getting-a-life · 2 years
Gabriel Reyes x F Reader
Part one
Warning: domestic abuse, child abuse, murder, and trauma. You have been warned.
Y/N once was an Overwatch agent, but now is stuck dealing with the bad decisions she had made all those years ago. That doesn't mean she can't change her mind and live the life she wanted. Let's just hope that he hasn't forgotten the sweet moments they shared.
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“What seems to be the problem?” Hunter (you're so-called boyfriend) asked in a polite tone. Seeing him act like nothing was happening before he opened the door makes you sick. Without looking to see who's in the doorway you move to walk out but Hunter grabs your shoulder. “Whoa whoa whoa, where do you think you're going with our kids this late?” he's using that disgusting voice again. “Don't act like everything is ok now that there are people around!” I say with dried tears on my face. “I don't know why I let you treat me and our kids like this but I'm stopping it before it gets worse.”
Hunter was silent and you knew what he wanted to do. He lets out a sigh and smiles. “Is this about the incident? It's ok. I'm over what you did.” he says looking up at the figures in the doorway. “See, now you look crazy. Let's get you to bed before you hurt the twins.” his other hand reaches for yours then looks at you're twins for the first time in weeks. He was trying to make you look bad in front of whoever it was at the door so you try to pull away. His grip just gets tighter on your shoulder. The babies start to cry. It's as if they don't want to go back inside. You don't blame them.
“Don't make up stories to make your dick look big, Hunter.” You say pulling away from him then holding you're twins firm to your chest. “By the way, It's not working. I'm leaving you for good!” you yell into his face. “You are not my boyfriend and you are not MY kid's father. You're just a sperm donor!” You turn to get as far away from him as possible. Walking between the two people in the doorway but you were yanked back into the house by your nightshirt and onto the floor. Your head made a hard impact on the floor of your home. You dropped one of your babies during the fall so you try to sit up and look to see if she was hurt. You couldn't hear anything but ringing and your heartbeat. You felt the floor shake by the door being slammed but you didn't care. You were more worried about your baby.
!!!!!(From this point on it'll get very graphic. If you don’t like graphics stuff stop reading here, please.)!!!!!
Hunter pulled you up by your hair and socked you in your face before you could look for your daughter. “You think it's ok to talk about me like that in front of strangers let alone in front of my own kids?!” he yells. “I'll kill you before you can leave me!” he walks over to the kitchen and grabs a knife. “You want my babies so bad?!” Hunter grabs your little girl by her leg and pulls her up into the air. “You need to earn them!” he stabbed her then she let out the loudest cry you ever heard her cry in your life. He then threw her to the floor next to you. You screamed in horror. You couldn't believe he would do that to one of your babies. Your hearing was slowly coming back from the fall as you wept over your daughter with your son in your other arm. Your son started crying louder and your daughter fell into shock. You look up at hunter to see him smiling. “I always wanted one boy. Now your next.”
The door was busted down and Hunter was tackled before he could do anything else. You stood to get the car keys and two car seats. You put your twins in a car seat and rushed to the car. You didn't bother to put a seat belt on. Before you could start the car your passenger and rear doors were opened to reveal Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison. “Where did you guys come from?” you ask letting them in and backing out of your driveway. “We’ll tell you when you get your kid some help,” Gabriel says as jack holds a cloth to your daughter's stab wound and applies pressure.
~Time skip. After the hospital~
“Miss. L/N your daughter didn't make it. I'm sorry.”
The words the doctor said repeated in your head on the drive home. Your son wouldn't stop crying and the two large men in your car kept silent. “I- I have to pull over,” you say breaking down in tears as you do so. With your forehead to the steering wheel as you cry. You can feel Gabriel's hand slowly and gently rub your shoulder. “I'll drive,” he says in a reassuring tone. He opens his door and goes to the driver's side to open the door for you and guides you to the passenger seat.
Alex (your son) finally fell asleep by the time you got home. Jack and Gabriel get out of the car. Jack carefully takes your baby inside your home but you stop him. “What about Hunter?” you ask looking at the door. “We had the police pick him up while we were at the hospital.” he says walking to the door. Gabriel gets out and opens the passenger door and you step out. “Do you wanna come back to the base with us?” Gabriel asked as he shut the passenger door for you. “You can bring your son” he says. You take a step forward but you begin to fall. Before you can hit the floor Gabriel catches you. You realized that you've been running off of adrenalin since you left the house, now the pain is coming back. “Thank you,” you say as he puts an arm out so you can hold on to him as you walk.
