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I crossed through America's Heartland this morning and afternoon. At around 1700, I arrived at my new place in Kansas City. My roommate/landlord seems like a cool guy. I'm only eight miles from my new office. Kansas City is going to be fun. I'm excited.
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So it's finally happened! Today I began my first one-way trip in 4.5 years! Movers came and got my stuff this morning. Then I signed out of housing. Then I signed a ton of other paperwork, got my DD 214, and by 3pm White Sands was in my rear window. Tonight I'm crashing in Texas, tomorrow I'll reach Kansas City.
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My last physical.
When the doctor finally showed up (I sat here for almost an hour), he didn’t have any of the paperwork I needed. 
After standing there for a bit, he decided to waive it.
All done.
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Another windshield pic.
Today I had to drive fifty miles down to Fort Bliss to get two signatures on my clearing papers. I showed up, they stamped it, and then I left. I traveled 90 minutes on this barren road just for that! State Road 213, better known as War Road, is this route that connects White Sands Missile Range with El Paso.
Today was the last time I’ll drive on it...hopefully, ever!
Man...I’m happy to move on, but this is a bittersweet experience.
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One last time.
Up that familiar drive through Organ and then the San Augustín Pass.
Today was my last time visiting Las Cruces.
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I attended a baptism today.
A graduate student from Texas is our ward’s newest convert.
Tomorrow will be my last Sunday in New Mexico.
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Isn’t it funny how the Army is obsessed with soldiers’ health and fitness...and yet they sell candy, cigarettes, and beer at the PX?
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My last project with USACE.
We had to replace segments of this sidewalk because tree roots were growing underneath them and pushing them up.
Can you believe this project cost the taxpayers $12,500?
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I have an official move date. They’re coming to get my stuff next Friday. I’ll be couch-surfing until I can sign out of post, whenever that is (hopefully first week of November!) 
This photo is from a training exercise that I participated in almost four years ago. I’ve already lived on White Sands longer than I’ve lived anywhere else. I’ve been here so long, I rely on this online journal to remember what happened when. I remember this exercise vividly.
The Army’s been fun, but it’s time to move on. I’ve already turned in my gear and given away all but one set of ACUs. The end is in sight.
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How does a garrison of 3 square miles have a police station this big?
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I received my discharge orders from the Army today.
Career change coming.
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The open road is calling.
Hop in your car, and drive.
Record your journey.
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I'm excited to start my engineering career but I'm a little scared because I took my last engineering class in 2010. Thank goodness for YouTube and its amateur professors.
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Out-processing begins...
And I have a feeling that most of it will entail me waiting around for people to show up.
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Julian P was one of my first followers and by far my most faithful reader.
She was a young teen when she began following my journey.
I’m sorry I never got meet you in person.
God bless you and your family. You’ll be reunited on the other side of the veil. 
Rest in peace, sweetie.
We wanted to let all of her friends know that Julian was killed in a traffic accident this past week. More information about the funeral etc. can be found on her Facebook.
We will be closing down a lot of her accounts soon. Thank you for your prayers for our family.
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Still on White Sands and working hard...on my tan!
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I ordered this ammunition online on Monday and today it was just sitting on my doorstep in boxes when I came home. How crazy is that? Piles and piles of ammo just sitting there unguarded. It was in boxes of course, but still.
This’ll last me through a two-year siege.
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