dlsocp · 2 years
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I don't have a steady employment at the moment, and to be honest I'd love to start writing full time, but like, rent is a thing and then my dogs require spoiling! So if you feel so inclined you can do any of the following:
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dlsocp · 2 years
Before We Start...
I am not related to or affiliated with the show Sister Wives, Kody Brown, any of his 18 children, 3 former wives, 1 current wife, anyone he may be courting currently, anyone he may have courted in the past, or TLC. Truth be told I haven’t even seen every single episode--though I have seen most of them and I doooo watch a ton of reality tv gossip on Youtube and I totally follow these people on social media. It’s my guilty pleasure. If you’re here, it’s because you relate. Everything you will read outside of this post will be a figment of my overactive imagination, and is meant purely for fun. In this case yes I’ll be using names of REAL people who DEFINITLY exist, but for all intents and purposes in this they will be characters. I will draw inspiration from the show, from Youtube videos, social media posts, gossip magazines, and website achieves (because once it’s on the internet, it’s always on the internet.)
I can not stress enough that none of this is to be taken as fact!!!! I hope this will all be taken with a grain of salt, as good fun. I can’t think of another family with kids who grew up on camera under unusual circumstances who have as adults not had a major scandal, and I don’t see it happening either. Like, none of these kids are drug addicts, or getting arrested or murdering anyone!!! The odds were against them, man, but they all seem like respectable and loved members of their communities. That’s commendable af.
I’ve been making fun of reality TV since survivor came out when I was 8 years old. Later on when I was closer to 16, my mom and I would go shopping and do accents pretending to be Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn....analyzing my outfit options as if we were critiquing them to see if they could make it to the final round. And before you say it, yes, my mom IS that great!
I have me a fancy Bachelor of Arts degree in Media & Communication Arts from Pace University. That degree had writing enhanced courses, a ton of journalism courses, writing seminars, and that’s always been my jam! I can express myself through written word so much better than speaking out loud, and I’ve always written. I was the kid who said “YESSSS!” when the teacher announced that the test would be nothing but essay questions.
I can argue any point in writing, even points I don’t agree with. I can go anywhere, and I’m not limited to things like gravity, money, time, the weather, or the laws of physics! I’ve always been drawn to writing, and have used writing to cope with whatever was going on at that time. Starting with writing short stories about flushing the school bully down the toilet, to a screen play about exacting revenge after I’d had my trust broken, to get my final credits for my bachelors degree.
It was only recently I realized I could put the two together. I’m not aware of any Sister Wives Fanfics, and I was recently commenting on a video by RealiTeaSquad when it hit me that I had a great idea for a totally non-sexual silly fanfiction. I’ll try to watch my language so many ages can enjoy this, but I swear like a sailor, so I make no promises.
I am also hoping to work on a few other projects:
Sausage Queen: A Royal Spicy Italian Sausage with super powers who saves the day in her underwear, pretty self explanatory
The Chonky Princess: An over-weight princess with an endocrine disorder doesn’t let her weight keep her from keeping up with the other princesses at princess boarding school. 
Low-Budget Laura: A Blog with tips for low-budget livin’! You know, ballin’ on a budget! Where to shop, coupons, deals, life hacks, recipes, “jazzin it up”, crafts, and more!
Hopefully I’ll be able to get enough of those done to start being able to link to them soon! And I’ll be starting to work on chapter one and publishing it soon! I’m really excited about this, and if anyone ever wants to contribute ideas or art work or whatever I’m so into it! Eventually I’d like to do a dramatic reading with different voices for different characters in a youtube video. Just bare with me as all of this will be done in my spare time and I do have a 41 year old man-child to care for and 2 dogs and of course a whole life--I mean who am I kidding I have no life lol!!! but I’m just throwing it out there I will try to release at least one chapter a week and keep it flowing regularly, but clearly providing for my loved ones will always come first as it should for you as well!
Anywho, make good choices and I’ll be publishing Chapter 1 soon!!! Stay tuned!!!
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