gainerstoriesbybml · 24 days
I'm seeing a really good friend tonight that I haven't seen in a good long while. A couple of years kind of good long while. 50 or more pounds kind of good long while.
And obviously that's hot on its own - people's reaction not just to my size, but to the gain itself. People I see all the time, or have only known me while fat, sure, they'll have noticed my size, but they're not expecting me to be 4 stone lighter whenever they see me.
But this is different. This guy is the fat friend. Ever since I've known him, he's been big. A great shape as well - broad and soft, but with a defined, round gut. For a long time, he's been the fat guy in my head, the guy to get bigger than. He's always been fairly confident with it too - I don't think he's a gainer or whatever, but he's also never made any attempt or shown any desire to lose weight.
And I think I'm heavier than him now. To be specific, I don't know if I'll be visually fatter than him, but I'm a good few inches taller than him and he might have a higher BMI still, a larger waist size, a bigger gut, but I really do think I might outweigh him now. And even then, I'm not actually sure - I am slightly useless at telling how big I am, so maybe I am just unambiguously fatter than him.
And, you know, I do know that nothing is likely to happen - people don't really just come out and point out how fat their mates are. But there is a part of me that wonders if maybe after a few too many drinks he'll struggle to stop himself saying something, or if he'll be a bit more comfortable saying something since he's big too, maybe a joke, maybe some expression of concern or sympathy,
And there's a part of me that... Well. Maybe I can encourage him to say something. Maybe wear a shirt that clings to my gut maybe just slightly too much for polite company, maybe let it ride up a little as we drink, maybe at some point wince and tell him "sorry mate, I've got to undo my jeans", sigh as my gut swells out, maybe complain about how extra large shirts are fitting, about how I needed to buy some 42" waist trousers yesterday, ask him for advice on buying suits as a bigger guy.
I've talked a bit about some other friends' reactions to my gain but I outweigh some of them by over a hundred pounds - what do they know? But this guy, who's always been very noticeably a fat guy, if he acknowledges it, if he thinks I've gotten fat, fatter than him even, that counts for something - I'll officially have gotten fat.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 4 months
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gainerstoriesbybml · 6 months
I REALLY need your help
Hey yall it’s been a bit since I’ve updated, but long story short, I still need help.
Even with plugging away with my nose to the grindstone as best as a plus sized disabled person can, I’m not gonna make Rent this month.
I’m still in the hell that is the American Disability waiting line, and we’re still piecing out the last of mom’s stuff(including a vehicle) so I’m not able to really look into moving (yet) I am incredibly grateful for all the help yall have deigned to give so far, and anything you find fit to help still. I can never accurately thank or repay your kindness fully.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 9 months
Dear Alex
Dear Alex,
I can’t really remember how many times I’ve started writing this letter and how many times I’ve thrown it in the bin. It’s a really shitty way of doing this but I just don’t think I can tell you any of this to your face. I’m too embarrassed. It all started as a prank, a way to level the tables with the both of us. I meant to tell you sooner but I guess it got out of hand and here we are. I’m gonna have to start at the beginning I think. You’ll know all of this, just not my side of it I guess.
After university when we moved in together I wasn’t sure we’d last as room mates for more than a few months but it was so easy hanging out with you and we were both the same level of untidy so we didn’t piss each other off. We did have those tricky few weeks a few years back when we dated the same guy without realising but he turned into the biggest ballsack on the planet so it wasn’t hard to get over that!
I’m only mentioning that because that’s not the reason I got you fat. It wasn’t revenge for anything. I don’t fully remember the original reason to be completely honest, it wasn’t really a thought through thing, it just sort of happened. And yeah I know I just threw that it there. I got you fat. I mean you definitely played your part in it but I really messed with you man and I’m sorry.
It was innocent at first, I noticed when you started your new job and you were tired all the time, you started going to the gym less. I think it was when we were decorating the kitchen one weekend and you were painting the ceiling, I saw your rounded little pot belly when you were reaching up. All those late night take aways and evenings sat in front of the tv watching the football were taking their toll. Your flat muscled six pack was disappearing. It instantly filled me with hope. You had a flaw I could exploit!
It pains me to say this but of the two of us, you’d always been the hot one. Don’t get me wrong, on my own, I’m not bad looking. In fact if someone asked me I’d probably say I was a nine, it’s just that next to you, I’m a seven at best. Your blonde hair and permanently tanned skin made you the hottest guy in most rooms. All 6’5 of you was built like a cartoon of a rugby player which made it even worse! You’re a solid ten man and you always have been. I don’t think I realised how jealous I was until I saw you had a flaw. That solid curved furry belly I glimpsed gave me the seed of an idea. If you were fatter, it might even the playing field. I’m not proud of this, I just think you’d reserve the truth.
It started gently at first, I’d make twice the amount of food I’d normally make when it was my turn to cook. I’d pack the fridge with snacks and unhealthy things for you to pick at. I’d hand you beers when we were watching the game. You were so zoned into the match you never noticed me topping up your snacks or replacing the bud lights with full fat beers. Over a few months I watched as your little curve turned into a more substantial beer belly. And fuck you if it wasn’t the most perfect beer belly I’d ever seen. I was hoping it would make you less hot but turned out it made you hotter. Instead of a flabby pimply gut covered in stretch marks, you developed a firm round belly with perfect skin and even kept your Adonis belt. That’s when it got serious.
The first thing was gainer shakes. I started sprinkling gainer powder in everything, adding it to every meal or sauce I could dissolve it into. Everything I cooked for you was loaded with butter and ghee to double the calorie count. I found larger versions of our plates so that I could increase your portion sizes without you realising. I even started buying your clothes a size up and replacing the labels so you wouldn't realise. I was literally feeding you up like a fattened calf. And boy did you balloon. The first phase was months long and you gained 20/30lbs but this second phase was like you were being filled with an air pump. I can’t really believe I could do this to someone, especially someone who I would call my best friend.
It all came to a head yesterday when I crossed the line big time. That’s why I’m writing this letter now and actually sending it. I can hear you now snoring from your bedroom. Sleeping off the mammoth meal I stuffed into you across the evening. I’ve been awake all night and I keep going in to check on you to make sure you’re still breathing. I can’t believe you ate as much as you did and I can’t believe I pushed you into doing it.
I was only planning on slipping you a few of the tablets I found online. They were definitely safe and I want you to know I checked them and double checked them to make sure they were ok for human consumption. I guess that gives away the fact that they were actually for animals. I think they are used by wagyu beef farmers to get cows fattened up before they are butchered. They are supposed to increase appetite and metabolism. I popped two in your beer before the game and started my usual sneaky increase in your snacks. It wasn’t hard as you always put a lot away when our team is winning and they were three goals up by half time. I think at that point you’d eaten two bowls of Doritos and dip, a plate of sliders and a whole pan of chilli which I think would have served 8 comfortably. That was on top of the best of a crate of twelve beers. Your belly was swollen up to it’s usual bulging mass and you were already rubbing the sides to alleviate some pressure. I should have stopped there but I couldn’t help myself. I slipped you another few of the tablets. I guess in hindsight, the first two hadn’t properly kicked in at that point which meant that by the time the second half had started they were in full force. I couldn’t keep up with the snacks and you’d pretty much polished off the lot by the time the match had ended.
For the record it was your idea to order pizza. Your belly at that point was totally rounded out and your T-shirt was stretched over it’s taut surface. I guess you were pretty buzzed because you ordered four xl meat feasts. I didn’t really have any choice but to let it happen. And you might not remember any of this but you basically inhaled the first two. By that point you were fully maxed out. Your belly was tight and even the xxxl T-shirt you were wearing (that you thought was an xl) was beginning to show a few inches of your swollen belly. You could hardly move and I felt awful. Well that’s not totally true. I was actually pretty pleased at the state of you. My plan after all was to make you gain a few pounds so I’d be hotter than you and you’d basically blimped.
Anyway, what happened next I am truly ashamed about. You were laying there on the sofa clutching at your belly. The tablets clearly convincing your brain you were still starving, even thought your belly was basically an exercise ball now. And you were just moaning with the two pizzas next to you. And that’s when I snapped. I jumped up and shoved a whole slice into your mouth. You gaged but then after a few chews swallowed it right down. Slice by slice I pushed the remaining two huge pizzas down your throat. I could literally see your belly blowing up in front of me. When eventually I reached into the box for the next piece and found nothing, I realised what I’d done. I stepped back and looked at you. Spread eagle on the sofa, your belly sticking way up and round. Covered in sweat and grease. It’s as if I stepped out of my own body and realised what I had done to you. You were fucking huge man.
I left the room and went to my own to consider what to do next. I was half appalled and half in awe at the size of you man. When I came in half an hour later you were fast asleep and snoring like a pig, your gut still very much occupying its space. Guiltily, I managed to get you into your bed and laid you on your back so your belly could reach its full swell. I pulled your belt off so your stomach wasn’t under any pressure. I didn’t want you to pop or anything.
As I said I know our friendship is probably over but I want you to know I’m truly sorry. I took this way too far and I regret it. I’m happy for you to do what you need to do, and if that’s punch me in the face then so be it. I hope that in a few weeks you’ll be able to forgive me but if not then I understand and I will move out if that’s what you want.
In the spirit of fully disclosure, I want you to know that even though you’re maybe 100lbs fatter than you were, I still think you’re a ten. In fact if I’m really honest, I think you might even be hotter than that. Your belly last night was horrifying but also strangely attractive. The firm roundness of it and knowing how much food I’d crammed in there was actually quite erotic. Sorry if that’s tmi but I think I wanted you to have the whole truth. I have a small suspicion that you’ve actually enjoyed getting bigger and if that’s wrong then I’m sorry for presuming. But I actually wonder how big we could get that thing.
Let me know what I can do to make it up to you, or if I’m right and you wanna continue.
Yours apologetically (and hopefully)
Continued at Dear Nate
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gainerstoriesbybml · 1 year
What's your order, tubbs?
Just eating small today, so getting 4 bacon double stacks, 10 pc nuggets, 3 sugar cookies, and a large Pomegranate lemonade
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gainerstoriesbybml · 2 years
Trying my hand at writing some gainer fiction. Here’s the first part of a long story where a fit guy gets paid to gain weight.
