felidaefatigue · 1 month
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I had the pleasure of illustrating a scene from @parttime-creative's novel with her characters Xiadia, Thearis, her dragon Bateia, and a resident lake serpent! I love painting dragons and scenery so I had a blaaast. Full image and an exclusive excerpt from the book Here!
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parttime-creative · 6 months
I commissioned my babies from a friend and AAAHHHHH I NEED TO SCREAM INTO THE VOID HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM
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By spacekaetzle
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Thearis: Xia, you can't make everyone like you. You're not Te'ho! Xia, pouting: Not everyone likes Te'ho... Thearis: Who doesn't like Te'ho??? Xia: I mean, he- Thearis: NAMES, Xiadia! I NEED NAMES!
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Ive recently been obsessing over this world and it's story again and well... I am working on a rework of it in english :3
In the meantime enjoy this attempt to get back into my favourite medium of traditional art: markers and pencils.
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melcecilia14 · 2 years
Everyone's talking about their problems with Rayllum in s4 but I'm just here wondering why no one is talking about the
Most confusing and stupid conflicts I have witnessed on screen????
Okay so point by point
Humans are evil for using dark magic (which is basically the same morality of eating meat) because they didn't want to starve and die anymore
They got kicked out of their homeland brutally to a crappy barron land (kinda like what the US did to the Indigenous? Or what the British did to the Irish? Love that) where they continue to suffer famines.
The Dragons guard the boarders from the eViL humans and kill anyone who crosses on sight.
When the humans cross over to save thousands of starving people, the dragon king kills the humans' queens even though he doesn't even know what they're there for??
The humans justly retaliate
Somehow this warrants the elves to send assassins to kill ALL OF THE HUMAN LEADERS AND THEIR CHILDREN?
A couple of rando human princes bring the dragon prince back to the queen, and suddenly she's not racist anymore bc love and peace ✌️
Suddenly the humans are zapped with an evil ray and start invading Xadia. They get yeeted and suddenly Xiadia and humans get along again???? Because it was the evil humans the whole time causing the conflict????? Whatever
We find out in season 4 that actuallyyyyyy it was 1 evil guy thats been manipulating everyone behind the scenes and causing conflicts throughout history????????? And also a human girl exposed him thousands of years ago, so was this before or after humans were ethnically cleansed??? Does anyone care about that anymore? Lol
That whole scene was so dumb cause it basically just excuses everything Xadia did and saying "actually it was this 1 guy teehee"
Also love how they gave Claudia an elf bf even though it doesn't make any sense for her character and he serves 0 purpose other than being someone's oc
It drives me nuts how they set up this interesting war, where FOR ONCE the humans are justified, and they're too cowardly to stick to it! And instead frame the conflict they came up with as either a both sides thing or the humans' fault??? Everything they wrote in regards to lore points to the Xadians being jerks but they never treat it that way.
Although I love Aaravos, it's obvious they had to come up with a big bad guy to unite Xadia and the human kingdoms because they didn't know what to do with Xadians being the Big Bad.
TLDR the writers have 0 idea what they're doing and are probably making it up as they go because they don't know how to handle the plotlines they set up.
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rowanlanecorner · 2 years
Viren has finally found the prison of archmage Aaravos with the help of his daughter, her boyfriend, and the butterfly homunculus sir Sparklepuff.
However, the journey ahead is far from over. Viren and company will have to survive the mind of the mysterious startouch elf, go undercover in the human kingdoms, and face down the terrors of Xiadia before the future of humanity can be secured.
But it's not just tensions that are growing. Viren is getting closer than ever thought possible to the truth of who Aaravos is. Teetering on the edge of reconsidering everything he knows about himself and the elf, Viren will have to adapt to these new changes or die trying.
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dhwty-writes · 4 years
I might as well participate in this. Let's see what you'll do out of the first sentence of my own very first fic :DDD
"It was done."
Do your Magic, my dear!
Here, have some Theadia, dearest:
Thea stared down at her bloody hands, the claws and burning scales slowly receding. She sniffed warily and immediately regretted it. She stank of death. Without her really wanting to do so, her legs gave out under her and she fell to the floor like a puppet with cut strings. A moment later the qerisari was kneeling at her side, keeping her upright. “It’s alright,” Xiadia promised int between the kisses she peppered all over her face, “it’s alright, it’s alright, we did the right thing.”
Send me the first line of a fic, I write the next five
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derpfoxscribbles · 6 years
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So muse on this particular story came back. Mostly how Kalu and Allesia’s family is like and how they bring another character of mine under their wings. Plus Allesia and Kalu lookin less grey by the time the exciting stuff happens. But more about Xiadia and Andro, older watchers might remember Xia. They’re a pair of siblings I made years ago from the same colony their moms are from. But never really made parents, so perfect fit for these two ladies. Xia is feisty like momma Kalu with a passion for the arts. Which isn’t much since the colony doesn’t quite have the luxury of the fine arts in favor of surviving. Andro is a pilot and runs many of the expeditions to the surface for material. He does occasionally sneak out to test his skills in the never ending blizzards of Aether-green.
