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died in 437 born in 1867
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welcome back mulan and shang!
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you got a real fuckable personality btw
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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sometimes my Beloved Mutuals will rb a post about a certain character archetype and i will have to physically restrain myself from saying “yeah you would say that wouldn’t you”
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Hey! Do you want minigames? By us?
Well now you can! We're released our first 23 patreon oneshots for the Masses to get access to! For just $1 each! Including fake scientists, duck armies, little lads and DB Cooper (hows that for a party concept?)
Patreon Subscribers still get early access, so if you want them before anyone else and feel faintly superior, then you can still do that!
But for everyone else, behold! Games!
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Thearis: Xia, you can't make everyone like you. You're not Te'ho! Xia, pouting: Not everyone likes Te'ho... Thearis: Who doesn't like Te'ho??? Xia: I mean, he- Thearis: NAMES, Xiadia! I NEED NAMES!
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Xiadia: Fhey, do you have any dignity? Fhey: Of course not! How long do you know me???
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Atera: There's been a lot written about the red demons rider, Thearis of Nayanai, and I am not surprised. Yet most people don't know about the terrible illness she's suffering from... Some historian: Oh she's ill? Atera: Terribly. Atera: It's called dumbass disease... Theris, in the background: No, I am fine, I don't need to rest! And by the six, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH XIADIA!!! Atera, done™: ... and it's incurable.
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*Thea being hit by something BIG* Xiadia: Gross. Te'ho: She could really use a healer. Xiadia: *nods in disgust* Tiny: ... Fhey: ... Atera: ... Thea: ... Xiadia: ... Te'ho: ... Xiadia & Theo in unison: OH SHIT! RIGHT! Hold on!
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Xiadia: *screams* Theras: *screams back* Te'ho: What are they doing??? Fhey, munching popcorn: Flirting.
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Belar: Soooo, you're really campaigning for the asshole of the year, huh? Kershda: As defending champion, are you nervous?
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Fiona: Hey Xia! You know Thearis right?
Xia: Yeah,
Fiona: Our gay friend Thearis
Xia: Yeah, I know Thearis, who is gay.
Fiona: Guess what: Thearis.... Straight
Xia: wait what? Where did you get that from?
Fiona: From Thearis herself! She says shes straight!
Xia: Does she also say shes Egyptian? Cuz shes deep in de nile!
*several months later *
Thearis : Turns out, I might have Egyptian heritage...
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Athera: How the hell are you all still alive?!
Thea: Honestly, we're just as confused as you are.
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Athera, her first battle with the GAL PALS: So, what's the plan?
Thea, muttering: ....plan?!
Xiadia, shrugging: I don't know. You're smart, my mom is evil, come up with something!
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Athera: Does Thea always run headlong into certain death?
Xiadia: Sometimes she walks, occasionally she shuffles, periodically she flies. Once, I'm pretty sure I saw her drop into certain death.
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