geek2quad-archive · 9 years
hii ii’m liiteral tra2h niice meetiing you.
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geek2quad-archive · 9 years
hii ii’m liiteral tra2h niice meetiing you.
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geek2quad-archive · 9 years
hii ii’m liiteral tra2h niice meetiing you.
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geek2quad-archive · 9 years
hii ii'm liiteral tra2h niice meetiing you.
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geek2quad-archive · 9 years
im gonna do it im gonna remake
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geek2quad-archive · 10 years
[[ kind of thinking of remaking this honestly
i miss rping homestuck and with the whole update business happening i kind of want to start up again but idek tbh :/ how many people are on here still honestly? ]]
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geek2quad-archive · 10 years
what iif ii bothered two come back or 2omethiing.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
so yeah we have deer boys and i would really love to talk to some people wow dang
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
> At the very least you're usually fully dressed. Granted it's generally in God Tier pajamas out of sheer laziness. Hey, they clean themselves, it makes things pretty easy.
> Unfortunately you arrive just a few minutes too late for that graceful display, and when you finally manage to get through the transportalizer, you idly walk through the area you've become so familiar with. You've spent plenty of time here, after all, and it only takes a short moment for you to locate her.
wow you're weariing pant2 even, ii'm iimpre22ed.
> Put pants on for once? Yeah, except you trip in the process. Talk about parkour action right there.
> When you pull your face up from the ground, you roll over and finish zipping on your jeans before standing up and dusting yourself off. Heading for the spare room, you were actually thankful he wasn’t there yet. He had enough information for mockery for you to go adding to it like that.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
TA: ii’ll come over, ii’ll come over dang. what’2 the magiic word?
AG: A8ra Kada8itch get your ass over here.
TA: yeah clo2e enough. ii’ll be over iin a 2ec.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
> No but do it, do the thing. You haven't really gotten to see her in a month or so, it couldn't do any harm to stop by. And you'd really be lying if you said you hadn't planned on it from the second you'd started up conversation with her.
Sure it takes some serious motivation to get you willing to move, but you figure you can make an exception this time. It pretty much counts, anyway.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
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yeah ii feel iit; ii thiink you're the only per2on ii've actually managed two vent two iin month2. iit'2 pretty niice actually. that'2 2eem2 accurate enough though, how could ii hate you when ii'm ju2t 2o bu2y hatiing everythiing el2e. <>
basiically. iit'2 hard enough ju2t 2tandiing up, doiing 2tuff ii2 a whole other level entiirely that take2 2ome 2eriiou2 motiivatiion on my part. the nerve.
well you know, gotta offer my 2upport where iit count2.
yeah clo2e enough. ii'll be over iin a 2ec.
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It definitely works 8etter. I don’t unload shit to anyone else, dude. Pro8a8ly 8ecause we’re 8oth shits who refuse to 8e anything 8ut little shits. The neverending shitload we heap upon the world. It’s the true game of life. <>
If I weren’t tripping over my own shoelaces over here. I’m not as active as I used to 8e so getting me to do anything is like pulling out someone’s teeth. You just don’t without them putting up a fight.
Glad you have confidence in my intelligence. Really appreci8 it.
A8ra Kada8itch get your ass over here.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
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rude, makiing me 2uppre22 my affectiion2 here. but uh. no yeah that one work2 better defiiniitely, no complaiint2 here.
ow omfg that 2ound2 a liittle extreme don't you thiink. you could probably make a documentary or 2omethiing about that though, that 2ound2 iintere2tiing. get plenty of viiewer2.
ii'm 2tiill iintere2ted iin hearing iit, and even iif iit turn2 out that you're ju2t fuckiing 2tupiid iit u2ually help2 two get iit off your che2t. iit'll probably be fiine.
ii'll come over, ii'll come over dang. what'2 the magiic word?
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My my, and here you thought I would expect anything else. 8ut eah, that’s definitely a lot 8etter. Actual A++ for you on that one. <>
Uuuuuuuugh. May8e I can m8ke a new quest to just rip 8ulges off of everyone so they can at least whine a8out something funny. The dickless wonders squandering around and wondering where the hell there life flew off to.
It’s not really that important to 8e honest. I’m just a whiny 8itch who’s more disappointed than I should 8e. It’s honestly something I should’ve expected from the start, 8ut I decided to ignore my intelligence for selfish reasons.
If you don’t come over, I’ll go over there and knock the rest of your teeth in. Despite my idiocy, we need to talk. It’s 8een forever after all.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
my life became 600% better when i started acting like a self obsessed piece of shit like 10/10 would recommend
even if u don’t actually genuinely love yourself its fuckin fun to act like you think you’re the human embodiment of perfection go on try it life’s too short to not fall in love with yourself
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
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wow kiilljoy. iif ii had two waiit for you two giive me permii22iion then you'd never get any at all. where'2 the fun iin that. iif iit'2 a problem then let me try agaiin: <>.
that any better?
2hhh iit'2 okay, you have me here now there'2 no need two worry. you're riight though iit get'2 kiind of old; liike we get iit you're lonely thank2 for the update, a++.
okay???? well a2 long a2 iit'2 not 2omethiing of criitiical iimportance or anythiing, then ii'll make 2ure two 2top by a liittle later and you can tell me about iit. deal?
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Sol, we talked a8out this <3 8usiness. I didn’t give you permission to send me one, did I? No. So don’t do it. >::::P
Pretty much. 8ut everyone is kind of a shithead so I didn’t really expect anything else other than that. They aren’t satisfied even when they get what they want so I gave up on w8ing for it to quit.
It honestly depends on your perspective???????? It m8kes me feel like a shitty little wiggler, 8ut you might have a different perspective than me. To say the least, it’s not the most exciting thing ever.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
Do you not qualify as a horny teenager or?
excu2e you ii'm liike 20 iin human year2 okay.
ii am a horny adult.
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geek2quad-archive · 11 years
ii've had thii2 blog for well over a year and ii have yet two hiit 8000 po2t2.
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