frunkcastle · 12 days
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Samih al-Qasim, Shalom
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frunkcastle · 12 days
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work song by hozier / mahmoud darwish
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frunkcastle · 12 days
رميت كل قواميس في النار وسميت لغتي.
I threw all of my dictionaries in the fire and named you my language.
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frunkcastle · 1 month
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frunkcastle · 2 months
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How do we tell the sea we are drowning on land?
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frunkcastle · 2 months
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Ariha, Palestine.
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frunkcastle · 2 months
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frunkcastle · 2 months
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Orientalism by Edward Said
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frunkcastle · 2 months
Orientalism by Edward Said should be a mandatory read for every single student in the west.
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frunkcastle · 2 months
Since when does a militarily occupied people have the responsibility for a peace movement?
— Edward Said
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frunkcastle · 2 months
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[This post is a series of images from an infographic by the Slow Factory Foundation originally posted May 2021. The first image is a photo with text over it. The photo shows a massive fireball in the middle of a group of buildings, with a massive black cloud rising from the flames that is bigger than the buildings themselves. The building just behind the fireball is low, rectangular, and lit up bright orange. Behind that building, there is a city lit up at night. Hundreds of buildings stretching into the distance, a thousand glimmering lights.]
What is happening in Palestine is not complicated; it's settler colonialism & ethnic cleansing.
Debunking Misinformation around Palestine.
Myth ❌ Palestine and Israel are in "conflict."
Fact ✅ What is happening in Palestine is settler colonialism, military occupation, land theft and ethnic cleansing. A conflict means there is equal footing, which is not the case. There is an active oppressor (Israel) and an oppressed (Palestine). A colonizer (Israel) and a colonized (Palestine). This is not a conflict.
[Three images of headlines with the word 'conflict' crossed out in red ink.]
Note: According to the Congressional Research Service,
Israeli military occupation has been supported by US aid with $3.8bn a year paid for by U.S. tax dollars since 2016 for the next 10 years.
It's also supported by other colonial countries including Canada, Australia, France and Belgium.
Myth ❌ Before Israel came to Palestine, it was "just a desert" and Israel made the desert green.
Fact ✅ Before the occupation of Israel, Palestine had green, rich and lush land. In fact, Palestine respected the biodiversity of their Indigenous land: Palestinians were producing 92% of Palestine's grain, 99% of its olives and 95% of its melons to name a few.
Since Israel's occupation, biodiversity has decreased. Israel removed Indigenous plants from the land to plant European Invasive species. This phenomenon is called green colonialism, which has been discussed in depth by many, including Naomi Klein in "Let Them Drown."
Myth ❌ Sheikh Jarrah is the only neighborhood in Palestine that is in danger.
Fact ✅ Israel has been gradually stealing Palestinian land, destroying and ethnically cleansing entire Palestinian villages, violently displacing families and building illegal settlements on top them since the first Nakba ('catastrophe' in Arabic) in 1948, where almost 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, Palestinian history erased and half the Palestinian population were expelled from their homes.
Myth (cont'd.) ❌ Sheikh Jarrah is the only neighborhood in Palestine that is in danger.
Fact ✅ Over the past few decades, the state of Israel has continued the settler colonial project, and Sheikh Jarrah is the latest and not the last neighborhood being violently threatened with dispossession, which Israel has no legal right to do.
[Images of a map showing the drastic decrease in Palestinian landmass from 1946 to 2019. In 1946, Palestine was 99% Palestinian land. In 1947, it decreased to 40%. In 1967, to 30%. And in 2019, less than 20% of Palestine is Palestinian land. The remaining areas are being encroached on by occupied Palestinian land, meaning occupied by Israelis. The rest is Israeli land.]
The mainstream media has been supporting these myths by spreading misinformation that conceal Israel's ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by saying it's a two-sided conflict, framing Palestinian resistance as terrorism and normalizing the state of Israel.
To learn more about Palestine and the ongoing fight for liberation, follow Palestinian-led organizations, media and frontline activists. [@Instagram / Facebook]
@theimeu / Institute for Middle East Understanding ( IMEU )
@palestinianyouthmovement / Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
@jewishvoiceforpeace / Jewish Voice for Peace
@visualizing_palestine / Visualizing Palestine
@wolpalestine [Censored by Meta]
@mohammedelkurd / Mohammed El-Kurd
@muna.elkurd15 / Muna Nabeel Elkurd
@nouraerakat / Noura Erakat
Sources & Suggested Reading
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
Let Them Drown by Naomi Klein
Black Power and Palestine by Michael Fischbach
Orientalism by Edward Said
The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
Palestine by Joe Sacco
"Zionist Logic — Malcolm X on Zionism" in The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964
On Palestine by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
[End of images]
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frunkcastle · 2 months
1998, Edward Said.
"Israel was constructed on the ruins of another society."
via conflictechoes on insta
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frunkcastle · 2 months
Palestine is and always has been a land of many histories; it is a radical simplification to think of it as principally, or exclusively Jewish or Arab. While the Jewish presence is long-standing, it is by no means the main one. Other tenants have included Canaanites, Moabites, Jebusites, and Philistines in ancient times, and Romans, Ottomans, Byzantines, and Crusaders in the modern ages. Palestine is multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious. There is as little historical justification for homogeneity as there is for notions of national or ethnic and religious purity today.
- Edward Said, Truth and Reconciliation, 1999
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frunkcastle · 2 months
the fact that we need 8 hours of sleep is ridiculous we should only need 4 and the other 4 should be used to be cozy in your bed and rub your legs together like a cricket and listen to music and think about your little scenarios
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frunkcastle · 2 months
The “Open in App” button was out there to taunt you. it sends you to the app store even though you already own the app and it will never let you see the post on your phone browser. they do this because they hate yoy
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frunkcastle · 2 months
u know what will really ruin ur day? anything if ur sensitive enough
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frunkcastle · 2 months
btw i found out that there are actually two major types of bleeding heart doves, and that while one of them looks like it bears a wound on its chest, the other looks like the one who made it
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