gemma-castillo · 6 years
Moving Day
//Good Morning fellow role players. After much discussion I have decided to move my girls to a new home. Gemma can be found here.
Please welcome her and all my other girls, except for Em and Emily who are keeping their own pages.
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gemma-castillo · 6 years
Blog Update
//As of today the character played by Gemma Arterton is no longer Ashlin Rafferty but will not be known as Gemma Castillo. New bio and information to follow.
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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Gemma Arterton
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
She could feel the cold on her skin but it no longer seemed to affect her. Every part of her body felt too heavy to move and yet light enough to float away. There was no warmth beside her despite the presence of Alexander in the bed, though if the last few days were any indication he was no longer the Alexander that she knew. Willing with what seemed like every ounce of strength she had that her eyes would open there was only a brief respite before they shut on their own accord. It was an exhausting act and she felt the weight of sleep once again pressing down on her. It wasn’t hard to imagine that soon this weight would take her to death’s door and finally bring her across the threshold. For days her body had been exposed to the vigorous feedings of a being only written of in frightening tales but one she was now sharing a bed with. In the brief time she had opened her eyes she had seen it was still daylight but the sun was setting. Soon he would awaken and need to feed; once again making Ashlin wonder if this feed would be the last.
Her breathing was shallow as she laid there, her mind still trying to process everything that had happened. Loss was not an unfamiliar word to her; she had lost her parents at a young age which left her in the car of her older brother Luke. Then she had lost the love of her young life when the betrothal to Alexander was ripped from them because of the carelessness of his father. Of course Luke found a replacement for her and the man was nice, someone she figured she could grow close to loving, but her heart would never fully be in it. When war came there was loss everywhere and every day she waited, with the other wives for news of death. It was a morbid scene to be sure, women waiting to learn if the men they cared for would return to them. Secretly she yearned more to know of Alexander than her own husband but this was a desire carried deep in the vessels of her heart. When the news came that her husband was gone she no longer joined the ladies but spent her days in what appeared proper mourning, dressed in black, not seeing visitors, covering her head on the rare occasions she ventured outside.
It surprised all when Alexander returned and all she could was hope he would come and visit her, no matter how improper it might be. By this time he had regained his family name and therefore was an old family friend. Soon the rumors of Alexander and how he had changed surfaced and she yearned more than ever to see him, to set her own eyes upon and know what was true and what was false.  As if wishing could make it so he finally arrived, but it was not long before Ashlin discovered that what had returned home was not the man she loved but a shell of him, only his physical appearance the same, and yet she could still see the man that he once was. He carried immense guilt, though that didn’t stop the pain when he fed from her, she knew he didn’t like what he had become, but he did nothing to change that.
Her mind was slowing more than ever, she could almost feel each labor of breath and exhale as it went through her. Every part of her body was bruised and sore, she could feel each break of skin and had she been able to lift her arms she would be able to touch each puncture without looking. Ashlin had always been a fighter and that didn’t stop even though Alexander was friend, but in the end she was not match for his strength and in the end he fed from her. She had heard him mutter one evening after a feeding, when he thought her unconscious that her blood was an addiction almost, and he had to have it. While there was some poetic romance in that idea it did not stop her own guilty feelings that many had died to feed his need. While she had seen some she had heard all the deaths, knew her staff was no more, for it had been at least two days since someone had come to check on her. It was just as well as far as she was concerned, soon she would no longer be in this world, they needed to save themselves. When she felt him stir her first instinct was to prepare to fight, but there was no strength in any part of her body. The touch of his hand, the sound of his voice did nothing either. Her body longed to give a response but the fact was she felt it drifting towards death even faster now. When his teeth sunk into her neck a soft sound escaped but it was her last breath in fact or close to her last. The next one was far in coming and upon being shook she saw a light and a vision of herself going towards it. There were no more breaths to come from her body as she looked down on the broken figure of herself with Alexander over it.
