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Since today is Dia dos Namorados (Brazil's Valentine's Day) I'll be inaugurating the Fusionsprunt AU in which B2 and Hunter are a happy couple!
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What if I smooch exocannis 😳
Exo is usually on the worst of moods, especially with B2's constant insistence on surviving. They're not used to any affectionate gestures (since Hunter is usually the one to get it first-hand) and admits they do not understand how could any creature demonstrate kindness to a heartless machine like itself.
So, considering that Exo already dealt with B2 in the past, they'll likely be unfazed by a smooch... or that's what it wants you to believe.
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I’m sorry but every time I see Beatrix Holloway in their true form of season 3, I think of a bat.😭
A bee that is bat that is a comet that is a robot that looks human that is-
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Beatrix Holloway in her true form, end of Season 3.
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I uhhhhh
what would happen if you give a lil smooch to Bee's exposed core?
I remember it is warm, but I don't know exactly how warm or hot or BOILING- but I don't care, my whole face can melt as long as Bee feels the love :''')
It's likely you will feel a very warm sensation, since it does radiate heat. It can be a little intimidating at first, once you know the fragment from which her core was extracted is essentially radioactive (you'll be safe, don't worry! B2's core is well secured)
I wouldn't say that B2's core is akin to a human heart. It's more of her entire existence concentrated in a single unit, while the rest (her body, identity, mind) is merely an extension of it.
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So, smooching her core, is the same as smooching all of Beatrix! (She will be flattered, if not very emotional)
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One thing about B2 and Hunter is that both can live practically forever, under a few circumstances...
B2's core can keep her awake for another millions of years, as long as her robotic body is functional and properly repaired. Its destruction takes away her mobility and her capacity to reason. Not only her core could fall on ill-intended hands, but it also generates dangerous amounts of energy that, if unleashed, could cause great devastation.
Hunter can live for generations as long as his brain is kept preserved inside the skull cavity. Naturally, he does routine check-ups and provides it with the necessary nutrients. However, if the Exocannis program manages to damage it by increasing pressure, or if Hunter himself accidentally hits his head badly, it's likely he'll go unconscious, if not die. On that last case, control is shifted to Exocannis.
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C-can we get B2 and Hunter doing a tiny smooch?
L-lips? 🥺🙏 Just a tiny one?
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no <3 *teases*
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hunter would probs like lady gaga, I can see it in his eyes.
oh, absolutely!
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does b2 and hunter have any song of their liking?
I'm not sure, but once I picture these two dancing to Toxic by Britney Spears while cleaning the house during a saturday morning.
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pov: it's 10pm and you just knocked on their door
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May we have tips on drawing robots? (Like, all them joints and wires and what-nots, I'm curious)
TBF I don't have any knowledge on robotic engineering to explain the thought process behind designing the complex mechanisms of a machine. I usually work with simpler structures, things I can visualize mentally, or references I find online.
To me, it's about coming up with some funky shapes and, in the case of a robot's inner machinery, messing around with unsymmetrical designs (when breaking down a robot, you can't expect all the wiring to be tidy and consistent). Sometimes, one gotta accept the fact these things might not make any sense visually, or work efficiently when practiced in real life (thanks to fiction and creative freedom!).
I wish I knew tutorials or proper reference links to share with you. Until then, the best advice I can give is: do not always worry about What Makes Sense, because most of the time, it won't make sense anyway.
If you draw, try looking up references for the exact kind of machinery you're trying to portray in your art, preferably something of your liking, so you'll feel inspired + have something to start off with. You can create Pinterest boards and collect different images online for this.
My OC Beatrix, for example, is heavily inspired by Alita: Battle Angel's "doll" and "berserker" designs. My other OC, Hunter, is inspired by a supporting robot character in the Monica's Gang comics I read as teen. Then, I just kept adding stuff I found cool.
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their fanchild is Guto, because Guto is Number 1 fan of them getting together!!!
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Hi, I'm Brenda, I just have a question. Is Hunter in love with B2?
He falls for her during the prologue, but these feelings don't seem to develop further since the war started.
After becoming Hunter and meeting her again, they remain friends throughout season 1 and 2, but start developing deeper feelings for each other during season 3.
Each season lasts three years and has a three years gap between seasons as well, so it does take a lot of time for any advances to be made.
I do believe he loves her for majority of the story, but is resigned to staying distant as he realizes this is not what either of them need and truly seek for in each other (it's already difficult enough to keep his true identity a secret, y'know?).
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Also! Exocannis goes by they/it!
It also doesn't mind being called Exo.
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Cheeky Programming
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Thinking about giving Hunter golden gloves to match his eyes...
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Beatrix design changes
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