Ex-Jock Side Hustle
Jamie looked down at the scale, peering over his bloated beer belly. “275,” he uttered out loud. “I did it, sir.” Jamie looked up at his silver-haired benefactor with a nervous smile.
“100 pounds gained this year, that was the deal,” Jamie continued. The man pats Jamie’s belly.
“You did good kid,” he finally answered, handing Jamie a small envelope. “But don’t act like this was just business. I know you loved every minute of it.”
“It’s a good gig,” Jamie replied. He opened the envelope, revealing the check made out for $100,000. “Maybe we could figure out a way to keep this going?” Jamie followed up.
“Oh, I got something in mind”
(A little more than) ONE YEAR BEFORE
Jamie had just graduated from college, getting his bachelors degree in communications. He wasn’t passionate about communications - the major was recommended to him by his coach. Jamie was on the university’s track team, the star middle distance runner on a mediocre Division I team. He had a full scholarship and had some success winning conference titles and qualifying for national meets a few times.
However, because he was so busy with his track career, Jamie hadn’t started looking for jobs. He hadn’t done any internships or done any other extracurricular activities at school. In fact, the only thing that he could think to list on his resume (other than his athletic accomplishments) was his job at McDonalds when he was 18. That was four years ago and he hadn’t had a job since. His athletic scholarship paid for everything - tuition, housing, and a campus meal plan. Now, his bank account was running dangerously low. He had spent the last of his money paying the deposit for his new apartment in Boston.
“Worst case scenario, I start stripping over at that club over in South End,” Jamie joked to his new roommate.
Jamie had moved in with a friend from college, Charlie, who he had a lot in common with. Both Jamie and Charlie were gay, but there was never any sexual tension between them. Charlie exclusively dated much older men. Charlie was also too much of a twink for Jamie to be interested in him.
“I support it, you’d probably make bank at a gay strip club,” Charlie replied. And Jamie would. Jamie was ruggedly handsome. He had a sharp jawline and a toned physique. Jamie was just over 6’ and weighed 175 pounds. And he was lean. When Jamie wore his track kit, you could see his six pack through it. It seemed like all of the small amount of fat he had was located in his ass. Jamie’s ass was an enigma - firm, yet bouncy; plump, yet toned. All of this together made Jamie very easy on the eyes. He never had any issues finding a boyfriend, or a hookup, or what ever he wanted.
Jamie broke up with his situationship in the last week of college. The guy was a total meathead and outside of the sex, he was a total drag. Jamie always went for guys like this. Muscly and stupid. He’d bring all sorts of guys back to his dorm without any shame.
Yet, during his senior year, Jamie started having secret hookups. Jamie would find the chubbiest guys he could find on Grindr and sneak them into his room. He loved the way their asses jiggle when he topped them. He was aroused by the thought of keeping these sexual experiences secret. There was something about these fat guys that he couldn’t get enough of. His toned body against their soft bodies. They were so different - he would never be like them. He just enjoyed their bodies and when they left he’d go out and do his track workout. Even when he was done running competitively, he thought he would keep up his fitness regime.
Lately, Jamie’s workouts had gone from six days a week down to one or two. He was stressed out constantly looking for jobs. He hadn’t lost any real fitness, but felt like he was losing his edge.
“I’ll join you at the gym tomorrow,” Jamie yelled to Charlie. “I’ve got an interview on zoom for this marketing job. It’s in 15 minutes.”
“No worries, I can go by myself,” Charlie yelled back. Jamie heard the door shut.
The interview was uneventful. The position didn’t seem that desirable but Jamie put his best foot forward and acted enthusiastic about it.
He got a call the next week. The HR rep offered Jamie the job with a super low starting salary. Jamie didn’t have any other options so he agreed on the spot.
“Perfect! You can start next Monday. We’ll have a catered lunch so you can meet our team. The regional manager will be in town, so you’ll get the chance to meet him,” replied the rep.
CHAPTER 2: The Lunch
Jamie put on his nicest slacks and a light blue button-down shirt. The 30-34 pants were a little loose around his waist but with his belt, they really accentuated his large butt. He slept through his first alarm, but he didn’t want to be late for his first day, so he skipped his normal breakfast of yogurt and fruit. He grabbed his thermos filled with coffee and booked it out the door. Google Maps said that the office was a 25 minute walk from his apartment, but Jamie was a fast walker so he wasn’t too worried about being late. He felt his stomach growl as he walked through the building doors.
“Which way to Suite 118?” Jamie asked the woman at the front desk.
“Second door on your left.”
Jamie was welcomed by the office manager who got him set up at a desk. She informed him that they do a hybrid in-office/work from home system where you can just pick any desk when you come in.
“Nice,” Jamie thought. “I won’t have to walk here when the weather’s bad.”
“We’re doing lunch in the cafeteria at 2pm,”the office manager continued. “Half of the team went to a client meeting in New York, so we’ll have tons of food. We ordered subs. If there’s leftovers, feel free to take some home.”
Jamie spent the morning doing orientation trainings, but was constantly distracted by how hungry he was. He spent the minutes counting down the minutes until lunch.
Around 1:45, an attractive man walked by his desk to introduce himself. He looked like he was in his late 40s/early 50s but clearly took care of his body and appearance. He had salt-and pepper hair and wore a well-fitting suit that showed off his trim figure.
“Hi there, you must be Jamie. I’m Carl. I’m the Northeast Regional Manager. I usually work out of the New York office but I’m doing my rounds here today.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jamie replied, shaking the man’s outreached hand. “I’m looking forward to working here.” Jamie’s stomach made a loud noise.
“I guess you’re also looking forward to lunch,” Carl replied with a laugh.
“Oh you have no idea,” Jamie chuckled. “I’m an early lunch kinda guy. Two pm is pushing it.
“Well, I think it might just be the two of us. The part of the team that was supposed to have lunch with us is doing a working lunch so they don’t miss their deadline. We can head over now.”
“Oh that’s too bad,” Jamie said. “About not getting to meet them today,” he clarified, not wanting to sound rude. “Let’s do it.”
After a few short introductions around the office, Jamie and Carl walk over to the cafeteria. On the table, there’s a whole platter of assorted subs; ham, turkey, roast beef. There’s also a plate of large chocolate chip cookies. Both were mostly full. They only had small dents in them, with a few quarters of the sandwiches taken by the rest of the office.
“Dang, that’s a ton of food,” said Jamie
“Yeah, whenever I’m in traveling I always have the office manager put in a big catering order, but the people in this office never seem to eat anything,” Carl replied.
Jamie grabs half of a 12’ ham sub and a cookie and puts in on his plate and goes to sit down.
“Come on Jamie, I know you’re hungry. Take as much as you want.”
Jamie smiles. “I didn’t want to be the guy who looks like a pig eating all the food on my first day. I just wanted to make sure that everyone else could come here and grab some.”
“This is all for us, seriously, have as much as you want.”
“Cool, cool,” Jamie replied, loading his plate with the other half and half of a roast beef sub.
Carl grabs half of a turkey sub and two bottles of coke. He hands one to Jamie and sits down across from him. Carl starts talking about the company’s goals and policies but Jamie is only half listening.
In a matter of minutes, Jamie has already finished his 12’ ham sub and starts working on his roast beef. He realizes that he has been gulping down the coke Carl had given him and he feels a strong urge to burp.
“Excuse me for a minute, I’m gonna head to the bathroom,” says Jamie. Once he closes the door, he relaxes his throat and lets out a huge belch.
“So much better,” he mutters out loud. All the trapped gas had been filling him up and now he felt almost as hungry as he was before lunch. He returns to the cafeteria to see Carl packing up the subs.
“Hey, if you don’t mind I’ll probably have some more,” says Jamie.
“Oh yeah, like I said eat as much as you want. Wouldn’t want these to go to waste.”
Jamie gets another full 12’ sub, 2 more cookies, and another coke and sits back down.
Carl keeps droning on about the company’s finances but slowly trails off. He becomes focused on Jamie wolfing down his second sub plus the other half he had left. Jamie is too busy focused on eating to notice that Carl had stopped talking.
“You can really pack it away,” Carl interrupts.
Jamie smiles shyly, embarrassed about the way he inhaled two and a half subs. He looks down and sees the buttons of his shirt straining to hold his engorged stomach.
“That’s a good thing,” Carl continued with a laugh. “It’s good to see an employee really take initiative,” he joked.
“You know what, I’ve kinda got this side business that I think you could get involved in. I know you’re not making much working here. You’re probably barely making enough to pay rent, the way the housing market has been lately.”
“Oh really, that would be awesome. What kind of business is it?” replied Jamie. “I don’t really have any hard skills or anything. I’m barely qualified to use excel.”
“I think you’ve got the chops for it. Honestly, I’m not allowed to talk about it in the office. Do you have a private number I could reach you at?”
Jamie put his number into Carl’s phone. Carl was right. Even after splitting rent with his roommate, living in Boston was too expensive for what he was making. A side hustle would be necessary and he didn’t want to have to wait tables or work at a department store after work.
“It’ll pay handsomely, but it’s kind of a strange job. But, after this lunch, I don’t think you’d have any trouble doing it,” Carl continued. “I’ll send you a message with the details soon. If you’re not interested just let me know and we can drop it. It’s a bit of a weird ask.”
Jamie was confused why Carl was being so secret about the job. Was he going to be selling drugs? Why was he qualified for it? He barely got a word in during the lunch between Carl droning on and plowing through a family-sized lunch.
“I’m pretty open. But seriously, I need the money,” Jamie responded. “And it was very nice meeting you.”
“I think I’ll be seeing more of you, Jamie,” Carl said with a wink. Carl got up and left the cafeteria to get back to work. Jamie let out another burp as soon as he thought Carl was out of earshot.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 2 years
Would you ever post your fantasy stories/writings from ground on here? They're honestly also good
Actually, yeah, I probably should. I don't want to spam the same stuff everywhere, but I think my various obesity-related daydreamings would be a good thing to post on here from time to time.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 2 years
Different Gains
Author Note: first story request, sorry it took so long!