You and Gabriel walk threw the front door. You immediately notice the pool of blood from when your daughter was bleeding out. You Brake down again and turn to bury your face into Gabriel's chest and He holds you as you cried. “I can't stay here.” you cry. Gabriel hushes you and calls Jack into the room. Gabriel tells jack to grab the baby and his diapers and the rest of the things he may need. He walks with you to the truck that he and jack came in then goes back to grab your things.
OK, I know it was very graphic. I'm not insane, I just like drama. this will be the only part that'll be this dark. I promise.
Thank you so much for reading and let me know if you want apart two.
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getting-a-life · 2 years
Gabriel Reyes x F reader
Note: This is a little something i had on what pad when I was younger and it got a lot of attention so I’m gonna try my hardest to do something similar to it since I can’t really remember what I wrote. I haven't proofed it yet so don't mind the bad grammar and spelling.😅
Warning: domestic abuse, child abuse, and trauma. You have been warned.
Y/N once was an Overwatch agent, but now is stuck dealing with the bad decisions she had made all those years ago. That doesn't mean she can't change her mind and live the life she wanted. Let's just hope that he hasn't forgotten the sweet moments they shared.
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“Where the fuck are you, you little bitch?!”
You’re hiding behind one of many doors in your home. You can hear you're boyfriend throwing things in a drunken rage in the living room. Last week he found you in the attic with your twins. Except that time he had gotten into a fight at the nearby bar. This time he asked you for dinner but you were in the middle of changing your baby's diaper. Now he thinks you were ignoring him.
You try your hardest to keep your babies warm and asleep so that they won't give away your hiding spot. It would have been hard to do so if they weren't already used to their father doing this almost every night. You found yourself thinking of how it was when you first met him. If you could go back you would have left while you had the chance. You would have still been back at the overwatch base, happy and full of joy helping people all around the world. You missed working with everyone there, Especially Gabriel Reyes. What would have happened if you didn't turn him down?
You snap back to reality when you hear his footsteps get dangerously close to the closet door and pass to go into the next room. You quietly turn to gently place your baby's into the corner of the closet and hide them with the closest boxes and shoes. All while trying to make it not look too obvious.
“Do I need to call my buddies to help me find you again?!” He shouts. You turn to make sure the babies are still asleep and you let out a silent sigh of relief when you see that they are just fine.
You flinch when you hear a loud bang that shakes the floor and walls of the house. You can hear him slam the door of the room he was just in. He walks down the hall and past the closet to go into the baby's room. He throws things and slams doors. You can hear the wood from the cribs your dad built for the twins being snapped and chucked across the room. Tears run down your face as you hold your cries in and hope you can fix it later.
“You bitch!!! Do you have any idea how much I sacrificed for you and those sorry-ass kids?!” he yelled as he punched more holes into the walls. “Just wait till I find you!” he slings open the closet door in the baby's room and lets out aloud scream.
There's only one door he hasn't opened. You turn to move the things you put in front of the babies and held both of them as firm and Close as you could in your arms then slammed open the door. You bolted past the baby‘s room on your right and straight to the front door. You can feel him behind you ready to beat the shit out of you. Your hand was so close to the doorknob but he grabbed the hair on the back of your head and pulled.
Ding dong~
He pulled you back into him with his chest to your back. “Say one word and I'll beat you till Dawn.” he whispered into your ear. He pulled your hair so that you would be on his left and let go. He opened the door and two figures stood in the doorway. Because of how dark it was and the fact that your dimwit boyfriend broke the porch light. You couldn't see their faces but you knew their uniforms.
Thank you for reading my sample. Let me know how you liked it and I'll finish it by tonight. 😉
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getting-a-life · 2 years
Take it easy on me. 🙇🏾‍♀️
This is my first post. I used to post x readers on watt pad when I was younger but I guess you could say I grew out of it. Now I wanna get back into writing my fan fiction like I used to. Whether or not somebody reads this it’s… nice to write again.
There will be more coming soon!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.🧡
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