geofeast · 8 months
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He glanced up from the stand when he heard his name, and when he saw who was headed his way, he nodded to her and turned.
"Ah, good afternoon, Miss Natalee. I presume you've come to celebrate as well. If you're looking to get a kite, they do have quite a selection." Though not what he wanted. Of course, it wasn't as if he planned on participating in the competition.
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Nat had decided she wanted to participate in this years Lantern Rite. she avoided it the year before because of who she used to be, but she wasn't going to let her past stop her anymore.
She had donned a gorgeous light blue and while dress and spent her time wandering up and down the pier, admiring the beautiful sights and sounds. Upon looking forward along the road, she spots Zhongli. A little smile lights up her face and she calls out to him.
" Zhongli! "
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geofeast · 8 months
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He heard a crash, and here's Decima, with the smoldering remains of one of the kites that had a Fontaine device attached to it.
"...I am not sure I want to know what you've been up to."
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geofeast · 8 months
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"Hmm." Since the whole 'rap battle' event last year, Zhongli had decided to very carefully avoid the funeral parlor around Lantern Rite, just because who knew if the director would have another scheme that she'd try to involve him in.
While he did often have some consultation business around the Lantern Rite, most of it was before, businesses getting ready and needing information. For now, he had all the time in the world. And he was considering the kite stand.
"Ah, no dragons. I suppose I could build one myself..."
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geofeast · 8 months
Crawls out of the woodwork to offer Zhongli for Lantern Rite threads.
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geofeast · 8 months
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"Ah yes. Sunday." As he watches the chaos.
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geofeast · 1 year
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"I was invited to visit at my convenience, was I not? I had the time, so I wanted to see what the Astral Express is like." He finally removes his hand. "I've been here for a few hours."
@geofeast : Very gently pats his head. He deserves it, Zhongli knows how hard Dan Heng works.
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Oh , he hadn't been expecting a visitor, let alone Zhongli of all people. Still ... The way his tail began to wag made it all too clear he was extremely happy with the company.
" What brings you here all of a sudden ? "
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geofeast · 1 year
He arched his eyebrows at that. They had to know, right?
Rather than try to explain himself, he sighed and shook his head.
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"Perhaps somewhere near the Wangshu Inn. They keep monsters away from the vicinity."
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" But they get annoying really fast! Plus they're sticky... " You argued lightly with a huff, squeezing his hand a little as you rolled your eyes. You had a point! Slimes DO get annoying and were decently sticky - it would ruin such a cute date!
" Mm... One of the Statues of the Seven... I'unno, I'd feel a bit creeped out, it'd feel like the archons would be watching my every move even more than it Already feels like, " Oh how ignorant of a statement that was, considering your damn boyfriend was Morax himself. Did you know that? Probably. Probably a few inklings here or there.
" Mm... Maybe... Mmmaaaaybe... " You were thinking long and hard on this, your face scrunching up a little. " I dunno. Somewhere with a cute view would be a nice picnic spot, don't you think? "
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geofeast · 1 year
“I often go out on my own to investigate something of interest. In a place like Liyue, discoveries can be rather time-sensitive. I prefer being able to go out and deal with any monsters or Treasure Hoarders along the way, rather than waiting for an adventurer to be free to escort me.”
He folded his arms. “At any rate, my abilities are heavily defensive. It’s not as if I am taking our crowds of enemies.”
“Not at all. We simply happen to be of similar mindset that being able to defend yourself, rather than relying on others, is an optimal way to live life.”
And he turned. “Please remember your time with me is limited, Director Hu. Three hours.”
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geofeast · 1 year
“Not at all. We simply happen to be of similar mindset that being able to defend yourself, rather than relying on others, is an optimal way to live life.”
And he turned. “Please remember your time with me is limited, Director Hu. Three hours.”
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"Why would you assume I didn't?" Yes, he was answering the question with a question. He had no reason to give her a straight answer to any of this. "A friend of mine in Sumeru is a scribe by trade, yet put a sword in his hand and he can easily dismantle a Ruin machine."
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geofeast · 1 year
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"Why would you assume I didn't?" Yes, he was answering the question with a question. He had no reason to give her a straight answer to any of this. "A friend of mine in Sumeru is a scribe by trade, yet put a sword in his hand and he can easily dismantle a Ruin machine."
