getaclubaxter · 7 months
Got a concussion now time for repercussions
Setting: The Baxter House(Immediately following his return home from the hospital)
Brief Summary: Clu has just gotten home from helping Kendall and Larkin knows.
Possible Triggers: needles,sickness,cuts,bruises,abuse
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Clu had no time to rest when he arrived home thanks to Carson picking him up and they had decided that her and Clarke would pick up his car later on. “Where were you? And where’s the Tate girl?” Larkin’s voice boomed as soon as Clu’s foot stepped in the doorway of their house. Which made the teen flinch causing his body to burn due to the multiple bruises. “I—I don—don’t know.” This reply would anger Larkin more and make him march the teen down to the basement. “You do know and you clearly disobeyed me again, Clu Davies.” The phone ringing interrupted Larkin it was Carey and now their father knew where the teen was at. “So you ran to Carey. Poor baby got a concussion and ran to his brother. You must really like Kendall considering you broke the rules.” Clu chewed on his lip. “Daddy—“ he started but his head was already pounding and he knew he didn’t have any fight in him. “I’m sorry.” Larkin pushed the teen down on the table strapping him down harshly and Clu winced as they tighten against his bruises. “Not yet but you will be.” Larkin said as he grabbed a needle and pushed it into his sons vein. Clu was out for multiple days things constantly happening to him that he wouldn’t know until his father allowed him to wake up. Bruises on top of bruises, fresh cuts all over his body and when he was allowed to sit up he got sick. Most of it was his usual now and one of the first thoughts was if Kendall was ok. “Think that girl will like you now, Clu Davies?” Larkin asked looking at his son before grabbing his arm and twisting it until he heard it pop. “Don’t you dare run to Carey or her.” He said letting Clu leave the basement using his elbow to hold his arm until he collapsed on the floor.
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