getaclubaxter · 7 months
Got a concussion now time for repercussions
Setting: The Baxter House(Immediately following his return home from the hospital)
Brief Summary: Clu has just gotten home from helping Kendall and Larkin knows.
Possible Triggers: needles,sickness,cuts,bruises,abuse
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Clu had no time to rest when he arrived home thanks to Carson picking him up and they had decided that her and Clarke would pick up his car later on. “Where were you? And where’s the Tate girl?” Larkin’s voice boomed as soon as Clu’s foot stepped in the doorway of their house. Which made the teen flinch causing his body to burn due to the multiple bruises. “I—I don—don’t know.” This reply would anger Larkin more and make him march the teen down to the basement. “You do know and you clearly disobeyed me again, Clu Davies.” The phone ringing interrupted Larkin it was Carey and now their father knew where the teen was at. “So you ran to Carey. Poor baby got a concussion and ran to his brother. You must really like Kendall considering you broke the rules.” Clu chewed on his lip. “Daddy—“ he started but his head was already pounding and he knew he didn’t have any fight in him. “I’m sorry.” Larkin pushed the teen down on the table strapping him down harshly and Clu winced as they tighten against his bruises. “Not yet but you will be.” Larkin said as he grabbed a needle and pushed it into his sons vein. Clu was out for multiple days things constantly happening to him that he wouldn’t know until his father allowed him to wake up. Bruises on top of bruises, fresh cuts all over his body and when he was allowed to sit up he got sick. Most of it was his usual now and one of the first thoughts was if Kendall was ok. “Think that girl will like you now, Clu Davies?” Larkin asked looking at his son before grabbing his arm and twisting it until he heard it pop. “Don’t you dare run to Carey or her.” He said letting Clu leave the basement using his elbow to hold his arm until he collapsed on the floor.
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mayoiayasep · 4 months
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the solo ranking reminded me i had this tier list comparing the first and second round of solos. please ask me about my opinions on them...
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kimarisgundam · 1 year
Despite the chaos... I think we had a pretty good character introduction session for the Wraith NPC my friend adopted as her new character 😑
Just want to say: This is why I don't like working with raffens ಠ_ಠ
Wraith has the nerve to act buddy buddy with my Netrunner like he didn't try to grab her and stuff her in his car's trunk 2-3 sessions ago ಠ_ಠ
I informed him nicely exactly what I thought about him and his gang of hillbilly outcasts:
How dare he even speak to me. People like him are the rabies infected dogs Arasaka occasionally feed when they need dirty work done
He's not even a pet dog, he's just vermin living in Arasaka's backyard that's tolerated. I was personally against hiring vermin, but it seems like Exec has lower standards than me
He laughed it off and said that yeah he's vermin, but I'm still sitting in the front seat of his car while he drives me to Sunbucks ಠ_ಠ
And I must have "fallen from grace" if I have to sit next to vermin now ಠ_ಠ
I feel uncomfortable around Wraith cos he's been probing about my Netrunner's background ever since she called a favour from dad (he doesn't know my Netrunner is the affair child of a high ranking Arasaka corpo). I feel like he will sell her out if he finds out who she's related to ಠ_ಠ
^ also surprised my friend is adopting Wraith as her new character cos he kinda indirectly killed her Nomad character 😅
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poetailurofilica · 11 months
La magia del saber reside en esto: no necesitamos saberlo todo, todo el tiempo, simplemente el conocimiento llegará cuando estemos listos, y será en su propio preciso momento
© Todos los derechos reservados
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sincericida · 1 year
I need peter parker angst fics I need soul r
Wrenching ones I can cry too cause therapy is too expensive to pay for so I've come to the master to ask for suggestions
You want fics of angst, pain and despair, my darling? Well, I have here suggestions from some of the best writers of the genre right here:
"The Thinks We Never Talk About" by @privateanxieties
It is, where “Peter shows up at the last minute and goes feral” by @mrshipsmcgee
"Hopeful" by @stresslessbaaby
The "Sugar And Vice" fic, by @liz-allyn
"Car Accident": part 1 and part 2 by @blooming-violets
"Only Love Could Hurt Like This" by @stylesparker
"The First Fall Of Snow" by @godlessandwrecked
"Labyrinth" by @corinthianism
"The Way I Loved You" and "Secret Ingredient" by @ficthots
"Honest" by @starsval
"Dancing On My Own": read first "the vision of the reader" and then "the vision of Peter", by @blooming-violets
"Hold my body tight even on my lowest nights; {p.p.}" by @venus616
"In a Corner I Haunt (Right Where You Left Me)" by @reidslovely
The "Heat Of The Moment" fic, by @liz-allyn
"CONNECTING ARTS" by @slytherheign
"Ties that bind" by @liz-allyn
The "Masterlist" of @rancidpancakebatter
The "Devil You Know" fic (read first) and the "Inner Demons" fic, both of @liz-allyn
"Florence" (masterlist) by @periprose
"I Would Wait Up Forever" by @novazhere
"A Moment In Time" by @andy-solo1
"Wander Streets at Night, Fighting Just to Breathe" by @prismatica-the-strange
"A wound like no other" by @privateanxieties
I hope you like my suggestions, and prepare your Kleenexs. 🥲
These are some. In case I forgot some that I don’t know and haven’t read yet - there's definitely, please, put them down here. It’s never too much to spread the word about Tumblr writers. 😚
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zoeykallus · 2 years
hi just ran into your blog and I gotta say i'm loving it! i feel like an idiot for not finding you sooner.
