fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
PETITION - SIGN HERE: http://tiny.cc/g0q60x
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
“Allowing Beijing to host the 2022 Winter Olympics would send the world a message that China’s human rights abuses are being endorsed by the I.O.C., making the 2022 Games look strikingly similar to the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the 1980 Moscow Olympics,” the letter said. “We dream that one day the sacred Olympic flame will cast a light on a free China. For now, under this government, any more Olympic Games would go down in history as the Shame Games, and make the I.O.C. an accomplice in the abuse of human rights in the name of the Olympics.”
link: http://tiny.cc/swr60x
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
The images coming out of Nepal are harrowing. Here are vetted charities you can donate to if you want to help.
Nepal is a small and poor country ill-equipped to deal with a calamity of this scale. Nothing as disastrous and devastating has taken place in the region for almost a century. No substantial form of emergency aid and assistance program is available domestically, at least not one that can deal with a disaster of this magnitude. Any outside aid counts. Please give any amount you can to these relief efforts that are vetted and credible. The area is still experiencing aftershocks that are making rescue efforts difficult. Water and food are now being sought after. Please give how you can and we can hope help gets to the people affected before it’s much too late. Please help. 
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
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More than 1,400 dead as magnitude-7.8 quake rocks Nepal
A powerful earthquake — the country’s worst in 80 years — rocked mountainous Nepal on Saturday, killing more than 1,400 people and leveling buildings and centuries-old temples. Dozens if not hundreds remained trapped under mounds of rubble.
Hospitals in the capital of Katmandu were so crowded that many of the injured were treated outside in the open, according to local media. The magnitude-7.8 quake, which shook a wide swath of northern India and Tibet, also triggered avalanches in the Himalayas, killing at least eight people at Mount Everest’s base camp.
Nepal police said at least 1,457 people were killed.
Outside Nepal, at least 20 people were also killed in India, six in Tibet and two in Bangladesh. Two Chinese citizens died at the Nepal-China border. Given the scale of the destruction, the death toll is almost certain to rise, said Laxmi Dhakal, Nepal’s Home Ministry official. (x)
If you can please donate to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund!
You can also donate to the American Red Cross by texting “redcross” to 90999. That text will result in a $10 donation to the disaster relief fund.
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
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US Teacher Deported After Sending Text Messages Critical of China’s Tibet Policies
Teacher recounts harrowing story from Lhasa
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
*Tibetan Plateau, TIBET. 
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Tibetan Plateau, China
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
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March 10 is Tibetan National Uprising Day.
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fuckyeahtibet · 9 years
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Today, to honour Tibetan Uprising Day and relentless Tibetan resistance to China’s brutal occupation, please share the Tibetan flag which is banned inside Tibet or join a local demonstration. 
"Free Tibet" is not about hippies or meditation, it’s about a country that’s been under military occupation since 1949. It’s about colonialism.
Over 130 people have now self immolated since 2011 in protest against Chinese rule. Just recently, on March 6th, Norchuk set herself on fire and died from her wounds, marking the first self immolation of 2015.
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fuckyeahtibet · 10 years
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Happy 79th birthday to His Holiness the Dalai Lama! 
May you live long and in good health, may your wishes find fulfillment, may your spirit never waver, may your guidance see us through and may there come a day when you set foot again on your own homeland. 
With deepest gratitude and love, we wish you health and happiness. Happy birthday, Gyalwa Tenzin Gyatso!
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fuckyeahtibet · 10 years
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Tianamen Is broad and clean And you can’t tell Where the dead have been And you can’t tell What happened then And you can’t speak Of Tianamen. You must not speak. You must not think. You must not dip Your brush in ink. You must not say What happened then, What happened there. What happened there In Tiananmen. The cruel men Are old and deaf Ready to kill But short of breath And they will die Like other men And they’ll lie in state In Tianamen. They lie in state. They lie in style. Another lie’s Thrown on the pile, Thrown on the pile By the cruel men To cleanse the blood From Tianamen. Truth is a secret. Keep it dark. Keep it dark. In our heart of hearts. Keep it dark Till you know when Truth may return To Tiananmen. Tiananmen Is broad and clean And you can’t tell Where the dead have been And you can’t tell When they’ll come again. They’ll come again To Tiananmen. James Fenton - Hong Kong, 15 June 1989
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fuckyeahtibet · 10 years
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Sorry if this painting reminds you of yourselves, because I can see myself reflected in here. Welcome to the jungle!
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fuckyeahtibet · 10 years
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This is the Bodh Gaya Buddha, considered very sacred by Tibetans and Buddhists everywhere. It is located in the Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar, India, where Gautama Buddha is said to have gained enlightenment. I took the picture during my trip there this January. It never stops astounding me, how well endowed religious sites and institutions are. People will keep giving as long as they maintain the faith that they're getting something back, in this life or the next. I mean, look at all the glitter up there. I'm not foolish enough to assume they're diamonds (right?) but they don't look very cheap either, you know? Makes for a pretty picture still. Although one wonders what Gautama Buddha would think if he saw himself clad all in gold and glitter. This was a common theme throughout my visits to religious attractions around India and Nepal. I shouldn't be surprised. My mother probably spends more money making donations to various monasteries to look after me and my brother's collective wellness, on upholding daily religious rituals, etc than anything else. How many others like her? It just never stops stumping me though. All that faith. All the blingz. I'm off on a tangent. I shouldn't be writing. 