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sly-of-castelmore · 8 years
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Merci @urban_china pour ce superbe volume ! #manga #manhua # concours #livre #book #lecture #reading #xiadia #urbanchina
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felidaefatigue · 1 month
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I had the pleasure of illustrating a scene from @parttime-creative's novel with her characters Xiadia, Thearis, her dragon Bateia, and a resident lake serpent! I love painting dragons and scenery so I had a blaaast. Close ups Here. And read an exclusive excerpt from this scene of the book under the cut!
Of Gods and Lesbians: Serpents Rest
Written by @parttime-creative
The dragon was still happily splashing about when Xiadia noticed something. The lake looked strangely familiar. The way the shore was curved. The trees looming over the dark water, the ripples traveling over the now disturbed surface. It gave her a sense of dread. A feeling of déjà vu putting her on edge.
A distant memory awoke in her mind. Once, her tribe had rested at this particular shoreline, and what happened then was still sung about at campfires. A warning for future generations not to repeat the mistakes of the past - never to stop at ‘Serpent’s Rest’.
She felt her beast awaken, filling her veins with sizzling electricity. The shackles binding her to the tree trunk dug into her wrists, as she strained against her chains. She heard the wood behind her groan, but her chains didn’t move an inch.
The human was still wringing out her clothes, reprimanding the giant lizard with a voice Xiadia would only ever use with a toddler. The two of them didn’t notice the shadow below the lake’s surface coming closer. Xiadia called out, but her voice was still hoarse from the night before. She yanked on her chains. The shadow behind them stopped and then broke through the water's surface.
Her chains dug deeper into the tree and wooden splitters chipped off its trunk the moment the serpent's giant head rose above the dragon; its iridescent scales reflecting the evening sun in all the colors of the rainbow. Water fell from its open maw and drenched the girl once again. She exchanged glances with her dragon. They looked so sure, so full of themselves.
Xiadia saw how the dragonrider reached for her spear, watched how the dragon turned her head towards the serpent and called out as she saw fire collecting in its throat. 
The lake was then engulfed in hot steam as the fire was immediately extinguished by a jet of water from the serpent's maw,  which had more pressure than any waterfall Xiadia had ever seen. The last thing Xiadia saw was how the water hit the girl, catapulting her into the lake, her gleaming armor immediately pulling her under - and then Xiadia’s beast took over.
The wood burst fully when the serpent wrapped itself around the helpless dragon's body, torturing it with jet after jet of lake water. The dragon’s wings, which had been its biggest advantage over any earthbound creature, now turned into its downfall. The serpent had wrapped itself around them, giving the dragon no chance to take flight. Instead it fought desperately for dominance. The serpent tried to pull the dragon's head below water again and again. The dragon could only try to wiggle itself free to no avail, frantically trying to stay afloat. Time and time again, it summoned its fire, but every spark died quickly, to yet another jet of water. 
Xiadia screamed. She screamed with the fury of a hunter who’s prey had just been stolen by another, and her beast screamed with her. When the tree behind her fell, her chains fell with it and Xiadia burst into a sprint. Her beast carried her across the lake. Forming steps of ice beneath her feet. On the way, her hands found the collar of the girl, pulling her above the surface. Her cold hands still wrapped tightly around the shaft of her spear, as if it was the only thing that would save her from the inevitable fate of drowning. Hot steam rose from the golden tip, evidence of the burning hot metal.  
But Xiadia did not care. 
Xiadia’s beast did not care. 
All she cared about was the dragon.
This was her hunt. 
Her prey. 
Her kill.
And she would not let some run-of-the-mill snake steal it from her.
Her beast propelled her upwards. Her hands let go of the girl, who dropped onto the serpent’s back. The moment her feet touched the slippery scales, her spear sunk deep into the serpent’s body, its blazing metal melting the wet scales in a cloud of hot steam. The monster cried out, and its head turned towards the girl, razor teeth bared. Xiadia could hear the gurgling in its throat but before another jet of water could hit the girl, she too fell onto the serpent. Her palms pressed against its wet scales and her beast roared. 
She felt her strength dwindling, as her beast sucked the life out of her hands in a sparkling display of powerful lightning. 
The serpent screeched as the electricity shot through its body. And then it moved, loosening its grip on the dragon, who managed to finally wrestle free its wings. The leathery membraned wings stretched out and splashed onto the water, keeping dragon, rider, serpent and Xiadia afloat at last. 
