gcrski-blog · 7 years
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I’M   NOT   AN   AVENGER.   I’M   A   PIE   MAKER.  but  the  truth  is,  there  are  a  lot  of  people  like  you  —  us  —  with  strange  hobbies,  or  talents,   or  gifts  that  we  try  to  hide  because  we’re  afraid  it  makes  us  seem  weird  or  turns  people  off.  but  that’s  a  mistake.  what  makes  me  unique  has  brought  every  person  i  love  into  my  life.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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It’s happening. 2 hour finale episode. Tell your cluster. (x)
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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Tomorrow is going to be another boring day. I hope I’m gonna survive it.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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        Homo sensorium? ‘What WE are’? All Liam knew was that the other’s body gave more than one cue that Will was agitated and overwhelmed by his feelings, albeit he managed to handle them pretty well. Colour him impressed, most people would be running, screaming or fighting. He was not too convinced about him being connected to seven other people, but then, why would he lie? And that must explain that constant feelings, as though his instincts picked up on something, something he couldn’t pin point. Eyes going back to normal, the claws disappearing. “YOU’RE no FUN.” At least Liam confirmed his doubts, which was the reason of his shifting. He let go of the man’s wrist, replacing it with the cup of coffee. “I guess you’re not just playing the dumb hero with a cute nose; you actually know what you’re doing.” He quietly finished his coffee, looking outside, his camera ready. “WHY do you care so much about those lies anyway? There are other ways to help people.”
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lito laughs from the backseat,  (  at least for will’s sight,  )  visibly having a  BLAST.  will could not quite decide if lito was laughing about liam commenting will as a  /  buzzkill,  /  or about the  /  cute nose.  /  knowing him  ?  probably both.  though he  TRIES  to keep his expression neutral,  gaze jumping back  &  forth until he realizes that he was no longer visited.  (  for now.  )     ‘     i like to believe i  KNOW  my way around.     ’     a simple statement,  humble  ;  for he was not to  DENY  the surprise about the  REVEAL  of the other’s nature  ;  far more intimidating  &  rather miraculous in comparison to what will has learned about himself and his cluster.     ‘     are you sure you want to hear  THAT  sob story  ?     ’     liam could probably  GUESS  that the story goes beyond personal reasons and would generally offer him far more insight on will  &  the ones will is connected with.  but will sees no reason to keep secrets,  (  he wears his heart on a sleeve.  )     ‘     we have been hunted.  by a company,  and specifically by someone we called  WHISPERS.  he had me running.  an accident forced me to take drugs,  to be disconnected from my cluster.  i could not be there in person when my dad died.  he was a police officer, too.  retired  &  addicted to alcohol,  but  HIGHLY  respected nonetheless.  he’s actually been the reason why i never thought i would even consider to become a cop one day  ;  now there is nothing else i want more.     ’
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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she hums an affirmation, lips pulled into a tight smile. “of course,” she murmurs incredulously, her smile relaxing. “well, i suppose i could eat,” it’s a gentle attempt at humor and she presses another soft kiss to his forehead. she does her best to brush away her guilt (he has enough to worry about) before he can fully come to consciousness, entwining their fingers and easing them both up into standing. she doesn’t like it, the connection between them being lost in the haze, cut off by their attempts to protect him. the others didn’t like it either. “what do you think you could manage?”
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an attempt succeeding,  a mere but noticeable curl of his lips in response,  at least.  his capacity for humor was not entirely gone through the  OBSCURITY  of the drugs,  but there’s also a  BITTERSWEET  taste on the tip of his tongue,  a thought edged into the back of his mind.  an irony.     ‘     i begin to suspect my dad keeps drinking because he feels like he  NEEDS  to numb the pain.  i suppose i am a lot more like him than i ever wanted to admit,     ’     exhaling a sigh,  he shuffles his feet,  partially embarrassed how  TIRED  he feels all day  (  barely  consciousness,  )  but  RELIEVED  to actually unwind a little.     ‘     i liked that yogurt-like stuff  ?  skyr  ?     ’
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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‘     is there something you need assistance with,  miss  ?     ’     jonas barely managed to  SHARE  his knowledge with will,  leaving too many questions unanswered.  he hopes to hear from him soon again.  until then  ?  life goes on,  and will was still a police officer.  though something  EXTRAORDINARY  catches his attention.  the air around her  FEELS  different.  almost as if she knows something about him.
