funnythoughtbubble · 10 months
I love the Winnie the Pooh newspaper comics. Everyone’s such a dick to eachother, it’s so out of character. Is it simply called “Winnie the Pooh”? I never bothered to read the title, I just call it “It’s Always Sunny in the Hundred Acre Woods”
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funnythoughtbubble · 2 years
Read a tweet where some kid is claiming manga and anime are superior to Marvel and DC comics and movies because Disney and Warner Bros don't always treat the artists right and I just... You sweet summer child
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
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Something I saw on Twitter.
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
but... if it goes poorly doesn’t that mean it’s all downhill from here on? >_>
I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
Disembodied Intelligence and Murderous Possession
Damn! So I don’t need a body but if you decide to kill me I’ll just take yours.
Click on it twice. These are your two super powers.
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
If you ever tagged me to do one of those tag game thingies and I never did it:
1) Thank you, seriously. Those are fun and being included shows that my followers care enough to want to learn more about me.
2) Very sorry about that, it’s extremely likely that I said to myself “Cool! But I’m busy at the moment, I’ll have to do this later today or tomorrow” before proceeding to just straight-up forget, now it’s too far back in my notifications and/or your blog to find again.
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
things you deserve this 2018:
pure love
a kind heart
genuine happiness
honesty and transparency
good art
clear skin
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funnythoughtbubble · 6 years
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
This blog did not and will not send requests for bitcoin donations.
There seems to be a virus or some sort of malware going around causing blogs to “send out” chat messages to blogs that they follow asking for help with the purchase of certain items through donations of seemingly small amounts using bitcoin and adds a link to the message.
The message goes as following (at least the first message I got went like this): “Hi there buddy. I need help, I’m trying to buy a laptop and I can’t afford it. I’m about 0.36$ short, and I’d really appreciate if you could help me and transfer some money to me via bitcoin using this *link*.”
The small details in the message seems to have a few variations with the greeting, amount and purchased item showing up in different variations from formal to friendly, from 0.016 to 2$ and from a phone case to a laptop among others.
The blogs that are affected send out the messages to blogs that they follow for a long time mostly, so you are most likely to receive the message from a long time, active follower whose name you might recognize or a mutual etc. The blogs that are affected are not spam bots but actual active followers who follow the recipient for months or years and most likely the blogger who “sent” the message is unaware of the message being sent.
Opening up the link will cause the virus to spread even more and infect your computer/mobile with any sort of malware.
If you have received a message of that sort from this blog please know that it was not sent by me or within my control and ignore/delete the message without clicking the link.
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
I can say from experience that drawing from life and using references has definitely helped make my anime art better. I have no interest in drawing strictly realistic only or strictly in the “acceptable” Western cartoon or comic style only. It’s one thing to encourage someone to try new tools or techniques to expand their horizons and master things like gesture and composition but all of that, all the reference and color theory stuff, it’s not something that strictly applies to the styles that elitists swear are the more legit better forms of art to begin with. Figure drawing, color theory, perspective, design, all the classes I have taken have taught me skills that I use in every style I’ve tried including the anime style that I find so fun.
It was thanks to some of my first college art classes that I realized professional manga artists use the same classic art and design principals that are important in all those other styles. For example take a look at Eichiro Oda’s work. He’s amazing at composition, focal point, and guiding the eye around his drawings.
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Anime style is not magically easier or less valid like the snobs say. That’s as much crap as saying digital art is magically easy and less valid. Why should so many of us be ashamed of the style that made us serious artists to begin with?
You’d think that after all those art history lessons about how in the past a style or medium was constantly rejected as “not art” would teach people to remember to keep their minds open. Apparently that didn’t sink into some skulls. I’m not saying the elitists have to be a fan of the style. I’m just saying I’m tired of people acting like it’s less valid.
I think my least favorite thing about art communities is the elitism present towards learning artists. “You’ll never get better if you just draw x all the time.” Happens a lot towards people who draw anime shit. And I think it’s a load of elitist bullshit lol. Go up to a child. A first grader. Take away their cute children’s books with pictures and hand them some literary classic. The Great Gatsby, Tom Sawyer, I don’t know. Tell them that they’ll never learn to read well if they don’t study the /classics/. What you will have is a child who doesn’t read. Ever. But if you let them have their children’s books and inspire them to enjoy what they’re doing, rather than focusing on them learning from it, they will naturally outgrow them and seek higher levels on their own. Doing something is more important than doing it perfectly, or doing it “the way they’ll learn it better”.
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
Thank you for saying this. I still have many moments where I feel like the fact I started out drawing anime and still enjoy drawing in the style is something I have to be secretive about unless the person I’m talking to reveals that they enjoy it too. Of course the style became popular among artists- because watching anime and reading anime boomed back in the late 90′s/early 2000′s. It’s something that makes so many people happy, why shame them for picking up a pencil and creating something inspired?
Despite knowing this logically I still get that worry and sense of shame at times.
I think my least favorite thing about art communities is the elitism present towards learning artists. “You’ll never get better if you just draw x all the time.” Happens a lot towards people who draw anime shit. And I think it’s a load of elitist bullshit lol. Go up to a child. A first grader. Take away their cute children’s books with pictures and hand them some literary classic. The Great Gatsby, Tom Sawyer, I don’t know. Tell them that they’ll never learn to read well if they don’t study the /classics/. What you will have is a child who doesn’t read. Ever. But if you let them have their children’s books and inspire them to enjoy what they’re doing, rather than focusing on them learning from it, they will naturally outgrow them and seek higher levels on their own. Doing something is more important than doing it perfectly, or doing it “the way they’ll learn it better”.
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
Me every time I enter a new fandom.
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
Did someone say avocados?
Welp. I’m obsessed with Daredevil and the Defenders. My newest OTP OF SHAME = MattFoggy. (I liked some other ships but somehow they became my favorite ahaha)
Just gonna leave this link to my sublog for ‘em here.
Still debating whether or not TO ART. IDK what style to use... /internal screams of artist pain lol
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funnythoughtbubble · 7 years
lol IDK what I’m doing with my main blog here. I swear I only use my sub blogs as of late and when I get a new idea I MAKE ANOTHER SUB BLOG.
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funnythoughtbubble · 8 years
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i drew a pic 4 2morrow 
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funnythoughtbubble · 9 years
kingindanorf replied to your post “I’m tired of associating Hetalia with a bad memory and a jerk I...”
Oh no! I hate when something like that happens! D: I hope it's nothing too serious, my dear!
It has been a long time now since it happened. I'm trying to push aside the bad memories but it's difficult. I would think that by now it would be easy.
I guess it's that thing where you can't help remembering certain people when you think of certain things and it's not always a good combo.
I'll have to make some new fun memories with Hetalia! I'm sure that would help.
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