As someone on the younger side and being Pagan, what ways could I help combat racism in the Pagan belief? Any suggestions are welcome!!
This is not news, but it is an important read, especially for people who were previously unaware of the trend of neo-Nazis stealing pagan symbols for their own.
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist pagan, keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping the fight alive
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist person who is not a pagan, help us spread the word of this, stand in solidarity with us as we kick the fascists out of our communities
If you are a fascist pagan, fuck off, this faith is a peaceful one
No platforms for fascists.
~ Max
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*in the distance* D E S
good morning i hate every last one of you that couldn’t leave despacito in 2017
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Listen here, ya hajgwajgions
What’s up kids I’m cool and I know all the slang: happydap, schwizzle
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this pride month, make it clear to everyone that you stand by trans women and will always fight to make the world safer for them
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i started seeing screenshots of tumblr users receiving messages from a blog called “sexygirlmax2019”
this is, of course, standard on tumblr, to receive porn bot messages
they were exceptionally weird “Hey peebrain -you teleport?” “Hi pea for brains…. can you teleport?”
checking the timestamps, all of sexygirlmax2019’s posts have been made today they’re formatted impeccably like bot messages and posts but they’re just a little off
this isn’t a bot this is a human controlling a blog acting like a bot all of the links?? aren’t porn links mysterious bit.ly links to this site: https://max2019.neocities.org/ if you “click here to instantly transport” you get taken to > /seraphim.html if you click it again > /cherubim.html again > /thrones.html …which returns a “Page Not Found” error
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dealing with schizophrenia, you feel like you’re everyone’s patient. I don’t want to be a patient anymore, i want you to treat me like a normal person, I want to be a normal fucking person.
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henlo my fellow budes
i lov,,,, bi dudes,,,,, the bi dudes,,,, the budes if you will,,,,, they are so,,,,,, good,,,,
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TW: gun violence/school shooting mention
Based off the ' IfIdieinaschoolshooting ' hashtag; If I die in a school shooting, my mother's hard work would go to waste If I die in a school shooting, my best friends wouldn't be able to say "Ryan" anymore without thinking of my dead body If I die in a school shooting, my sister will have to explain to a toddler that her ommer can't visit her anymore If I die in a school shooting, my brother isn't going to have anyone to come home and talk about nerdy stuff with If I die in a school shooting, my best friend and cousin won't have anyone to come to when her mother and her are fighting If I die in a school shooting, my cats won't understand why I never came home If I die in a school shooting, that's it. No more looking at the stars, wondering what's out there. No more stupid inside jokes, no more holding my best friends hands, no more teasing them about their boyfriends, no more sending random memes to my friends at three AM, no more learning to skateboard, no more painting flowers with my mother, no more loud indie rock to wake up my mom in the morning, no more running in the woods, no more giving my guy friends advice on girls, no more adventures. No more future, no more goals. No more heartbeat, no more soul. If I die in a school shooting, I want enough to finally be enough. If I die in a school shooting, I want it to be so that kids no longer have to fear for their lives in a place of learning.
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“protect trans youth of color”
~ req. by: anonymous
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Heads up
Just want you all to know that in ANY of wlw posts made by me, I include Transwomen, nb women, woc, autistic women, etc!!
Same goes for any of my mlm posts. Transmen, nb men, moc, and autistic men are all welcome!!
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With all the negativity out there today, Transwomen, I have a message for you: Happy Pride month. You ARE a woman, you DO belong in the LGBT+ community, and your ARE amazing. Have a nice day, and make sure to not be to hard on yourselves. And terfs, don't you dare interact with this post. You will be blocked immediately.
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TW: homophobia mention
Fuck, homophobia is scary, esp when you don't have anywhere save to go
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Oof get ready for this mouthful but- Genderfluid, Bi, Poly, and heccin Zubats are my favourite fight me
all lgbtq+ homies, reblog with ur identity n ur favorite pokemon [:
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What a mood
I’m so. G a y. Like legit everything about me is just. Gay. I’m really gay. My personality is gay. My appearance is gay. Everything I do? Gay. I’m gay gay gay. Very! Gay? I’m just. Gay. I’m gay.
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I'm bored lmao
💓sweet red emoji asks💓
🍄 - favorite nickname/petname?
🌺 - your comfort film/show?
💖 - favorite place to be?
💕 - 1 thing you love about yourself (you can do it !!)
💌 - something you admire in other people?
💋 - dream getaway location & what you’d do there?
🌹 - your ideal fashion aesthetic?
💄 - comforting smell?
💗 - first tv/fictional crush?
🍓 - five items that make up the core of your aesthetic?
💞 - song that plucks your heartstrings?
💘 - someone you look up to & why?
💃- compliment some people you admire !
🔥 - something you are passionate about?
💓 - describe your ideal calm afternoon
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seasonal boy aesthetics
spring boy: wakes up early just to see the sunrise. scuffed-up tennis shoes, long sleeves in the morning and short sleeves in the afternoon. searching for interesting things in nature, pressing flowers in books, searching for four-leaf clovers in grass that’s just starting to turn green again. always sending you new songs to listen to and making you playlists. 
summer boy: restless and ready for adventure. paint on his knuckles. always going barefoot just because he can. wants to climb things and stay up late. midnight drives, lying in grass fields and talking about future plans that you know will never actually happen. dancing in parking lots. loud music. always has a song stuck in his head. 
autumn boy: buried in a sweater. will change direction just to walk through a pile of leaves and is mesmerized by fall colors. warm hands. always offers to make you tea. listens to acoustic albums and watches the rain fall for hours. watches lots of artsy films and fills journals tirelessly. always jotting down ideas and quotes he likes.
winter boy: sleepy and quiet. will smell every single candle in a store if you walk by the candle section. smells vaguely of chamomile and peppermint. gets excited whenever it snows and insists on running outside and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. refuses to drive if the roads are icy. always dressing in layers and yawning. 
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A small psa
Boys who are casually femme give me life like wOw‼️‼️❗️
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