@theoriginalbloodcountess // sc.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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        “THAT’S a meager reward, mate. You must have gotten the wrong impression. I’m not HELPING you—I’m doing my JOB. For all I know there might be good reasons behind what happened to you.” They were harsh words, but he spoke them with no hard feelings. Perhaps he was too proud to let someone paint him as the good guy, or perhaps he just wanted to make things clear. Either way, the other man’s response was curious. He didn’t even ask what he was, which already put him on his good side. “A mutant, uh? I guess we’re more alike than I thought.” Although he defined himself a half-wolf, he was part of an experiment in the end. He put down his own paper cup and his features started to change, corrugating, canines popping out along with claws, eyes fully red now. Partially shifting before the other, he grabbed his wrist, pulling him close and speaking close to his face. “HOWEVER, there is very little human in me. If you want your job back, I could scare the right people. Or you could get a GOOD lawyer? I’m not a fan of WAITING and HOPING.”
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jaw clenching,  his breath hitches.  momentary surprise crosses his features before too many feelings overwhelm him at once  &  entirely.  FEAR.  but not his  OWN  dread of something  SUPERNATURAL  he could only describe as shapeshifting  ?  but fear for his safety.  and worry.  will could sense the  TENSION  vibrating underneath his skin,  sun already lurking to  (  just in case  )  take over.  to fight off what she perceives as a threat.  the others in the background  ?  arguing,  mostly.     ‘     we will do this my way,     ’     will announces,  both meaning liam,  but also for his friends to calm.     ‘     you know  ;  we are still trying to figure out what we are  ?  maybe a mutant,  but mostly just another genus.  homo sensorium.  i have seven other people capable to feeling  &  experiencing everything i do.  they are nervous,  and that will make me seven times nervous eventually.  as you said  ;  before  ...  THAT,    ’     he  DOES  have the nerve to nod at liam’s claws,  still cautious,  but willing himself to remain calm despite the circumstances.     ‘     you are just doing your job.  all i ask,  and will pay you for,  is to observe a few people for me.  once you’ve got some results,  we will do the rest.  i want those lies on me to be proven wrong in the right way.  otherwise i could have asked my friend to hack the system.     ’
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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a bitter sweet notion to ponder on; shaded pink lips settle, crown lowering gently. no doubt the cluster had proved their dedication towards one another, yet the lingering chance, overbearing shadow of the cat catching the mice… riley wouldn’t know how to handle that kind of pain all over again. however, wil’s hopefulness provides some silverlining within the looming clouds.                         ❛    it’s definitely a nice thought — when we wont have to hide anymore.
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he misses the capability to  FEEL  their connections.  the subtle threads with their cluster,  now cut off due to the blockers.  temporarily,  and prolonged for as long as their  HUNTERS  keep hunting them.  will longs nothing more but to  TURN  the table,  to make the hunters being hunted.  touching may no longer be the same either,  but  COMFORTING  nonetheless.     ‘     i would rather not have any first-hand experiences  WHAT  those side effects of these blockers can be,     ’     he notes with  HUMOROUS  intention  &  a wistful sigh.  then,  they have been living a life in unawareness of each other.  now,  he begins to understand how  UNNERVING  such silence could be.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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‘     there is this terrible  PREJUDICE  going around about  POLICEMEN  eating donuts all day,  being lazy  ?  they did not see me coming with all the cupcakes.     ’     gingerly,  he puts the box  (  wrapped  &  with a ribbon,  )  on the desk,  flashing a cheeky smile.     ‘     happy birthday.  diego pitched in and sends his regards.  he’s currently with the captain.     ’
@tendersouled // sc.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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                 “Guess I’m not just here to tell you how handsome you are after all. — Of COURSE. And if not, a little bit of my magic and I wouldn’t put it past your captain to give his own spot to you!”