Chet had collapsed at work. It was embarrassing to say the least, but also disheartening as it represented an immense feeling of failure. What had brought him to that point? Well, 10 years ago, he'd decided he wanted to get big. He was an athletic 170lbs, but he dreamed of being huge and decided to go for it. So he started lifting, and dieting, and training, using supplements, and honing his body into the shape he wanted: bigger and stronger than ever. It became an obsession.
Now his schedule had become insane: outside of work, Chet's every moment was scheduled around doing everything he could to continue growing. Right now, prepping for a bodybuilding competition this weekend, he was at 4.5% body fat, and 250 pounds. All in all, Chet was, for most people, inhumanly well built. His physique should be more than enough, but he'd been stuck on a plateau for years and nothing he did helped him grow any bigger.
And now he'd collapsed from exhaustion. Years of pushing himself caught up, and he had to face the fact that he couldn't keep this insane pace going, couldn't keep cutting this hard off season. Chet was on his way home now, waiting for the bus and worried about all the time and effort that seemed wasted now.  As big as he was, he'd been feeling weak, powerless, and smaller than ever. He'd plateaued for sure, but what if he started losing mass? He'd do anything to keep from backsliding, to keep growing even, but he was on track to hurt himself and he knew it....
"You seem rather worried about something."
Chet started back, not realizing there was another man in the bus shelter with him as he'd simmered in his misery. The fellow was dressed like some guy out of a Charles Dickens novel: his coat looked warm against the autumn chill but had patches at the elbows, and his fingerless gloves clearly used to have more substance to them. Despite this, the face beneath a wide brimmed hat looked Chet's age, maybe even younger.
"Uh, yeah. Nothing really. Sorry for bothering you." Chet moved to sit on the bench, and the odd stranger followed.
"It must be a big deal if it involves you, big man. Let me guess, you want to keep getting larger, but the reality is that you cannot?"
Was it that easy to tell, or was this guy a mind reader? "I'm just tired. I have to work so hard to get this big and maintain it, and I know there's an upper limit, but I'm not ready to hit it yet. It just takes so much work, but there's nothing I want more than well, more growth. It's stupid, but it has meant so much to me for such a big portion of my life."
"Well I'm not going to lie, I don't really understand it, but you are interested in growing even larger?"
"More than anything."
"How about this, then. I think I could fix it so you're not feeling run down and out of energy all the time, so you're guaranteed to keep gaining regardless of what you eat or how much you exercise. What do you say?" the man held out his begloved hand for a shake.
Chet didn't know if he was groggy from exhaustion or simply so desperate to continue his mad crusade, but he shook the man's hand. "I'll take whatever help I can get to ensure my gains." He shook the hand and accepted the offer.
Like waking up from a dream, Chet was on the bus, headed home. Maybe he had dreamt that whole encounter?
The next morning, Chet was feeling refreshed for the first time in years. Either he'd slept really well or that weird guys mojo had worked. Chet eventually ruled out a good night's rest; all week he felt amazing, hitting the gym normally and eating right, but without the ever-present feeling of exhaustion that had hounded him. He took first place in his competition that weekend, and then got ready to enjoy his off season, where he allowed himself to relax a bit. After all, if the mojo really worked, he wouldn't need to go as hard.
One month of maintenance, even watching what he ate over the holidays, and Chet finally had a moment to step on the scale. 264lbs, which wasn't terrible for him; with his waist and neck circumference that put is body at just over 10% body fat and right where he'd like to maintain. That night he went through and planned out his meals and macros for the next 4 weeks, as well as his workout schedule. He was excited for he new burst of energy, as it meant he could potentially turn his 250lb competition weight to something more.
Chet couldn't understand it. He was tracking everything, feeling great, pumping harder than ever. But all his bodybuilder tone had been buried beneath excess fat. A 40" waist now ballooned out in his middle, and at 278lbs he's the heaviest he's ever been. He looks huge and is lifts heavier than ever in his life, but there's no way he can get competition ready for next season. Out of desperation, he cuts almost all food intake. He never feels hungry, never feels tired out, but after a week of this he weighs himself again: 282.5. The numbers didn't add up. What is going on?
Chet collapsed at work again, but for a different reason this time. At 306lbs the chair he'd sat on broke beneath his weight. What could he do? He feels heavier almost daily, and week  after week the numbers on the scale back it up, meanwhile the numbers on his nutrition calculator don't. The only consolation was that he was putting on muscle like never before. With energy to spare, Chet's obsession, and obesity, kept him at the gym longer than ever. While it wasn't apparent looking at him, he'd upped his maximum weights a dozen or more times in the past few months. No one could explain it, so he's been left wondering: What happens next?
Chet was contemplating his existence at the bus stop once again, and he didn't notice he wasn't alone.
"Oh my, you look almost as worried as before."
The familiar voice came out of nowhere once again, just like it's owner. "You. What did you do to me!?"
"Well, in simple terms I made sure you'd always have the energy you needed. A surplus. That way you wouldn't get tired easily anymore. It's more complicated than that but there are some rules even I cannot break. Unfortunately surplus energy in a body gets stored in a particular way, but I didn't think you'd mind. You are getting bigger, after all."
"I didn't mean like this!" Chet grabbed his 55 inch gut and shook it.
"Personally I don't see what the fuss is about. You still have muscles under all that, which are also bigger than ever. And you'll never get tired out growing them. Aren't you curious about how much bigger you'll get?"
Chet had to admit, as worried as he'd been feeling, he'd also been feeling excited. He was massive, and he felt massive. And he was consistently getting bigger, regardless of what he did. The gains undeniably made him bigger and stronger than ever.
"But I suppose you may have changed your mind. After all, who would really want to continue growing bigger and stronger with no end in sight? I suppose you want to return your gift?" The man held out his hand.
It had been one year now, and Chet had  transformed. Taking back up his workout routine even more intensely, but eating what he wants and never feeling tired or sluggish, he added probably 30lbs of muscle and 182lbs of fat, on top of everything he'd already gained. Chet works out every chance he gets and relishes it, knowing he's getting stronger and bigger than anyone else. Knowing that he'll never tire as he grows even  larger. If he's not working out, then he's eating; savoring the food since he'll get fatter regardless, he gets huge portions of greasy, heavy, indulgent food replaced the high protein, low carb diet he'd maintained before. He needs to get bigger, and loves every minute of it.
It's late in the evening when Chet gets off work, but he enters the gym; legs stepping wide to accommodate his mass, he walks right by the treadmills populated by gym bunnies whose eyes are glued to his oversized form. This time of night, only the most serious fitness freaks are here, so the only other person at the weights is a younger man, built like an adonis, whose muscular form is dwarfed by Chet's incredible bulk.
"Need a spot?" Chet asks, already moving over the man.
"Uh, sure." Chet leaned over the man in order to reach the bar without smothering him in gut fat. Chet could tell the guy was serious, making it most of the way through and then struggling on the last couple presses before putting the bar back in place. He stood and wiped the sweat off his face as Chet added weights for his workout.
"Hey, you sure about that man?" he asked.
"Yeah," Chet replied, "I'm taking it easy tonight." Chet had doubled the amount of weight on the bar, and then lay down in position. "You spotting me?" the man nodded.
Chet may have looked awkward at his size, but no one could deny the ease with which his body threw weight around. In no time at all, Chet had finished. He barely broke a sweat.
"That was incredible!" the man exclaimed, with something a bit more than mutual admiration in his eye.
"Wait until you see what I can do after the workout."
After a couple hours at the gym, Chet's stomach was growling from neglect. It was time to feed his other passion. He invited his workout partner to grab a bite with him, and they left together.
"I can't believe how much you packed away!" Craig exclaimed, which Chet had learned was the name of is new buddy. Chet leaned back and patted his finally full stomach. "I could probably pack in a bit more, with some help." Chet gave a cheeky glance to Craig, who was obviously enthralled.
Craig didn't need much more prompting, and he started feeding their dessert item, cinnamon rolls, to Chet one at a time. Despite feeling stuffed like never before, Chet couldn't help but keep eating them until they were all gone. "God, I want to keep feeding you forever." Craig had a huge wet stain on his gym shorts. Chet had no reason to deny him.
Before meeting Craig, he'd weighed in at 488lbs, having consistently gained 3.5lbs on average every week since he'd first gotten this gift. So one month after he started seeing Craig regularly, Chet expected to break 500lbs. Imagine his surprise when he stepped on the scale and saw 512 pop up. Chet stroked his chins for a moment, considering if it was time to move to the next stage. He then realized he was unconsciously rubbing and grabbing his gut, and growing hard at his touch, and made up his mind. He then called out to Craig, who had stayed the night.
"Hey babe, how would you feel about moving in and feeding me full time?" Chet would never return to the gym after that, but he'd continued to gain mass.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 2 years
Made a Gainer by my ex's brother
"Excuse me, you're doing what!?"
Sarah had that apoplectic look on her face that she usually reserved for our private "arguments." I was hoping that doing this at a restaurant would avoid a total blowup, but oh well.
"I-I'm breaking up with you. I-I don't see us having a future together, so it's better to do it now…before things get too serious..." I waited for her response
Sarah just stared at me, letting me stew. I couldn't meet her eyes. "Two years, Devin. This is our anniversary dinner. I thought you were taking me out for a celebration, Devin. Instead, Devin, you're telling me I wasted tow years on a loser like you? After two years, this is all I get!?"
I admit, I squirmed. Sarah had that effect on me. But I pushed through.
"Yes, I'm sorry Sarah. Really I am. But I couldn't find a way to do this without upsetting you. This is the best I could do."
"The best you could do, huh Devin." she'd been using my name like a curse. Sarah wiped her mouth with a napkin even though she hadn't had a bite to eat, stood up, and lifted her wine glass. Instead of a toast to the end, she threw the liquid in my face. People already eavesdropping gasped, others turned at the sound, and my face turned the same scarlet color as the wine soaking into my clothes.
"No one breaks up with me and gets away with it. No one. Enjoy the meal Devin." Sarah turned and left without looking back.
I sighed and flagged down a waiter. "More bread, please. And a towel."
