fxithrush · 3 years
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“Yeah, he’d probably keep poking at it till an accident happens.” It’s definitely something Scott would do, especially if he’s going to be drunk tonight. Though he’d do it sober, too. “I’m just saying, people are going to get curious.” Because while her dress is extra, she looks sexy in it and she’s allowed herself to let her eyes glance all over it when she first saw her. And once again, her eyes travel down the dress. “Though, half saint, half sinner?” She clicks her tongue as if in disbelief. “I won’t leave early. Unless you want to.” It’s her final party here, and she’s intending to get trashed, but also she’s definitely not opposed to spending the rest of the night with Faith.
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"Typical," the female mused in return, an amused giggle passing by her lips. She was definitely going to miss Scott too, not like she intended to break off any contact with anyone she was as close to as she was with him. "That's sort of the point." She did love attention, she wouldn't dress like this if she didn't. One would say she took the topic too literal, with the wings and everything but noticing Mira's eyes on her dress proved to her that it was indeed worth it. "I could've gone full angel if you wanted me to," she teased with a small scoff, leaning towards her date a little because honestly, why would she not ? "Not yet anyway," the female assured but she honestly couldn't control how any night with Mira went, just glad she seemed to have some kind of control. " Is your drink any good ? " She just hoped they didn't water them down as much at least for this ocassion.
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fxithrush · 3 years
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“Scott’s, probably,” Mira drawls, reaching for the cocktail the bartender places. “To how many people do you reckon it’ll happen? Might beat a record before leaving this place.” She takes a sip, eyes scanning the crowd. “Sounds like you’ll be doing this just fine,” she teases subtly.
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"Oh, he'd probably welcome it." Not for the actual stabbing part but to see Mira and Faith together at an event like this. She was too amused at his reaction upon telling him about the two of them, it was difficult not to question if he was actually thinking his part. "Oh, I didn't expect you to welcome it like that," the female responded, lips pursing a bit. "Might be a challenge if you'll want to leave early." Maybe she can convince her not to but then again, she never minded being alone with the other.
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fxithrush · 3 years
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“  god ,   it’s  gonna  be  all  she  talks  about .  ”   seb  shakes  his  head  with  a  bit  of  a  scoff  .  but  he  knows  his  mum  would  gladly  have  faith  visit  so  he  genuinely  will  tell  her .  “  alright ,  pretty  sure  she’ll  refuse  to  go  without  me ,  though .  we’re  a  package  deal ,  you  know  ?  ”  
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"It's all I AM going to be talking about," the added with a short laugh, flipping her hair to the side. She had a few plans of what to do after graduating which involved letting no one know where she would be but once things have quieten down - she will definitely invite her. "Damn, here I was thinking we'd have some girl time .. but alright, you can come too."
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fxithrush · 3 years
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       “ THERE’S NOT ENOUGH ALCOHOL IN THE WORLD to get me to cry here, sorry. ”   it’s easy to act aloof about her leaving, but caden lets his eyes linger on her for a moment. maybe he is trying to remember her in this dress.   “ you look like the girl from the black swan in that dress. both the girls, actually. mostly mila kunis. ”
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"We can go into some corner if you like," the female added, feeling like that would probably just put off a chain reaction and she'd think too much about it all. Not like she'd ever actually let her friendship with Caden go, not even through graduation. " You think so ? She's really hot in that movie. Like that scene where she went down on Natalie ? "
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fxithrush · 3 years
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"How many is A FEW ? I expect to be walking out gracefully today," the female warned the other, but it was definitely not a no. "I like to think my vision flourished in the making."
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“It’s your last event and I’m not going to let you get away with not taking a few shots with me,” Ria wandered over to Faith, grinning. “Your dress is amazing, very couture.”
closed @fxithrush​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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"Let your mom know I'll visit her when I get some free time," the female started off, a smile resting on her lips. There weren't many people Faith would genuinely go back to after graduating but .. Seb's mom was definitely going to be one of them. "Maybe I should fly her out to Cali.” / @oofsebastian​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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"I don't think I could be ANY MORE in love with your look than now." There were a lot of basic dresses and suits at this event, just like with every other one but Faith could easily pick out the ones that actually put effort into it. Fallon was obviously one of them, not like she'd expect any less. "You look like a strawberry pie but expensive." / @imbcrs​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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" How drunk do I need to get you for you to start crying about the fact that I'm almost graduated ? " The female nudged Caden playfully, lips pursing into a small pout. She wouldn't get emotional about it just yet .. but maybe once she was by herself. "You'll have to remember me in this dress." / @cadenlucca​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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"I didn't know RED would be your color," the female commented as she stepped next to him, keeping a safe distance to not stab him with her wing as a grin spread across her lips. "I'd have just the perfect accessory for you if I was back in Cali." / @adamisms​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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" Who's eye do you think I'll poke out first ? " The female started off with a grin, gesturing to the wings on her dress as a tilt of her head followed her question. She had been staring at Mira for a little, so she just had to distract with her own dress. "Maybe a creepy guy who's staring or something - or will you do that as my date ? " / @mirasutton​
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fxithrush · 3 years
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"Too much ? You look stunning," the female called out, giving her a dismissive wave of her hand before her arm wrapped around the female's side. "A lot is exactly what we need - bitch we're graduating."
STARTER FOR @fxithrush
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     she’s smoothing out her dress for what seems like the hundredth time. maybe letting faith choose her outfit hadn’t been the best choice. “and you’re sure this isn’t too much?” raina asks as they’re walking into the part. “i feel like this is a lot.”