i'm a sucker for rex so I was wondering if you would be willing to add rex to a prompt you already did? it was the lipstick mark one with the batch and cody. i feel like rex will never hear the end of it from anakin and ahsoka
Aloha! Nice to have you around! 😊 For some reason, I still can't edit my own posts. So here you go:
Leaving Lipstick Marks On Rex
Rex is flattered, he even giggles and makes little jokes with you. However, he is very careful to remove all traces before he has to go out among people.
When you are alone, you can cover him from top to bottom with lipstick, he likes to undress for you and enjoys every touch by your lips. In fact, he says with a smile, "Use me as your canvas all you want, mesh'la".
As you kiss your way down his neck to his chest and on and on, you say, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"I really do"
But one day you left a few traces of lipstick on his neck and while cleaning himself up in a hurry, he doesn't get them all. Fives spots it, but doesn't give him a heads-up. Instead, he just says, "I like the new look, Rex"
"What are you talking about?"
Fives waves it off and says, "Oh, nothing."
"Get ready, the general is waiting for us."
Rex frowns, Fives' mischievous grin is mostly foreshadowing some sort of stress for Rex. With a sigh, he gets ready as Skywalker enters the barracks.
Confusingly, Skywalker says something very similar.
"New look? Interesting."
The general's smirk makes Rex nervous.
With a sigh, he asks, "Sir?"
"Red isn't exactly your color, but it's still not bad"
Rex pauses for a moment, then a light comes on.
"Oh no…"
He runs into the washroom and checks the mirror. With blushing cheeks, he hurriedly washes the lipstick off his neck. When he comes out of the washroom, his head is still red with embarrassment.
"I'll never hear the end of this, will I?"
Fives and Skywalker say almost simultaneously with a grin, "Never."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
Neon yellow Val was reminding me of someone but I couldn’t think of who it WAS and finally it clicked:
For the record I think Val would lose in a fight with the Mask
(reference to this fucking reblog chain PLEASE look at it)
into the yellow-val-verse (I'm crying)
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(edit is a combined effort of @andy-solo1 and @gravityflops)
releasing this into the wild
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cakbanedraws · 1 year
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"Mr. Krabs... They're not even normal..."
Us to Cad Bane:
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Pic edited by @andy-solo1
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
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@renek-bane @magpiewritingsforonce @andy-solo1 @unmarked-credits @cad-banes-simp
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unmarked-credits · 2 years
@sinisterexaggerator @isilwenshadewind @deepbluespace4 @andy-solo1 @juanalmada1234
could you guys do me a thing and reblog the fresh version of my fic where I didn't -
*holds breath*
mispell the fucking title
and maybe delete the version where I
mispelled the fucking title
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redandbigbad · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @loserchildhotpants (please go read her fics).
5 songs, you say?
- scratchcard feeling- Wargasm
For some great metal, makes me feel badass
- tally- Blackpink
To never forget I should say FU to those bitches who stopped talking to me the minute they learned who I was fucking- take that you jealous fuckerz
- she- Alice Phoebe Lou
Makes you happy and dreamy and perfect
-black & gold- sam sparro
Feel good song shared by a beautiful soul I very much love
- genius- LSD
You can never feel too good about yourself, I said what I said
I’m tagging @andy-solo1 @jaiga @artemis69
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myriadeyed · 8 months
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Wharf louse in Taipei from solo1 on iNaturalist
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mayoiayasep · 5 months
i think hokuto's second solo was always doomed to having me not like it as much as her first bc i dont think anything could compare to how i felt listening to starseek wayfarer the first time
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kimarisgundam · 1 year
My friend really adopted the NPC Wraith omg 😂
That's our new Nomad I guess, a butthole Wraith that have 0 moral values 😂. As my Netrunner, I don't really like him cos he tried to grab me while I was separated from Solo. Like how dare he try to touch my expensive jacket ಠ_ಠ
Like bisch, I know judo. My Body stat is low, but you can't avoid my Counter Throw so don't try me ಠ_ಠ
We were supposed to interrogate him, but we ended up having an emotional meltdown and arguing with each other cos of Nomad's death
And I guess my Netrunner and Rockerboy were making a scene cos he's trying to justify why he chose my Netrunner over Nomad, but my Netrunner is saying she can't forgive him for making her leave Nomad's body behind...