Back at my apartment, I rinsed the lingering wine out of my hair and tossed my ruined outfit in the trash. It had been mortifying, but despite Sarah's outbursts and her threat I couldn't help feeling relief. She was finally out of my life. Sarah had been really pushy, and we'd ended up in a relationship mostly because I'd never been in one before. For whatever reason she'd pressed me into dating her, probably because she wanted a boyfriend she could control. And for two years, I'd been that for her. Bending to whatever she wanted, and I couldn't take it anymore. But, despite her being awful, the real reason that I broke up with her, that I'd break up with any girl, was that I was gay. And despite being out of college, despite knowing I was gay for years, I still hadn't come out. I still didn't feel comfortable admitting it, in public at least.
Dating Sarah may have been a nightmare, but that made breaking up an easier decision. If she'd been nice, I wouldn't have been so ready to get her out of my life and would probably have continued pretending to be straight. Now I could do what I'd always wanted to do. Literally, if I was lucky. My cock stiffened at the thought of being with a man, so I finished up my shower checked on the new dating profile I'd made.
After searching through tons of locals and messaging a few guys, I stumbled across something I hadn't anticipated: Sarah's brother, Jedd, was on the list of nearby singles. I could recognize his face anywhere; I'd known Jedd was gay, and hot, but he was definitely out of my league. He'd never been as cruel like Sarah, but he'd been aloof to the point of permitting her to do whatever she wanted so I kind of assumed he approved of the way she treated me. Still...Jedd was shirtless in his profile picture, showing off his cobblestone abs and a juicy set of pecs. He had that perfect amount of chest hair and beautiful cheekbones and eyes. I followed all the way down his bare chest and torso to a pair of unbuttoned jeans that left everything else to the imagination. I wonder if he ever uploaded something raunchier? Maybe I could finally see him naked instead of imagining it…
In a lustful haze, I clicked on his profile and looked through his gallery of photos. Shortly after confirming there were no nudes, I got a notification that someone visited my profile. I snapped out of my horny train of thought and realized that Jedd probably got a similar notification when I visited his page: I'd just inadvertently let him know I was checking him out, on a gay dating site, hours after I broke up with his sister. I closed out of the app, hurled my phone away, but the damage had already been done. I went to bed panicking about vengeance from both Sarah and her brother, and tossed and turned the rest of the night.
One day passed, then two, then three. Finally I worked up the courage to open the app again. No message from Jedd, no notifications that he'd visited my profile. I finally allowed myself to calm down and take a breath. Thinking about it, Jedd likely gets dozens -if not hundreds- of notifications from that site; as hot as he is there are tons of men thirsty for him who would be messaging and viewing him 24/7. My slip up was probably mixed in with a million other profiles and names, and Jedd hadn't ever seemed particularly interested in me anyway. That realization soured the relief I felt.
Regardless, I was safe from being outed by Jedd, and likely wouldn't face retribution from Sarah. That was the important part. Still, it stung my pride that Jedd hadn't even noticed me. I bucked up and started using the app again, looking to start exploring my sexuality this coming weekend.
Friday evening, there was a knock at my door. I was expecting a package so I opened it without checking the peephole. Standing there was Jedd, leaning against the doorframe in a tight fitting white tank and a pair of jeans.
"Hey there Devin"
I just stood there and gaped, feeling my face redden with embarrassment. "Uh, hi." I finally managed.
"You gonna invite me in?"
"Erm, sure. But, sorry, why?" I probably sounded as stupid as I felt.
"Well, you finally broke up with my sister, which is very sad of course but inevitable. Not because I was sure you were gay, though I suspected. But because Sarah's such a bitch. You might be a pushover, but I knew you'd grow a spine eventually and stand up to her."
"You thought I was gay even when I was with your sister?"
"Yes, though I couldn't be sure since you're so quiet around her. It's hard to get a read on someone when their girlfriend does all the talking. But now I'm convinced: It's that, or you just like trolling local gay singles for fun. Pretty sure it's the former."
Shit, he had seen me on his profile! I could kick myself for being so stupid. My face had never felt so hot with embarrassment. I had to convince him not to use it against me.
"Well, I'm not actually…out. To anyone. Except you, I guess…"
A wolfish grin spread across his face. "Well, that's convenient, isn't it? I don't want my sister to know I'm seeing her ex, and you don't want anyone to know you play for the other team. I guess it's a secret relationship, then."
If I thought my face was red before - "Wha-what? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself, Jedd?"
"I don't think so. I've thought you were cute ever since my sister nabbed you. But I couldn't have my sister thinking her brother is after her man, so I kept my distance. However, you two have split and I have confirmation that the attraction is mutual, so…"
His arm found it's way to my side, and he gently slid his hand against me.
"…are you going to invite me in?"
I told myself it was just to talk someplace more private, so I stepped to the side so he could cross my threshold. I thought for a moment about how vampires get power over you once you invite them in, but then remembered that was ridiculous. Not to mention, it was still daylight out.
I shook that last of that flight of fancy from my head and asked "So, what now?"
"You're new to this. You want to do this on your time. I get it, really. Like I said, I also don't want my sister to murder us both because I went behind her back. So, we're gonna spend time together in private; I'll show you the ropes as it were, but we're only gonna do it here or someplace that my sister and her friends wouldn't be caught dead in. Capeesh?"
I let out a long breath, one I didn't realize I was holding. Jedd was here, in my apartment. I'd dreamed of this many times over the past two years, and now it was a reality. How could I say no?
"Sure. I'll just, date the brother of my ex." Saying it out loud made it seem like a horrible idea.
"Great! Now, what exactly have you always wanted to do with me?" With that, any trepidation I felt got quashed by my libido, and shortly after Jedd and I were in my bedroom.
And so, less than a week after my last straight relationship ended, I started my first gay one with the sibling of my ex.
One month later, and I stepped on the scale after noticing my jeans had gotten tighter. Looking down at the readout, I'd apparently put on 17lbs of "relationship" weight. I'd never put on that much with Sarah, but she had always made some comment whenever I gained a few or when I ate too much. With Judd, though, I didn't feel that pressure.
Yes, Judd was incredibly hot. But I'd considered him out of my league when I was at my thinnest, so some extra weight didn't seem to be a problem. Still, he was in great shape. Despite also being in a relationship, Judd was as hot as ever. Maybe more-so, now that I knew what he looked like naked. I asked him if my weight bothered him.
"What? Not at all. Please don't confuse me with Sarah. If I had a problem with you putting on a few, we'd be eating something other than takeout."
Judd had been over almost every night and always ordered delivery or brought takeout. He said he was trying to make up for me hosting all the time. At first, I couldn't understand how he managed to stay so fit and trim on such a diet, and attributed it to our natural metabolisms. I seemed to put on weight just by looking at fattening foods, and had to carefully diet and exercise to maintain a skinny twink look; maybe Judd just had a metabolism that could handle the extra calories? But soon I realized he has significantly more willpower than I do. If he brought over Chinese, for example, he only had a small serving for himself, not even finishing his fried rice. I, on the other hand, end up eating both the egg-rolls, the extra rice, and the fortune cookies along with the whole container of al la carte food. I'd end the evening feeling bloated and gross, but Judd still made sure I got to 'practice' being in a gay relationship with him.
I was kind of surprised with myself; I'd been watching what I eat for so long, the first time he'd come over I'd eaten just like him. But over time he'd offer me his egg-roll, or the rest of his rice, saying he didn't want it to go to waste and hated reheated Chinese. How could I say no to a guy like him? And while he was here, Jedd made me feel good. Not just in terms of sex, which was amazing, but despite his cockiness he genuinely seemed concerned about how I was doing at work, if I was happy, what I found interesting and if I was satisfied with a meal The difference between dating Judd and Sarah was as different as night and day. It was still a bit odd only seeing him at my apartment, but this relationship felt more real than anything I'd had before. I felt cared for, in a way I never had. I felt safe with Judd, and with a partner I could trust.
Judd said that the weight was fine with him, and I had to take his word for it. I settled down on the couch next to him, cuddling up to watch tv and fool around while we ate. On my coffee table was a brown sack and next to it were a pair of drinks.
"What's for dinner tonight?"
"You're gonna love it; this new burger place just opened that has amazing beef patties and delicious fries. I got you a shake too; your favorite, cookies and creme."
"You're spoiling me!" I said.
Judd put his arm across my shoulders and handed me a burger. "Maybe I am." he said, with a big grin plastered on his perfect face. I sighed with a smile of my own, and started digging in.
3 months of 'dating,' and Judd is describing us as a couple when we're together. I'm exclusive with him, of course, and he's apparently exclusive with me. It's hard to believe my luck, but I also can't deny the effect it's had on my body. In the past 3 months, my weight has climbed halfway back to my heaviest ever. Before I got in shape through diet and cardio in college, I'd been an obese teenager. My freshman year I'd finally realized I was gay, and felt like I needed to fit that part. Now with the extra food and my exercise only coming from "practice" with Judd, the dial on my scale has climbed higher and higher with each passing week. Despite this, anytime I start feeling anxious about how big I'm getting Judd manages to make me feel better.
The extra weight does mean that I needed to update my wardrobe, so Judd has been taking me on couple shopping trips for cute outfits. We go to outlet malls out of town, away from department stores or main street were we might run into his sister. Being away from my home town, I can let my guard down a bit more. The anonymity makes me feel comfortable holding Judd's hand when he reaches for mine, or eating at the food court together as a couple.
I'm still trying to watch what I eat when Judd's not around. I may not be able to resist indulging when he's near, but so far I'd stuck to healthy foods whenever I'm on my own. However, more and more I find myself craving greasy, fattening foods even when Judd isn't around. I'm falling back into old habits now that fattening foods are part of my regular diet again. I've been stopping at the drive-thru for breakfast before work, and ordering in even on nights when Judd can't make it to my place. Those nights alone seem so much harder, and strangely the food reminds me of him.
When Judd is over, we still get a meal for each of us. However, a typical Chinese order now includes four egg-rolls, crab rangoons, and fried biscuits dusted with sugar that seem to be both appetizer and dessert. The apps and sides and add-ons have increased with the pizza orders and others as well, with Judd claiming that he'd built up so many reward points he has to use them on something. Despite the larger orders, Judd still eats the same, half serving of whatever he got, and hands the rest off onto me. I normally can't finish it all with the apps and desserts and sides too, so the leftovers go into my fridge to become lunch for the next day. He says he doesn't like reheated food, but I don't mind it.