Suddenly all that was ripped away, her vision dark but her mind starting up again. This was soon followed by pain, unlike anything she had felt as her body came alive again, but in a different form. Her back arched up and soon she felt herself sucking on his wrist as her eyes opened. She could not pull her mouth away as her body drank the blood and fed a hunger unlike anything she had ever felt. What had he done to her? She couldn’t help but wonder and yet the life blood going through and lighting up her veins did not care. Finally pulling her mouth free she expected to need air and yet she didn’t. There was no burning in her lungs; there was no need for it. She could hear sounds that she knew to be far away and yet they were clear as if in the room with them. Eyes lighting up with realization that she had become the very thing he was Ashlin scanned his face. Her own eyes held confusion but life, something she hadn’t felt in days. Swallowing the last of the blood, she wiped her mouth and clearing her throat, “I want more,” she said hoarsely. “I need more.” She was still lying there and though she wanted to move she could not, though her mind knew that would only be temporary.
The Taking ⌛ Ashlin & Alexander
The condemning sun had just begun to set in the western sky as Alexander stirred from rest. The world slipped from the axis a little over a month ago; there was no longer room in a dignified world for him. Instead he slid into a darker role; albeit reluctantly. Attributes and long held beliefs which he held close slipped from his grasp as he slowly came to terms rationalizing the monster he had become. Opening his eyes he noticed the quietness of the home given the hour; the only sound was Ashlin threatening slow heartbeat and soft breath. Over the matter of a few days he’d eliminated the suspicious staff one by one as they sought out their mistress who had mysteriously taken to bed guarded by Alexander. Entering the home was easy enough. He only had to knock, and the jovial staff smiled welcoming the long time friend of the family and knight home for war.    
Turning to gaze at Ashlin lying next to him; he was reminded of what the last few days had entailed; confirmation that he was indeed a monster.  The stark white night rail was tinged and tainted with blood. Puncture wound danced across her neck and exposed crest of her breast where he had taken his feeding. Each puncture mark haloed by blue and purple bruising from his over zealous taking. Closing his eyes as shame washed over him. What had he’d done to his childhood friend? Once the radiant girl he loved, and would’ve undergone any quest she rested at his feet or thrown himself upon a sword for the sake of her safety, but with the loss of title and wealth he put the those dreams to rest years ago.Finally, when her betrothal was announced it snuffed out any remaining fantasies, and he had little else to do other then move on from the anguish. Instead he promised his allegiance to the very man who kept Ashlin from him: her brother Luke. Years had been spent on the battlefield, and slowly Alexander was able to reap the wealth, honor, and rank his father has foolishly diminished. 
It hurt to even look at her in such a broken state, but still he gazed reminding himself he had done this. His intentions were pure enough when he sought her out. Upon returning from war in his new form he quickly ended his engagement to sweet Etta. Unable to see her bound to the monstrosity he’d become. Someone with such a soft soul shouldn’t be hexed by being in his company. At least that was his rational for ending the engagement in a letter. In his heart he couldn’t trust himself to be near those red locks hiding the alabaster skin of her neck: a damming thing indeed. There were whispers in his home since his return, and while many were about the mysterious state of the master, he heard the news of Ashlin being widowed. It only was a reminder how unequivocally life was unfair. 
The night he wound up at her home he had been out wondering the streets, and when he found himself standing at her front door he couldn’t help but knock. Desperately he wanted to offer some solace for his long time friend hoping to relieve some burden he carried. Nights prior had been spent walking the streets attempting to find a worthy victim for draining, but at each impasse he changed his course:disgusted with himself for the game of hunter and prey he played with human life. In the end he only wanted to restore some of the humanity which had been lost, and help a friend or so he thought. Instead the sheets lay crumbled beneath them stained with days worth of blood. The pull of her soft voice and her beauty almost immediately struck him with lust and hunger: the latter getting the better of him.  The moment he sunk his teeth into the warmth of her neck he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop. It was more then just hunger- she was intoxicating, and he quickly felt addicted. It was the reason their were scores of dead staff members, and why she rested next to him lingering between this life and the next. 
Propping himself on his elbow he gazed upon the beautiful creature which had long held a piece of his heart. His voice was deep and timbered after waking and feeling parched. Reaching out he pushed a lock of chestnut hair from her brow as he softly called her name, “Ahslin…dove…wake up for me.” He continued to softly coo her name slowly tracing his fingers down to a breast where he cupped the handful of flesh which was regretfully hidden by the tinged cotton. Moving closer he rolled till she rested beneath him. Lowering himself down he pressed a kiss to the soft skin of her eyelids relishing in how her lashes felt beneath his lips. Dropping down he pressed another kiss to her plump lips which felt different this evening. Again he tried to rouse her from sleep. “Ahslin…wake for me.”  Each call laid unanswered.  