The girl shouted something, but Xiadia couldn’t understand it over the serpents roar as another jet of water hit her. She felt her body flying through the air, hitting the water like a marble floor. Air exploded out of her lungs and it was only due to her beast running wild, that she didn’t lose consciousness. The beast’s wrath immediately turned her pain into burning fuel, and the water catapulted her back onto the dragon. The red scales were slippery, but this time she managed to hold onto the girl’s spear, still buried deep in the serpent’s side as another jet of water hit them. 
The girl said something, her face a mixture of utter panic and determination. Xiadia bared her teeth, a low growl in her throat. The girl shrunk several inches, yet she still held eye contact, her hand outstretched. Xiadia’s beast hesitated for just a moment, enough to catch the words the human said.
“Do it like you did it last time, ramhead.”
The hate, the disgust, the loathing dripped from the girl's voice and yet her hand held out her short sword for Xiadia to take. The querisari felt her face stretch into a grin. Her beast was laughing as she took the sword. It was nothing more than a toothpick for her, and yet she could feel the heat of the golden blade. Another jet of water hit them, and Xiadia stabbed the sword into the scales just in time before being blown off.
It went in like butter.
The serpent roared.
Xiadia laughed.
Her beast growled in triumph.
And Xiadia jumped.
From scaley curve to curve, wrapped around the dragon’s neck, and finally onto its head. With every jump, jolts of electricity shot through the serpent. From the dragon's snout, Xiadia called out while her beast roared inside her veins. The dragon hissed in unison with Xiadias call and the serpent opened its maw once again. 
This time, however, it had learned its lesson. Instead of water Xiadia saw rows and rows of teeth shooting towards her. Only thanks to her beast’s reflexes she managed to evade the rows of certain death and plunge the embersteel sword into the serpent's gums. The monster screamed and Xiadia took her chance. Her beast dove into her veins and out of her fingertips. With it, came the power of a thunderstorm. A massive bolt of lightning hit the serpent's throat. Its scream was swallowed by the sizzling of burning meat, and the smell hit Xiadias nose like a brick wall. 
For several long moments the lake was painted in flashing lights of blues and violets,  a thunderstorm of colors, before her beast suddenly left her veins. 
Xiadia could feel her grip on the sword slipping, and she fell only moments before the serpent's eyes rolled back. 
Her body met the dragon’s and all she could mutter was “You’re next”, before the wave of exhaustion hit her like the serpent's water jets.
Every trace of her beast was gone, and her mortality took over once again. She didn’t even hear the serpent’s head hitting the water before the world around her went dark.
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Xiadia: Fhey, do you have any dignity? Fhey: Of course not! How long do you know me???
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Xiadia: *screams* Theras: *screams back* Te'ho: What are they doing??? Fhey, munching popcorn: Flirting.
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That moment when you have the sudden epiphany to take the characters of your book, who represented the concept of romantic love and unconditional love and decide to put them into a QPR instead of a romantic relationship because you just realized the second of those characters is not only your self insert but also most definitely Aromantic.
And suddenly you like the story so much more. And you feel even deeper for the story. And the whole concept of it fits so much better.
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parttime-creative · 11 months
12 for the nano ask ❤ bonus points if you tell me your favourite moment with them
Thank youuuuu
12. Who's your favourite character so far?
I hate that you'll make me choose. But I'll surprise you. It's NOT Xiadia, tho I love my baby to pieces, in the current reinstallment of the story I actually think its Atera, elven general and princess of the icy lands of Lumar, champion of the war god Vadur Aphora.
I would have wanted to answer Tiny and Fey and the arena fight when they first meet Xiadia and Thearis. But think ever since revisiting the story and it's order it shifted to Atera.
Specifically the moment when Thearis decides to go back to the border to help the elves and Atera shows them the true power of a devine champion, even tho she herself has not yet unlocked half if her soulgates. It's just REALLY cool, when Thearis follows orders she does not yet understand and when Ateras plan then slowly falls into place. She's playing the long game, sometimes Thearis needs to learn. I've sofar written only snippets of it. Most of it is still in my head, but, god damn, it's the first climax of the first book and it at least FEELS epic.
Thank youuuu for the ask!
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Atera: There's been a lot written about the red demons rider, Thearis of Nayanai, and I am not surprised. Yet most people don't know about the terrible illness she's suffering from... Some historian: Oh she's ill? Atera: Terribly. Atera: It's called dumbass disease... Theris, in the background: No, I am fine, I don't need to rest! And by the six, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH XIADIA!!! Atera, done™: ... and it's incurable.
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*Thea being hit by something BIG* Xiadia: Gross. Te'ho: She could really use a healer. Xiadia: *nods in disgust* Tiny: ... Fhey: ... Atera: ... Thea: ... Xiadia: ... Te'ho: ... Xiadia & Theo in unison: OH SHIT! RIGHT! Hold on!
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