gemmcs-blog · 9 years
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zachary: and here i thought you were a gemini
zachary: get it gem-ini
zachary: your name is gemma, lol im hilarious
gemma: haha very funny zach
gemma: but no i could never be a gemini
gemma: not that they're bad i'm just very virgo like
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
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zachary: i am curious to know your zodiac sign
zachary: why you ask?
zachary: because i want to know what type of dish soap you are. it will define all of us i'm telling you.
gemma: what kind of dish soap? what?
gemma: i'm a virgo
gemma: a very confused virgo
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
a welcome back hug, huh? your first instinct within five minutes of seeing me is to touch me and i gotta say i’m not complaining. but, like, the chocolate fountain still has to happen, gems, you’re not getting out of that with all of the inappropriate touching in the world.
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how do you have the ability to make a hug sound like something dirty? there will be no chocolate fountain and definitely no inappropriate touching. 
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
she raised a brow at the substance the blonde held out to her, unsure if putting green goop on her face would really help her complexion. but she was curious, as always, and trying something new sounded fun, even if it didn’t come with the adrenaline rush she’d come to expect, come to crave. more potent than anything a narcotic could give her, and far more addictive. she still had her mind set on graffitiing a wall in paris, leaving her mark on the city in a physical form before she marked it with her music. but doing something like this could be a nice precursor to that, an appetizer before the main event. “alright,” she replied, still skeptical about the whole idea. green tea on her face? she didn’t even like the taste of the substance in liquid form, or any tea for that matter. but gemma looked so hopeful, so she gave the girl a small smile. “it can’t be too bad, can it? but you’ll have to show me how to put it on,” she said as she pulled her long caramel locks up into a loose bun, certain that removing her hair from her face was the first step to the whole ‘face-mask’ endeavor. “’cause, y’know, i never really had sleepovers with other girls, besides nadia but she doesn’t really count. so i don’t really know how to do all of this stuff.”
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gemma’s face lit up the second the other girl said alright, a little surprised she’d agreed but happy nonetheless. a part of her hoped that after they were done doing facials anastasjia would agree to spend the rest of the night in with gemma rather than out doing whatever illegal activity she’d tried to recruit gemma into helping with. “it’s not bad at all, i promise.” the blonde grinned, holding up her pinky as if she was gonna pinky promise, clearly a sign of how serious she was. she waited for anastasjia to pull her hair up out of her face taking a moment to admire how long it was compared to her own short style. “so you’ve never done the sleepovers they show in all the movies? with pillow fights and makeovers and hair brushing and talking about boys?” she asked, uncapping the facial mask tub. “it’s pretty easy. here--” she said, taking a hold of the other girls hand and dipping it into the green mixture. “now you just close your eyes and rub it onto your face like this.” she instructed, gently guiding ana’s hand towards her cheeks. “you just have to make sure not to get it in your eyes or anything, and don’t put it on your mouth. i can put it on for you don’t want to do it yourself.” 
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
“ of course gemma, what are friends for? hopefully, i promise i give excellent advice, or so i’ve been told. it’s a shame because my love for diet coke will never end, even though i know how awful it is. i just can’t seem to kick the nasty habit – bet it might be worse than cancer sticks. do you not do that? oh. i apologize i don’t completely follow, but perhaps if i come watch you – i will! really? i just figured, y’know, it would bother you given how strongly rooted your opinions are. you do make an excellent point, irrefutable actually. ”
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“ hmm i don’t know, i feel like cigarettes would have more harmful side effects than a diet coke addiction. grind? oh no, i could never. i don’t usually dance outside of the ballet studio. oh! that would be lovely. even though my opinions are strongly rooted i never get annoyed or mad at people when they try and persuade me, especially if they’re a friend. “
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
i think you might wanna take those expectations down a notch, just a tip. maybe settle for something a bit more realistic like a welcome back hug? 
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hey, so where the hell is my welcome parade? you guys.. you’re losing touch with what’s really important here - think big, think me in a super comfy, expensive chair with like three of you waving giant leaves for air con while the rest feed me grapes and listen to me talk about my day. oh, and a chocolate fountain! get on with it.
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
gemma kept her eyes squeezed shut, shaking her head no as she listened to the other girl’s pleas. “i refuse. not even one snail, mila. nope.” she insisted, peaking an eye open to see if the other girl was done giving her sad looks. “i will not be guilt tripped into eating yucky slimy things.”
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mila began to front a large pout towards the other. “come on, man.” she began, shooting her the saddest puppy dog eyes she possibly could. “just one snail and then we can do whatever you wanna do after, i promise, man. for me. we can go to a ballet on me or like get some fancy parisian coffee or something. anything, man. step out of the comfort zone just this once..i mean at least until the next thing i wanna sucker you into, man. come on.”
