gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
this blog is being archived. you can follow me again @gentledeaths . 
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
hi guys. even though i said i wasn't posting an official hiatus notice like a whole clown, i'm going to have to take a small hiatus until august 17th. i work in the bookstore on a college campus that is doing a free textbook program, so that means that i am going to be working 60 hour work weeks until the RUSH period is over. i have all of my drafts saved across my four blogs and will be picking activity immediately back up then, but i appreciate your patience. as always, you can find thanatos on wire at @gentledeaths or my multi wire is @loreskept and we can chat OOC on discord @ lorekeepings#1158. thanks, y'all, see you soon!
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
activity notice & rules change. hello, beloveds! i really didn't want to make this post but it seems like im going to have to. please expect reduced activity from me across all blogs until further notice. ive been made informed last week that i should expect 60 hour work weeks and unlimited overtime at my new job. fortunately, this means i can pay my bills. unfortunately, it means i do not have much time to write. there are other ways to write with me that aren't as intensive as tumblr, such as discord or wire, and if you want to work out something on either of those apps, please add me on dis//cord : lorekeepings#1158 to work something out. again, this is temporary and NOT a hiatus notice, but until the learning curve of the office changes into something other than a line, please bear with me.
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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     “That’s what they say when they’re too afraid to go out and grab it. Nothing just falls at your lap if you wait for it and if it does, you’ll probably be on your deathbed. Who has that kind of time to waste? Waiting only brings regret and death.” 
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !     ‘ is death such a bad thing? ’   he asks, humming quietly. hands pocket into neatly-pressed pant, for even death himself must keep up appearances in this new world.  surely it must be, if even the lycanthropes are afraid of it.  ‘ death could be a mercy for some. those who are tired of regret, tired of fighting. tired of enduring.
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
well  that  warranted  an  eye  roll.  ❝  you  know  very  well  that  my  sisters’  behavior  is  outside  of  my  control.  they  hardly  obey  lord  hades,  much  less  listen  to  me  anymore.  ❞  it  wasn’t  that  she  found  his  request  outlandish  .  .  .  tisiphone  had  a  powerful  voice,  but  she  had  learned  to  ignore  her  screeches  after  being  in  such  close  proximity  for  eons.
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she  pursed  her  lips.  her  youngest  sister  was  never  one  for  pleasantries,  but  rarely  was  she  outright  antagonistic  toward  those  she  knew  megaera  was  close  with.  ❝  did  you  unknowingly  upset  her ?  ❞
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !      an exhale leaves beloved death, as he figured this was something that was going to happen. thanatos holds both hands up,  a symbol of peace at the accusation. ‘ i fear my existence upsets her, megaera, ’ he explains, seemingly frustrated with the situation at hand.  ‘ she keeps insisting that i am a murderer.  she does know that taking the threads of mortals is in my job description, yes  ?   ‘
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still,   he cannot help but feel somewhat bad, given the nature of who he is.  mortals already fear him. is he so infuriating that even the erinyes are detested by his presence?  he sighs, shaking his head.  ‘ if there is nothing you can do, i will not push the matter anymore. i will simply... prepare myself when it comes time to collect her reports. or maybe i can just collect them from you ?  ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
        >> ⚔️ <<                  GENTLE DEATH.    HE DOUBTS THAT     cirilla found her end by that sort    ;    the fact alone creates anxiousness within his gut.   does he ask regardless and be proven    EVEN MORE RIGHT    or    .  .    ??
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DEFLECTION INSTEAD.                ❝         MOROS    ??    i’ve    died    in past,    thanatos,    what domain does    HE   take control of    ??        ❞          
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !   ‘ violent death, witcher. ’   thanatos speaks proudly, shoulders square. that is the death that people like geralt are familiar with. ‘ he is the death that awaits soldiers, martyrs, assailants, and murderers. blood and hellfire, for my brother does not love mortalkind in the way i do. i love mortals. he despises them and their warfare. ’
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‘ i would have remembered a soul like yours, geralt of rivia. i only presume that you have ended up on my brother’s list. macaria’s domain of blissful death does not seem like something you would have obtained. ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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“well, i’ve heard the ’ fear of death ’ called many different things, such as terminus - the end. uh, the coming end that waits for all and cannot be ignored. sometimes, just death. i suppose it just depends on your preference, or however great a mouthful you want.” jon observes his visitor a moment. “what do you call it?” 
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !      thanatos listens intently. terminus, as the modern mortals call it - no, no. the fear of death is many things and goes by many names. it depends, thanatos likes to believe, on whether or not they are afraid of death, or leaving people behind, or the consequential pull that mortality has to death.  after all, the end always wins, whether or not those living like it.
