gacxkt-blog · 11 years
I am a hard person to love but when I love, I love really hard.
Tupac Shakur (via platanos-fritos)
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
"That time you confused a lesson for a soulmate."
Dream Hampton  (via xxyana)
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
The point of a relationship is that you two are a damn team. You’re not in it alone, you’re in it together. Therefore, no one should be carrying their wounds or scars alone. If that person is truly there for you and cares about you and your heart—he or she will understand, hands down. If you want the relationship to work out, there has to be mutual understanding, communication, and balance. And above all, truth.
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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itsumo soba ni itekurete arigatou
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
I remember the days when you'd come to my bed, shivering and cold from the long hours spent awake in the darkness by yourself. Your thin body would wrap itself around me, carelessly, oblivious of the dawn that approached all too quickly. Your breath would smell of alcohol sometimes, somewhat bitter but it suited you in the acerbity. I was never affected by the cruel vocabulary you'd use in those moments, unlike many others that had come your way. I knew that in the darkness you were always meek and pliable. And then you'd be asleep and I would hold you and we would remain for hours until the sun pried you from my arms and into the day once more. But not until after we'd had tea.
  Oh how things have changed.
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your authentic self.
Iyanla Vanzant (via visualcomplex)
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
| ♕ |  Strolling Le Marias, Paris  | by © Carin Olsson | via ysvoice
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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gacxkt-blog · 11 years
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