Growing frustrated he knew she violently fought each time he drank he lowered himself to her neck, and buried his fangs in. Immediately he found the artery and began to pull from the rich nourishment he craved. It made his pupils dilate  and his prick harden as a wave of unfiltered ecstasy crashed upon him. Locking down on her neck he cradled her head beneath one hand; while keeping the other resting on her breast. He actually felt the skipped beat before hearing it. It was his first inclination that this feeding was off, and only then did he note the cooling of her blood. Only a degree of two, but it was enough for him to pick up with heightened senses. Pulling himself from her neck he looked up, and noticed the blue tint of her lips. Quickly he hissed out, “No,” realizing he brought her deaths door. His mind swarmed with panic as her blood dripped down from his mouth. 
Frenzied he roughly shook her begging for signs of life, “Ashlin… wake up now. What have I done? Do not leave me.” Pulling her limp body into his arms he cradled as his eyes filled with tears of regrets.  The fear gave way to anger as his voice came out more stern. “Wake-I command it. I won’t lose you.” Reaching up he cupped her cheek shaking at her again, but still she rested like a doll in beneath his touch. He could both hear and feel as she drifted towards death, and the pang of guilt soon crested upon his mind again. With something that could only be explained as instinct he knew there was only one way to save her from leaving him. Bringing his wrist it his mouth his ripped away at his flesh exposing and opening a vein. Prying open her mouth he pushed the flowing wound to her lips forcing the rich blood down. He’d deal with repercussions later.        
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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Byzantium (2012) dir. Neil Jordan
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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The siege is now under my command.
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
Ashlin had dealt with Mathias and Vasile long enough to know that when they wanted something they would do anything to get it. If that meant breaking down doors or pushing inside they didn’t hesitate. Vasile was far more volatile than Mathias, but both had tempers and Ashlin knew she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of it. It was why she didn’t even give a second thought to stepping back and allowing the man inside. Feeling his eyes roam her body she bit into the inside of her cheek to keep her expression in check because even though Mathias was easier to distract and less likely to snap at something trivial he was still not a man to be trifled with.  Heading into the small kitchen she scolded herself for the poor word choice and glanced over her shoulder at him. “I meant I was distracted by my full stomach and crashed on the couch. When I say I forgot I meant I forgot to do that before sleeping, since I didn’t think I’d fall asleep.” Taking a breath, for she knew she was rambling again she busied her hands with making coffee. Catching his nod she poured some coffee out for him and handed the mug over, taking one for herself.
Arching her brow slightly, she had merely meant he looked tired, but she didn’t push it. “The Danish is there if you want it.” She said softly, putting down her mug on the table. Tilting her head to the side as he moved her she knew he was examining her for injury but also taking her in. Whatever he thought of her Ashlin knew he was struck by her looks, and though she didn’t use it to her advantage it was her ace in the hole. Resting her dainty fingers on his shoulders she shifted one to run through his hair.
“I didn’t mean to make your worry.” She said into his ear, not liking that he was blaming his shifting thoughts on her. Moving her other hand to run down his back she moved her body to press closer to him. Looking into his strong gaze, “What can I do to make it better Mathias? I have your money, but that doesn’t excuse the worry. What do you need?” Taking his hand she put down the mug and placed his hands on her lower hips, “Should we go into another room?”
Closed Doors | Mathias & Ashlin
Mathias was willing to push his way in. There were women under his employ that tempted every aspect of the man’s patience but Ashlin was not usually one of them. Did he hate chasing her down? Sure, but more times than not she had a viable reason for not checking in and even if she didn’t she lied beautifully. Beauty was really the key here. She was stunning. Much prettier than any of his other girls and yet she had no clue. This made the woman an easy target. When Mathias convinced her the job would be worthwhile it didn’t take much. She’d come from nothing, had nothing and he was the benefactor of all her gain. Rarely did he have to remind Ashlin of that. Watching her step aside he walked in taking a moment to take in her radiance. He glanced over her body. Part was to make sure she wasn’t beat up or bruised; the other to admire the goods. He loved her skin and how the freckles only enhanced it.