As I've gotten bigger Judd's attention hasn't ever waned, fortunately. He still seems just as interested in me as the first day he came over. But as I've gotten fatter, a lot more of my old insecurities started to bubble up, and it seemed more and more absurd that this perfect, athletic, muscular hunk would be into some overweight nobody. It finally bubbled up on a trip to the mall when we visit a photo booth. In the strip of pictures it ejects, I look just as fat as I was in high school, at least to me. I glace at Judd, but he doesn't seem to notice my concerned look. He's absorbed in deciding which picture looks best, so I ask him outright, "Judd, do you think I need to lose weight?"
"I don't. Do you want to?"
"I will if I'm getting gross."
"You're not gross. I think you're really hot the way you are. Don't worry so much."
"Still, I should go on a diet. Even if you don't care, it must be embarrassing to be with me."
He seemed to think about something for just a moment. Maybe picking the right words? Finally he said "Look Devin, you can do whatever you want, but I assure you: you're fine. You're allowed to indulge a little with your boyfriend. Let me spoil you once and a while! And whenever you want to change the way you look, you can, but don't do it because you think I want you to change. I don't. You were cute when we met, when we first started dating, yesterday when we went to bed, and you're super cute right now. Beyond that, I've gotten to know you. You're a sweet, hardworking, thoughtful person regardless of how you look. I'd argue you're a better person than me, in a lot of ways. Bottom line, it's up to you what you want!" He finished with a kiss on my cheek, our first outside of my apartment.
I smiled a bit and relaxed. However, in the back of my mind I wondered if that was the whole truth. Everything he said seemed sincere, but at the same time it seemed like he had more he wanted to say. But soon I wasn't focused on those thoughts, as Judd took my hand and had lead me to the food court.
Judd and I have been seeing each other for 6 months now, and I'm back to the fat blob that I'd escaped after high school. During a visit home to my parents, In addition to coming out to them, I pulled out old clothes from storage to wear, as that was more economical than replacing my whole wardrobe again. Even sweatpants I'd fit into last year were too small on me now. Despite feeling low and self-conscious sometimes during the day, I've never been happier in the evenings. Every night now, Judd's over for dinner followed by sex. I'm comfortable enough with him now that I've pointed out how he pushes food to me, and joked about how he's the reason I'm fat. As a result, we now refer to out evenings as 'feeding and breeding' time. If anything, it's made our evenings even more erotic and passionate.
Every night, he worships my entire body. Maybe sharing my concerns about my weight made him want to make me feel even sexier? He makes sure I'm well fed from one end: ordering dinner and making sure I eat until I'm stuffed, even feeding me forkfuls of food when I say I can't take another bite. After that, he gives it to me in the other end: my ass has grown significantly, and Judd loves getting in there and massaging my cheeks while he rams it home. When he cums, he'll lean over me and plays with my breasts, or even my belly. By the time we're both done, we're exhausted. I usually end up getting dessert too, with another quick romp with Judd after. He stays the night almost every night too, slinging his arm over me and rubbing my belly as we drift off to sleep.
But we don't always order in at my place; he's also taken me out on real dates. Granted, to buffets or fancy restaurants outside of town, where we don't know anyone, and where Sarah wouldn't ever go for a meal. I'm still worried about being recognized and outed. Despite how amazing it is with Judd, I'm still not ready to come all the way out of the closet just yet. Part of it also might be my weight and being with Judd; while he reassures me, in public I still feel unworthy of him. I catch people ogling him often, who wouldn't, and then catch thier reaction when they realize I'm with him. Still, with things feeling very serious with Judd I'll have to get used to this reality. I try to be proud of the fact that I'm with the guy everyone wants , but it's hard after years of feeling negative about myself.
In the meantime, I'm living out a gay fantasy. While the extra weight isn't what I imagined, I can't deny that Judd's extra attention makes it worth it. I can't help feeling sexy with him. Maybe some of his exuberance was rubbing off on me, because could look in the bathroom mirror at my overhanging belly and think: I still look cute, I'm still worthy of love. Judd even went out of his way to buy my sexy underwear, and as I model it for him I feel like the one who is supposed to be ogled. With Judd, I might just end up liking the way I look.
Early one evening, there was a knock at my door like usual. It was just about time for Jedd to show up for dinner. However, waiting for me on the other side is Sarah.
"Well, you've certainly looked better, Devin."
"Sarah, what the hell are you doing here?"
"I just had to come and see for myself. I heard you'd gotten fat again, Devin. I didn't realize just how gross you had become. You look even bigger than you used to! Guess you probably shouldn't have broken up with me, huh? Because no one is going to date you now, that's for sure."
"Whatever Sarah, you were terrible to me when we dated and you still are. What do you know?" I started to close my door on her.
She laughed, "A lot more than you, actually. How are things with Judd?"
I froze. "Wha-what are you talking about?"
"My brother, Judd. You've been seeing him, right? Little over 6 months?"
The cat was out of the bag, I guess. I wanted to shrink away from Sarah like I used to. Instead, I decided to fess up.
"Yes, I have. Judd actually treats me like a human being, Sarah. He likes me for who I am and doesn't care about the extra weight."
Sarah laughed again. It grated on my ears. "Oh that's rich. That's so rich! Judd really did a number on you, better than I would have expected. So here's the deal Devin: Judd only started hooking up with you because I told him to." As she said this, she pulled out her phone and started playing around with it, a bored smirk on her face.
I felt dizzy with shock. "That-that's a lie. Judd was keeping our relationship a secret from you."
"Sure." She smirked. She then turned her phone around so that I could see the screenshot of text messages from months ago:
Judd: Looks like you were wrong about a lot. Devin just checked me out on this app [screenshot]
Sarah: OMG judd. seduce him!!!
Sarah: Look at this!!! [there was a photo of me from freshman year, pre-diet]
Sarah: he puts on weight like really easily. Seriously, he got dessert once or twice and put on like 5lbs. He's like, predisposed to it. Make him fat and make him un-datable.
Judd: I don't even know what you're suggesting.
Sarah: I'm calling you!!!
"And my phone call convinced him, obviously. He was at your house before the end of the week, and now you're here, fatter than ever! And to think, you actually believed Judd could be with someone who looks like this." She gestured broadly at my entire being.
Sarah was absolutely gleeful in her revenge. With nothing left to say, I slammed the door on her, but she still had one last retort, "I told you no one breaks up with me and gets away with it, Devin!"
Her laugh rang in my ears as tears ran down my face. All the attention, affection, the love I'd felt had been a lie. Now I was stuck with a body that no one could love, not even myself.
Later that night, I heard my front door open. Judd used the spare key I showed him to unlock the door.
"Get out, I don't want to see you."
"Devin, please. Let me explain."
"I'll call the police if you don't leave right now!" I sobbed. I was done with this whole family of manipulators and abusers. But then, a caught a whiff of something; Judd had a sack of food from my favorite burger place. The place that he'd introduced me to when it first opened. It threatened to pull me into a feeling of safety and comfort, but I couldn't fall for it.
"Devin, I just want the opportunity to explain. Please. After that, you can throw me out."
I was doubtful I'd be capable of throwing him anywhere. I was still mad, but I sat down on the couch. Judd joined me. I moved to the other end of the sofa.
"I'll hear what you have to say Judd. And then you have to leave."
"Here goes. I'm not a good person, I'm better with you, but that's beside the point. I want you to know how it really went down."
"When you first broke up with Sarah, she was texting me immediately. I had figured you were gay ever since the two of you started dating, but to be honest you weren't my type at all. I'd lied to you about that. Anyway, the possibility never entered Sarah's mind, somehow, so she was convinced you'd been cheating on her with one of her friends. She was sending me these wild theories, one for every girl in her clique, ready to kick off the witch hunt. Meanwhile I was scrolling through locals, bored. Sarah only texts me when she needs someone to cosign her insanity, and I just don't care enough to be her voice of reason or talk her down. Then I actually saw you on there, and then got the notification that you'd viewed me."
Judd took a deep breath and looked uncomfortable, but he continued.
"Sarah just kept pinging my phone, and it was getting on my nerves. At this point, I figured I'd never see you again. I figured if she stopped messaging me I could get on with finding a hookup. So I figured I could shut her up for the night at least by letting her know that you weren't cheating on her. That you broke up with her because you weren't into girls, and she wouldn't need to get revenge or anything. It was horrible of me, I know, to out you like that to her, and I can't say how sorry I am. So, I sent her a screen-cap of the notification.
I wanted to shut out his words. They hurt so much. He had come over because of his sister! He outed me to her, and He'd done this to me out of some sick revenge! The tears were welling in my eyes again as Judd continued.
"I asked you out because of the picture that she sent after. You from early college: adorably fat, and happy."
Judd turned his phone around, showing the messages from the dating app we'd both used. They were old messages at this point, but all had profile pictures of the men he'd been chatting with. All of them were fat; not just bears, but overweight, out of shape guys just like me. Guys with shirts off, bellies hanging out, with breasts and rolls and thick thighs.
"You'd never been my type as a twink, you never seemed happy when you dated my sister, but it seemed like you'd be my type and a lot happier if you stopped the crazy dieting. If you started eating what you wanted, and what you body wanted. Between the photo and Sarah putting the idea of fattening you up in my head, I couldn't resist. Sarah tried to get me in on her revenge scheme, but I denied that I'd have any interaction with you. I wanted you all to myself. So when I came over to your place, I wanted to make you fat; but not for her, for me."
I was already shocked into silence, but Judd had more to say.
"I lied to you. A lot. Every day we met, I played it off like I wasn't imagining you fatter than you were. Like I wasn't intentionally giving you my leftovers or ordering extra food. Every time you asked if your weight concerned me, I had to pretend I'd be ok with you getting slim again. That I liked you despite your fat, not because of it. Believe me, there were a million times when I wanted to tell you how I felt, but I didn't know how. I've never told anyone this before. For the first 30 pounds or so, I thought about that high school photo of you when I climaxed. After that, I preferred to appreciate and observe all the little ways your body changed. The way your clothes got tighter in all the right places. How you got more comfortable with your body the more I worshiped it. How you'd manage to eat just a bit more than the night before. How you'd eat more, just because I asked you to. You changed a little every time a saw you, and I was enthralled. That wasn't a lie."