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
gemma pushed the hotel door closed before trailing her slim fingers through her hair, piling the golden blonde locks into a neat knot at the top of her head. even her hair had to be perfect no matter what the occasion, as if a flawless exterior was a mirror to a flawless interior. walking into the bathroom her blue eyes flicked to the figure of her friend now sitting a top the counter, hands rolling u the sleeves of her robe. “this one’s green tea and honey. i wish it had a mint mask because those always leave your skin all tingly afterwards.” she giggled, turning on the faucet and proceeding to scrub the product off her skin. using the mirror to make sure she’d gotten the last of it off, gemma grabbed the towel folded neatly next to anastasjia on the counter to gently pat her face dry. “you’ve never used a face mask?” she asked, blue eyes widening. all her earliest sleepover memories included face masks ever since she could remember, especially so if the sleepover had been with violet. the blonde had even managed to get carmilla to try one. she picked up the tub, shaking it in front of her friend. “come on, you’ve gotta try it.” 
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“fine,” she agreed, voice laced with disappointment. she knew getting the blonde to agree to her illicit plans would be difficult, if not impossible, but she wasn’t one to give up easily. she still thought she could persuade the girl to change her mind. stepping into gemma’s room, walking into the bathroom as that’s where she assumed the other would wash off her face mask, she hopped up on the counter, long legs dangling over the edge. “so, what exactly is that stuff?” she asked, head tilted to the side as she examined the green mask that coated the girl’s face. she’d never been one to dabble in face masks or girly acts like that; it wasn’t what she and nadia did, and not having a true mother growing up left her floundering in the art of femininity. she could use her body to get men in bed easily, but having a sleepover with a girl other than nadia was another problem entirely. a set of skills she didn’t possess. “i’ve never actually used one before. a face mask, i mean.”
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
phone call | aamir → gemma ;
aamir: i don't know how to be nice to you, sorry. well, fine. but don't talk to me about it. you're a handful to me. aw, it's okay. only in your wildest dreams - hello? uh huh, now you're trying to cover it up. it's okay, i'll keep your secret! but sure, whatever. i'll come when i feel like it.
gemma: i sort of noticed, yeah. okay fine i'll stop bothering you by telling you this is exciting. i'm not covering up anything! there is no secret to keep you're being ridiculous. okay, just make sure "when you feel like it" is in twenty minutes and we'll be set!
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
i suppose i just don’t understand your mindset. caring about things is really all i do, so. 
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sure, i guess. i’m more interested in what i’ll be eating tonight rather than caring about things. nothing lasts forever, you know.
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
“ thanks gen, that means a lot. maybe one day i’ll take your advice. usually the healthier alternatives to sugar are even more harmful than sugar itself, anyway. oh no! i definitely don’t mean grinding. modern dancing is a more expressive style created in the early twentieth century as a reaction to classical ballet. annoying? oh no, not at all. no, it doesn’t perturb me. i don’t mind knowing all this seemingly useless information because i happen to find they make for great conversation starters. “
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“ i mean, i do think – or at least hope – you will ease up on yourself, but i could never call a friend that. i’m sure you will, but don’t deny yourself the classics – a glass of red wine at night can be so relaxing, and it won’t kill you. right? if only there were a healthier way to enjoy it, but it never tastes the same. modern dance? do you mean grinding? jazz is lovely, though! hmm. she pushes in smaller ways, though, right? surly that must be annoying. does that ever perturb you? the random facts sticking? ”
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
phone call | aamir → gemma ;
aamir: i'm never going to text you unless i want or need something. it's not EXCITING, gemma, it's embarrassing. ugh, you are such a handful. wait, wait, meet you in your room? aw, gem. you're a cool gal sometimes, but i think taking it to a closed bedroom is a little too much. [laughs]
gemma: that's not very nice of you. it's exciting to me! i'm not a handful, i've actually been told i'm very easy to get along with. oh my gosh, no, not like that! [panicked shuffling noise] that's gross aamir, get your head out of the gutter. i mean meet me at my hotel room so we could head out together.
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
what do you mean you don’t have time for the long run? do you not have any future plans or goals? living in the moment is cool and all but don’t get too carried away.
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whatever helps you sleep at night. the long run? i don’t have time for the long run – it’s now or never.
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
She’s the type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile
Marilyn Monroe  (via hazmattheartwrites)
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
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gemmcs-blog · 9 years
“ you do? most people just look at me like i’m crazy, even after i explain myself. that’s true, but i’d like to limit the amount of harmful things ingested as much as i can. that’s true, it is a shame something so sweet can be so bad. ballet mostly but i have been opening my heart to modern dance and jazz as of late. maybe, but hopefully not! carmilla’s a good friend though, she won’t push if i say no. i don’t either but as you probably noticed, random facts i pick up do tend to stick with me. ”
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“ i do see your point. i suppose weighing the consequences of the risk compared to its benefits puts things into perspective. everyday we put stuff into our bodies that harm it – the air we breathe and the ice cream cones we consume. it’s a shame that sugar can kill. what kind of dance do you do? sometimes that can be tempted, though – maybe she’ll wear you down, who knows? huh. i don’t watch much television, but that seems practical and not too outrageous. “
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