getaclubaxter · 5 months
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
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Whenever Clu found himself in regular trouble he usually found Clarke. She understood his need to feel like a normal teenager and she had the way of sweet talking their father that usually eased the punishment Clu would receive. It also didn’t hurt that the two of them were much closer in age out of the Baxter siblings.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu nodded lightly at her offer to sit. “Told you I can deal with a little pain.” He said as they walked to the bench. “You look good.” He was glad of that. “Do you think your sister would mind if I um maybe kissed you?” He asked her he had wanted to do that that day in the hospital but he didn’t.
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Keeley had decided to hang back a little ways to let the two have their time alone. She knew neither would be completely settled until they had seen each other.When Kendall her the familiar voice she smiled resting on her crutches ever so slightly. “Hey Cluey.” He smile didn’t fade as she looked at him though she could tell he was hurting. “Lets sit,” She offered up pointing to a bench nearby. “You must be hurting with everything.” She chewed on her lip as she started walking she was surprised he was even standing.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
As soon as they were done Clu he hollered for his brother to help him look presentable. “Can you drive me to the park to meet Kenny?” He asked once Carey came in his room. “And before you give me the ‘you shouldn’t speech’ don’t. I know I shouldn’t but I also know that neither of us will feel better until we see each other. So please do this for me.” Carey nodded to his little brother that he wouldn’t argue with him and helped him get cleaned up and dressed in to new clothes splinting his broken arm for the time being. Once they were finished they were on their way to the park to meet the girls. Clu waited nervously as he looked for Kendall once he spotted her he hopped out of the car grateful that Carey put a split on his hand. “H-hey Kenny.” He said as he walked up to her.
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chaperoned park date|Kendall & Clu
As soon as they were done with their skype Kendall called for Keeley to come back in her room. “I need to get to the park to see Clu. Can you help me?” She asked her sister knowing she needed the help after all her knee was pretty much shattered thanks to Larkin. “He’s having Carey drop him at the park. I figured this would be easier then him hurting himself via a screen.” Her voice a mix between nerves and excitment.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu took a minute to recollect himself before shaking his head. He was going to push through everything to be with her. “No, I’m up for it. That sounds great. Also don’t worry so much it’ll mess you up and I don’t want that for you. I can deal with a little pain,Kenny.” He told her knowing full well she would still worry and he would be the cause of that. He also knew he probably wouldn’t see her again for a while.
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Kendall’s heart skipped a beat when she noticed Clu wince harshly in pain. “Only if you are up to it? I’ll get Keeley to drive me. Meet in like five?” She questioned waiting for him to answer she also didn’t want him in any more trouble then he was.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
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“You’re special, Kenny.”
“You’re special too, Cluey.” -From Awkward times skype.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu nodded slightly to show he understood her worry and that they had been keeping contact with Carey. “No I’m not fine, Kenny, “ he started chewing on his lip. He needed to hug her to feel her presence. “Yeah, the park sounds nice. I can get Carey to drive me there. Larkin isn’t home right now.” He told her knowing he would have to play for his little adventure but she was worth it. He hadn’t met someone so worthy of pain until her.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu didn’t mean to make Kendall feel guilty about anything. “Sorry,Kenny. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” He stated and chewed on his lip a bit. Clu smiled as he heard Keeley tell him they could go on a date when he was up to it. He didn’t mind that it would be chaperoned. He let out a sigh that caused him to wince with pain when Kendall asked him how is head was doing. “It’s fine,” He started and even if it wasn’t he didn’t want to stop talking to her yet. “I sure hope not I’ve been out of it for several days and missed you.” He admitted to the blonde hoping it didn’t scare her away.
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Kendall lightly gulped listening to him say what had happened to him when he had returned home. “Doesn’t make me feel any less guilty, Clu.” She exhaled as she noticed Keeley come in the room. “Clu, again I can’t thank you enough for getting her out of there especially at what it cost you. I can offer up a chaperoned date when you are up to it.” Keeley told the teen and looked to her sister. Kendall tried to hide her excitement of the possible date. “You’re special too, Cluey.” She smiled at him. “How’s your head doing? I know you aren’t really supposed to use screens when you have a concussion. Not that I’m trying to get rid of you I’m just worried.” She rushed out hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu understood Keeley’s need to be protective especially after everything. “She has that right. I’m still really sorry about what happened..I don’t know what his game was.” He chewed on his lip trying to hold back how bad he was actually hurting. “The usual. drugs that I don’t know what they are or for. Cuts and bruises for punishment because I disobeyed him. A broken arm that he’ll fix when he feels like it.” He left out the part about her wanting him now that he looked the way he did. “You know none of this is your fault, right? I would have still gotten this either way. But I had to get you out, you’re special,Kenny.”