He basically laughed at us, called us sentimental losers, then asked if we are hiring ಠ_ಠ
According to him, reasons why we should hire him:
He doesn't care that we killed some of his pack members cos "F them", they stuck together cos of convenience
His pack is dead. As the only surviving member, he "inherits" all gang vehicles belonging to his pack (it's damaged though, he needs money to fix them)
The Wraiths have reputation, so driving with his vehicles deters other Raffen Shiv from attacking us. And he can negotiate with his gang to help us out on jobs (for a cut)
Our nomad just died. He doubts her family will stick around the city, so unless we find a replacement we won't have an armoured vehicle anymore
He doesn't mind working in the city and he said Exec looks like he needs a driver/bodyguard
He and Nomad go waaay back. He was exiled together with Nomad's sister. He's sure she would vouch for his vehicle combat skills if she was "not full of bullet holes right now" (wow rude ಠ_ಠ)
Exec asked him if he would hesitate if asked to shoot a civilian. He asked "do you want me to be discreet, or make it flashy as a warning to others?"...
Exec was immediately like "Hired." and I'm like wtf do we need to have a team meeting about this ಠ_ಠ?? This Wraith is unhinged, but my Netrunner is too emotionally unstable to protest now... I just want Nomad back ;_;
(Rockerboy doesn't want Wraith on our team. He wants to beat him up for joking about Nomad's death and for indirectly causing this mess)
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joeyxjamesxdonahue · 4 years
Setting: Mostly her dorm room
Summary: The aftermath of confronting Casey about Elizabeth
Possible triggers: TW: Cheating,TW: hints of self destruction
The normally happy blonde was in one word devastated by the betrayal of not only Elizabeth but her own father. How could he not believe her over a woman who only recently came back in to his life? She hated feeling like she was a liar when in truth she was positive of what she had seen before her own eyes. She was slowly realizing that she had no one in her corner. Sure,Leo, believed her but their relationship had always been a rocky one at best. Her own mother wouldn’t even bat an eye at the situation before her, she had tried to call her not long after the talk with her father and of course those calls went unanswered by Cassie, herself. When she was around people she put on that smile to not show how deep her wounds were stirring but when she was alone with the memories of Elizabeth and Robert going at it like two teenagers daring to be caught she’d curl up in a ball and cry. She began to wonder if she was the reason her father was so unlucky in love. She had seen the pictures of her parents before she came along they looked so happy and in love. Those happy faces soon faded after Joey was in the picture it seemed and now it was repeating. Every time she thought she was done crying the sight would start playing again like a video stuck on a loop and a new wave of tears would flow down her cheeks. Even those who knew the girl well didn’t actually know how deep her abandonment issues ran and most never would unless they bothered to question her on her slowly unraveling appearance.
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justjpxmccoy · 4 years
So it starts|solo[flashback]
Setting: The McCoy house[November 2-3] 
Summary: The family celebrate J.P.’s tenth bday and things change.
Possible Triggers: Tw Needles,tw mild abuse,tw medical usage,tw cut mention
J.P. had just turned ten years old the whole day was spent with family eating J.P.’s favorite foods and of course cake. Overall it was a good birthday for the boy. Shortly after eight Micah came looking for his son. “Jamie,come with me please.” The boy looked at his father for a minute before getting up to follow his father where ever he was going.”Where are we going daddy?” He asked Micah as they started walking down the hall. “Down to the basement. I’ve got a surprise for you,bud.”Something inside the boy told him not to trust his father because his relationship with Micah was vastly different than the one the man had with his sisters. “Don’t worry,buddy,you’ll love it.” J.P. decided to let the conversation die as they reached the door to the basement. Micah grabbed his sons wrist and pulled out a syringe filled with a liquid and stuck J.P. with it. Within minutes the boy was asleep and Micah carried his son down the stairs and to a table in the center of their basement. It was a little past midnight when J.P. woke up strapped to a table with a breathing tube stuck down his throat which made the boy panic. “Sh,Jamie,you’re okay.” Micah said trying to calm his son. Fear was still very evident in J.P.’s eyes as his father stuck him once again with a syringe. The boy didn’t wake up again until nine a.m. when Jacksyn was at his door telling him he was late for breakfast. He looked around at his surroundings he didn’t remember getting back to his room or the cuts he now had on his abdomen. “C-coming Jack.” He answered his sister finally climbing out his bed playing the whole thing off as a wild dream.
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