gendercovid · 11 months
Interested in seeing results?
I'm doing my first presentation over the results I have so far next Wednesday. It'll cover just survey results since I haven't finished the interview analysis yet.
July 26, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Central, 10AM-11AM Eastern
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gendercovid · 1 year
Post-Blaze FAQ's
How long is the survey open?
It's currently set to close at 11:59 PM CST on December 31st. If the survey is still circulating well, I might extend the time.
Why the US and Canada only?
Omicron. Which strains were circulating where at which time ALSO affects how hard COVID hits people, the main outcome I'm looking at, so I wanted to be able to adjust for geography. It's also why I asked for calendar dates when asking respondents how long ago they became sick. Plus, I wanted to avoid making the survey overly long or making someone skittish about telling me where they are for fear that they're the only nonbinary person responding from Nunavut. It's not perfect - I should probably have asked people their country at least - but it gives me a rough estimate of what I'm dealing with.
Languages. Most of this project is being done by one grad student (hi!). I’ve also been a full-time student for most of this, so while I've done English to Spanish translations for work before, for something as big as this, my limited time and very limited money were not able to make it work. You can sure talk to me in Spanish, limited French, or very limited German, but I did not have the resources to translate the survey. The fewer people in an area who speak English, the more bias I get in the data from surveying only those people. And some of the questions I was using have only been validated in English (re: the abysmal state of trans research) and then cultural competency gets harder the more you expand out...
Money. The US and Canada have different medical infrastructure and insurance, but the standard of living is similar. Getting away from that affects a lot of things that I also did not have the resources to control for.
I respond to transphobic nonsense at a rate of $100/hr, payable to the Trevor Project.
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gendercovid · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hello! I'm a grad student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center who is surveying gender diverse people who've had COVID-19 about their experiences.
Earlier research saw differences by gender, even after adjusting for other factors like lifestyle, but only considered cis men and cis women.
I'm hoping that reaching out to gender diverse folks will lead to better understanding of medical issues facing this community specifically as well as help us better understand and treat COVID-19 in general.
I would really appreciate it if anyone who is gender diverse (transgender, intersex, etc), had COVID-19 in the US/CAN, and is 19 or older could help support this research by taking the survey. If you know someone who is eligible, I would appreciate it if you'd share the link with them.
I've double-checked and fixed the shortened link - they are case-sensitive, which I think has also been an issue for some folks. In case it's not working for you, here's the full link: https://unmcredcap.unmc.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=KNJ7AXF9JRE8P8DT&fbclid=IwAR2Yx77NJV9yQrYJPdGn5FbZfz3tczGuIdcfMijKUImWBoiUBsKwDr3Nv8s
You can reach me at my university email: [email protected]. Thank you for reading and to everyone who has participated so far!
[ID: Three images, all with sans serif black text on a trans flag background. Each has a QR code on the lower left and the progress pride flag with the intersex, trans, and rainbow flags on the lower right. The first headline is "Had COVID-19? Tired of knowing more about how gender diverse bodies work than your doctor?" but otherwise, the information follows what I've written here. All images contain my university email ([email protected]) and the study number, #0299-22-EX. The last one contains my short link that keeps breaking, which is bit.ly/genderCOVID - case sensitive, must have "gender" in lowercase and "COVID" in caps.]
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gendercovid · 2 years
Is this legit?
Yes, I'm a graduate student in UNMC's College of Public Health trying to learn more about the experiences of trans and gender diverse [TGD] COVID survivors. I'm hoping that this will help the scientific community to better address the hardships faced by trans and gender diverse people and better treat the disease in general.
Why tumblr?
I'm pretty sure there are trans people on tumblr.
I compared rates for a bunch of different social media sites and I do not have TikTok levels of research grant money.
So, what exactly are you researching?
Early on in the pandemic, doctors started noticing that [cisgender] men usually had worse outcomes than [cisgender] women, and lifestyle factors like cigarette use didn't fully account for the difference. Some researchers even studied giving progesterone or estrogen supplements to people hospitalized with COVID. I remember thinking that we could have just asked trans and gender diverse people, who have all sorts of different hormone and body arrangements already. Plus, I know from my own experience how little many doctors know about TGD cultural competency and medical needs.
I'm trying to see what factors put people more at risk of being hospitalized, admitted to the ICU, intubated, or developing long COVID.
As a heads-up, it is biomedical research, so there are body questions on the survey. You can leave your email if you're willing to participate in a paid follow up interview.
Okay, that's interesting!
A few people have already asked me to keep them updated. I'm glad to see people taking an interest and would be thrilled to share my results with you one I've done some analysis and stripped identifying information.
You can reach me at [email protected] if you're interested and I'll do my best to get back to you. This is likely to be about a year from now, so keep that in mind when you see some strange university email address pop up in your inbox in late 2023.
That ad looks familiar.
I've posted it to other sites, including Facebook and Reddit.
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