fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
Depression but every time someone says “but you always look so happy” it gets so much worse
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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body check :/
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
where’s my oscar for acting like i’m not falling apart 
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
Things to do instead of binging
1. Scroll through the VS Angel’s Instagrams 
2. Watch makeup tutorials on YouTube 
3. Scroll through reverse thinspo blogs 
4. Dress yourself in things that are really cute, but still tight on you
5. Leg lifts. They’re relatively low effort and you can do them while watching tv or scrolling on tumblr 
6. Go to the website of your favorite clothing store, and read the size charts for the small/extra small. Then, go through all their clothes and add the things you like to your cart. Look at the sizing, look at the clothes. You’ll fit into them one day. 
7. Go buy yourself a ton of gum in a variety of flavors. Delicious, low/no calorie. 
8. Imagine whatever you’re about to eat settling on your thighs. 
9. Look at the pictures you have of yourself when you first started. Look at yourself now. You’ve come really far! 
10. Every second that you’re not eating is a tiny victory in itself. Remember that.
11. If you’re in public, look at everyone’s legs. Their stomachs. Their cheeks. Compare them to yourself.
12. Close your eyes and remember the last time you binged as vividly as you can. Think about how you felt afterwards.
13. Paint your nails.
14. Watch Dr. Pimple Popper on YouTube. Kills my appetite so quick. (Warning: so gross it’s almost incomprehensible.)
15. Squeeze your stomach, or your thighs. Take note of how much fat surrounds your fingers.
16. Do your lipstick so perfectly, nothing can be allowed to mess it up.
17. Water and tea. So much water and tea.
18. Go out and buy vitamins! They’re all low in calorie (if they have any at all) and will give your body essentials without the calories!
19. Take a long, steaming hot bubble bath. Or throw a bath bomb in. Wash yourself with the nicest soap you own, and when you get out, lather yourself in the nicest smelling lotion you have.
20. Watch entire seasons of tv shows. The 20 seconds between one episode and the next isn’t enough time to eat anything!
21. Plan tomorrow’s calories.
22. Scroll through theproanarecipes. You’ll find low-cal version of foods you thought you’d never taste again!
23. Cardio! Seriously, do it until you feel like your lungs are gonna collapse. I personally love doing jumping jacks to MCR’s “Planetary”. The beat is perfect for it.
24. Compile your favorite thinspo, and pictures of all the clothes that you’ll order in small or extra small at your ugw.
25. Go outside. Separate yourself from the food and just clear your head. Think about all the ways you want to improve.
That’s all I have at the moment! I’ll add more as they come to me, or feel free to add them yourself!
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
Reblog if thinking about losing weight distracts you during class/work.
It can’t just be me…
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
sometimes i wonder why i’m the way that i am, but i was born with tragedy in my blood, and despair in my bones. i was made with a shattered heart, sadness in my mind and misery in my soul. i’ve been prone to self-destruction since day one. i was cursed with an army of demonic thoughts living in my head. i am flawed, i am a walking catastrophe travelling down this wide world of broken hearts and betrayal.
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
my friend ana tells me i need to lose weight she is pale, her defined collarbones juts out of her skinny body my friend ana tells me that what i see in the mirror is disgusting, unlovable and a waste of space her malnourished body shivers, blue lips quivering my friend ana tells me that skinny is happiness, skinny is essential her sharp hipbones stick out beneath her flat and toned stomach my friend ana makes me do two hundred sit ups because i went over my calorie limit, my limit is one hundred and fifty cals her hollow cheekbones and visible rib cage haunts me my friend ana tells me to restrict, restrict, restrict starve, starve, starve her spine glows in the fluorescent light of the changing rooms as she demands the shop assistant for a size 2 my friend ana tells me i should love the hunger pains, because an empty stomach means a smaller number on the scales she stands up slowly, carefully because she is fragile, her head is spinning with every move, every step,  my friend ana says i should only see food as numbers, because food is the enemy my friend ana is here to save me my friend ana will make me thin  my friend ana won’t get out of my head.
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
i could write about all the things in the world that causes pain to live in my heart, but despite all the terror in this messy world, the only person that destroys me is myself. how do i live with that? i only hurt myself and those around me, simply because of my own thoughts and voices and destructive urges i cannot control
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
“you need to try harder, your education is the most important thing out there, stop giving up and get your grades up.”
yeah i’ll try harder with school but my mental health is a wreck and i’m depressed as shit but that doesn’t matter because i’m a failure a burden a disappointment a mistake a fucked up messed who needs to try harder
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
People with depression can smile
People with depression can laugh
People with depression can eat normally
People with depression can have good sleeping
People with depression can seem happy
People with depression can have good grades
People with depression can be happy at some points
People with depression can have good days
People with depression don’t always appear to have depression
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
i hate how my mood completely depends on other peoples tiny actions i hate it i hate it i hate it so mu ch
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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The voices in my head won’t stop..
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
Reblog if you are insecure about anything below:
-intelligence (or lack of) 
-skills (or lack of) 
-weird hobbies
-friends (or lack of) 
Who ever reblogs this will get a message in their inbox.
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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these voices...
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fucked-upsociety · 7 years
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13 reasons why❤
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