fxamie-blog · 6 years
Yo, so I recently moved Mackenzie over to @entrepidation !!! I plan on following everyone I had threads with and moving them all over to that blog to be continued there, but for anyone else who may be interested in staying mutuals, go follow me!
If not, then thank you so much for sticking around this long and it was super great seeing you all on my dash! I'll miss you!
》》 @entrepidation @entrepidation 《《
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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I know I’ve been p inactive on here, but I’ve been working on remaking my multimuse + work has been insane since I’ve been training a couple of idiots for extra help these last few weeks. But I’ll be back here soon, but in the meantimeee:
follow my multi here if you’re interested !!!
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
An assortment of ‘apartment’ plots I need:
The walls are paper thin and…
The walls are paper thin and I can always hear you having sex and honestly idk if i’m more jealous because i’m not getting any or irritated because it’s keeping me up at night?
The walls are paper thin and you’re always singing in the shower, and honestly you’re terrible but idk how to tell you, so I’ve just started to play music over you but you seem to know every song and it only makes you sing louder??
The walls are paper thin and you just heard the brutal break up of me and my ex, and now you’re trying to comfort me through the walls and it’s kinda awkward but it’s also helping so?
The walls are paper thin and every night I watch jeopardy and I guess you’re really smart because every night you shout out the correct answer and at this point I’m not sure there’s a question you can’t answer?
The walls are paper thin and I hear you having obnoxious parties every night, and I would be mad but at the end of it all I can hear you crying yourself to sleep and i’m actually kind of worried about this lifestyle you’re living?
The walls are paper thin and i’m not even really sure how it started but every night we have conversations about our day over dinner and at this point idk why I haven’t just invited you over? 
You broke into my apartment… (also works the other way around)
You were drunk and you broke into my apartment and I would call the cops but you’re kind of out like a light so I’d kind of feel bad but you bet your ass i’ll be waiting for you to wake up until morning so I can ask who the fuck you are?
You were drunk and you broke into my apartment and when you found out this wasn’t your friend’s apartment you started crying and I really don’t know what to do?
You were drunk and you climbed in through my apartment window and I’m not really sure how you managed it because not only is the fire escape broken but you are really fucking plastered? Please, teach me your skills?
You broke into my apartment to avoid something and you won’t really tell me what it is and i’m actually kind of afraid you might be a murderer so why shouldn’t I call the cops?
You snuck into my apartment to avoid your ex while my door was open for groceries and I got so scared I spilled the milk everywhere?
You broke into my apartment while I was out for whatever reason and when I came home I knocked you out and now you’re unconscious on my floor and idk what to do?
We always see each other in the elevator…
We always see each other in the elevator during our walk of shame and it’s gotten to the point where we just share our escapades now and why haven’t we slept together yet?
We always see each other in the elevator and it’s inanely awkward because we both live on the top floor of this really tall apartment complex and we always ride in silence because the one time I tried talking to you I fucked up REALLY bad.
We always see each other in the elevator and now we’ve gotten stuck because of a power outage so really, I guess we should get to know one another at this point.
We always see each other in the elevator and it’s blatantly obvious you’re terrified of them even if you insist you aren’t.
We always see each other in the elevator and I know it’s you who didn’t hold the elevator the one time I was carrying something really heavy and I swear, I will get my revenge.
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
“You’ve survived so much.“ 
                "Yeah, but at what cost?”
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
laughing during sex is really cute
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
We haven’t interacted yet?
Send ♥ and I will write you a short starter
Send 😘 and I will send you a meme
Send 👌 if you want to plot with me first
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
I’m not living. I’m only surviving.
allthewritethings (via onceuponamusing)
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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“Norman!” With Swirlix clutched snugly against her chest, she approached the gym leader with an expression of confidence, “It’s nice to finally meet you! I hear that you make normal type Pokemon seem indestructible.” She could feel a smile curving her lips that she could only hope didn’t come off as nervous, the fluffy Pokemon in her arms wiggling and chirping happily, “I’m excited to see if you live up to your legend. ♪”
@facadxs // sc
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
Why did you become an artist?
ive always hated making money and being taken seriously
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
Headcanon 003
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no matter what universe I put Mackenzie in or what species I make her, I can never seem to imagine her being strong?? she just isn’t powerful; not mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and definitely not physically. like,
pokemon verse
focus’ more on her pokemon’s health and happiness instead of their levels. she’s more into contests than actual battles, although she is slowly but surely attempting each regions gym/island challenges. she also enjoys making poke-treats, she always has a sizable stash in her bag.
vampire verse
although she’s considered a newborn (only around two months into the change), she’s still considered physically weak for a vampire. she could still easily overpower a human, but if it ever came down to going head to head with another vampire, she wouldn’t stand a chance. also, her bloodlust is nearly twice as strong as an average newborn’s, so it’s safe to say that she can barely control herself when she’s around humans-- especially when the scent of fresh blood hits her heightened senses. 
cat-shifter verse
born a pure blood cat-shifter, she’s able to shift in and out of the form of a white and grey scottish fold (the same type of cat that she has in her main verse, pidge). but around her teenage years, she somehow loses the ability to shift back into her human form, leaving her stuck as a cat until they can figure out how to change her back-- which actually never happens.
witch verse
with a partial affinity for the earth element, she’s able to conjure flowers and vines at her will, but they’re often small, fragile, and not meant for either offensive or defensive use. she creates potions used to keep plants alive for long periods of time and is currently working on another that could possibly keep them alive forever. she collects crystals, opal and onyx being two of he favorites, as well as spell-books.
renaissance verse
meek and weak-willed, she uses a male alias when publishing her works of art. like in her main verse, she’s creative and artistically inclined, but at first she’s too scared that her art will be looked upon negatively and bashed for their soft, willowy nature. after the initial fear was buried beneath the praise and growing popularity of her works, she continued to hide her identity to keep people from condemning her for stepping out of the typical female role.
and those are just a few of the verses I plan on adding in the near future. the one theme I’ve noticed with her is that she has no real strong, distinguishing features or talents aside from her consistent artistic interests.
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
happy pride month remember that bisexuals in m/f relationships are still a valid and important part of the lgbt community
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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fxamie-blog · 6 years
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