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Kendall smiled another small smile at least he was talking to her that was a good sign. “ I’m okay. Going a little stir crazy,” She laughed lightly before continuing. “Keels, has been super protective since everything but she’s also been understanding about you.” She looked at his face in the screen and longed to touch it to make sure he was real and as okay as he said. “I miss dancing right now but talking to you is helping. What happened when you got home?” She asked worry still in her mind and heart. She had caused this problem.
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
Clu chewed on his lip as she asked him questions, he was glad she told him he didn’t have to answer and that she was glad to see him. That made him feel more wanted than he had in a while. “Could be better but I’ll be okay.” He offered her hoping it gave her some peace. “How are you? How’s your knee?” He asked her hoping by starting small they would get to a good place together.
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Kendall had been trying her best to remain calm knowing what Clu’s father was capable of and all the what ifs were running through her head. She was thankful when Carey had sent her a text saying that Clu wanted to skype her. She signed on and couldn’t help the small smile that found its way to her lips as she saw him looking down a smile on his face. “Clu, are you okay?” She asked him wanting to know so she could figure out how to help him she was never allowed to set foot in the Baxter house now. She watched him carefully looking for anything to let her know what had happened. “You don’t have to answer. I’m just glad to see your face.”
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getaclubaxter · 6 months
It took Clu some time to get to his room and get settled in his bed but once that was done Carey had helped him set up his computer so he could Skype Kendall. He chewed on his lip nervously as he waited for her video screen to pop up.
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He was looking down when he heard the noise signaling that she had joined. “Hey,Kenny.” He gave a small smile still looking down. This was going to be awkward he thought to himself.
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
At the mention of Carey quitting nursing it finally clicked that he was amazed that he had done that all on his own. Sitting down hurt but so did standing at this point. “I’m okay to move I think. Can you give something to take the edge off?” He didn’t want to be in constant pain at least not while trying to convince Kendall he was alright. “I just want to get to my room so I can see Kenny.” He said pushing himself up with his feet almost tumbling backward. “I got it this time.” He said a small smile on his face as he looked to his brother. The two of them finished the walk to Clu’s room a decent pace for him being hurt so badly. “Thanks,Care.” He told his brother as he got in his bed a small sigh of relief escaping his lips.
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Carey chewed on his lip as he listened to his brother mainly watching as he walked to make sure he didn't fall down. Carey’s eyebrows furrowed when he said it was nothing to be proud of. “Clu Davies, you had bruises covering your body on top of a pretty severe concussion and somehow you managed to free her and drive safely to the hospital. If that’s nothing to be proud about then I quit nursing.” He looked at his brother hoping he understood his amazement. “Yes we can stop. Take as long as you need.” Carey helped the boy sit on the floor to give him a chance to catch his breath.
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
Clu knew what his brother meant about pushing himself. He kept letting the cycle repeat and he had been so weak before. “What am I supposed to do,Carey?” He asked his brother his voice teetering between pain and anger. “If he can’t have me he’ll go after one of you and now that list includes Kenny.” He said taking a step and instantly regretting his decision to let his brother help him to his room. “I did what I had to do to get her to safety. Nothing to be proud of,Care.” He didn’t feel like that earned him anything other than pain. “Can w-we stop?” He asked his body feeling like it was on fire due to walking.
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Carey couldn’t be angry at his brother being snippy with him after all it wasn’t his fault. The teen should be out having fun,going on dates and instead he was having to worry about being able to get off the floor with no leverage to use. “Hey, I’ll do something don’t worry.” Carey would go behind their father’s back if he had to. He helped his brother up off the floor as carefully as he could he knew the boys body had to be in some serious pain. “Just take it a step at time and if we need to stop tell me. You can’t keep pushing your body,Cluey.” He told the teen knowing if he kept going the promise he had made would be broken. “I told you when you got to the hospital how proud I was of you and that’s because you did something that directly disobeyed Larkin and you made sure Kendall was safe. You kept it together long enough but now let us take care of you.” He sighed starting to walk beside his brother. He admired how strong the other was sometimes ,he had seen the biggest guys come through the er and they cried at the tiniest bit of pain but his brother lost a lot and barely cried out.