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a quintessentially flirt,  never failing to raise one’s confidence regardless the circumstances.     ‘     you  KNOW  i trust you with my life;  but this  ?  this is something i would rather earn by myself.     ’     not necessarily a  CHOICE  by pride,  but rather one last  HONOR  to his father.  he never believed in any of the lies about his son.     ‘    i am glad to know you’ve got my back though.     ’
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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a magazine becoming more  CURIOUS  about an unresolved missing person case  (  sara patrell,  )  makes will both nervous,  and suspicious altogether.  a coincidence  ?  maybe.  though he could not help himself but to wonder why they would  REQUEST  an interview now.  all he  WANTED  was for his father to be left alone.  there was no solving this case anymore,  not officially anyway,  and his father’s health has been spiraling downwards since then.     ‘     hey—  is there a chance you can help me a moment  ?  i am officer gorski and here on behalf of my dad.  he received calls from your office about the sara patrell case,  the missing girl,  he’s been assigned to.  is there a chance to get this off the table somehow  ?  he’s too stubborn to say anything himself.  besides,  he retired a few years ago already.     ’
@ofsacrificeandsteel // sc.
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
                                                    「 @gcrski                                       liked this for a starter 」
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        Passing the paper cup of coffee to the other, he yawned before taking a sip. “YOU know, this would be a lot easier if you told me WHO we’re looking for,” he suggested. Not that he was the first client who wanted to keep things a secret. Unless he didn’t actually know their identity. But something was fishy. Whenever he was in the company of the other man, even it was just business, his instincts were alarmed—there was something telling him that he wasn’t what he looked. “ALTHOUGH I’m flattered a POLICE OFFICER would sink so low as to ask the help of a private eye. Or EX police officer, whatever. Titles seem so pointless when you’re barely human, am i right?” For just a second, Liam’s eyes flashed with a crimson red.
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an appreciative hum was the  ONLY  answer the other receives,  deft fingers curling around the warm paper cup of coffee Will  IMMEDIATELY  moves to his lips.     ‘     friends.  the sort of  FRIEND  who does have the influence to give me my life back,     ’     (  and his position within the police force.  )  then,  a pregnant pause,  light hues narrowing at the unexpected  &  early turn of events,  various  &  worried voices flooding his mind forthwith,  to warn and offer their support.     ‘     it’s alright.     ’     his gaze,  briefly distracted,  meets the other’s  (  normal again,  )  once more,  eyebrows furrowed.     ‘     i currently nurse the thought that the term  HUMAN,  and being human,  might not necessarily be about our genus.  i believe being a mutant does not necessarily have to exclude being human.  so,  are you going to help,  or is this going to be a problem  ?  i do offer you the opportunity to help an  EX police officer clear his name and  BECOME  a police officer again.  we just need some friends,  and those  LIES  on me proven wrong.     ’
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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Jan Willem van Welzenis - 2013
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gcrski-blog · 7 years
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‘ you can talk to me, you know. ’ the two are sitting in a pensive sort of silence. not uncomfortable, but when something was gnawing at will, it tended to nip and bite at the rest of the cluster, too.
@gcrski​ / ♡
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‘     i miss dad.     ’     beyond  AGONY,  will cleaves his own mind apart,  trying to figure out  WHAT  he could have done better.  rationally,  he  KNOWS  his father never stopped wasting away,  before  &  after alike.     ‘     i would like to go back to the chicago police department.  to work with my best friend again.  but something tells me i’d be the son who never stopped being a rebel,  and drove his own father into his grave.  call it intuition  ?     ’     he purses his lips,  jaw clenched before he exhales a breath  &  meets her gaze,  quietly apologizing.     ‘     at least he’s no longer suffering.     ’
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