“You forgot?” He said in a stern voice. It was no secret to Mathias that Vasile was rougher with the girls. His brother treated the women much like their father had but Mathias knew from years of work that they responded better to a more gentle nature. Not that Mathias was always gentle but he had fewer moments of rage than his brother. Raising a brow he nodded and let her make him coffee, waving off the Danish. “I slept just fine. I usually do.”
When Ashlin stepped back over to the table he took one of her hands and then the other propping her out in front of him. Swinging her arms up he looked over her body again and then up in to her eyes. Her lashes were the longest he’d ever seen. Pulling the woman closer he rested his forehead on her midsection placing her hands on his shoulders. There were nights he was jealous of the men that paid her but he knew there could never be anything more between them than there twisted fuck sessions. He was, in reality, her pimp and could never be anything more because he didn’t know how to be anything else. “I just worry about my girl when she doesn’t check in, is all. You should never make me worry about you, Ash. I don’t think straight when I am worried.”
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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Gemma Arterton
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
Ashlin had been out later than normal, and she had yet to check in. Laying on the couch in her small apartment she had her eyes closed, one arm covering them to block out the light. It had been a good night, the client she had been scheduled with by Mathias had been fine, if not a bit boring but nothing causing trouble. In fact the man had an early meeting and had paid her for the night but sent her out relatively early. It was these types of nights she lived for because they gave her the freedom to make some money on her own. Heading down the hotel lobby it didn’t take her long to secure another transaction, one without the hands of Mathias or Vasile and soon she and her new friend were making an agreement.  This man had much more stamina and had kept her going the rest of the evening, and then insisted she have breakfast with him.  Having paid her handsomely she was tired but happy when she got home and was allowing herself a few more moments to revel in that before dampening her mood by checking in. The extra money firmly hidden in her silverware drawer she was just about to grab her phone and call when she heard the knock.  Cursing under her breath she was relieved to see it was Mathias at the door and not Vasile.
Undoing the chain she pulled the t-shirt she wore down and opened it to Mathias. “I forgot to check in,” she said softly as she moved to the side so he could enter.  “I mean I didn’t forget I was just about to do it, I was just caught up in other things.” Once again cursing herself for babbling she took a breath before speaking again.  “He wanted to have breakfast and I was so full of food I came home and crashed on the couch, the sun warming me, I must have dozed.”  Offering a weak smile, “I’m sorry.  Do you want me to make some coffee?”  Heading into the kitchen she opened the cupboard and took out the envelope she used to give him her share of the money.  “I think I have a Danish or something if you’re hungry.” Turning the water on to fill the pot she glanced at him, “You look like you didn’t sleep everything okay?” It was easy to make small talk with Mathias, he wasn’t like Vasile who scared her and with good reason.  As much as Vasile liked to use the girls he also liked to put his hands on them in less than friendly ways, and the problem was anything could set him off.
Closed Doors | Mathias & Ashlin
Mathias could be a very easy man to please of everything went according to plan. This was usually not the case and life always felt more a burden now that they were living in America. Some days he missed Romania and craved the idea to go back but he knew he would never be able to return to the village of his youth. The wealth he’d earned back home made him a powerful man – though maybe not as powerful as Oxana’s father but here in America he was nothing close to rich or powerful. Part of the problem was his brother Vasile. The man could hardly focus and wasn’t helping to maintain the business. Running an escort service required discipline and even though it was nice to occasionally test the merchandise Vasile was damn near distracted by it. He’d also never quite forgiven Mathias for telling Oxana she could leave.
His brother aside today carried issues all its own.  Ashlin was assigned to a gentleman the night before and had yet to check in. This was not the first time but the reason was always different. Sometimes the client would keep the girls out all hours of the night, sometimes they were cruel and abusive and Mathias would have to spend his days tending to the women in his employ rather than making money off them. On a few occasions the girls would disappear because they’d made extra money and didn’t want Mathias or Vasile to know. Even though the brothers considered their business legitimate in the end they were nothing more than pimps and Mathias knew it. Knocking on her apartment door the older man had no idea what he was going to find so he kept his cool in case she was hurt.
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gemma-castillo · 8 years
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gemma-castillo · 9 years
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Gemma Arterton
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gemma-castillo · 9 years
Ashlin Rafferty has become an indie blog.  Her face will now be Gemma Arterton.
Thank you.
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