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‘ i would call it thanatos, ’   gentle death terminus speaks quietly, though eventually he lifts his chin to the archivist. ‘  i would call it by my name. ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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❛❛        all        right          [     .      .      .     ]         that’s      true       but       I       kind       of      need      it      &        i       also      arrived      here     first ,       you’ll      have     to       get      the      next      one .      ❜❜
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !      ‘  absolutely not.  ’    thanatos scowls,   a hand extended.  ‘  for what purpose are you terrorizing the poor thing?  it has suffered enough, and needn’t do more at the hands of necromancers.’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
@gentledeaths requested a short starter from DUSA!
Dusa had just finishing polishing Lord Thanatos’ small table and the wood of his chair when she heard the god appear behind her. She immediately floated up to attention and moved out of the way so he could use such things. It was a relief to have him appear after her cleaning was done. Seeing him be able to enjoy perfect surroundings made her so happy!
“Lord Thanatos.” She respectfully averted her gaze for a few moments, not really able to bow very well. “You’re here at the perfect time, I’ve just finished tidying this little area. Please, enjoy it…and rest if you have the time.”
She was apprehensive of adding that last statement, but it did secretly worry her how little the god did seem to rest. Entirely the opposite to his brother Hypnos!
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !    he is a patient god, one who is careful and meticulous in all things. frequent houseservant, repeat star of the underworld. these days, it was anyone’s game, and if you asked him, he wouldn’t know exactly how to respond to the question, what makes a featured houseservant?  still, he appreciates all of his coworkers and friends, including dusa, and when she averts her gaze, he laughs - though quietly, and in a sharp exhale throughout his nose.  ‘ dusa, ’  he tells her, hand turned over to gesture as he spoke,  ‘ you needn’t be so formal. i’m not the prince, or anything of that sort. ’  still, he looks over the place, and nods approvingly, though a comment doesn’t yet leave his mouth about the impressive cleanliness of the place. he wishes zagreus wouldn’t populate this corner of the hall with such things.  
‘ you know, ’  he says after some time. ‘ i think i should tell zagreus to do away with all of this. i barely use it, and all it has done is come up with more dust for you to clean. ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
gentledeaths asked:
( reverse meme call ) “ something is clearly bothering you. ”
Ask Meme – @gentledeaths
Spinning the ring around his finger, he looked up at the god of Death and grimaced. It’s probably a question he gets all the time, asking if he remembered this or that person who died. Nico didn’t even have to ask the question to know that the answer was probably ‘no’. Most people when they die don’t leave much of an impression, it’s why the Fields of Asphodel were so crowded and father always complained about the congestion.
But that’s not quite what Nico was going to say, although it was related, memories of death tend to stick with people. “I can sense when people die,” he said after a moment. “Mostly demigods. I know it’s a legacy from my father just like the rest of my powers, but this one…this one kinda sucks.” 
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !      ‘ mm, ’   thanatos says after a moment, carefully perusing his next set of words. yes, nico did know when people died, or were going to die, but so did thanatos. he has an extrasensory understanding of the souls that mortals contained, and he had seamster’s hands. his sisters may have woven the threads of fate, but thanatos is the eldest brother sitting at the edge of the table with a pair of scissors, cutting what is excess and unwanted.  even now, he sees nico’s semi-golden thread, and he knows exactly when it would need to be cut - or when it wouldn’t.  ‘ i’m sorry to hear that, your highness. ’  he says after some time, and it is accented with a nod.  ‘ i could give you advice on how to ignore it, or otherwise block it out, if you would like. ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
if you ever feel safe please remember that im out there
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
“He is a liar and a bringer of death and he is smiling at you while he does it.”
— Travis Willingham (via nightstalk)
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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pleasant warmth spreads in his chest,   any worries eased by his lover’s embrace.   zagreus squeezes him gently,  hand gingerly tracing death’s side and bumping over the material of his chiton until it finds his cool skin and rests there.
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“  well,  that’s new.   i have never been called wise.  ”   his laugh is breathy,  full of disbelief.  typically he would contest such compliments,   but he bites his tongue this time.     “  it’s quite inspiring how much you love them.   not that i don’t,   i think i’m beginning to sort of understand them more every time i make it to the surface.   your affections for them makes me curious about their kind.   even when their tools and whatnot end up killing me-  ”
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !    he quietly smiles, enduring the other’s praise. it does not yet overwhelm him to hear such things from his beloved, but still he has patience with his limits. sometimes, it is too much, and other times, it is not enough, and sometimes, like today, zagreus’ words seem perfect as they are nestled between his ribs.
