It’s been one hell of a roller coaster ride since I can last remember being on here.
In January, both my grandfather and I came down with Covid. We don’t know who got it first, if someone gave it to the other, or anything like that. I don’t really think about it. I only mention it because people kept telling me to not beat myself up over him being sick. And speaking of that, he actually ended up hospitalized and passing away.
He beat covid! But it had done so much damage to his lungs and heart in the 5 weeks he was sick with it that they couldn’t keep up. He was covid free for 2 weeks before he passed, but he did end up passing away. And I’ve been here in this house since then, alone. Working and keeping up with the bills.
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I just found this again... Apparently I’d forgotten I had a tumblr as well!
Well, I’m back.
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*twilight zone music*
llegando de la fiesta el domingo
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depressed kids in the media: I don’t wanna go to therapy! I don’t need help! I’m not some specimen for you to dissect!
me, rollin up to my therapist’s office and collapsing in relief: what is UP my homeboy I fuckin missed you,, hope ur ready to hear some Bull Shit that fuckin happened to me this week
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I love this story. I think it would be awesome to find a way to safely test this theory out and record it.
My dad told me a story recently about how he was in Boy Scouts or something and they went on a hike and were each given a rifle and one single bullet to practice shooting with (idk, it was the 70s or whatever). One of his friends, whom I’ll refer to as Steel Balls for reasons that will soon become clear, beckons my dad to a part of the woods and points to a giant hornets nest up in a tree. SB announces that he’s going to shoot it, waits for my dad to take cover (as one should in this situation), and fires off his only round into the nest. Sure enough, a swarm of pissed off hornets descend upon SB, who stands stoically and perfectly still at the base of the tree. Dad maintains that, despite their buzzing right around him, none of the hornets stung his friend, and they soon calmed down and returned to their newly renovated nest. SB turns back to face my dad and imparts this chunk of wisdom: “That’s the secret to dealing with hornets, Jim. They don’t know humans make rifle shots; they don’t know where the noise came from. You gotta stand still and don’t move, and they won’t chase you. If you run, they know you’re guilty.” Apparently dad was so awed he gave up his single bullet so SB could shoot the nest a second time, with the same results.
Long story short: hornets can sense guilt and there are people in the world who have tested this theory.
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@mynameiskleio replied to your post “I haven’t felt good in about 3 days. The dizziness started back today....”
Kroger has free pick up. That’s what I’ve been using. It’s not the best, but I’ve found it useful.
I will definitely look and see if I have a kroger anywhere around me. I think Walmart is still doing pickup, but those spots are hard to find unless you schedule it days in advance. That would help me alot!
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I haven’t felt good in about 3 days. The dizziness started back today. I wish I knew what this was. I’m hoping it isn’t the virus, especially since I’ve only left the house to take my brother’s friend to work (he lives with all of us) and my brother has been picking him up from work.
I have to grocery shop soon too, but the stores are super packed and it’s making my anxiety flare up bad.
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Want more info? Here ya go: 
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This Biology Teacher Disproved Transphobia With Science 
Sex redefined
“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”
More on anti-trans arguments as bad science
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Informative Ancient Egypt Comics: BROS
Our 1st place contest winner requested a Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep comic as their prize.
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dear parents:
If you ground your children for not getting “good grades” even if they are trying I sincerely hope you get a pebble in your shoe that you can never get out. 
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To any trans women and transfeminine followers of mine, did you know there’s a pretty huge Etsy store which does gaff underwear and swimsuits specifically designed for trans people amongst its products? They go in a pretty decent range of sizes, including sizes for young girls, and while I do not personally know anyone who has used them, there’s a fuckton of positive reviews on the Etsy store. They have a ton of colours to choose from, different fabric choices, the works.
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And for once they’re not marked “for crossdressers” too, they actually under “transgender”, so that’s (depressingly) unusual.
I’m mostly posting this because I’ve seen a lot of younger people recently in particular saying they never knew what gaffs were… a lot of people find them WAY MORE comfortable and convenient than tucking, so I would recommend looking into them if you’ve never done so before!
And even if you yourself don’t use or need this stuff, do pass this kind of info on to any friends of yours that might, guys! There’s always like a million more PSAs about transmasc stuff as opposed to transfem stuf tbh…
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As handsome as ever. Hey, if you’re bored sheltering in place, why not check out this free webcomics coloring book, put together by the talented Peter Chiykowski? It’s got pages from a bunch of comic artists, myself included! 
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I was 14ish?? when I decided I was tired of the depressing dark brown color of the fake wood paneling in my room and wanted to paint it my 3 fave colors: crimson red, black, and silver. My grandfather was LIVID because APPARENTLY red will make it harder for you to fall asleep because its a stimulating color????? even though my room would be dark and my eyes would be closed???
Needless to say, after months of whining at him he finally let me do it. But only if I used my allowance money and painted my room by myself. I wasn’t allowed to have friends over or help during the process. He still bitched about it for another 4 years, even though I’ve slept in that room just the same as I did when it was depressing brown.
And now that I’m grown up? I am gonna go with a purple and grey (or is it gray) color scheme and I’m even gonna save money up to buy ACTUAL nightstands and dressers and stuff. Fuck what anyone else says because purple and gray go together really well and it’s calming to me.
ppl are so annoying “you can’t paint ur bedroom pink you’re an adult” i did not spend my entire life waiting to grow up and control my life to paint my bedroom beige
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I read a post one time that said something along the lines of
“English is just a language that beats up other languages in back alleys and steals their words” (not exactly but something like that)
Do non-americans realize that the United States is literally just a bunch of countries in a trench coat that agreed to be semi-nice to each other in order to sneak into the Big Boy Club? Because let’s be honest that’s just what the USA is
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I have picked off my fingerprint. I have picked half inch deep holes in my skin because my brain has insisted that I had to do it or I would get no rest. I can’t control it.
Dermatillomania is just as real as trichotillomania. I have picture proof that I have picked off my fingerprint before. Multiple times. I have scars on my hands and feet from it. Fuck whoever wants to say ‘oh you don’t have it’ all glib like they’re doing you a favor.
speaking of dermatillomania
tammy: oh everyone picks their skin! you dont have dermatillomania :))) me: 
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really. oh really. realyl. are u sure. are u relaly sure. 
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mmmm cell phone companies are tracking people’s location data and releasing it to the government and newspapers to see how much people are moving around. borders are being strengthened and the united states has just declared that it’s no longer issuing passports except in emergencies. my job is using work from home as an excuse to make employees account for every second of our time. police are stopping people demanding to know why they’re out and issuing fines if that reason isn’t sufficient to them
we have a chance to build a better world out of this pandemic as the working class learns just how essential it is, but there’s also a chance we come out of this more heavily surveyed and policed than ever. people should absolutely be staying home, but be wary of how those safety measures are being enforced
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Doctor Who is gonna be like the Simpsons, but with pop culture stuff. I swear it.
the internet is so cursed, when people look back on the history of covid-19 it's going to look so different from the history of the plague because we will have left a trace of quarantine playlists all featuring toxic by brittany spears
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