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fxithrush · 3 years
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fxithrush · 3 years
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        “ I WOULD’VE PREFERRED IT, TOO, ”   he grunts out a noise that sounds a lot like hmph, chest rising and falling once. it’s probably for the best he hadn’t been there, because if he had to fight alongside faith he would’ve been too distracted watching her kick ass. it’s unfortunate that hadn’t been an opportunity this time around, without him.   “ so you didn’t kick any ass ? ”   adam frowns, disappointed for her.   “ i heard some people got to fight though, right ? ”
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"I had an almost traitor in my team, you know. Could've used the extra help." She was probably never going to let that down, sue her. Shoulders rose into a shrug at his question, leaning back in her seat. "I like to think everyone was too scared of me to even try me," the female commented, a bit disappointed in her task too but at least she didn't have to deal with anything too scarring - this year had enough of that. "Yeah, some dude broke his ribs."
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fxithrush · 3 years
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     “we would have,” raina says in agreement because she knows faith is right. “but i think it would have to be after i got over my nerves. i think i’d think too much in the field.” one of the reasons she wants to stay behind the scenes to start out, slowly putting her feet into the water before diving headfirst. raina can’t help but laugh, of course faith comes back from a mission and is just worried about a broken nail. “we’ll be able to fix it later,” raina adds, squeezing her friend’s hand reassuringly. “but yes, absolutely. i’m sure you’re exhausted.” she knows she would be. “the time difference probably is no joke.”
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"If you guys at the CIA ever need someone for a quick stealth mission, you'll know who to call," she pointed out, throwing a wink into her friend's direction before a giggle passed by her lips. It was unfortunate she never got to do a mission with her best friend but then again, she'd probably be occupied throwing herself in front of a bullet to save her at every cost - so maybe that wasn't the best idea. "It's pretty fucked, I might have to go short or all of them." Tragic. "The accent is cute though, I'll give them that."
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fxithrush · 3 years
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“How spoiled of you,” she drawls, that hint of playfulness there in her tone. It’s always subtle, so jury’s out if Faith catches it or not. Though, her words are a fact – Faith Rush is a privileged spoiled girl, and the kind of person she wouldn’t get so attracted too, and yet, she is and all Mira wants to do is kiss her right now. She actually has to not look at her lips because ever since she confronted her the other day, Mira’s self control is pretty much out the window. “A big fuck you to the jetlag, huh?” Though she understands well what she means by her words. “I’m not very optimistic. I’ll actually be surprised if things quiet down.” She’s still getting used to the fact that Faith is more affectionate than she is, but she moves to lightly rest her own head on hers. “Shut up…. Cute, you say.” She scoffs at the word use.
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"A hero deserves it," the female quipped, a small chuckle passing by her lips. By now, she was taking the majority of things Mira was saying with a grain of salt. She had gotten defensive in the past or thought too much about what she was saying but now, these little jabs .. mostly harmless, where part of why Faith kept coming back to her. "The biggest one," the female confirmed, though she felt a bit of tiredness creep up even more as soon as she rested against the other. It was probably because she felt so comfortable. "It's quiet right now, right here." And she'd take that over what was happening outside of them. "I should have made a bet with you like - if I come home without any injuries, that you'd be my date for the end of year party or something." Was that bait placed on purpose ? Maybe.
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fxithrush · 3 years
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he doesn’t think he’s ever seen faith like this before – it’s weird! but he loves it. “ i feel like i’ve just gone through about twenty emotions in ten seconds. i’m getting a little dizzy. ” but he’ll try his hardest to persevere. he turns to face her fully, giving her all of his attention so he doesn’t miss a single detail. “ a sutton? really? woah, okay, so– ” he starts counting on his fingers, “ not big sutt, obviously, or og sutt, obviously, or baby sutt, obviously. um, scary sutt? nah, def not mira. ” because he can’t really imagine mira being lovey dovey with anyone. “ ooh, maybe princess sutt? fetus sutt? or … conor?! ” he thinks for a moment. “ am i missing anyone? ”
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"I'll catch you if you start fainting." Except that Scott would probably squish her entirely, but the thought counted. She once said that she could bench Sebastian, then she could at least catch Scott's weight. Hopefully he didn't have his birthday present in his backpack along with it or something. Brows furrow a bit as he began counting, head tilting to the side in amusement. " - Who is conor ? " She scoffed, a small laugh following before she pursed her lips lightly. " What did you call her .. scary Sutt ? I personally think it's pretty hot."
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fxithrush · 3 years
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She can’t help but roll her eyes at Faith’s words, but truth be told, there is a relief in hearing her talk that way. It means she truly is fine. “Better make use of that spa as much as you can before you graduate, then.” Though, Faith probably already goes there a lot. “Bet you wanna hibernate now. You should get some sleep.” She rests her back against the wall, too and nods at her words. “Yeah, it’s all that matters.” Maybe now the school will see some peace. If only for a few weeks. Something’s bound to happen next semester, but whatever, she’ll be far away from all of it.
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"Like I'm not going to get .. or be at a place that has its own spa once I graduate," the female huffed, like that was obvious for her already. The spa here was nice but it often felt like a public service or something and she'd rather have her own little place, for her time - as priviledged as that sounded. "If I wanted to sleep I'd be in bed now and not here." She was right though, she did want to rest but if she had the chance to do so next to Mira, she'd take it. "Things will probably quieten down now .. or we can hope so," she assured the darker brunette, naturally moving a bit so she could rest her head against her shoulder. "And you won't have to worry about me again, even if I think it's pretty cute when you do."
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