generalissimomayhem 12 hours
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Strawberry Dessert Stimboard!!
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generalissimomayhem 12 hours
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Agony I
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generalissimomayhem 12 hours
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I sketched the nightmare clown and the arcade clown together. I used references for the characters but adjusted the background using the curve tool on procreate.
My headcanon is that the arcade clown "Chuckles" works for the nightmare clown called "The Grin Reaper." Chuckles claims people for his boss, Grin Reaper, by injecting them with "The Dream Weaver," which immediately renders the victims unconscious so they can confront the Grin Reaper in their sleep. The posters that Chuckles hands out serve as a way for him to mark his next prey.
I'm thinking of making a short comic later in the future to illustrate that.
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generalissimomayhem 3 days
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Winning smiles
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generalissimomayhem 3 days
I do not submit myself to the idea that ALL of the nightmare counterparts are exact replicas of the normal neightbours (you can't tell me the Ah Puch is Teutates parent or sum..).
BUT! I DO think some share similar relationships:
Drugia and Xezbet are 1000% joined in (un)holy matrimony.
Barbatos and Exael aren't related but they have known each other for a long while. Basically brothers from another mother.
Lilith and Anazareth ARE sisters too... but from other mister.
Chaugnar and Nyogtha are married too. But they don't see each other often :(
Yog and Quachil are a weird case. He tried to make a ritual to summon god-knows-what (sponsored by Chaugnar 馃憤), it came out successfully wrong, and summoned Quachil instead. And now they are stuck in a sort of mascot/child situation?? Like yeah, Quachil seems really young and needs some guidance but she's also very much parrot-like??? Sometimes just seems to act like Yog's shadow.
Yan Luo and Orcus uuuhhhhhh... They love each other but is more carnal than anything??
Teutates and Ah Puch are roomates, a type of really twisted and psychopathic frat bros even.
Dagda and Izanami... is complicated. Both are roomates, yeah, but oh boy... does Dagda have the fattest crush on Izanami. She's just bewitching and beautiful to him. He wishes they could become something other than friends... Izanami on the other hand, is oblivious of this thing and "friendzones" him constantly.
But idk those are just thoughts...
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generalissimomayhem 5 days
ok but listen...
This idea is not serious nor I follow it, but what if... Robertsky didn't like peaches and there exists a whole gag surrounding the IRONY about it... Like, what if PEACHES existence is a direct mockery result of this whole thing?
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generalissimomayhem 6 days
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I had some headcanons for this guy right here that I created for funsies a while ago:
-His whole family is from either Russia or some Eastern European country. They all migrated away when he was younger.
-He was the only one that could speak english when they moved (albeit poorly).
-Asked a teacher to teach him english on his own volition, and eventually passed some english unto the rest of his family.
-He probably also played some instruments during his time in school and highschool. These abilities are probably very rusted already since its been a long time since he played an instrument. If given an instrument, he *might* be able to play something, poorly, but is discernible.
-He initially was a well behaved student in school, then teenagehood kicked in and became an absolute menace. He still kept his good grades and everything but his behavior was just abysmal.
-His also dragged these behaviors outside of school too, he surrounded himself with a lot of bad influences. Eventually coming to his senses and telling those people to fuck off after he was left as a decoy for a petty crime he didn't even commit.
-Got his scar at a bar fight during his college years.
-Met Lois before he got his actual job, he was working in a sort of convenience store.
-Lois just came up to him one day, saying that she really likes him and would like to go out with him, left him her number and just... left??
-Anyways, he shot his shot and ended up accepting her proposal and oh boy that was just a can of worms he openend... Admitedly, he was quite spooked by learning that Lois had been following him around for a while without him noticing. But honestly, while confused, he's glad she did.
-Fast forward and they marry after some years of dating!
-They are not the oldest nor the newest tenants, just right in the middle. which has given them the chance to meet everyone equally.
-And Roman, just like Lois, they have their friends and to-go people in the apartment complex. He seems to be in the bestest terms with The Schmichts, specially Gloria since their jobs are very similar (banker-accountant solidarity ig).
-But as he has people that he likes, there's people that uhhh... not hate, they just ain't his favorites... He seems to feel oddly spooked by Margarette, he feels like threading on eggshells whenever she's involved in something. Its just mishap after mishap when the two of them are in the same room.
-With that being said, he has voiced this discomfort before and no one believes him... nobody. Actually, to the other tenants is a bit humorous, like why is he even scared of her?
-And lastly, his baldness is a bit on the early onset side. (Like to slap his bald head)
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generalissimomayhem 6 days
馃拃馃ォTeutates Taranis 鉀擄笍馃└
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Welcome back joey jordison!!
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Blank version under cut!
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generalissimomayhem 7 days
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Spaghetti & Meatballs聽(x)
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generalissimomayhem 7 days
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I think we need more content with these two.
Arnold is having "Inspiration comes to you at 3 a.m" experience
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generalissimomayhem 7 days
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Annihilator ;>
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generalissimomayhem 7 days
Oh-oh! It seems you've upset Quachil Uttaus!
Beware, her "parents" will be too angry
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generalissimomayhem 7 days
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a younger cappuccin couple
he was a gangster and she said "i can fix him" XD
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generalissimomayhem 8 days
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still kinda brainrotting over them 馃憠馃憟
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generalissimomayhem 9 days
I had some general dopplegangers hcs laying out there, they are kinda meh but here we go:
(I might do one with neighbor dopples later)
-Dopples in their natural shape are BIG. Around 8ft/244cm tall.
-They are also strong enough to flip a small truck.
-Their life expectancy is really inconsistent. Some can live up to 10 years, some only 3, some seem to be getting old and slow, and so on. There are dopples that are speculated that could live for around the lifespan of a chimpanzee (30-40 years).
-They generally seem to be reptilian in nature with green/brown coarse skin and they are cold-blodded but also they have mammalian characteristics since some have hair. They just look like a weird hybrid between a gorilla and a crocodile.
-Their temperament is varied, genetics aren't a determining factor in this situation. Some are more calm, others are way more feisty and hotheaded and then we have some that will kill at the drop of a feather.
-Their intelligence also varies. The vast majority have an average human intelligence. Some are seen to have a lower than average intelligence, and can only seem to solve simple mind games to keep them entertained. Few and far in between exhibit a higher than average intelligence.
-They are often fast learners, which is both good and bad. Mostly the latter. This just means that they can replicate humans better and that is simply not good...
-They do have a sort of concept of family (learnt from humans ofc), but they don't quite get it. They just know who their children are and who is the baby momma/baby daddy.
-Their community behaviour is almost parallel to their intelligence. The ones with the "lower intelligence" seem more akin to actual animals rather than people. Filicide seems common among them. They act closer to a pack of lions. The rest seem to have some behaviors closer to bat and monkey communes, including babysitting and taking other's offsprings.
-On a more adorable note, baby dopples seem to act a lot like bearcubs and sound like baby gators, at least, that's before they start to communicate verbally. Since they are cold-blooded, they seem to sleep piled-up to preserve heat.
NSFW headcanon below read more:
-They are hermaphrodites, meaning they both have masculine and feminine genitals. They basically compete to see who gets to impregnate the other. At times, they tend to take it too far and end up killing their partner.
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generalissimomayhem 11 days
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I wasn't kidding about this
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My mission is complete so I guess I'll abandon this blog for some time...
(Though, I can stay if you're interested in Albertsky Peachman and the fried soup headcanon)
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generalissimomayhem 11 days
I am so, SO sorry but how the fuck do you make an already boring design even MORE boring?!
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