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I refuse to answer any dumb or mean anonymous (or even not anon) comments and asks about the way I look, why I look this way, and any other ignorant questions. I was just born this way, no reason for it. Don’t feel bad for me, don’t pity me or look down on me. I have a condition, but it does not affect my daily living. I have a normal, amazing life with a wonderful family, thankful and appreciative friends, and the ONLY way I will allow for sympathy is for when rude, ignorant, hurtful people decide to publicly humiliate me. I am human just like everyone else, I live, I breathe, I eat, I laugh, I LOVE. And whoever cannot accept that can stay out of my way of living a happy and healthy life. I would really appreciate it if this gets reblogged to raise awareness to bullying as well as the condition I was diagnosed with- I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!
here is a bit about my diagnosis.. I was born with lymphatic malformations. For me, it affects my face but this can occur anywhere on the body. There are lymph vessels that are enlarged and extra lymphatic fluid in those surrounding areas. It is not due to any food, medicine, or activity during pregnancy. It just happened. If you have any other questions, just ask. Like I said, curiosity is OKAY. Cruelness is NOT.
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I’m a fat cam girl and I’ve had a really hard time with my body. Not many people besides family or friends have told me I’m beautiful or cute. It’s taken a lot of time to actually feel good about myself. I’m super fucking cute and adorable. 
You are super fucking cute and adorable!!! <333 You have an amazing body babes!! <3 
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I fucking hate my body, I'm disgusted by it.. everyòne says I have a perfect body and a perfect butt, but I just don't see it.. I'm sorry for this but I have been "sexually violated" by my brother. But I'm slowly learning to love myself and my body
It can be hard to love your body when someone else has violated it, but he is turd rocket and you are a goddess. You will be able to love your body again, in your own time. You are beautiful and hopefully soon you will get to a place where you see that too.
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I just wanted to put this here for all the beautiful people who have written to us about scars. <3
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This beautiful model, a burn survivor, did this photo shoot to, in her own words, “prove that scars do not change a person, they make that person who they become.” What a gorgeous woman.
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Lovelies, please remember to add tags when you submit. And mods make sure you do if there aren't any so we can avoid triggering anyone.
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hi uh. i think you just missed that last one, but could you tag pictures/stories about self harm?
Very sorry about that, I've added tags to it now. -Liz
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I’m a fat girl with all these scars down my arm and an ED. People are constantly telling me to cover them or try to get rid of them. But, I am learning to wear them with pride! Even though for now, in my eyes they are simply another flaw on my body.
(I have scars all over my legs as well so I can somewhat relate to people’s rude comments :( don’t let ignorance get to you, and you should be proud that you’ve stopped because you have every reason not to harm babes the future is bright! ❤️ I hope you get the help and support you need for your ED, surrounding myself with positivity helping me get over mine. You’re doing great love I’m proud of you and you’re gonna get so much better and happier every day! ☺️ -Kat)
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I hate my hair, because its too long, and I hate my big things I hate my stretch marks and I hate the way I get bumps on my thighs after shaving them...
You could always get a super cute shorter haircut and still look stunning 💕 your thighs are amazing and stretch marks are natural and wonderful, and razor bumps happen to a lot of people; maybe try to moisturize with an oil before and after shaving, and not as often? I use a deodorant stick over mine to reduce them. Do you guys have any other tips for her? X -Kat
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Yeah, I have oily fucking skin all over and a tiny ass, but I still got stretch marks on my booty. Stretch marks are cute!
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Stretch marks can literally come from anything! I have a ton under my left arm from supporting my head with my hand while lying at my laptop, lol.
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I've always struggled with having stretch marks. Ive hated my body for the longest time because of them... But then I found out that stretch marks happen to everyone, not because you're "big" but because your skin is dry. You can have drier skin in an area, get taller, and then get stretch marks there. I just wanted to share this because hopefully it'll help someone out like it helped me. Stretch marks DOES NOT equal "gross". It just means your growing and need to moisturize
its not even dryness babe, a lot of lotions and cremes say it’s some skin deficiency but thats just bullshit to get you to buy their shit 
Some causes of stretch marks ~ 
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Hi, I'm 14, 5'2 and 120lb. I have large breasts (16C) that slightly sag with stretch marks along the sides and my nipples are vein-y as well as big. I also have stretch marks along the sides of my belly as a result of my that area being big. All my friends are 90lb (which is the healthy weight) 12B sized breast and not one stretchmark. I understand it isn't good to compare myself to other girls and I'm trying to learn to love my body. Any advice? :)
Your body sounds proportionate and right for your height and age, and keep in mind that you're still growing love, you're gonna just keep getting more and more beautiful. Stretch marks are a normal, gorgeous, and natural thing that everyone gets. ❤️ and boobs are boobs no matter what color or size or shape, they're all wonderful. Look in the mirror and find five different things you love about your body every day, and you'll see all the negative thoughts melt away and disappear xox -Kat
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So I was going into the shower and I noticed I had lines right above my thigh,so I went into the shower thinking they were from my jeans,when I got out they were still there,then I realized they were stretch marks,fml (like I don't think they were there 2 weeks ago,and there purple like a bruise:()
Stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of and they happen to almost everybody! Embrace them it just shows your growing into your beautiful body ❤️ -Kat
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Hi I'm only 19 and I have stretch marks all over my legs I'm really self conscious about them and even though I try to be okay with them I'm nervous to even wear shorts. How did you get through that?
I think it’s a lot easier to not worry about them when you realize that almost everyone has them. Really. Short, tall, thin, fat, muscly, they all have them. They are natural and so unbelievably common that there is no reason anyone should be self conscious about them. Wear your shorts and whatever else you want. You will look fantastic and anyone who says different is a lying piece of shit.  
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i have the same hand thing as you just not as severe but its caused from stress n stuff too, i'm really embarrassed of it too but recently i started taking probiotics and its been kind of helping?? the blisters disappeared and now i'm just left with the peeling skin which is also getting better, i just wanted to let u kno just incase it could maybe end up helping. thank u for sharing too, it's nice to not be the only one
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I wanted to say hi to Sachie and thank her for making me feel less alone with my condition. I have harsh eczema for the same reasons. I wanna give that girl some well wishes, people like us can pull through with a smile cuz we're great like that :)
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