"Of course, with me coming over every night, I couldn't hide that from Sarah. She was still looking for some way to get revenge on you, after I had told her no. A few times I'd see her driving by your place when I was on my way to you. If she'd spotted me, she would have been suspicious. So, I figured I could resolve a couple issues at once: I told her I was doing the scheme so she wouldn't concoct something else to hurt you, and that kept her from questioning why I was at your place all the time."
He sighed. "I'd hoped to work up the nerve to tell you before Sarah got to you, but I didn't. I couldn't 'come out' to you either, I guess. She's never been patient, so I should have known better. That's another thing I have to make up to you."
"But," Jedd stood, and grabbed the bag of food. "Now that that's all out in the open, Sarah will leave you alone for good. As far as she's concerned, you're totally wreaked by her partner in crime. We should still keep things on the down low, since you're not out to everyone and Sarah might still get mad at me for dating you. But, I finally have my own little pig all to myself."
Jedd's sudden change in attitude caught me off guard; He'd gone from contrite and heartfelt to his usual self, albeit with an attitude openly flaunting his goal of making me fatter. But I was only off guard for a moment, I noticed again the smell of burgers and fries. The bag was wet with grease stains at this point, and my stomach growled to remind me that it was passed my usual dinnertime.
"So, you can kick me out now, or…" Judd unwrapped a burger, and waved it in front of my nose "we can pick up where we left off, with everything out in the open this time." He had that wolfish grin on his face again, totally confident in what my response would be. Cocky bastard.
I grabbed the burger from him and took a bite. "I don't know that I can trust you."
"I'll earn it back. Full honesty from here on out. Cross my heart."
I was still a bit sulky, but the food helped. I was still reluctant to let Jedd get his hands all over me, like he normally would, but things were feeling more like normal.
"So, you're really happy with how fat I am now? I'm back at my original weight and then some."
Judd hesitated.
"Ah ah, full honesty, remember?"
"Well, I'd been wondering how you'd look 50 pounds heavier."
I swallowed the last bite of burger. "50 pounds!?"
"To start, yeah. It'll be harder now that we'll likely have to fight your metabolism to put on more weight, but not too much harder since I don't need to by coy about stuffing you anymore."
"This, so far, has been you being coy." I looked dubious.
Judd stood over me, another burger in hand. "Oh yeah. I've been very restrained. From now on, I'll be over every night to make sure my piggy is stuffed to capacity." He brought the burger to my lips, and without needing to think I took a bite.
"My sister was right about one thing. You're not dating anyone else ever again. You are mine and I am yours." Judd pushed the burger passed my lips and I was forced to chew it down.
Before I knew it, the bag he'd brought was empty. The two burgers, fries, and two shakes sitting in my belly. Judd was gently rubbing the taut sphere, freely worshiping the nipples of my tits, and exploring every fold and bulge on my body that he could find and murmuring in my ear about how sexy he found each one of those folds and every handful of soft flesh. It felt, right; even more-so than our nights before.
6 months after that fraught evening, and Judd took me out to celebrate our "1 year." though it seemed weird to celebrate the night Judd had showed up at my door after I ogled him online, but no relationship is perfect right?
"And, if you don't wanna celebrate that, then here's to 50lbs in 6 months!" He clinked his glass against mine and I found myself beaming.
He still came over every night, and still took me out of town for dates or clothes shopping, and I'd been steadily coming out to my friends and coworkers, and getting more comfortable with myself overall. Judd's constant encouragement and doting in private was turning into greater confidence in public for me. But, until I was totally ok with who I was and where I was at, I was happy for what I had with Judd regardless.
Typically, Judd's enthusiasm was infectious, so I ended up getting caught up in his emotional state. Tonight felt different, however. I was actually feeling proud of myself. I'm wearing the largest clothes I've ever owned, having gotten 2XL from the big and tall section. Having actively worked with Judd to get this far, it felt like an accomplishment worth celebrating. I should note, per my request, we were celebrating at one of my favorite buffets.
"I'll drink to that" I replied, and drained the last of my soda. Judd hopped up and was back in a moment with a refill, no ice. He slid into the booth next to me; a new habit that made it easier for him to offer me bites off his plate and subtly fondle me under the table.
"Devin, if I hadn't been with you every step of the way, I'd say it was impossible for someone to put on 150lbs in a year. But the evidence is clear." I felt him grope my love-handle, making the excess fat that gathered around my waist wobble as he toyed with it.
"So, honestly, are you satisfied with your work Judd?"
He leaned in a kissed my cheek. "Honestly, no. I can't wait to see you even bigger."
I rolled my eyes. Of course he wanted more! But he put on that wolfish grin again.
"Well, the way I figure it, you'd be so much larger today if you hadn't wasted all that time dieting before we got together. If you'd just stuffed your face all the way through college like the piggy you are, we wouldn't have to do all this catching up. Based on that logic, another 50lbs isn't much to ask."
I swallowed my bite of pasta. "You're a madman."
"I know. And you're my ~experiment~. Also, I love you."
I looked Judd in the eye, and didn't have to ask if that was the honest truth.
"I love you too."
3 months later, and I hadn't put on much beyond my initial 150lbs. I'd hit a milestone by doubling my starting weight, but since then I hadn't been able to get more than 10lbs heavier. Judd was just as enthusiastic about feeding me, just as captivated with my body, but the Chinese and pizza and burgers just seemed to maintain my current weight. I was now having the opposite problem from when Judd and I first started; I went on a work trip and dropped 5lbs in just a week away from Judd's attention. My metabolism was now trying to drag me back down to it's definition an ideal weight, not mine.
This may have started out as Judd's thing, but I was disappointed in my lack of progress too. I was eating fattening breakfasts and lunches every day; stopping at a drive through on the way to work for breakfast sandwiches and hash-browns, then picking up fried chicken or Mexican for lunch. I drank soda throughout the day. It was strange, but now that I'd gotten used to watching a new number appear week after week, seeing the same number again and again was discouraging. I’d finally felt comfortable and in control of my body, as well as sexy. Would Judd be upset if I never reach my next milestone? As I agonized over this, Judd arrived.
Tonight, he had my now typical Chinese meal; rather, four al la cart options, fried buns, chicken egg rolls, spring rolls, and pot stickers. He also had a pair of grocery sacks under his arm.
"Go ahead and get started, I've got to get this stuff in the fridge."
I figured he'd stopped for an extra dessert or something, so I did as told and dug in. Hours later, the food containers lay strewn about my living room, including a small store bought cake that I figured was my dessert. However, as I sat there digesting Judd headed to the kitchen. I heard the blender going, and soon he emerged with the whole 1 gallon blender container. "Start drinking."
I took a sip. It tasted like chocolate whole milk, one of my new favorites, but thicker, like a shake or batter. "What is this?"
"It's like your favorite, a chocolate shake, but it's made special for you. In theory, you can eat like you have been, but you need to finish one of these before bed every night. This will get you from pig to a full hog, or I'm a failure as your feeder."
I looked at Judd with that comment. "You're not a failure, look at me!"
He smiled, but this one wasn't wolfish. "You look great Devin. You really do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for indulging me for this long. I really appreciate it."
I realized that as disappointed as I was, Judd must have been feeling it even more. And with my new enthusiasm for gaining, he might have felt like he’d let me down. So I chugged as much of the liquid as I could. My stomach ached as I kept going, but I forced as much as I could stand on top of the food I'd already stuffed myself with. After drinking for what felt like 5 minutes, I finally removed the container from my lips.
"I'm putting on another 50lbs, Judd. Whether you're with me or not. Not matter how long it takes. I'm your pig, and I'm gonna be your hog."
I'd listened to Judd call me stuff like this for months now, but I hadn't described myself with such terms. This, to me, represented a shift in our approach to my weight gain. Yes, I'd been proud of my 50lb gain. Yes, I'd been disappointed. But now, I was really owning this part of our relationship. As part of me. And Judd realized it too. That wolfish grin spread on his face again, and he lifted the jug back to my lips, quiet encouragement helping me finish the rest.
For the month leading up to our two year anniversary, Judd wouldn't let me step on the scale. In fact, he took my old one and didn't replace it until the day arrived.
"This one is extra wide, and goes up to 600lbs. Also, it connects to your smartphone, so you don't have to bend over to see the number."
As if I'd been reading the number; since I'd embraced my gainer side Judd had been on the floor, excitedly reading the rising numbers. Now, with my phone connected, I got a short little notification: 378lbs. So I'd put on 218lbs since Judd first brought food to my lips, and 8lbs more than the 50 we'd promised ourselves nine months ago. Judd's cream, as I called it, was turning me into the hog of our dreams. Of course, the goalposts had moved since then; for now it was 400lbs, but we'd talked about a bmi of 60, then maybe 600 pounds. From there, who knows? What we did know was that Judd and I were stuck with one another, and as long as that stayed the same I'd keep getting bigger.
The next day I headed to the mall; my 4xls don't leave enough room to grow anymore, and my 60" waist pants were digging into my hips as I walked. I'd been visiting store after store to try on what they had, but the selection was sparse at best. I got a few items out of necessity, but resolved to get my actual measurements and look online for specialty realtors. Since I'd been shopping for almost 2 hours without eating anything, I decided to head toward the food court. As I turned a corner I nearly ran into someone heading the opposite direction and gasped with recognition: Sarah.
Her eyes did a once over, her face shifted from shock into a sneer, and then she quickly sidestepped me. "Excuse you!" she tossed over her shoulder and kept walking
While still rude, Sarah could have said a lot more about her extremely fat ex-boyfriend, who was currently fatter than ever. So I shook my head in disbelief and took it as a win.
It wasn't until I was seated in the food court with my slices of pizza and a chocolate milkshake that I realized something; Sarah hadn't recognized me! The sneer, her comment and behavior - those were things she did to fat people in general. I was over 100lbs heavier than the last time she'd seen me, fatter than I’d ever been in my entire life, and someone I'd wasted two years on couldn't distinguish me from any other fat person that crossed her path. I’d repulsed her so much that her quick glace wasn’t enough to register familiar features like my eyes or hair. If I was entirely honest, those were probably the only two things that still looked the same. Excited by this revelation, I couldn't wait to tell Judd, but the extra 'encouragement' from Sarah kept me at the food court for another 2 meals before I headed home pleasantly full.
