ganedev · 4 years
mainframe devlog #1- 7/14! (development has been going on for months prior on and off, though!!)
7/14- got motivation to get back into it by playing another visual novel coded in ren’py (liar liar)! it gave me confidence and inspired me to customize the gui to make it more our own, give it personality, and set a tone! modifying the gui may be difficult and i’ve experienced difficulties with it prior, but i am willing to try! along with discussing that, i started on a system to allow the player to choose their own pronouns! it’s pretty simple (input and python variables), but i am wondering about some grammatical issues that i may encounter later on in dialogue with this mechanic. i doubt it’ll be anything i won’t be able to fix, though! im hoping that it helps with immersion and makes the player feel more like they ARE the protagonist! i’m very glad to have regained motivation and i’m so super excited to document this fun project as it grows and evolves as we develop plot, characters, and coding!
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ganedev · 4 years
hello!! i am a fifteen year old working on a visual novel with my best friends! i'm handling coding and the brunt of the storyline/plot stuff(although i most definitely don't take all the credit on that part), my friends are lending their talents to draw sprites and make a soundtrack(!!), and we all collaborate on characters and plot points! we are extremely excited about this, and i'm using this blog to start a devlog of sorts to document our project!! it is probably obvious, but i am not very great with/am new to tumblr; but i'm sure i'll get used to it! our game is called "mainframe", and is set in a zombie apocalypse(though there's a fourth-wall-breaking twist at the end!!)! there will be many opportunities for the player to make choices which will impact your relationships with the characters, which events play out, and even who lives or dies! we are planning on really fleshing out the characters and hope the player will become as attached to them as we are!!!! your decisions are going to be very impactful and will have consequences! we are extremely excited to share this project and hope that even one or two more people will get excited with us!!
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