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
Clu closed his eyes briefly at his brothers words glad the girl he liked was safe. “Are you going to help me up?” He didn’t know why he was being so snippy with his brother who was just trying to help him. He usually wasn’t maybe it was whatever drugs their father had used this time, but Carey didn’t seem to be angry with him about it. “I wish we could do more than a skype call.” Clu sighed heavily. “He made sure I couldn’t do anything for myself, made me completely dependent on him. Because you know as well as I do that he won’t let me get a cast on this arm and well the other one is gone.” Clu was still coming to terms with being a new amputee. He looked to his brother his body was cursing every little move he made and they hadn’t even started their walk to his room.
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Carey got it now as to why his brother was being so stubborn. He should have known it always comes back to Larkin. “To your room and I’ll leave.” Though he didn’t plan on completely keeping his distance. His brother needed his medical attention. “She’s as okay as she can be. Worried about you. She’s safe, Keeley is keeping a very close eye on her.” As he should be doing with his brother. “I can help you set up a skype call if you’d like but don’t stay on too long cause of your concussion.”
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
Clu swallowed hard as he listened to his brother. “He called me a poor baby cause of my concussion..because I ran to you for help.” Clu admitted to Carey. He knew he was being stubborn but he also couldn’t cause anyone else anymore pain. “Fine but only to get to my room.” He told the other as he tried his best to push himself up off the floor. “Is Kenny okay? Is she safe?” He asked finally succeeding into at least a sitting position on the floor.
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Carey wasn’t concerned about what their father could do to him so much as what he was doing to his brother. “Clu, I’m not going to leave you here. You’ve been through too much in a short amount of time.” The promise still very much in his head as he talked with his brother. “Just let me help you stop being so fucking stubborn. If I have to I will get Carson.” He threaten his sister on the teen she was the tough love one when he was in this rough a shape. He needed to get a good look at the boy to see what was physically possible for him to take care of at home without Larkin making it worse. “The quicker you get up the quicker you can call Kenny.” Maybe that would get him to let him help.
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
When it finally registered that his brother was there talking to him Clu looked at him eyes still slightly closed as if the lights hurt them. “You have to get out of here,Care. If he thinks I ran to you I’m scared he’ll do something to you or even Kenny.” Clu started trying to sit up wincing as his body protested. “Damit.” He yelled frustrated at himself. How was he supposed to protect Kendall when he couldn’t even take care of himself? “Just leave me here. He’ll be back any minute.” He told his brother clearly frustrated as ever. He needed to break this cycle.
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Carey had just finished his shift at the hospital and sat his stuff down to go check on his brother knowing their father had been busy with him since he had disobeyed him. “Cluey?” He called out not seeing the teen anywhere he kept walking ending up in the basement. “Clu, are you okay?” He asked rushing to his brothers side. He looked him over and noticed his arm was broken and more bruises and cuts lining his body. “Hows your head? Double vision anything?” He asked a bunch of questions trying to figure out what to do first. He knew that he needed to contact the Tates as both Keeley and Kendall had been asking about him he would do that after the teen got to safety.
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getaclubaxter · 7 months
Got a concussion now time for repercussions
Setting: The Baxter House(Immediately following his return home from the hospital)
Brief Summary: Clu has just gotten home from helping Kendall and Larkin knows.
Possible Triggers: needles,sickness,cuts,bruises,abuse
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Clu had no time to rest when he arrived home thanks to Carson picking him up and they had decided that her and Clarke would pick up his car later on. “Where were you? And where’s the Tate girl?” Larkin’s voice boomed as soon as Clu’s foot stepped in the doorway of their house. Which made the teen flinch causing his body to burn due to the multiple bruises. “I—I don—don’t know.” This reply would anger Larkin more and make him march the teen down to the basement. “You do know and you clearly disobeyed me again, Clu Davies.” The phone ringing interrupted Larkin it was Carey and now their father knew where the teen was at. “So you ran to Carey. Poor baby got a concussion and ran to his brother. You must really like Kendall considering you broke the rules.” Clu chewed on his lip. “Daddy—“ he started but his head was already pounding and he knew he didn’t have any fight in him. “I’m sorry.” Larkin pushed the teen down on the table strapping him down harshly and Clu winced as they tighten against his bruises. “Not yet but you will be.” Larkin said as he grabbed a needle and pushed it into his sons vein. Clu was out for multiple days things constantly happening to him that he wouldn’t know until his father allowed him to wake up. Bruises on top of bruises, fresh cuts all over his body and when he was allowed to sit up he got sick. Most of it was his usual now and one of the first thoughts was if Kendall was ok. “Think that girl will like you now, Clu Davies?” Larkin asked looking at his son before grabbing his arm and twisting it until he heard it pop. “Don’t you dare run to Carey or her.” He said letting Clu leave the basement using his elbow to hold his arm until he collapsed on the floor.
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