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"Uh huh, right right." She had seen him use the power of Geo, but to say it was coming from the vision was another thing. Maybe others did not notice, but Hu Tao was very perceptive. "Well everyone's vision is different you know. Some can only do very basic elemental things. Why would I assume a consultant would need that much fire power?"
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geofeast · 1 year
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Of course she enjoyed it. Oh well.
"Yes," he said. "Though I would prefer you not ask me to demonstrate." A wave of his hand, and the pillar crumbled back down into the earth.
"And I fail to understand what you think I 'have in me.' You have seen my Geo vision." The one that conveniently didn't light up when he used it.
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She had been staring at him expectantly, wondering what he was going to do from a distance. "Brace myself for wh-" Before she could even finish speaking, there was a small yelp as she went up into the air. Followed by an almost wicked laugh.
Lucky for her, she had pretty great reflexes and was able to steady herself again. "Well well well, I didn't know you had that in you." Hu Tao was able to easily reach any brand in the tree now and hopped down after. "Think if you did that fast enough you could launch someone in the air?"
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geofeast · 1 year
As they walked along, Zhongli considering where to stop, he said, "Slimes aren't exactly hard to take care of."
Although they did make a mess of everything, and jumped on you without mercy. Not the most pleasant thing to deal with when you're just trying to relax.
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"Mm, perhaps we can set up near one of the Statues of the Seven. The monsters tend to shy away from them."
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" So mean for not listening... " You playfully scolded, moving to pinch Zhongli's nose a little - just a little. Just to keep him on his toes and keep his attention.
" Well, since I'm paying, it's your choice where we eat, " You remarked with a grin, calmly slipping your hand into his. " So you're down for a picnic? Good. I think it'd be cute - as long as we don't get surrounded by slimes again... "
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geofeast · 1 year
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"Yet it would be your fault if you tried to step on my shoulders and got dirt all over it." He's really just trolling. Probably.
There was plenty of room outside the town gate of Liyue Harbor, and once she'd picked a spot, he nodded.
"Alright. Brace yourself." With a hand held out, one of his Geo pillars formed under her, lifting her up to where she wanted to be. Was it honestly less effort to use his powers than to just reach up? Maybe.
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"Not my fault you insist on wearing something so fancy all the time." It couldn't be that hard to keep clean since he always wore it. Unless he had multiple.
"Hmmm so mysterious. Fine, we can head towards the city entrance. There should be some good spots to place them. Get the customers from the moment they arrive."
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geofeast · 1 year
That was true enough. While the borders weren't closed like Inazuma's had been, Snezhnaya was rather... hostile to the thought of guests.
Not that he really cared. It wasn't as if he couldn't take care of himself if something happened.
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"Hmm? No need to pay me much mind. I'm simply a traveler from Liyue. I do have some connections here in Snezhnaya that I plan on visiting while I'm here."
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she had been graced with a week to herself, a rare opportunity, and she had decided to spend it visiting her parents. her mother had sent her out to get a few things for their meal that night.
it was hard not to notice the clear difference in something she saw everyday and she stared, wondering what the hell they were doing in Snezhnaya. eventually she was caught staring, though she wasn't being sneaky about it.
"my apologies for staring, but as you can see, i'm not the only one. it's just... we never get tourists, so you understand my surprise."
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geofeast · 1 year
((Honestly my favorite meme now is Zhongli and the Black Tassel. Zhongli hates slimes because they can't sign contracts.))
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geofeast · 1 year
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"No. Because then I would need to charge you to have my suit cleaned." Was he joking? Was he serious? Who knew.
"Simply direct me to the first spot you'd like to put those 'charms' and I'll show you." Not here in the town. There wasn't really room.
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"You do?" She tilted her head, looking him over. "Gonna let me climb your shoulders?" It would certainly make her very tall if she did that.
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geofeast · 1 year
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"...fine. But I won't be putting them up myself." Because if there was one thing he learned in his long life, it was pettiness. "I do have a way of getting you up to higher places so you can arrange them however you want."
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"If you make it three I'll treat you to dinner when we get back.~" Because travel time alone was going to take a large portion of that. The other villages were so far away. "I've got banners to put up higher and then these posters. Oh and on the path to the next village I was thinking of putting these little hanging charms in trees." She held one up. A cartoonish looking ghost holding a sign with the funeral parlor's address.
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