Despite it being early afternoon, Judd was already at my place.
"You'll never believe who I saw today!" I then recounted the encounter to Judd. He chuckled with that grin of his.
"I'm not surprised. I barely recognize you sometimes! It's hard to believe that in the same amount of time you spent with my sister, you've grown into my perfect pig boy."
He looked thoughtful for a moment before he continued.
"But I've been thinking. You finally feel comfortable being out as gay, right? It's probably about time I came out as a pig-loving encourager to my family.”
“Are you sure? The gay part seems easier. I’d need to come out as a gainer then too, right?”
If I'm going to marry you, the people closest to us are gonna have to know at some point."
"Who said anything about marriage?" I felt butterflies in my stomach, and was blushing at the thought of standing at the altar with Judd, the contrast of both our bodies in facing each other before all our friends and family. It made me happy just thinking about that day!
"I just did, I guess. I've been thinking about it a lot so...I guess this is my proposal? I'd get you an engagement ring, but with the way your fingers have been plumping up, you wouldn't be able to take it off by the time we tie the knot!"
This time I chuckled. "Those are mostly to let people know you're off the market anyway. And I think my 'relationship weight' does a good enough job keeping the thirsty boys away."
"You'd be surprised Devin. I don't think you realize how handsome your weight makes you look; there are tons of men who'd be into you just the way you are."
The way he said it, it seemed like more than just flattery. Did I detect jealousy, from god-bod Judd?
"So Devin, will you marry me?"
I felt my face get even redder, but couldn't suppress my smile of pure joy. "Of course I will Judd.” I planted a kiss on his lips to let him know I meant it. “Does this mean you'll be taking me out for an engagement dinner tonight? We can finally eat someplace nearby!"
"Not tonight piggy. I have other plans for you."
Judd took my hand in his and placed the other on my back, leading me to the bedroom. At first, I didn't realize what the two objects on the floor were, but then it clicked; they were troughs, one filled with food, the other with the slurry Judd had been making for me. While not the massive tubs used to feed actual farm animals, I estimated that the slurry trough had about 1 & 1/2 gallons of liquid and the other had an equivalent quantity of food from a variety of restaurants. My cock pulsed realizing all this was for me.
"Alright pig, clothes off and down on all fours. You have to eat all that, drink all that, and take whatever else I give you in between. This took all morning to set up, so you better not disappoint me."
I'd definitely changed a lot in the past 2 years, because my cock was now rock hard Judd's words; I began struggling to pull my too tight shirt over my head and removing the rest of my clothes. There was a time when the suggestion of consuming this much would make me feel full, but Judd had gotten extremely good at pushing my limits and I felt ready. Once nude, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled over to the food trough. My gut tickled by the carpet as I went, the sensation strange and pleasurable all at once. The trough seemed to have been filled with the contents of several different to-go orders; burgers and fries sat next to sesame chicken, and fried chicken, foam tubs of baked beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, and more sides were there as well. Using one hand to support me the other began greedily shoveling food into my mouth. God, I felt like such a pig!
Judd took his time stripping down. I heard him slowly removing clothes behind me. I could imagine the show he was enjoying: my fat backside jiggling from the movements I made stuffing my face. In the middle of eating a handful of chicken nuggets, I felt his palms on each of my butt cheeks, giving them a squeeze to start. He enjoyed pushing and pulling them, letting them go and seeing them bounce against one another with a satisfying clap and causing other parts of my body to quake.
Soon enough, I felt his hand reach between my cheeks and a moistened finger work its way past my sphincter. His digit found my prostate, and the additional stimulation caused me to moan into the food pressed against my lips, but I didn't stop eating. He simply massaged my prostate for a long time, his free hand squeezing and jiggling the other parts of my body as I tried to stifle my moans of pleasure with food.
Despite having eaten at the mall I was halfway through the trough before I needed a break. My forearms tired and hands slick with a mix of gravy, condiments, and food scraps, I pushed myself up to a kneeling position. With Judd's finger still in my ass, my greasy fingers reached up to tease my nipples. Judd's other hand reached below my gut, grasping the nub of cock that still remained outside of my fatpad. Using only his thumb and two fingers, he jerked my cock slowly and steadily, pushing deep into my fatpad to reach as much as possible but also, I suspected, to see how much give my soft body had.
Too short a time later, Judd stopped jerking me off and raised his hand to my belly and removed his finger from my ass. All ten of his fingers then began to slowly massage my stomach. While not totally aching, I was full, and Judd's massage loosened me up enough that I felt I could continue. On all fours again, I just put my face down into the trough and took a bite of calzone. Bent forward, ass in the air, and Judd couldn't resist any longer. I felt him position himself behind me and run his cock between my cheeks. I ate, and Judd slid forward and back; sometimes putting his cock between my thighs, or mashing my ass cheeks around them.
The trough now only had a few scraps, spilled gravy and other sauces, and a crumb of fried dough left, so I moved to sit up again. Judd placed a hand on my neck and gently pushed down on me. "All of it pig. You want to get fat, don't you?"
I started slurping and nibbling on the various liquids and nuggets of food that were left, and as I did Judd lubed up his cock. I finished it all, licking the bottom of the container.
"Good pig, but you're not finished yet."
On hand on his cock, the other slapping my bottom, Judd lead me over to the second trough. Already stuffed, drinking down the thick, chocolatey gainer shake Judd had prepared seemed impossible. But I started in on it nonetheless. I got down lower, on my elbows now, and put my chin into the liquid up to my lips, and I started gulping. As I did, Judd's fat cock pushed it's way inside me. Fuller than I'd ever felt before, I gulped down more and more as Judd's hips worked furiously. My stomach had been complaining for hours, and the rest of my body joined in. My knees and shoulders were tired from holding me up, my stomach felt rug-burned from rubbing back and forth with Judd's thrusts, my head swam as it tried to contend with the sheer amount of carbs, sugars, and fats that I'd stuffed into it already.
Still I drank. Judd threw himself over me and massaged my stomach. Unlike before, there was no relief from the pressure built inside the stuffed organ. His fingers felt resistance every time he poked and prodded, my body taut like a drum. Finally, my arms collapsed beneath my weight and exhaustion with slurry still in the trough, but my hips stayed in the air and Judd grabbed them and thrust with abandon. My stomach protested even more, now that my bulk pushed down on it, but Judd was still plowing me face down so I couldn't relieve the pressure yet. But in addition to the pain there was pleasure; in this position my cock was pulled further into my fatpad and my cockhead was thrust against the underside of my belly, creating a sleeve of my own flesh that stimulated every inch of my member Judd thrust and rolled by body back and forth.
The stimulation was too much for my food addled brain and I couldn't hold back. A gurgled moan, stifled by the carpet and the sticky mess of gainer shake coating the inside my throat, was all the warning Judd got before my spunk was smearing on the underside of my belly. It wasn't long before Judd's thrusts became more erratic, and pushed deeper into me, spreading my ass cheeks out of the way to delve deeper into my hole. Soon, Judd was crying out, filling me from behind with a different sort of cream. After several minutes of continued thrusting, he finally pulled out and helped me into a seated position on the floor with my back propped up by the edge of the bed. I tenderly rubbed my aching stomach for a short while, before Judd spoke again.
"You still got more to drink pig."
"I can't, this is the fullest I've ever been."
"I know. but you want to finish. This is your favorite shake, isn't it? You want to be 400? What about 450? Did you realize that at 480, just about 100lbs more, and you'll be three times heavier than when we met?"
Despite the aches, despite the exhaustion, despite my labored breathing and sweat, the thought of being 100lbs heavier got to move over to the trough. I'd just cum, but I was hard again. I couldn't push myself back onto all fours, however. Seated and exhausted, my stuffed belly was too large for me to roll to my side and prop myself up again.
"Jesus, you might be right Devin. This could be too much."
"Nah, I'm fine. Just go get a cup from the kitchen. You'll just need to ladle it out of the trough for me."
Judd did just that, handing me the full 16oz cup. I brought it to my lips and chugged, and didn't stop until the glass was empty. My stomach screamed at me but I handed the glass back to Judd. He filled it and I chugged. In between he rubbed my stomach. I focused just on finishing each glass as it came. I didn't even look at how much was in the trough, in fact I shut my eyes. At this point, it took too much energy to even turn my head.
I handed the glass to Judd, but he didn't fill it. "What?" I asked.
"There's none left. You did it."
I shifted my eyes and just barely moved my head to look down at myself. My belly had expanded to the point that seated with my legs stretched out, I couldn't see my feet. Hell, I couldn't even see my belly button. I felt like a head and a pair of arms attached to a huge blob of fat, and nothing more.
"Fuck, all this is gonna turn to fat." My hands made slow circles on my distended gut, smearing the food from my hands over the expanse of taut skin. The sensation was incredible, the flesh more sensitive than ever.
Judd moved to stand above me. His cock was hard again and he was stroking it. "Yeah, soon you'll be fat Devin. Someday you'll have a real belly on you. Someday you'll eat like a real hog. Someday you'll be so fat that people won't recognize you. Oh wait, you already have all that, did all that. And even so you’re still getting fatter."
Judd came a second time, pumping jizz onto my stomach and tits. Exhausted himself, he sat down next to me and rubbed my stomach and legs and arms. I dozed off for a bit, and woke in the same position to Judd gently waking me.
"Hey Devin. I cleaned up most of the mess as best I could for now. All that's left is you."
He helped me stand (I was still bloated from the meal, hours later) and in the bathroom I saw what he meant. The whole front of my body was coated in the remnants of my meal. My mouth was obviously smeared with food and drink, but it had gotten on the tip of my nose and cheeks as well from dunking my head into the slurry and food. Food and drink had run over my chins, down my neck, and onto my chest. My tits had smears from when I had teased my nipples, my stomach from rubbing it. Handprints were painted on the sides of my gut at some point, they looked like Judd's.
"As much as I love the sloppy pig look, you're not getting into the bed like that. Let's get you rinsed off."
