Like or Reblog if you like any of the following…
Gravity Falls
Yuri on Ice
Rick and Morty
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
One Punch Man
Carry On
Ravens Cycle
My Little Pony
Miraculous Ladybug
Book of Mormon
Dear Evan Hansen
Be More Chill
Fairy Tail
Attack on Titan
Star Trek
Doctor Who
Camp Camp
Détective Conan
Steven Universe
DC Universe
Anything generally gay
(Add suggestions in the comments,,, i forgot half the fandoms I’m in)
(Bls don’t judge me for being in so many)
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the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” is actually not the full phrase it actually is “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back” so don’t let anyone tell you not to be a curious little baby okay go and be interested in the world uwu
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I know there have been posts on this before but it simply boggles my mind, as someone who has been involved in fandom for over a decade, this new trend of needing your ships to be canon and then just…….giving up on them when they’re not?
Like that’s never been the point of shipping. It was never about “I ship these two because I think they’ll be canon” it was just a dynamic, or a desire, or whatever. You didn’t need it to be approved by the creator(s) to be validated. And this new trend of “canon blew holes in my ship so I can’t ship them anymore” or three pages of bullet points analysing this One Look the characters had and how that Proves they’re Canon is mind boggling to me.
Like, do you think my 13 year old ass ever thought Draco and Ginny were gonna be a thing? No! Why would I? But that never stopped me!
I see this mostly in the Voltron fandom, like ppl crying out that Shatt is dead or Klance is dead or Sheith is dead and like, y'all…..they were never alive. That’s what fandom IS. You don’t need a thesis on why you ship two (or three or whatever) people. You don’t need justification or validation. And you can multiship!! Where did multishipping go??
The whole point of fandom is that it’s not canon. Don’t let canon influence who you ship. It never used to.
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some spicy trending memes
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Reblog if you’re a hatefree Voltron blog
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Season 4 Voltron
Things I found out in season 4 ● Coran basically had a fucking squip ● Lance has had either acrobatic or pole dancing lessons at some point in his life. ● Lotor is a traitor on every front but I can't help but like him. ● Matt is a walking meme machine. ● Matt is not the blind boi we believed him to be ● there is a reason behind the name 'pidge' ● Hagar is conceling her true form ● shiro is a fucking fake ● there is too much of everything happening And there is way more I can't put into words. But season 4 wrecked me.
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During Training..  Pidge: Nice work Tailor Lance: Thank you, thank you very much Keith: wait what Hunk: It’s a nickname Lance got his first year of flight school Lance: Yeah because of how I thread the needle Keith:  Keith: *intense Garrison crush flashbacks* Shiro: *uproarious laughter*
(I wrote this in two forms and couldn’t decide which I liked better, so there’s a full fic under the cut)
Keep reading
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If anyone has the link for this I would greatly appreciate it, thanks
I don't know of any newsboy Lance fics but there IS a UPS delivery guy Lance fic on AO3 where Keith has agoraphobia and Lance gets to know him bit by bit talking to him at his door.
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Every Halloween must reblog!!
reblog so others can hear it!
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Evil morty sketch,
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Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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This guy definitely made some kind of deal with a deamon.
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never forget that australias first ever winter olympics gold was won because the guy was coming dead last and everyone in front of him fell over
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Stop covering up fat people by using the word chubby, fat isn’t a bad word
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Since Canabilism is legal in England, fuck scientific research, thats what im donating my body to when I die.
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My grave,
Throughout my life I plan to save up load of money to put towards a massive monument as a gravestone. Like posh people had in the olden days. And im going to fill it with really fancy engravings which look beautiful and whimsical from far off, but once you get closer, you realise, its just a complemation of tumblr shit posts.
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