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fuckyeahtibet · 10 years
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What Makes the Dalai Lama Lovable?
 by Alice Walker
His posture
From so many years 
Holding his robe with one hand
Is odd.
His gait
One's own body
The sloping
& Angled
One hopes
Yoga class
Or does Yoga
On his own
As part
Of prayer.
He smiles
As he bows
To Everything:
The heavy
This earth;
& Prolific
Even so,
He sleeps
The night
Like a child
Thank goodness
That is something
You could cry
Yourself to sleep
On his behalf
& He
Has done that
Has been
A great
Tearing away
Mother, Father, Siblings, Country, Home.
And yet
His mother
Loved him;
His brother & sister
Too: Even his
Not so constant father,
When Tenzin was
A boy
With him
He laughs
Telling this
Over half a century
To who knows
How many
The way he sat
His father's chair
Like a dog,
Each juicy
Whenever I see
The Dalai Lama
My first impulse
Is to laugh
I am so happy
Lay eyes
So effortlessly 
That balding head 
That holds
A shine;
Those wire framed
That might
Have come 
That look of having offered
All he has.
He is my teacher;
Just staying alive.
Other teachers
I have had
Resemble him
In some way;
They too
And Humble;
By Science & things like
Cause & Effect;
The Evolution
Of the Soul.
Or might not
They too
See all of us
- Banker, murderer, gardener, thief -
When they look
Out across
The world:
But that is not all
They see.
They see our suffering;
Our striving
To find
The right path;
The one with heart
We many only
Have heard about.
The Dalai Lama is Cool
A modern word
Because he wants
Our collective
& Happiness.
That's it!
What makes
His holiness.
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fuckyeahtibet · 11 years
Welcome to Dharamsala, population 20,000 and one of the most hacked places in the world. This small city in India's lush Himalayan foothills is home to the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader; the Central Tibetan Administration, or CTA (formerly called the Tibetan government in exile); and a host of Tibetan media outlets and nongovernmental organizations, some of which the Chinese government classifies as terrorist groups. The Dalai Lama fled here in 1959 after communist troops violently suppressed an uprising in Lhasa, now the capital of western China's Tibetan Autonomous Region. India embraced the Dalai Lama as a token of religious diversity, and tens of thousands of refugees followed suit. About 130,000 Tibetans live in exile, according to a 2009 census; Dharamsala is the closest thing they have to a political capital.
Read more.
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fuckyeahtibet · 11 years
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"Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished."  - Nelson Mandela
This photo is from the meeting between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela in 2004. Earlier this year, when the ailing Mandela was hospitalized, the Dalai Lama expressed remorse at not being able to visit South Africa to see him for a last time due to his Visa being denied by the government officials. 
Now it is with deep sadness that we had to see this day, this passing of one of the greatest men whose struggles and sacrifices shaped not just a nation, but our whole world.
Rest in peace, Madiba. Your legacy will live on. 
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fuckyeahtibet · 11 years
“Life is not so idiotically mathematical that only the big eat the small; it is just as common for a bee to kill a lion or at least to drive it mad.” - August Strindberg
Let's be the biggest, baddest bee we can be. Please sign the petition! We're NEARLY there. Less than 10,000 signatures until we hit a million! 
China wants the world to forget about it’s brutal rule of Tibet, but right now it needs votes to get elected to the UN Human Rights Council. Let’s get our governments to use this vote to demand change!
It is incredible the pace with which this online petition has been moving. I don’t know why I did not post this here sooner. But please, if you haven’t signed this Avaaz petition already, please take a second to do so. Avaaz is the largest online advocacy group and we are both extremely grateful and excited that they joined in on the good fight. We’re hoping to hit 1,000,000 signatures. 1,000,000 people who want China to know we’re not cool with their sick human rights record, which makes them the last government we want on the UN Human Rights Council. 
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fuckyeahtibet · 11 years
China wants the world to forget about it's brutal rule of Tibet, but right now it needs votes to get elected to the UN Human Rights Council. Let's get our governments to use this vote to demand change!
It is incredible the pace with which this online petition has been moving. I don't know why I did not post this here sooner. But please, if you haven't signed this Avaaz petition already, please take a second to do so. Avaaz is the largest online advocacy group and we are both extremely grateful and excited that they joined in on the good fight. We're hoping to hit 1,000,000 signatures. 1,000,000 people who want China to know we're not cool with their sick human rights record, which makes them the last government we want on the UN Human Rights Council. 
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