fuckyeahdarkcloud · 2 years
Dark Cloud back in the day cost $50. Who knew?
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 2 years
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A celestial body, literally!✨
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 2 years
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 2 years
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 2 years
We lost a vital part of this site when people stopped making “fuckyeah_____” fan blogs 
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 4 years
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 4 years
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Quarantine Mood, thinking about all my responsibilities.
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 4 years
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Me laying in my bed with my laptop during quarantine
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 5 years
Don't forget to love on your world/time saving teammates.
-Mod Xaviar
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Happy (belated) Valentine's Day, Dark Cloud fans!
@theatlamillia (👍), @fuckyeahdarkcloud (👍)
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 5 years
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 5 years
Mod Xaviar isn't dead, he's just working hard to find smug cat girl.
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Little Miss
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 6 years
Wise Owl Forest
The following is a list of all monsters that you can encounter in the Wise Owl Forest. I list the monster name, then what elements are most effective, which elements are least effective and which elements hit neutrally.
~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~
Monday and all variants: Weak to WIND. Neutral to all others.
Cannibal Plant: Weak to FIRE. Neutral to all others.
Earth Digger: Resist THUNDER and WIND. Neutral to all others.
Fli Fli: Weak to FIRE. Neutral to all others.
Haley Holey: Weak to FIRE. Neutral to all others.
Halloween: Weak to FIRE. Neutral to all others.
Hornet: Weak to ICE and WIND. Neutral to all others.
King Mimic: Neutral to all.
King Prickly: Weak to FIRE. Neutral to all others.
Mimic: Neutral to all.
Werewolf: Weak to HOLY. Neutral to all others.
Witch Illza: Weak to HOLY. Neutral to all others.
~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~
Calcs were done using a maxxed out 7th Heaven
Please Like/Reblog if this was useful, mainly just for a motivational tool for me do the rest of the dungeons.
Message me here for any comments or corrections, or if you would like to see my spreadsheet with the exact value of damage each enemy took from the attack.
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 6 years
Kinda reminds me of Xiao.
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 6 years
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Ruby from Dark cloud 
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 6 years
Take notes, gentlemen.
girls dont want boys
girls want a dark cloud 3/HD remake
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 7 years
Mod Xaviar here again.
Not dead, just on a casual lookout for content.
Anyway holy cow, 10/10 qt art.
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 7 years
Aside from requests I've opened, I also issue a challenge to you other Dark Cloud fans. =3
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