHABLE MAN” “seriously (Y/N)” 
Then he’d get all blushy seeing you glowing when he does rap them
“Here we go, danger!” And you’re like “YOU SAID IT” 
Morning voice, his voice is so deep to begin with but 
When he’s sick it’s almost unintelligible it’s so deep 
Also does this kid stop talking
Probably not
He’ll write you songs and perform on his g-tar
Why wasn’t he a vocalist?!
He’s a puppy, but trust me, he’s whipped for you
And you’d be out of your damn mind to not be whipped for him
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
BTS Reaction To Being Your First Kiss
Uwah... Too much~! I’ve never kissed anyone and I don’t really plan on it... If I wasn’t 63204390334% soft for Bangtan I might still be alive. 
Notes: This is gender-neutral. Mentions kisses. (wow no really)
You had told Seokjin beforehand that you had never been kissed and he didn’t seem to mind. (Tbh this man is a bit traditional so I think he might like this a little too much-) However, when the time came to actually kiss you, he acted like it was his own first. He stuttered and eventually just pecked your cheek. 
But he saw your did-you-just-gyp-me-my-first-kiss glare, he finally gives you a real sweet one on the lips. 
“Did you like it?”
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Yoongi is very relaxed when it comes to this sort of thing. You could’ve kissed literally everybody or no one at all and it wouldn’t really matter to him. Although, I do see him being really excited and honored that you trusted him enough to entrust such an experience to him. He tried to kiss you on the lips before, figuring your innocence when you turned your head so he got your cheek instead. So, he sort of didn’t try again. Eventually:
“Yoongi, just kiss me.”
So he did. He didn’t do more than just press his lips to yours, as he didn’t want to rush you. 
“Thank you for that, chagiya. How was Oppa?”
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*this gif istg i hate u min yoongi jk ily also im so weak for suga calling himself oppa*
Hoseok wouldn’t really mind either as he has been in long term relationships himself. But, we know this boy is crazy, and he would be over the moon at how he’d get to kiss such a nice person/one that he really liked. The time came after a date, and he leaned in and sealed the deal. 
“Hobi...” You breathed out.
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Rap Monster
Namjoon, (in my shitty af opinion) would go for someone with more experience. Though, if you are with him he probably cares about you lots, so I can see him loving to steal some innocence as well. 
“I’ve never been kissed before, Namjoon.”
“D-do you want me to... uh... you know?” 
So he kissed you and he became more confident through it, almost getting riled up.
“So, if that’s a first, you must be new to some other things too then.”
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It’s hard to tell if Jimin has been kissed before. If he hasn’t, and it’s both of your firsts, he’d be super shy and wouldn’t want to mess up, but if he has, he’d be super flirty.
Version 1:
“Chagiya, I’m going to kiss you, okay? Let’s be each other’s firsts.”
Version 2:
“I’ll take good care of you.”
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Taehyung is also a traditional bun so I don’t see him being kissed yet either. So, after a date, you shyly asked if he’d kiss you before you went inside. 
“Only if we can be each other’s firsts.” 
You agreed, and he leaned in to kiss you. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but then again neither did you. And it was sweet. 
“Now, we’re both not so innocent anymore, yeah?”
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Guk is another one that can totally go either way. And he’d be exactly like Chim, shy on one end, flirty on the other. 
Version 1:
“Okay, well, I hope this is like the movies...”
Version 2:
“This will be worth the wait, trust me.”
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Gifs aren’t mine. They belong to their respective owners. I am deceased. I’ll try only to freak out under one gif per post today it was Yoongi. Okay. Welp. I hate this-
Bye bye!
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frumpyfr0g-blog · 7 years
Wife-Stealing Sons (Suga Scenario)
Genre: Fluff [F]
Pairing: Suga x (Female) Reader
Summary: You’re the only girl your sons know that doesn’t have cooties. 
Appa: Means father/dad
Eomma: Means mother/mom
Hyung: Means brother/what boys call boys older than them
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“I would like to ask for your hand in marriage.”
“(Y/N), where are the boys?” Yoongi, your husband of nearly a decade questioned, not bothering to look up from his notebook.
With a sigh escaping your lips, you glanced around. Coast was clear.
“I don’t know. But enjoy the peace and quiet while you can. I know I will.” He gave a small smirk to your remark that you noticed as you tilted your head back to your book.
Though, all good things must come to an end. Abruptly, there was a loud commotion from the brothers’ shared bedroom as they began to speak and yell informally in Satoori at each other. Eventually, you heard determined footsteps making their way towards you and Yoongi. The eight-year-old Min appeared in the kitchen, his resting face serious.
“Ah, Ye-Jun, hey there.” 
“Hello, Eomma. I’ve come to make an announcement.”
“Oh? Let’s hear it then.”
You watched as he breathed in, puffing out his chest like a manly man. Ye-Jun was the eldest of the two and always seemed to be serious and stoic. 
“Once I become of age, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage.”
Yoongi twitched. 
“I’d love to marry you, Ye-Jun. To what may I owe this honor?”
“Well, most girls have cooties, but you don’t--”
He was cut off by the four-year-old Min making an entrance. Ye-Jun gave a discontented groan of sorts before listening to his brother. 
“Yeong-Su in the house!” He made tiny rapper movements, imitating his dad. 
“Yeong-Su, quit stealing my thunder!” The older son growled. 
“Shut up, Ye-Jun-hyung! I hafta talk to Eomma.” He pushed his brother out of the way.
“Yeong-Su, it’s not very nice to speak to your hyung that way--” You began but his enthusiasm sky-rocketed.
“Eomma! Will you marry me? Pretty please~?!” He gifted you with a famous Min grin. (that rhyme im crying)
Yoongi gripped his pen tighter. 
“I’d love to marry you, too, Yeong-Su--” You got interrupted yet again. 
“You say you’d marry me, Eomma!” Ye-Jun pointed out with a tone of disbelief. 
“No, she’s marrying me! She’s mine!” Yeong-Su yelled. 
“Boys, settle down...” You said into nothingness as they continued bickering.
Yoongi’s chair screeched as he pushed it backwards in a swift movement. 
“Eomma is already married!” He said, but it came out more like a desperate cry.
“W-what?!” Yeong-Su looked at him, “Who’s got her?!”
“Appa!” Yoongi jabbed a thumb at his chest, “Eomma is married to Appa!” 
A smile danced across your features, as the Min Yoongi began to grow frustrated with your sons asking you to be their wife. 
“How?! She was supposed to marry me!” Ye-Jun let his serious act drop, and began to pout like there was no tomorrow. 
Yoongi roughly grabbed your hand, the one that had held your ring. 
“This! This shows that Appa claimed Eomma for his own, understand?” 
Not saying anything, you let this mess unfold hilariously before you. 
“Ew! Appa’s like a monster! He kidnapped Princess Eomma!” Yeong-Su cried in distress. 
“We have to rescue her! He’ll eat her!” Ye-Jun exclaimed. 
A smirk crawled up on his face. You had a feeling you knew what was coming. 
“Maybe he already has.” Yoongi said, gripping your hand tighter. 
Your husband received a nice punch in the arm. 
Author’s Note
Wtffffff. I do NOT do smut, but this took a weirdly suggestive turn lmao. Anyways, I sincerely hoped you enjoyed whatever this was. I swear I’m a better writer than this, I’ll promise you that!
Bye Bye~
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