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‘ i have told you a thousand times to stop examining their contraptions, beloved, ’  thanatos chuckles, pressing a kiss to the crown of his life’s head.  alas, thanatos made sure he arrived at the surface every time, to collect zagreus’ soul and return it to the underworld, where it belonged.  ‘ you’re going to continue hurting yourself. i wish you would just ask your mother about them, i’m sure she knows all about their farming equipment. ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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@redslife​ :  " what would you do? if you and me were all alone, nobody to interrupt, nobody to see... or hear... the things we'd do together? " / while king thanatos is holding court or doing paperwork ....  .   non-cringy nsfw starters. selectively accepting.
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒  !     death focuses on what his handwriting looks like, here.  he focuses a great deal on what his handwriting looks like, and not the feeling of his husband’s hand on his thigh under the desk, and not the sound of his husband’s voice on his ear. and definitely not the knowledge of knowing that zagreus’ fingers were moving up his thigh while he was doing paperwork in the main hall, where dozens of shades piddled about on vacation, business, or something in-between.
‘ stop it, ’   thanatos whispers, but it isn’t an ether, so zagreus knows that he can continue to push his love’s buttons just a little more. they look beautiful life this, life and death, dual kings of the underworld. cosmically bound and inexplicably drawn to one-another, even now. he grunts, quietly, as zagreus, open-robed and laurel-adorned, traces his finger over the hardening length forming underneath his leggings. don’t stop, he wants to say, wants their secret to stay secret.  zagreus grins, a wild and wicked blasphemous thing that shrieks of degeneracy. what would the citizens of the underworld think, to know that just beyond their ears, their beloved life plays their dread king like a lyre? oh, if only they knew the noises thanatos made when they are alone, wrapped up in the bedsheets of their chambers, bodies colliding like synchronous harmony. and yet, beautiful death must stay silent as his beloved teases him. skilled and callused fingers press harder on his length, and thanatos bites down on his tongue to keep himself from making noise.
‘ zagreus, ’  thanatos warns carefully, jaw set and irritated with the other, but not yet does he call ether. zagreus knows that the smile on his face will not be poorly received by death himself, but instead taken as a challenge. and as a challenge it is taken, for thanatos grabs zagreus’ wrist, pulls it off of him, and places it down on the chair below. rising from his desk, the king of the underworld turns to his husband, papers and scrolls collected as his waist as royal raiments swish about his shoulders - for being so intimidating, gentle death truly was beautiful. a stygian flush has burned across his cheeks, and with a flick of his wrist do the burning pillar candles at his desk extinguish, signaling the end of court for the time being. time did not pass in the underworld like it did on the surface, so work hours came and went with whether or not either king was on the throne.
‘ thanatos, ’ zagreus responds, waiting for his husband to beckon him. thanatos snaps twice, waiting for zagreus to hop up and join him, before he steps to the side. zagreus runs past him, excitable as ever, and only when the doors to the master chambers close does thanatos press himself against his husband, scrolls and papers discarded on the desk nearby like they are simple wood kindling bundles. zagreus grins as thanatos pins both hands to the wall with one of his own. life struggles in his grip, but thanatos knows that if zagreus truly wanted out of the hold, he would be more than strong enough to decide.
thanatos,  he breathes again as his husband releases his hand, takes to his knees, and presses his tongue to the outside of his leggings, trailing up the other’s clothed length.  ‘ this is what you wanted, right?  ’  thanatos asks, humming lowly against the other’s navel as he presses one - two - three kisses to the flat of life’s tummy.  ‘  to be completely alone? nobody to interrupt... ’   his thumbs hook into zagreus’ leggings,  ‘ or see... ’  and pull them down,  ‘ ...or hear? that’s quite a shame, beloved, because we are so close to the door . . . and i know exactly how loud you get when i use my mouth.  let’s test your mettle, shall we?  ’
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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never lost ground to no cold-blooded man.   #deputystakes: an independent and highly selective original character based in the crime, horror, and neo western genres.   narrated by raylan.   based in lore written in conjunction with montana.   affiliated with #deputyfangs.
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
so what we’re all gonna do is ignore the fact that i’m late to sexy sunday and we’re just gonna pretend that i’m not writing replies to nsfw asks on the dash on wednesday ok? ok.
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄.     /      fatherless, he honors always his mother, the goddess nyx. he tirelessly serves his foreign master, whose son at least he adores, despite their opposing manner and outlook.    thanatos would never speak of this, but it is clear, to me. whence came the bond they share? my thought is that the master’s son must be the god of blood; of life. thus, they are inexorably drawn.‘       /      𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄.
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