Clean and dry, I snuggled into bed with Judd. My full mattress was mostly filled with my form at this point, as I liked to lay on my side now instead of my back. My stomach flowed out over the bed, leaving Judd with a fraction of it for myself.
"We'll need a bigger mattress in our new place. It's nice cuddling you, but once you start overflowing it I'll have to sleep on the floor."
"You really want me that big?"
"I know I want to keep growing you, so it's a possibility. It's you're body though, and you do have the final say on what happens to it, no matter how bossy I get."
"One step at a time, I guess. Lets see how much I weight in the morning, and see how close I got to 400 just from tonight."
"Sounds good." he yawned. "Goodnight honey."
And that's where I fell asleep; Judd's arm flung over my side as he spooned me, gently rubbing along the curve of my belly fat as he drifted off. Lots of thoughts flipped through my mind as it processed the day's events. How long until we were married? How big would I be by then? How much would a custom tuxedo cost for someone my size? For someone 100lbs bigger than me? Should we do a destination honeymoon? Were there food-themed vacation destinations? What would it be like, if I got so big I filled a queen, or a king size, mattress? Would every day be a marathon of food by then? If I had to stop this now, would Judd be able to? Would I?
The future was filled with questions, but all of them were questions I was excited to answer.
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gainerstoriesbybml · 3 years
No Going Back
I had a new message on the gainer website I visited regularly. Messages were rare, as I basically just lurked on there nowadays, reveling in the photos and stories of men brave enough to do what I couldn't. But while rare messages weren't unheard of, so I checked it.
Instafeeder500 had sent me a message that was probably typical to the actual gainers on this site. "I'll make you as fat as you'd like, just say the word." I hadn't gotten a message like that in a while. The last picture I'd posted was 4 years ago, back when I'd attempted to gain. It was going well honestly; in the photo I was probably around 225, and at my heaviest I'd been 245. It had taken about 2 years to go from under 200 to that weight, and I probably could have kept going. But I chickened out. Outside of this site, the weight was getting in the way, I felt, as I was still trying to keep my gainer side a secret. It's hard to be obese, binging food every night, and still date a 'normie.'
Since then I'd stopped gaining, started working out and even watching what I eat. Nowadays I'm a mere 160lbs, and at 6ft with a bit more muscle that means I only have a little padding over my midsection and little else.
Still, the message seemed like many of the generic ones I used to get. Instafeeder's profile, other than a picture of a man in a baseball cap, was blank. Not uncommon, but he'd been on the site for a while so he probably wasn't a troll or a throwaway account. From the photo he had a distinctly athletic build, and although there was no guarantee that was what he actually looked like, I liked the idea of a muscular encourager; one who wouldn't let my doubts get in the way of getting fatter. Maybe if I'd had one I wouldn't have given up on gaining years ago.
I'd never really done the role-play...thing... before, but maybe this could be fun. Why not? It's not like I was doing anything else tonight. I'd planned to stay in and had already ordered Chinese, a rare indulgence nowadays, which should be here in a half-hour or so. I'd kill some time with this thirsty, anonymous guy and go from there.
With a slight chub at the thought of the new experience I was about to have, I messaged back. "You will, huh? Well, you'll have to help my break my plateau. I've been at 245 for ages. How would you get me to 300?" Like I said, I'm currently 85lbs lighter than my heaviest weight, but I bet the guy was looking at my old pics when he messaged me. Adding 20lbs since then probably heightens the experience for him. A little white lie to enhance the roleplay.
It was only a moment before he messaged back. "I'll make you 300lbs this instant, just like the name says. Enjoy yourself for a bit and I'll check in to see how you like it ;)"
I was trying to figure out what he meant when I felt it start. What I thought was just my stomach muscles relaxing continued, and soon I noticed my chest expanding as well. I could feel my clothes shifting on my body, and looking down I realized why. The loose-fitting tshirt I was wearing for my night in was being thrust forward and outward by my expanding torso. My sweatpants were beginning to fill with my thighs and glutes, and were beginning to feel tight at the waist; unlike the tshirt, a remnant of my nearly 250lb wardrobe kept for lounging at home, the joggers were purchased when I hit 170 and was looking for something tighter to flatter my thinner frame. If I got much bigger, the elastic waistband would be ruined. Unfortunately, I realized I had a more pressing issue, literally; my desk chair had armrests that my sides were now grazing. With each passing moment those armrests threatened to trap my fattening frame in the chair. I stood up, and the chair came with, my lovehandles already creating enough hold that I had to pull the chair off of me and send it clattering to the floor.
Now my pants were beginning to struggle, and I could feel the release of tension around my stomach as the elastic snapped in the waistband. At this point, it wasn't just the waistline that was struggling. The size medium pants were simply not meant to be on someone this big, and the seams around my thighs began to split between my legs. My shirt, once an oversized XL, was now tight on my shoulders and growing tighter. I felt cool air on my stomach as I realized it had grown too large for the shirt to contain. Still unable to accept what was happening, I hurried to my bathroom and stepped on the scale. Leaning further over to see the dial than I ever had to before, I watched as my weight ticked up: 285, 290, 295. The whole time, my stomach kept growing and forcing me to lean further and further to read the scale. At 300, I stepped off the scale; that was it's maximum weight, and I wouldn't learn anything useful from standing there. Fortunately, I didn't feel like I was growing anymore. My clothes weren't comfortable, but they weren't getting destroyed any further. I looked at myself in the mirror, the XL shirt left a good measure of belly hanging out of it, and my joggers hung like a strange loincoth between my legs. The cuffs at my ankles had somehow survived, with the fabric of the pant legs still connecting to them, but even those felt tight as my ankles had been transformed into cankles. As unbelievable as this was, I couldn't help feeling entranced.
Just about a half-hour ago, I had been in the best shape of my life. Never particularly athletic, I'd worked for 4 years to get into shape. Running daily, working out 3 times a week, watching what I ate. And now, after a short, bored attempt at sexual role play, all that was gone. In it's place, I had a body 65lbs heavier than the heaviest I'd ever been. In less than half an hour, I'd gone from what most people would consider a catch to a whale, a corpulent pig with all evidence of discipline and restraint wiped away.
And I couldn't deny how hard it made me. This was the body I could have gotten to back then, the size at which I'd no longer be capable of denying the gainer part of myself. The body that I'd become afraid of, but that now I couldn't imagine being without. I went back to my bedroom and pulled off my ruined joggers, and pulled on a pair of sweats from when I'd been 245. Even these were tight on me, an exciting prospect, but they could still be worn provided I allowed by stomach to hang out in front of me. The tshirt was truly the largest I owned, so that would have to suffice. I'd have to wear this outfit to shop for clothes, or maybe I'd have to order online. What size would I even be now? Did it even matter, as thoughts of fully embracing my gainer self contemplated 400, even 500lbs? Should I just go straight for the largest sized and eat until they fit just like this shirt did now? Should I start recording myself gorging, titillating other men entranced by fat like me, so that I could charge them money for food and grow myself even larger?
The doorbell rang; of course, the chinese I'd ordered. I headed to the door, savoring the way my body bounced and jiggled as I walked and salivating at the thought of food. Chinese would be a staple dinner from now on, I decided, as would pizza, Mexican, Indian...
I opened the door already planning a second order for the night, but was surprised by a delivery driver burdened by a pair of bags so large they covered his face. "Hey there! Mind if I set these down inside?"
I was so caught off guard that I found myself shifting out of his way and letting him enter my apartment without thinking. My brain finally caught up and I tried to correct him "Sorry, that must be the wrong order, all I got was an orange chicken al la carte with steamed broccoli."
"Yeah, but you could use a bit more now though." He set down the two bags and turned to face me. "So, does 300 suit you? Or do you want to go bigger right now?"
Standing before me was the man from Instafeeder500's profile, complete with the same baseball cap, which I now realized was from the food delivery service. "Wha...How did you find me?"
"That's what you want to know? Not how I made you gain 140lbs in under 30 minutes?"
Once he pointed it out, I realized how little I cared in this moment. "Can you make me even bigger?" He grinned at that. "I knew you just needed a little push, just to get you past the point of no return. Tell you what, I'll do my instant magic one last time."
There was a glint in his eye, and then I felt myself begin to expand once again, my shirt riding up a bit more and my pants tightening a bit. It stopped after only a few minutes passed. "I just put you at an even 320lbs, double your weight from when you woke up this morning and easily within your capability to gain on your own, had you continued to do so."
"You're not making me bigger?" I asked.
"I plan to, but from here on out it'll be by traditional means. I figured all you needed was a push to get you passed your previous concerns. This is effectively a reality in which you've spent the last four years getting fatter, instead of chickening out. From here on, I'll feed you to 350, and then however big you'd like to get after that."
"Easily done with my side job." He gestured to the sacks of food. "We'd better get you started on dinner before it gets cold."
My stomach groaned, and for the rest of the evening I simply accepted this crazy series of events. With my newfound size came a hunger and capacity that I'd never known. At 245 I could eat two Chinese dinners, general tsos and orange chicken. Tonight, I ate four; those two, kung pao and sesame chicken, as well as the chicken fried rice and eggrolls that came with. I passed out in my living room chair, and woke to Instafeeder straddling me with a tub in hand. "I figured you'd want dessert as well." and he began spooning softened ice cream into my mouth. Eventually the dregs were liquefied completely, and I drank it from the tub as he held it over my head. Tonight, I'd probably eaten more than I would in two or three days normally.
"So, we started the night with you telling me how fat you wanted me to make you. I'm not going to use by power again, but by this time next year, how fat do you want me to make you?"
I didn't even have to consider it, as I'd been thinking about it all night as he brought bite after bite of food to my mouth and I felt myself slowly grow fuller, imagining how that food would turn to fat in the coming hours. "400. That's just 80lbs in a year, and with you feeding me I can get there easily. 500 the year after that, and probably 600 as we celebrate our 3rd anniversary. There's no point in holding back anymore now that I'm a mound of fat. So, how will you get me to 400?"
He smiled again. "One bite at a time, every night, with more food each night until you're putting on a pound or two every single day. You'll be 400 before the year is done, and then I'll make you as fat as you want from there."
With that, he grabbed my arm and hefted me upward as I was still not used to this weight and not used to being this full. Together, we climbed into bed as a gainer as encourager sleeping side by side.
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