gatinhadozayn · 7 months
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gatinhadozayn · 7 months
Kylie with blue hair was a milestone for 2014
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gatinhadozayn · 7 months
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2010’s tumblr>>>>
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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Louis via instagram stories - 19.04
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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I love Lana
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
Our story
I remembered that feeling that used to scream inside our hearts, and knowing that this story was built historically, with our souls and hearts, and that this will always be marked in our souls... and that reminds me of the exact moment when we made a promise about us, what now? are we facing a new era of our lives, painting our own destinies alone and these promises? they no longer have any value for any of us, we don't love each other anymore and this already has so much evidence that I don't even need to comment, this seems like one of those scenes from a cliché teen movie, you know? it's kind of silly to think that so many things made us end up like this, you've asked me if I regret everything that happened and I didn't answer you that day, but I don't regret it!!, and even if I preferred that our "goodbye" " was forever a " see you later ", I don't regret meeting you and living this (kind of drastic) story with you, even because I know that we lived a part of the best part of each other's lives together
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
We fell
We got here somehow my darling, my heart is still as yours as the day we first kissed, but for some reason it unfortunately didn't end the way you and I imagined, I'm sorry to know that I can't save us , I have to accept that we've fallen out of love, we're not like each other anymore, your version of a few months ago would probably be scared by everything that happened between us, now we're very different from each other after all I'm just memories in yours head, and you are someone who lives in constant movement in my notebook, our story was beautiful but I give up on you from today you died for me my boy, there is nothing we can do to change the end of our story, but I hope that one day I can think of you without any kind of regret, I love you my boy
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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I miss this time 😭
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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gatinhadozayn · 1 year
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gatinhadozayn · 2 years
I would like to go back to 2014
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gatinhadozayn · 2 years
Nós caímos
Nós chegamos aqui de alguma maneira meu querido, meu coração ainda é tão seu como no dia em que nos beijamos pela primeira vez, mas por alguma razão isso tudo infelizmente não terminou como eu e você imaginávamos, sinto em saber que eu não pode nos salvar, eu tenho que aceitar que nós caímos meu bem, nos não somos mais um do outro, a sua versão de alguns meses atrás provavelmente se assustaria com tudo que aconteceu entre nós, agora somos muitos diferentes um do outro afinal eu sou só lembranças na sua cabeça, e você é alguém que vive em constante movimento no meu bloco de notas, nossa história foi linda mais eu desito de você apartir de hoje você morreu pra mim meu garoto, não tem nada que possamos fazer pra mudar o final da nossa história, mas espero que um dia conseguir pensar em ti sem qualquer tipo de arrependimento, eu amo você meu menino
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gatinhadozayn · 2 years
@vmas : No idea how I kept a steady hand while taking this!! I am SHAKING.
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gatinhadozayn · 2 years
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He said happy 1d anniversary you all [x]
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